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10363722 No.10363722 [Reply] [Original]

What's your "at least"?

At least I have a top 10% cock and 3 younger siblings I would kill and or die for.

>> No.10363741

pride is a sin

>> No.10363755

At least Im not a wagie.

>> No.10363759

At least Im an only child and grew up self sufficient so the crippling loneliness of being a lifelong bachelor won't scar me as badly as it would a normie
A-amirite guys?

>> No.10363766
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At least I have $100,000 worth of bitcoin

>> No.10363779

At least I fathered two baby gurls

>> No.10363781

I'm not proud but grateful. I don't own anything but a couple thousand link, no prospect of any fruitful career but at least a loving family that is also so dirt poor but we always support each other and I guess that's really the important thing.

>> No.10363784
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>3 younger siblings I would kill and or die for.
>mfw romanticizing your meaningless blood ties


>> No.10363797

That's great man.
You ruin everything, satan :(
True that's something.
I don't know man, I couldn't handle my life without my family right now.

>> No.10363803


>> No.10363816

Atleast I didn't bought in Dec...hmm

>> No.10363825

at least i have no addictions

>> No.10363827

It's not the blood, it's how we grew up. A bond between 3 brothers and a sister growing up in a minimalistic household, not because of some nu-hippie western lifestyle but because of actual economic struggle, sharing almost everything, going through the worst and best times imaginable, you can't buy stuff like that and I'm grateful for this love. I can't find any love or meaning right now in this world.

>> No.10363870

its not about "meaningless blood ties", it's about trust and faith in another human.

I'm in my mid 30s, I'm pretty outgoing and interact with A LOT of different people. I've found that the majority of people cannot be trusted. They're two-faced, they're self-interested, they lie, cheat, steal, stab you in the back. Finding a really great friend is very rare, you might meet 10,000 people before finding one you can really truly trust with everything, and even then you can never be 100% sure.

Family is different. If my brother called me right now and said "oh man I fucked up I got mad and strangled my girlfriend and then shot her in the head" I wouldn't judge him at all for it, instead I'd ask how I can help, if he needs me to cover it up, hide the body, whatever, I'd be there within the hour. Whereas with any non-blood person asking me? Never, not a chance.

You don't know what you're missing not having these kinds of connections in your life. I'd do anything for my family.

>> No.10363883

At least I have chicken

>> No.10363906

At least I tried

>> No.10363918

Yeah this is what I mean. If it comes to family, everything else is put second. Morals, repercussions, risks, all that stuff is shit you think about afterwerds. When it comes down to do or die when family is involved, you just do whatever it takes.

>> No.10363957


At least I have no debt, and two parents who love me more than anything in the world.

>> No.10364020

This kind of. Only make 40k in a stagnant entirely remote career with no ideas about how to improve it at 27, but I lived with my parents for three years saving everything and have 70k in a portfolio of stocks and bonds, 20k in crypto mostly made last summer, a house in a cool neighborhood I got a 10k downpayment 0% interest forgiveable loan on and a $500 mortgage/taxes/insurance payment, and no debt other than my mortgage and will soon have a roommate paying $500 plus half the utilities. Could be a lot better, could be a lot worse I guess.

>> No.10364043

At least I'm tall

>> No.10364111

I grew up same way, 3 siblings too. I don't have a close relationship with any of them, doesn't mean I don't like them though.

>I wouldn't judge him at all for it, instead I'd ask how I can help, if he needs me to cover it up, hide the body, whatever
>being genetically related to someone else means you have an unspoken obligation to help them in any given situation

This is absolutely fucking retarded. Kek. Bet your life is incredibly difficult being so controlled by emotion/convention. Sad!

>> No.10364149

At least my parents think I'm a great trader and let me live for free in their vacation home while they wageslave many states away

>> No.10364152

A loving gf

>> No.10364182

Can you elaborate?

I don't think being related to someone means you have an obligation to help them, if you don't have that bond with your siblings then I wouldn't expect you to understand, but in my case it goes both ways. If I asked for help, my siblings would help any way they could, and I do the same.

I was using an extreme example by the way, and I don't know how I would help exactly in that situation, but I would do what I could. If it meant helping cover up a crime, or giving him money to go into hiding, or if he wanted to just confess and take the heat, I would help and support him in whatever he wanted to do. I would also give my advice as in, "I think the best thing to do is..." but ultimately it would be his decision and I'd support him (even if I disagreed)

The way you're talking about it is the way you would treat a random acquaintance. As in you hear something shocking and you instinctively want to distance yourself from the problem, like "keep that shit away from me!" and not be infected by their problems.

This is not the same way you deal with close family (or longtime best friends who you view as family)

>> No.10364197
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>> No.10364201

A good life that I enjoy despite not having most of the things that all of you dipshits whine about not having non fucking stop.

>> No.10364216

>I don't think being related to someone means you have an obligation to help them, if you don't have that bond with your siblings then I wouldn't expect you to understand, but in my case it goes both ways. If I asked for help, my siblings would help any way they could, and I do the same.
>I'd support him (even if I disagreed)
>The way you're talking about it is the way you would treat a random acquaintance.
>This is not the same way you deal with close family (or longtime best friends who you view as family)

This board is 18+ and you contradicted yourself in your own post. You feel a romanticized obligation/connection/loyalty to your family for no reason other than you're highly emotional and think it's noble to perpetuate cultural cuck concepts like blind familial loyalty.

>> No.10364229 [DELETED] 

A girlfriend, a big dick, and a post-grad degree

>> No.10364267

At least I’ll die soon and won’t have to suffer this hellish existence forever

>> No.10364274

>that feel when top 1% cock (long but girthy) and uncut

>> No.10364292
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>at least I got some good work experience

>> No.10364300
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>> No.10364329

> You feel a romanticized obligation/connection/loyalty to your family for no reason other than you're highly emotional and think it's noble to perpetuate cultural cuck concepts like blind familial loyalty.

Fuck out of here with your pseudo-intellectual bullshit. Loyalty to family is a result of a millennia of tribalism, it's a fucking survival instinct. You didn't stick with your tribe, you're on your own, and you get fucked.

> Why are you acting in conformity with the evolution of your species you fucking cuck
> Why cant you be an edgy loner like me. Who needs family kek
You sound like a huge faggot

>> No.10364338

At least I have the voices in my head, they're pretty great.

>> No.10364350
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>t. paleo faggot

I'm never wrong, it's a curse desu.

>> No.10364352

>ctrl F
>0 results found

>> No.10364360

At least I have my own house and no debt.
Everything else is shit, tho.

>> No.10364386

im in my 30s
anyway i didn't contradict myself, maybe I wasn't clear, or you're misunderstanding, what I'm saying is that simply by being related to someone doesn't mean you MUST help them, but for some people (like myself) its a bond that has been established.

I feel OBLIGATED to help them, and EXPECT them to help me

but I don't think that YOU must feel OBLIGATED to help your siblings if that's not a bond you have established with them.

Get it now you absolute fucking moron?

>> No.10364407

>passive aggressive caps

Roastie detected.

>its a bond that has been established.

Established how?

>> No.10364422

Imagine being so self conscious you have to tell Le 4chan about your epic penis

>> No.10364439

i don't have anything tbqh

>> No.10364460
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>top 2% height
>top 0.2% IQ
>full head of hair
>didn't fall for the crypto meme

>> No.10364462


So your argument is basically
> You feel obligated to have an emotional connection to your family
> There's no non-emotional reason to act this way you fucking cuck

> What is psychological welfare
> What are support systems that family can provide like security, stability, physical protection, shelter etc...
> I'm going to ignore centuries of research and studies so I can pretend I'm smarter than anons on a malaysian basket-weaving forum

Also, fantastic rebuttal

> Its a bond that has been established.
> Established how?

I'd bet he established a relationship with his siblings the same way most of us did. By spending time with them while growing up instead of locking himself in his bedroom bashing people for having an emotional connection with someone. Maybe if you didn't take yourself so seriously you'd know how to do that. Maybe you don't care because emotional connections are apparently cuck concepts. Either way it doesn't matter, you're still a faggot.

>> No.10364474
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Might be a record for most projection crammed into one post. Impressive.

>> No.10364481

caps are used to signify emphasis since we can't highlight or bold words on here, this is a pretty common written communication strategy when dealing with someone who seems to lack basic comprehension abilities.

just through life in general, usually I find most close siblings grew up under "difficult circumstances" usually in poor families who struggled financially. If you grew up in middle-class or better, maybe had a swimming pool in the backyard, had your college paid for, never really had any material desires because your parents would just buy you whatever the fuck you wanted, bought you a car at 16, etc. then I wouldn't be at all surprised if you didn't fully understand this bond between siblings since you could have essentially ignored them your whole life and been no worse off.

>> No.10364528

Didn't take much projection, you supplied most of the facts yourself

> over-inflated sense of intelligence
> incapable of forming an actual argument (No, your conclusory statements above don't count as an argument)
> liberal use of the word "cuck"
> calling people "roastie"
> hurr durr emotion is bad
> *free space" - posts on 4chan

I'm just using what you give me

>> No.10364555
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>> over-inflated sense of intelligence
>> incapable of forming an actual argument (No, your conclusory statements above don't count as an argument)
>> liberal use of the word "cuck"
>> calling people "roastie"
>> hurr durr emotion is bad
>> *free space" - posts on 4chan

You have to go back...

>> No.10364578

>tfw not a jew
>tfw ill never get welcome to the tribe'd
Well, at least im not a nigger

>> No.10364600

Better Schizophrenia than no friends at all.

>> No.10364636

I've already got my 4chan "you've wasted a decade of your life on this shithole" badge friendo. Now, are you going to actually make and support an argument or are you going to resort to ad homs every reply?

>> No.10364672


I have zero burden of proof as a.) all of the points raised in >>10364462 are veiled fee-feez masquerading as logic and b.) you're a faggot.

>> No.10365085

Here let met walk you through how burdens of proof work faggot:

>>10364216 (You)
> You feel a romanticized obligation/connection/loyalty to your family for no reason other than you're highly emotional...
So there you made an assertion that OP (and, by inference, people that think similarly) are loyal/connected/whatever to their family "for no reason other than you're highly emotional and think it's noble to perpetuate cultural cuck concepts like blind familial loyalty."

Now, lets just pretend that's a properly supported argument (it isn't). Here's my rebuttal
>>10364329 (Me)
> Loyalty to family is a result of a millennia of tribalism, it's a fucking survival instinct
> Why are you acting in conformity with the evolution of your species you fucking cuck
So, there I asserted that loyalty/connection/obligation/whatever to family is not purely a result of being "highly emotional" (fucking kek), instead it's a result of generations of evolution encompassing both physical and psychological needs.
Next, we have
>>10364350 (You)
Classic ad hom fallacy.
>>10364462 (Me)
> what about support systems, psychological and physical security, shelter etc...
> Basically, more examples of why it was evolutionary necessary to have an innate connection/loyalty/whatever to family
>>10364474 (You)
More ad hom fallacy
>>10364672 (You)
Literally the only time you've tried to rebut an argument. Still, rebutting my argument =/= suporting your argument. (If reducing Evolution Theory; Maslow's Heirarchy of Needs; Tribalism etc... to "fee-feez" even counts as a rebuttal kek).

Now, lets get on to how burdens of proof work. Burden of proof is on the asserting party (usually). Here, you've made an intial claim and you've supported it with literally nothing. You have not met your burden. Even if the burden of proof is on me (it isn't), I've actually offered support for my position, which would shift the burden to you anyways

But go ahead, hit me with another ad hom, faggot.

>> No.10365147

don't waste your time with that moron, he's basically trying to say that because certain emotions are "illogical" that they're invalid.

Would he make the same argument against the bond/love a husband has for his wife? a father has for his child? a son for his mother? probably, he'd say "these are fee-fee arguments and don't make sense!" and if that's his position then fine, but it doesn't invalidate those emotions as being "real" and those same sorts of emotional attachments pertain to loving siblings in the same way.

Basically you're trying to prove to him that "love is real" and if he refuses to acknowledge your argument regarding survival instinct and tribalism then nothing will convince him - it would be like trying to convince him of God.

>> No.10365167
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Bros, you feel that right now? Feels like family bonding bros.

>> No.10365239

Wow I wish my body was producing Oxytocin right now! Too bad these fee-fees couldn't possibly have any physical or psychological effects on me!

>> No.10366195

your blood is everything, nigger.
Why do you think the Jews are where they are?
They place great value on their blood and the continuation of their people.

>> No.10366215

There's a difference between the sin of pride and simply appreciating what's given to you in life.

>> No.10366235

me too. congrats for us
thats not my at least tho

>> No.10366872

At least I moved out of America while I was still in my 30's and eat killer food in Asia every day.