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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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10358355 No.10358355 [Reply] [Original]

>be me, poorfag
>put 15k into alts in Decembre / January (FUN and RLC)
>literally sat at 6k yesterday
>had enough cashed out, learned my lesson, learned that crypto is a giant scam

And if you plan on hodling, you're gonna lose all your money.

Bye everyone

>> No.10358399

(Pamp eet)

>> No.10358408

He sold.
Pump it.

>> No.10358411

That was not clever. You really blame crypto for investing in something touting itself as a casino token with no established business model and absolutely no merit as such above any other token? You blame crypto? Blame yourself. You are stupid.

>> No.10358461

Yup the normies have given up all hope, this is ironically the bottom. But bottoms are always ironic...

>> No.10358542

The sacrifice to the alt gods, we are bull now

>> No.10358598

Classic biz buy high sell low, well done

All you had to do was to tether up, buy 1.5 BTC at 4k and wait to eoy to cash out over 100k

>> No.10358617
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>> No.10358663

There aint gonna be a $4k

>> No.10358701

There'll be two 4k's. One before and after 2k.

>> No.10358883

you will miss out on this run if you wait for $2k. even $4k is pushing it.

>> No.10359016

Bitcoin was $2k a year ago. It will get close if not quite hit it again.

>> No.10359043

What a fucking fool. You are supposed to accumulate on downturns not sell and rage.
Emotional investors wont last.

>> No.10359047

bitcoin if you bother to take a look at it never before returned to previous mean after an ath. it won't this time either.

>> No.10359061

catching the falling knife is tricky business.
i have waited many months before i was reasonably sure we are near bottom. and i'm still not 100% it can't go below $5.3k.

>> No.10359110

Sold at more than a %50 loss I hope you feel like the biggest and most retarded dick sucker in the world.

>> No.10359119
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lol where do you fucking retards read shit like that.
> he doesnt know it literally can’t be under 5.8k because of 100mil ETF governent requirements

>> No.10359126

that's because it was on a bullrun the whole time it was making new ATH's.
notice how it's the opposite since the bear market began. Lower high's after every bounce.

>> No.10359134

you are retarded

>> No.10359137
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>decemberfag cope

>> No.10359152

buy high
sell low

>> No.10359180

>it's been on a bull run for ten years

>> No.10359185

i noticed the panic was much more manageable this time. people are not new to bitcoins bubbles. this time it won't even go as low as before.

>> No.10359205

if you look at it new mean bottom was around 30% of last ath before (right about where we are now) but there were brief period where price fell to 20% of the previous ath. those were the true capitulations. won't happen this time everyone knows with patience this will go to $100k easily. only newfags have shaky hands.

>> No.10359215

can't wait for 2019 when you end your life on missed life opportunity

>> No.10359236

most people have more missed major life changing opportunities than episodes of dallas. i doubt anyone would kill themselves for one. i was joking about buying apple stocks back when it was a joke. man...

>> No.10359245

No sweetie. That's not how it works. We're not in permabull la la land. We're in reality. Bitcoin was in a bear market from December 2013 to October 2015. That's close to 2 years. We've been in this bear market for 7 months. Prepare your anus.

>> No.10359259

25 May 2020 12:59:20
but it will start to ramp up end of current year if not sooner. not much longer till this bearshit market ends.

>> No.10359264

Comparing mt gox crash to a correction.You wont make it.

>> No.10359265

A long bear market is good for accumulation though?

>> No.10359284

the post that saved crypto
bull run to 85k confirmed

>> No.10359286

when it flattens out and starts to climb that's the optimal time to accumlate. but with bitcoin we have seen sudden bullruns from one month to the next out of nowhere cutting consolidation patterns short before so best to allocate in small amounts over a longer period and not wait for the perfect bottom.

>> No.10359293

i sure hope it hits $100k

>> No.10359385

Best time for accumulation will be 2-3k

>> No.10359424

>pink ID
Thanks for the free money.

>> No.10359430

It's sad that people realize this after they lose tons of money. If only you did some research first and looked at it critically you'd never even put money there in the first place.

>> No.10359451

come on just because sou keep repeating this bullshit it's not gonna be any more likely.
this has less than 2% chance of happening.
above 50% chance that it will not go below $5.3k. about 20% chance it won't even go below $6k ever again.

>> No.10359516

>not a hyper-inflated bubble that went pop

>> No.10359541

Posts like this are just guys having some fun making jokes, right? Are there really people who buy high and sell low even though the market is showing clear signs of health?

>> No.10359557

nigga please we are just beginning.
one day you will look back when btc is already above $1mil and wonder was it even real that you could get it sub $10k crazy times man...

>> No.10359559

You bought the dumbest shit ever at the beginning of the normies pump, then you sold well after the dump. You sir, are world's worst trader. You could have just put what you had left in BTC or ETH and minimum got back to even within a year. You will not make it. Enjoy your summer poorfag.

>> No.10359684

>1 post by this id

You guys like to get triggered don't you?

>> No.10359857



Thanks for your money,