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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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10370061 No.10370061 [Reply] [Original]

>apply for entry level job
>Step 1: need to write up a 3 - 5 hour long online application that has questions on motivation, your skills, experienced, why this company etc.
>Step 2: Have to take 4 online tests 20 - 30 mins each involving numeracy, verbal, logical and psychological profile. The passing score is normally 90 - 95%.
>Step 3: Assuming you passed Step 2, you then have to do another online test involving reading emails and choosing the "correct" response to them
>Step 4: You have to give a phone interview with a member of HR. They normally want to screen out any stuttering "uh ummm uhhh" mouth breathing autists at this stage.
>Step 5: If you passed Step 4, you are then invited to do 4 MORE of the same tests at a testing centre just to prove that you did not cheat in Step 2. The pass mark is normally 70 - 80%. (Sometimes companies skip this step)
>Step 6: You are then invited to take part in a group interview assessment. You have to work in a team to give a presentation in front of some managers and HR. At the end of it you also have to rank the other candidates on who you think performed the best and worst. Atleast 90% go home after this.
>Step 7: If you're in the top 10%, you are then invited to an interview with the hiring manager
>Step 8: If you pass Step 7, you are then invited to another interview with the hiring manager's boss, the regional manager and head of HR.
>Step 9: If you pass Step 8, after a period of 7 - 14 days, you may, JUST MAY, get the job out of the 15 remaining candidates (out of the 17,800 people who initially applied).

all this just to get a job paying fucking £20,000/year after taxes ($26,266 in dollars)

>> No.10370071
File: 59 KB, 452x391, Average Graduate Salary.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10370078
File: 37 KB, 500x500, 1367766069484.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


HR sluts seem more evil in the States in comparison with the ones here in Europe. Am I wrong here?

>> No.10370094


oh never mind its the UK. Top kek

>> No.10370095

>apply for entry level job

Well there's your problem.

I get hounded by recruiters every day wanting to get me a job.


>> No.10370158


t. software recruiter

>> No.10370211

Yep. 7 years making ~150k. In the boonies though, could move into the city and make 200k.

>> No.10370216

Don't worry anon. You won't be making a dent in the 40k+ you owe the slc on that salary. God forbid you start making above 50k pre tax because then you'll be enjoying paying back around 100k in total thanks to the 6%+ interest rates. And even though you still can't afford a house, to the rest of the population you will be rich despite only taking home 55-60% of your salary max. At least you get free healthcare even though you would want to pay for private anyway if it came to it. Oh and if the student loan system is reformed you won't be affected by it, just born in that unlucky 10 year period.

>> No.10370256

Forgot to mention that after you get paid half of what you deserve you then also need to pay 20% VAT on anything you buy. Hope you don't need to withdraw from your pension early either - enjoy being taxed twice on the money you worked hard for.

>> No.10370291

You're applying for a shit job OP. Find a job that doesn't put you through that much bullshit.

>> No.10370541


Every job is like this tho

>> No.10370552

I've had over 20 jobs in my life, at least half of them weren't like this. I would recommend Craigslist.

>> No.10370624

Both those kind of jobs normally have zero job security

>> No.10370665

>had over 20jobs

found the boomer

>> No.10371062

Know how you feel Op, just been through a similar scenario myself to get a apprentice job, at least you get paid enough for rent if you wanted to, I get paid £12k for my first year. They put you up and pay for all bills and food but regardless, it's not that good, the only thing that keeps me optmisitic is the possibility of progression

>> No.10371690


>> No.10372616

the jews did this. Good luck