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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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10355002 No.10355002 [Reply] [Original]

hey frens



>> No.10355074
File: 59 KB, 655x527, 1532045991074.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait- What the fuck?

Anyone try this?

>> No.10355154

Yes I have tried sir and I am finally rich now make many rupees.

>> No.10355230

belete bis

>> No.10355242

>brainlets not aware that it's impossible for foreigners to get account on bithumb

the absolute state of /biz.

>> No.10355253

Every once in awhile a crypto article or a news clip will show off some millionaire in crypto and theyll briefly mention how they just made it through arbitrage through different worldwide exchanges.

>> No.10355268

so buy power and send to Korean exchange right ?

whats missing /

>> No.10355281

Need to be working with someone in the country I'd imagine. Probably need to go back in time a couple years, go to Korea, marry any qt, use their info, arbitrage before korea gov started screwing around with their exchanges.

>> No.10355289

What precicley am I looking at here? What is the crypto? And what's the arbitrage value?

>> No.10355299

read, idiot.

>> No.10355325

You can register an account if you're a burger. I just did.

I'm gonna try it. That's a fucking 5x. Worth the effort. imho

>> No.10355345

me too i just did

tell me if it worked lets go biz

blessing to OP

its a race of time now

fuck link

>> No.10355377

There's nothing to read, idiot.

>> No.10355383

sounds like your black

you wont make it

mexican is the same


>> No.10355394

same, let's go

>> No.10355398


I don't fucking know live prices for all the cryprocurrencies that exist at any one time you fucking retard. Are you that much of a candlecuck NEET that you can spot a crypto just by its price that is shared by 20 other coins?

>> No.10355403

You can make account

You can deposit into account

You cannot withdraw from account without verification of Korean citizenship


>> No.10355402

>legitimately being this retarded
sure there is numbnuts
coin is going for $1.97 on Bithumb
at the same time, it's going for $0.35 on Binance
if it's necessary to explain it anymore, you ought to hire more people to wipe your ass

>> No.10355413
File: 100 KB, 1080x1086, 1490313907598.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cruisin for a bruisin

>> No.10355417

the name is in the filename you literal retard, the fucking picture shows the prices of the coins. stupid fuck

>> No.10355420

to withdraw you need a passport


>> No.10355427
File: 862 KB, 2598x1815, IMG_20170123_2310219_edit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


delete this thread

>> No.10355428

I'm not on your fucking spurdo exchange faggot. This isn't supposed to be a riddle. I am too lazy to go to your meme exchange and find out what's currency at that price so YOU are going to tell me what it is because you're an autist and it's in your programming. Go.

>> No.10355432
File: 558 KB, 699x518, 1532036408907.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a passport for Level 2 verification. I'm risking it.

>> No.10355435


What nigger shit is this?

>> No.10355463


you wont make it

fuck biz is full of retards

>> No.10355491

dawg are you fuckin with me? are you serious right now you fucken ape, you still dont know the crypto even after its been said in the thread?

>> No.10355493

>selling into krw
now what youre stuck with a fiat even koreans dont want

>> No.10355585

>I am too lazy
this is why you're poor

>YOU are going to tell me what it is because you're an autist and it's in your programming
no, I'm actually not going to tell you, but i could, not because i'm autistic, but because i can read

>> No.10355603

ultimate lulz

how would you react in a job setting and THIS was still asking

>> No.10355616

this has nothing to do with krw

>> No.10356004

>nothing to do with krw

>> No.10356044
File: 94 KB, 601x508, 1459186799586.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You won't get verified unless you're a gook.
>tfw should have taken my crypto gains in January, go to Korea and marry a qt
>tfw could have been a millionaire by now from the arbitrage
>mfw I'm now over 80% down from ATH