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10364855 No.10364855 [Reply] [Original]

Why don't you live in a Van to save a fuckton of money and not pay rent/power yet /biz/?

>> No.10364864

Why would I want to bring a girl back to my fuckin van

>> No.10364866

I literally only pay ~$500/month for a comfy house with a roommate

>> No.10364877

I bought a house with cash in a place with low property taxes. My annual taxes are $148.

>> No.10364884

crypto will take me to THE MOOOON

>> No.10364891

Where you shit? In the gym?

>> No.10364892

but anon, I already do sleep in my car

>inb4 influx of retards wanting to spend $50,000 on a van to live in it for a year and think they are saving money

>> No.10364896
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>I bought a trailer where lot rent is only 148 annually

>> No.10364898

yes, shower there too

just buy some used dodge caravan for 1500 dollars

>> No.10364900

yeah, in the squat rack

>> No.10364902

Chicks dig it. Its a shaggin wagon.

>> No.10364917

Where do you park it. Near work? How do you get ready for work. You take all your stuff into the gym?

>> No.10364920

Trailer rent lots are actually insanely expensive, it's why dumb inbreds live there

>> No.10364923
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>Chicks dig it. Its a shaggin wagon.

>> No.10364929

Planet fitness I hope?

>> No.10364945
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>that inbred mad he lives in a trailer

>> No.10364956

walmart parking lot

I have a wifi extender so I get free internet too

>> No.10364973

It's going to smell like you in no time. You have to drag your clothes behind in a trailer.

>> No.10364975

Isn’t that shit loud in the middle of the night ? I feel I would get woken up every five minutes

>> No.10364979

Sounds pretty dope except for having to shower in a gym. I would probably spend money on a good gym to ensure they actually clean the bathrooms.

>> No.10364980

what would be loud?
it's completely silent especially at night

>> No.10364985
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because I sleep in a big comfy bed with my girlfriend

>> No.10365081
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>Chicks dig it. It's a shaggin' wagon.

>> No.10365102

>store of value
>money savings on food

>> No.10365122

these are terrible criticisms

>> No.10365151

to be fair, I think he was referring to chainlink

>> No.10365162
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Same, thinking about leaving it all behind to fuel my investments

>> No.10365173

But how the fuck would you cook. You’d be limited to oatmeal and pasta. No steak or chicken.

>> No.10365187
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I have camping equipment, butane tank stove top nigga.

>> No.10365192

You can use a propane stove, dummy.
Also microwave.

All solar powered.

>> No.10365229
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What the. Ohhh. I see. Hm. Do you guys have tailgate type lunches/dinners/cookouts outside of Walmart? Kek

Does Walmart consistently kick you out or are they laid back

>> No.10365267
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>Do you guys have tailgate type lunches/dinners/cookouts outside of Walmart?
you can do it in your van with all windows open
also you can go to campsites or the woods

also I have a water pump and jug, I can shower in the woods no problem desu

>> No.10365274

you have to invest a lot of money upfront for all that stuff
although i guess you save money in the long run

what about heating/cooling? vans usually aren't very well insulated

>> No.10365289

>you have to invest a lot of money upfront for all that stuff
I paid like 3.5k for everything including solar panels and the van itself

pretty good deal for never having to pay rent or power or internet for the rest of your life

>> No.10365300

>he doesn't live comfy in a storage unit

>> No.10365315

mirin my man, i'll get a van eventually when i can, just all the setup involved intimidates me a bit

>> No.10365336

Why buy a van when I can just use a tent?

>> No.10365351

>just all the setup involved intimidates me a bit
it's a big project but it's really fun, you can customize it any way you want

I built this wood bed/storage/table thing so I can do everything I want.
I also flipped around the passenger seat so I can use my laptop on the table comfortably with a mouse

>> No.10365378

that's cool, but yeah you do need to be a little /diy/ of course

i'd like to set up a hammock inside the van, you can sleep, sit and use the computer on it, and you can just fold it if you don't need it.

>> No.10365399

Ok. where do I start or links to learn more.

Btw. Where do you take a dump if it’s Im the middle of the night ?

>> No.10365410

1- Bath?
2- How do you shit?
3- Cook?
4- Protection against hobos
5- Privacy?
6- add whatever you want, (input your day-to-day)

>> No.10365434

>land that is yours
>the ability to stand up inside your domicile


>> No.10365440

God stop screwing with me.
I thought I might have decided to get an apartment, but now you're pushing me back to sleeping in something.

>> No.10365456

Also, if someone is harassing you, you cant say "get out of my propriety"

>> No.10365465


>> No.10365474

you can buy a solar shower and/or wash yourself with a bucket
you can buy a portapotty or composting toilet
>>land that is yours
it wouldn't be very cheap then but you could put a van in your land if you wanted
>>the ability to stand up inside your domicile
they make high-roof vans where you can stand up, i think they're pretty much essential

>> No.10365503

you grilling him cause he gets laid?

>> No.10365523

Cause my wife would cut my balls off

>> No.10365544

considering that you immediately become an incel when living out of a car, nothing would be missed, really.

>> No.10365550

This isn't necesseraly cheaper OP, I'd like to know where you get this idea from. Or can you actually back it up with emperical evidence that living in a Van is cheaper?

>> No.10365552

Not really, there are plenty of girls who think it's adventurous.

>> No.10365553

Because he sounds like he's being a degenerate about it.

>> No.10365611

Might be fun if you can afford to travel around and camp in the van. But I work in one city, Monday to Friday. I rather rent a place to shit with a door on it.

>> No.10365696

How is not wanting to bring a girl back to your disgusting van being degenerate?

>> No.10366296


I bought an apartment building, stay in one of the units and live on other peoples rent instead. Less hobo, more feudal lord.

>> No.10366434


Where do you shit?

>> No.10366466

>Why don't you live in a Van to save a fuckton of money and not pay rent/power yet /biz/?
my girlfriend wouldn't like it or else i would, 100%

>> No.10366853

Protip: AT&T offers iPad internet for $30/month, legit unlimited.
get an AT&T Unite Explore (hotspot) for like $60 on eBay
boom, unlimited wifi for $30/month.
you can even get a little antenna to boost your speeds

I love the idea of van living and would 100% do it if I could. If I ever become single I will live in a van

>> No.10366874

did you take out a loan?

>> No.10366938

Van living expenses: maybe 60 dollars
Rent: $850 dollars

no fucking comparison

>> No.10367173


>> No.10367506

Simply can't afford the van you spoiled cunt.

>> No.10367859

>Simply can't afford the van
how can you not afford 2000 dollars?

>> No.10368436

Van: eating out every day = ~$300 a month
Rent: $600 a month
really not saving much money for garbage living conditions

>> No.10368447
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i do it all the time

>> No.10368460

Why would you want to bring a girl to your home? Get a room, idiot.

>> No.10368793

>spending rent money on food costs more than spending it on rent and food

>> No.10369621

Just get a camper van if space is an issue

>> No.10370134

Because i'm not poor

>> No.10370623

no toilet with bidet...

>> No.10370817
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>thinks it's comfy
Good goy.

>> No.10370955

Math anon, math.

>> No.10371930

Millenials are the most pathetic retarded generation

>> No.10372557

How do you manage in winter?

>> No.10372603

if burger planet can get pussy, there is literally no excuse, git some game pussy

>> No.10372734

Not all of us live in the suburbs/midwest. I live in a 2016 Mercedes Sprinter 170". I spent about 10K on the interior after buying the vehicle.

I have a parking space I rent for $1100 a year that I can plug into for electricity, in an air conditioned parking garage as well as free WiFi.

I have peers that pay $800-1K for a room not much bigger than my Sprinters' interior. To get a full apartment they'd need to shell out $3K+/mo, Bay Area btw...

>> No.10372794

>Bay Area btw...
Okay well that's you. Not everywhere is thirdworld.
Some of us live in the Midwest/suburbs where we get 1k rent and young populations to fuck.
After spending a year sleeping in my vehicle I really don't want to go back to that. It's shitty and gives a bad mindset.

Warm sleeping bag is all that's needed.
You aren't hanging out in your car all day are you?

>> No.10372809

>You aren't hanging out in your car all day are you?
H-haha y-yeah who would do that?

>> No.10372856

Did the 3.5k also include the supplies you used to build all the stuff in your van?

>> No.10372869

Sprinter vans are tall enough for you to stand up in though.

>> No.10372908

Haha. Not me anon, that's for sure.

>> No.10373069

This van meme is just that. A meme.

You cannot take a shit, or a shower, or whatever you're going to do without it taking a lot of time. Also 0 infrastructure.

> Get up
> Brush teeth, take a shit, shower, cook eggs, go to work

> Get up
> Put your clothes in bag, drive to nearest truck stop. Get your #, get a shower, brush teeth. Avoid being raped.
> Go to campsite, start a fire, cook eggs.
> Wash dishes with mud
> Get shit on your clothes, have to change
> Finish with work. Have to go to laundry mat because you splashed mud on your dress shirt that morning.

Don't get me wrong - I have done my share of hoboing it and it's great if you have nothing better to do but absolutely 0 value in trying to get ahead.

I have a rental property - I live in the back with a single room (tiny kitchenette) & bathroom. My utilities are expenses out - I live for free & mow the yard / deal with the shit.

>> No.10373139

>Showers at the gym. Having to go to the gym every day means you're less likely to be a DYEL.
>Shit at work or nearby to where you park. There's a toilet and WiFi in the air conditioned parking garage I park at.
>I have an electrical outlet near my parking space and have a countertop and appliances in my van.
>There's no hobos in my parking garage, you need to show a pass to get in. It runs me $1500 per year. (much cheaper than rent around here)
>I have shades I can pull down for privacy, nobody can see inside my 170" Mercedes Sprinter, unless they literally break into it.
>You can add a lot of features to your van. Really depends how creative you are and how much money you want to spend on it. I have a computer desk, countertop, foldup bed, etc..

>> No.10373216

The parking garage lets you plug your van in & live in it? Have a hard time believing this but if true - it's a pretty great routine.

Post inside pics

>> No.10373241
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Because I like to have a comfortable life and already /made it/ if I were a neet I could game for the rest of my life. I’m trying to level up though. Won’t stop until I have a boat big enough to land a helicopter on then. I’ll live on that an not pay rent or utilities or whatever you faggot van life dream is.

>> No.10374181

To rape her obviously

>> No.10374235


I just live with my parents
I avoid speaking to women btw

>> No.10374508

Pics of the interior? Sprinter vans are the most popular conversion base but I'm still worried about space. Would living in a van be uncomfortable if I'm 6 foot 3?

>> No.10375334

larping miserable anon here, don't be him.

>> No.10375466


>> No.10375871

when i was a kid i used to live in a car with my family, until i was 21, i realize that we where poor, im not very smart.

it wasnt so bad, but if you decide to do this, and you have kids, try not to fucck at night when the kids are sleeping, because you mht wake them up.

and if you