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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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10358215 No.10358215 [Reply] [Original]

We are NOT early adopters.

Normies tried to get into crypto, got burned, will NOT come back.

There is no institutional money waiting for crypto because it is a ponzi scam.

Blockchain technology is fucking useless.

We will NEVER get our money back. It's lost. Gone. Forget about it, it ain't coming back.

There will never, EVER be another bullrun like in 2017. It was an anomaly. A huge coincidence. An extraordinary rare event. If you didn't sell, tough shit. You will never, EVER get your money back.

This market is manipulated to the max. It is the LITERAL definitoin of a pyramid scheme, a ponzi scam.

Crypto is USELESS, a HUGE fucking meme and we got memed into literally putting in thousands of our savings.


Our money is fucking gone.


Just fuckign kill me already

>> No.10358228

So anon? How much money did you lose in Req, Cossand Link?

>> No.10358238

He is not losing money as he is paid for this FUD.

>> No.10358241

>what are smartcontracts
>what are private blockchains
>what is saving money
>what are oracles
>who is Sergey
Yeah you're fucking doomed

>> No.10358247

It might bounce back up in a few years. It is really hard to predict.

The problem is that /biz/ is trying to play the short term game with this shit. So yes you are going to get burnt.

>> No.10358252


I did not put any money into the coins you mentioned.

Does not fucking matter, alts will slowly but surely bleed to 0 $.


I will be fucking DYING of laughing when I see your shitty, worthless, subhuman ponzi pyramid scheme worthless MEME MONEY go to zero.

You are a mouthbreathing RETARD who LITERALLY PAYS FOR RANDOM 1s AND 0s ON A COMPUTER.


>> No.10358271
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Of course we are early adopters. Are you going to tell me that philanthropists and renowned thinkers like Katy Perry are not early investors?

>> No.10358289

Ahahahaha, cointards and HODLtards will get BTFO over the next few months.

Shit's gonna be glorious, cryptotards will be on permanent suicide watch.

>> No.10358293

I doubt Party Perry understands a whole lot about how to even use crypto. She's known to be an airhead.

>> No.10358316

Why do you cope like this? Even if what you’re saying is true, how does that make our situation better? It just means retards are now involved and we’re late adopters.

>> No.10358321

The point he is trying to make is that early adoption is fucking OVER.

Normies KNOW about crypto, they KNOW it is a huge, HUUUGE scam, and they will NOT put their money into this giant shit scam.

HODLtards will LOSE all their fucking money. EVERYTHING.

>> No.10358331

Lmao at this cope

>> No.10358336

People like you have been around since 2009. You don't think it has value, don't use it, just like you aren't using every investment vehicle because it exists. Crypto has its market and continues to expand, get rekt by change fag.

>> No.10358343

Buy signal

>> No.10358352

I was being sarcastic.

>> No.10358392
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Who fucking cares? I made a quarter million dollars in the last 6 months during this "bear" market and I'll make 3/4 of a million. Ore in the next six months. Maybe you just suck, OP. Ever consider that?

>> No.10358425
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Dumbasses that got into investing anything at all invest it all on a record breaking bull run XD. This game is long term. You want a completely inflated and controlled investment go to the stock market which is also peaking right now ;).

>> No.10358436

>January 2018 investor

>> No.10358454

>Normies KNOW about crypto
>u r delusional

>> No.10358456

>normies got burned buying bitcoin in 2013 they will NOT comeback
>normies got burned bying tech stocks in 2000 dot com bubble, they will never buy them again
>normies got burned on the housing market bubble in 2008, they will never buy houses again
well you got the idea. They will see bitcoin going past $20k again by manipulations and see that even if you bought high it will eventually recover and even go beyond that and they will take the bait just to lose money again. That's how it works. Learn your lessons out of january crash and pull out on the next normie invasion. when MSM starts shilling crypto non stop again it's time to gtfo

>> No.10358469

Every new contemporary technology is a bubble Pajeet. At some point crypto will be replaced. But to call it a huge scam because daddy gave you a beating for losing his retirement fund is not our fucking problem faggot.

Your delusions are pretty stupid too.
> Muh Internet Scam Money
> Muh can't wait to lose all you 1s and 0s

All while BTC is at 7k. Stfu and eat a Shwarma.

>> No.10358483

we're still early. moving cryptos is a bitch

>> No.10358620


>> No.10358644
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find OP and his family and burn them alive

>> No.10358650

how sir

>> No.10358683

Buying the dip and selling the bounce. Wash rinse repeat

>> No.10358731

im still telling everyone i got BTC and this is what's driving BTC strenght. People like us who talk about it to normies.

>> No.10358809
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here's my genuine take on it
Most of the alts eventually will go to 0 but I don't think that's a surprise and something new here.
But even if they don't die/turn out to be scams, look how checkmarks you have to go through to capitalize on it
>finished and working product
>it needs to gain adoption and find real demand
>the token economics have to be good enough to pump your bags
most projects won't even meet requirement no1.

With btc it's a different story because people buy it as an investment in itself/store of value/digital gold meme, if it manages to scale that's a bonus but isn't neccessary, with that being said I doubt it will go to hundreds of thousands a piece or let alone millions, (((they))) will probably let it go to 50k and stay there more less, as a gold/silver alternative, they can manipulate the market and people's sentiment as they like and it would be naive to think that average joe and Stacy will become woke enough to realize that FED and central banks are the biggest scams.

depends what your expectations are, sure bitcoin won't go another 1000x in the next years but you underestimate the power of FOMO, trust me, normies, boomers, they WILL fomo back when btc hits 20k again and they keep hearing about it all over again, when they see all those infographics how btc ALWAYS recovers to new ATHs, how it's deflationary against the dollar etc, they WILL fomo back and buy the top again, that's human nature, greed is one of the most powerful emotions a human can experience

>> No.10358858

Most normies have no clue how to even buy crypto yet. Shut up idiot.

>> No.10358894

i have accumulated some btc now, cause the next will be a zerg rush

>> No.10358913
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how can one man manage 2 be wrong so many times

me literally retard and can manage 1/2 right in crypto

>> No.10358941

>Normies KNOW about crypto
They know about it, but most haven't touched it yet. Yes, the small percentage of ones that did are presently at the ICU receiving treatment for their burns. They may or may not be back in the next bubble but we don't need them. The rule with successive bubbles is, generally the people that HEARD about but didn't PARTICIPATE in the last bubble are the ones FOMOing into the next bubble. They let what they thought was their one chance to fucking make it pass them by, and they're not going to let it happen twice in a row.

So yeah, every normie knows about crypto by now. Right now most of them are feeling smug for having not touched it ("thank god I avoided THAT scam!"). All we need to do is test ATH again and they will change their tune overnight. From relief that they avoided a scam to FOMO about missing another once-in-lifetime opportunity to make it. And at the end of that bubble, when BTC peaks 100k and settles back down around 20k (or whatever), at that point every cro-magnon and third world shitter will have heard about it. Ready and waiting for BTC to retest 100k to FOMO in buying .001 BTC with their fucking flip phones.

So I honestly see at least two distinct bubbles ahead of us before every human on the planet has finally 1) heard about crypto and 2) bought into crypto in some form or fashion (directly or via 401k/index fund or even just holding some BAT to pay for their netflix, etc)

>> No.10358945
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FOMO feeds the gaintrain, woke spoke.

>> No.10358953

This guy lost a lot of money. Let's all listen to his opinion.

>> No.10359065

was at a bar yesterday
literal normies where talking about decentralized crypto and how to avoid KYC because fuck BTC

>> No.10359068

what indicators do you use?

>> No.10359071


>> No.10359127
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that's fun, i thought similary in my first bear market. when BTC was at $250 i thought it'll never come back to $1k, but once you'll understand how bitcoin works, you'll find out that it isn't a coincidence. when BTC is worth $100k in a couple years, it's not out of pure luck, it was all predictable. of course, shot term price movement may be manipulated and unpredictable, but long term movement is fucking obvious and easy to predict. even thought i cashed out my initial + enough money to live off for a few years, i'm 100% sure that the money i have in BTC right now will go x100 within the next 10 years

>> No.10359157

thanks just sold my portfolio at 99% loss

>> No.10359164

None. I just eyeball the chart. I've never found indicators useful as they don't take the emotion and psychology of the market into account. A market is a literal war with people fighting tooth and nail. Their emotions drive the decision moment to moment. You aren't trying to outfight the lion, you're a jackal keeping a lookout for the wounded gazelle. You can't beat the lions (whales) but you can catch somebody making that one fatal stupid mistake. Did he sell too soon? Too low? There's the mistake. You spot it and capitalize. No indicator can capture but a small fraction of it all. But you can.

>> No.10359178

This is a prime example of blind faith.
Expecting a 2.1 trillion USD marketcap for BTC, heh? If all of you HODL, then market won't move. For market to grow you need to have huge swings made by huge institutional players. You are not institutional.

>> No.10359181

Incorrect - it's fear.

>> No.10359192

Just go back, Reddit.

>> No.10359201

This but unironically and don't kys me cause I panic sold soon enough to not get burned

>> No.10359210

people who own crypto right now are speculating on projects without working products. we're not early adopters because there's nothing to adopt - this is pure speculation

>> No.10359231
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>this id
Hello mister Nakamoto

>> No.10359352

>blind faith
>thinking 2.1 trillion market cap is big
you have no clue what you're talking about, take a look at how market cap works if you wanna learn womething. if not, i'm sorry in advance. there's no doubt BTC will be >$100k in 5 years, no faith involved. it would be faithful to think it'll be at 1 mil but above 100k, no doubt. if you're not packing atleast 1-2 BTC apart from your shitcoins, i'm sorry in advance

>> No.10359389

2.1 trillion is big considering you have a shit ton of other cryptos as well, equity markets, commodities and shit. I think you are the one who misses the point here. Even if you acquire such price it will most likely mean that your purchasing power will go down the drain as well.

>> No.10359417

I see this kind of logic a lot. Most money IS just digital signals in a network, or just simple promises. Think banks,contracts,stocks or loans. The difference between a real currency and a cryptocurrency is that crypto is decentralized, meaning that no government or private company can change its value, or its rules. The rules are implemented in a programmatically, so you can prove with math that it will behave the intended way. Thats why this tech can be really valuable, and why it can truly be the future of currencies.
Anyways, you are really stupid and whats even worse, cretinicely arrogant. Neck yourself you subhuman african american person.

>> No.10359427

Shit i meant "programmatically"

>> No.10359484
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>> No.10359520

We’ll never recover with an attitude like that.

>> No.10359813


he got lucky

>> No.10359867


>> No.10359887

Some with a brain? This is rare for biz.

>> No.10360843
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bonjoure gjentelmeen

Be ready. We won't wait for you.

- 2B