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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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10358584 No.10358584 [Reply] [Original]

back when I was poor I used maths to calculate exactly how long it would take to pay off all my loans so I could save as much money as possible avoiding interest on the bad ones.

just found my old mathematica workbook and am willing to graph out the numbers for some of you if I still remember how. I'm not being generous, just brushing up on my maths skills for work. there's 3 loans displayed here:
>the curved lines are the payment amount with the number of months it'll take to pay off,
>the diagonals is the amount of interest you'll pay over the given number of months

if you want a graph of your loans I need the following
>1) loan balance
>2) exact interest rate
>3) your current payment amt on the loan (to show exactly how long it'll take to pay off @ current payment - they had me at 15 years)

balances and payment amounts across multiple loans that have the same rate can be combined for simplicity. I was able to do 50k in about 4-5 years with minimal interest.

>> No.10358646
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only NEETs on /biz/ right now? I know there's some JUSTed loan fags out there

>> No.10358753

I'm from Canada. Had zero dollars in loans at the end of my undergrad, and zeros loans, 40000$ cash they paid me at the end of my PhD. Felt pretty good tbqhmfamalamadingdong

>> No.10358776


how's that work

>> No.10358812

I live in europe. I graduated school with a CS degree and got a job as a sys admin 6 months out of school. Right now I'm making 80,000 EUR (about $94,000 USD) and have zero student loans as school was free for me. How sad that instead of using taxpayer money to fund education American's use their taxpayer money to pay subsidies to lobbyists who keep corrupt politicians in office and a bulk of the rest to the armed forces. America is the country of cucks.

Have fun paying for social security to feed the boomers even though you will never see any of that yourself. Oh, and don't forget your $100,000 of debt to go to college. Your country is a joke. You let your government walk all over you and just willingly take it like a prison bitch.

>> No.10358868

yes, I agree with you, our country is shit. luckily I paid off my loans quickly and was debt free in my mid twenties and have a good $100k+ job and a mountain of crypto, so I'll be just fine.

every region has its pros and cons though. I live in a major city for a fraction of the cost of what it would cost in an EU city, even cheaper than the suburbs of my own city, so my money goes a long way now. really the only thing you have on me is health care but I am a young single guy and don't even use it.

most of the burgers my age are in dire straights though so I do feel bad for them.

>> No.10358884

This is such a beta mindset it’s unbelievable.

Focus on earning huge income. High ticket sales is probably the best. Doesn’t matter the industry. I just closed $135,000 commission on Friday, what the fuck does a $40k loan mean to me when I close 6 figure commissions you see? Stop thinking arithmetic-ally, stop thinking exponentially, and start figuring out how to achieve geometric growth for income. Penny pinching is for poor people and those who do not know how to generate income.

>inb4 what were you selling

Large mutli year contract for an online learning platform to Universities. But it doesn’t matter what the fuck youre selling.

>> No.10358937

cool bro but I am doing fine now, I'm just here to help wagecucks who are in the same position I was years ago but don't have the skill to see how deep they are in.

nice work, you're clearly above average. but you're a salesman so there's no use telling you not to be an asshole.

>> No.10358966

The fuck did your parents pay for all your undergrad rich fag?

>> No.10358993

You’re welcome for providing you with free military projection, you ungrateful eurocuck. I hope Trump sends you a bill and lets Russia take you over if you fail to pay

>> No.10359036

I got a job at college and never got a loan. Part time during school and full time out of school.

>> No.10359058

Graduate next year with what looks to be around 90k loans, all federal. But I've been working in my field since my sophomore year and make decent money. Should have at least 70k saved up by the end, which i'm planning to just throw, as a lump sum, directly into the highest interest loans, leaving only the nice subsidized ones with minuscule interest rates left. Don't plan to have trouble finding a well-paying job so the remaining 20k or so doesn't sound very daunting

could actually use some advice if someone knows the process better. is there any advantage to taking time to pay it down, or is it alright to just kill them right away if you have the cash on hand?

>> No.10359079

the whole point of this thread is to plot the numbers so you can decide what you want to do, give me the balances, rates, payment amounts. combine the ones with the same rate.

>> No.10359243

you dumb motherfucker... congrats on doing well but 99/100 people will not be able to for various reasons. the system demands a percentage of the population live in poverty, and because of cronyism and lack of a proper government, the percentage demanded increases every day. telling people "go learn how to make money" is stupid, worthless advice. you are a narcissistic tool

>> No.10359330

When your Europoor country gets into another world war (and it will happen), America won’t come to your rescue.

>> No.10359340
File: 126 KB, 1080x1380, screenshot.2018-07-21 11.32.15.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guessed at your numbers

so if you paid 3000/mo for 2yrs youd pay them off and pay 4500 in interest total

>> No.10359354

actually 32 months, the black line is both

>> No.10359358


>pays for school through taxes over his whole life instead of being able to pay it off one day
>this is somehow superior

Don't you have some Ethiopians to feed?

>> No.10359407

>paying taxes for free education is bad

You are the reason why America is going downhill

Also have fun selling your house when you need healthcare.

>> No.10359415

That's fine. I'm making plenty of money with my debt free degree to handle myself if another war occurs. Enjoy living in America and being at war with your own country.

I slept late today after going out with friends from work once the work week ended last night. I had fresh caught salmon, with mushroom soup on the side, mushroom straddle cooked with truffle butter. How was your meal, American? Did you get a big helping of Freedom Fries with your Bic Mac and 68 oz soda?

>> No.10359439

>Big Mac, Large Freedom Fries, 68 oz soda
add two apple pies for $1 and you have a god tier meal

>> No.10359467

>for various reasons

The only reason is because they are SCARED and refuse to learn new skills.

The advice “go learn how to make money” is completely applicable and because you’re a thick skulled moron who doesn’t want to step outside his comfort zone to learn new skills doesnt mean everyone else who is reading is to.

Use the internet its not fucking hard, but it takes serious balls and it seems people will balls are in short supply in our culture.

>the system needs losers

If you choose to be one of the poorfags that’s your own fucking choice. Working 12+ hour days is not for everyone but soon I wont have to work at all, instead people like you are complacent to work your 8 hours, rush home as soon as possible, smoke weed and watch netflix and then when someone decides to take control of their life and work their fucking ass off , he’s just a product of the system.

>> No.10359579
File: 44 KB, 1792x585, screenshot.2018-07-21 11.58.49.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

at 6% this redditor will be paying about $1700 for 15 years and cough up ~$103k in interest.

>> No.10359604

You speak the truth. Everything in (((America))) is commercialized and noone gives a damn about investing in future (or guarding the past for that matter), its a country exhibiting the MeMeMe syndrome at its fullest. Learn from our mistakes

>> No.10359737

What Americans don't realize is that America became a super power after world war II by having reaped the benefits of winning a world war and having a massive economic and tech boom. During this period there was mass expansion in education, industry, and employment. With this, along with the American military, America settled it's place as a global power.

But now, all the things that gave America strength are fading. They are fading because people in America become so complacent and apathetic they have no power left in their own country. Corporations control the government and the government works for them instead of for American citizens. Workers no longer have rights. Tenants no longer have rights. Students can only go to school if they spend hundreds of thousands doing so.

Other countries, on the other hand, are gaining more and more traction. They are doing so because their governments still work for the people and not the money. The fact that I can go to school for free and make 80,000 Euro ($94k USD) right out of school puts me at a huge advantage to the average American. I can spend my money supporting and growing the economy. I will be able to buy a house with no debt in a few years. Americans no longer have this option. They are slaves, but they don't even realize it. All they can do is scream about "niggers and kikes" and HELP HELP I AM BEING OPPRESSED and buy new iPhones and go further into debt. Americans only think about themselves and the present. They are going to lose all the advantage they had after WWII because of this short sighted thinking. I suppose that's just how America is, though; selfish and unable to think of the future.

>> No.10359982


>> No.10360260

>be me
>not a burger
>admin fees at university are €3000 all up
>mfw parents will still bust my balls over it until the day i kill them

>> No.10360340

>80k a year
>buy a house with no debt in a few years
can you please tell me what country you live in so that i might travel there without requiring a visa comrade

>> No.10360399

I kept trying but it turns out I can't read arabic. I understood EUR so I know its arabic at least. I'm so tired of these goddamned muslims posting on this board with their fucking moon speak.

>> No.10361108

I'm not a fucking leaf, and I got through undergrad with zero debt and I get paid a stipend for my PhD research.

>> No.10361139

>paying taxes for free education is bad
>for free
European education, everyone

>> No.10361192

As someone who had to use Mathematica a lot in udergrad, I appreciate your efforts, anon. I'm constantly shocked at how bad people are handling debt/money. Even in my graduate program, where people are supposed to be "smart" they can't manage a basic budget and then you have retards like this running around. My gf is talking about going to dental school and taking out 300k in loans and I'm trying to get through to her how quickly that adds up even with an average salary of 150k.

>> No.10361194

If you aren't maxing out loans and buying crypto you deserve to be poor lol

>> No.10361271


Nope, parents working class. Great family. I worked in the summers during undergrad for tuition - lawn work, bartender, bellhop, etc. Some summers I got $ from the government to work at the university. Tuition in Canada is actually sane/normal, not trying to be a dick but eduction is fucked beyond repair in America and you guys don't even know it.

>> No.10361288
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Cheers fellow phdbro

>> No.10361703

Cheers. I don't mean anything by calling you a leaf. I'm from a working class family too. Spent my summers in high school working at an automotive repair shop and worked for a defense subcontractor in undergrad. It's really not that bad here, but so many people make awful decisions. They go to expensive out of state schools and party/do social clubs/take "fun" electives instead of networking for appropriate internships. What are you studying?