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10354288 No.10354288 [Reply] [Original]

whats your poison /biz?

>> No.10354301
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>> No.10354305

weed, but i'm 16 days clean right now. getting there

>> No.10354310


i guess ill start then. for me it's adderall, cocaine, weed, alcohol, and benzos (valium, xanax)

>> No.10354311

I take kratom daily, Xanax twice a week and tramadol twice a week. I know my limits in regards to how often to use as a former addict.

>> No.10354315

yeah coke and good quality rum on rocks

>> No.10354317


what does the kratom do for you? i've heard alot of good and bad about it. a friend said it only made him feel deathly sick

>> No.10354327

whatever the fuck comes my way

I did dxm habitually for 5 years and now I know the inner workings of reality, so when I find a roxi 30 on the bathroom floor I don't hesitate

>> No.10354333

Staying at home. It's too comfy but I literally would rather stay home than do ANYTHING else.

>> No.10354336

It feels good, it's like a mild opiate buzz, it doesn't fuck you up but you do notice it. It helps me get through my boring job.

>> No.10354338

weed, gabapentin, beer

>> No.10354346

sippin redbull no sugar (on probation for drug possession)
used to use MDMA coke xanax occasionally, weed daily, dabs and coffee every morning
getting arrested sucked but it allowed me to save and buy more bitcoin

>> No.10354359

>a friend said it only made him feel deathly sick
kratom makes you severely dehydrated, it's kind of dangerous imo
buy poppy seeds by the pound if you want a morphine high

>> No.10354364
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>> No.10354379

The feel of a nice brapper on my face, large soft breasts, a shortstacks tiny hand through my hair, my sex drive has been out of control for a decade. Getting drunk and making out feels pretty good too but I take everything too far and had to cut back on alcohol. I'll never do drugs because I assume I have a very addictive personality, even work I take too far.

>> No.10354380

I fucked with Roxis for a bit but it made me puke my guts out. Sadly, crystal meth was really my thing but I left that shit for good back in 2012. Never looked back. Had some hella good times though

>> No.10354382

Topo Chico

>> No.10354383

Mdma, lsd, thc. Occasionally only

>> No.10354393

the occasional bar of dark chocolate and a daily large mug or so of coffee
i have fond memories of making $1-2k a a day in december, eating bars of fucking 90% cocoa dark chocolate and drinking big mugs of spiced coffee every day
i'm down to $30k at the moment, but i'm bloody well ready for round two

>> No.10354401

I tried taking phenibut regularly before but it takes a lot to get me to be more social and happier and stuff like it's supposed to do, and taking a lot gives me the nods like fucking heroin would. So last round I went with that stuff was pretty rough and by the 2nd 100g pouch I was quite clearly just maintaining to stave withdrawals off. And then the withdrawals sucked some ass but I took this beta-alanine shit that made my body tingle uncomfortably and it kind of distracted me from the withdrawals. Kind of a weird way of dealing with it, but it worked really well

I think the biggest problem with phenibut for me is that it's best used sparingly but I wanted it to make me more sociable at work and I work 80 hours a week

>> No.10354416



>> No.10354422

Why'd you ď decide to stop?

>> No.10354450

my coworker was bumping "molly" in the bathroom at work all day every day and got me to try it

I thought he intended for me to do everything he gave me, like I asked him and he said yeah, well I went and snorted it and it turned out it was crystal meth and it was a half a gram... we got off at 10 that night, I stayed til 6am trying to sweep a hole in the floor and didn't sleep for 4 days

I called in for 2 or 3 days and said I couldn't sleep because my cat allergies fucked with my asthma. Coworker got so bad he was smoking it in the bathroom and trying to cover it up spraying all the different types of air fresheners, he finally got fired cause he kept getting ridiculous complaints about his food

>> No.10354463

Porn. I have like 6 TB of porn downloaded on various hard drives.

>> No.10354492
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>> No.10354495

Weed and mdma

>> No.10354506

rn it's 3-fmp for trading, xans/benzo for sleep, and opiates because i'm addicted

>> No.10354508

depression, i cant get enough

>> No.10354519

monster zero ultra and vapes... I wish I wasn't being dead fucking serious.

>> No.10354546

Tramadol is so trash I would know because I have a shitload. I'll literally sell them for $1

Take a perc

>> No.10354561

I have no lasting sense of meaning or purpose so I latch on tightly to any interest or pursuit that can provide me dopamine for a few weeks. I want to kill myself but I fear god and eternal suffering

>> No.10354564

Wow he said it was molly and gave you crystal meth? What a piece of shit

>> No.10354567

I can’t stop buying chainlink.

>> No.10354571

For me it's weed, little alcohol, and delving into the depths of the internet

>> No.10354581

Ha! Dude, I have so many stories about being on that shit. But this is already getting boomer tier. Your buddie's an asshole btw but lol. Good times

>> No.10354612

But kratom is addictive

>> No.10354627

Xanax 3 times a week to help me get through my shitty job and then weed every day sadly. Trying to change that one

>> No.10354640

ok. I thought I was the only one.

>> No.10354646
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Just the thought of being at work on molly.
How do people function after being on this stuff for more than a few hours?
Degenerate scum.

>> No.10354688

Gambling. Takes the edge off when you want some fun with a mix of randomly winning money sometimes.

>> No.10354729


>> No.10354739

used to be vidya (1986-2011). After mother died I promised myself I wouldn't play. 95% of the joy from playing was sucked out of me after. If I get a strong urge I watch people play vidya on youtube and it's enough to satiate my desires. I don't drink, smoke, or do drugs but I grew up with it. I grew up poor so I was almost exclusively a console player.

>> No.10354747

I get the tramadol for free and don't have steady hook ups for anything more than other than xan or I would.

>> No.10354751

single malt scotch

>> No.10354832

Blackjack and Fat Chicks

>> No.10354838


>> No.10354866

Parliaments lagers and adderall

>> No.10354909

i have a nasty cocaine habit i picked up from hanging around friends who did it. At first it was just a few lines every once in a while if someone had it. I didn't really even understand it at first, just seemed like a little energy boost like drinking a red bull or something.

After a while it turned into not even hanging out with friends unless someone had coke or i brought some, and then turned into me just binging on it alone for days while drinking and watching porn. Literally snorting lines right now. It's crazy how addiction just creeps up on you like that, you don't even notice it until its too late.

>> No.10354993

say my nigga, you need to cut that shit out

>> No.10355062

Gin, phenibut (500mg/48 hrs), noopept, cod liver oil, magnesium threonate.

I have an ungodly craving for the DXM experience right now, but no physical addiction; I haven't had it in about four months. It's my only "vice," meaning pointless or harmful habit.

Try citicoline. Heals and grows dopamine receptors.
250mg/day should do it, take it in the morning to avoid sleeplessness (it has the opposite effect of nyquil)

>> No.10355090

What's my addiction? Big...Black...Negro...Penis. When those negroes walk in, with there full erect penis ready to breed my white wife. I desperately try to hide my excitement, but I can't. I end up shaking like a soldier from Afghanistan. Knowing my white wife will need surgery after the negroes get done with her makes me feel like a man.

>> No.10355123 [DELETED] 

>Try citicoline. Heals and grows dopamine receptors.

Looked into this and it seems like it would help w/ a lot of issues I'm having. Whats your past experience/dosage? Is it legit?

>> No.10355127


Hopelessly addicted to this stupid fucking meme game.

>> No.10355324

It's women
It always starts like something right. Sex, relationship, you getting used to them and start imaging your future life.
But it always goes wrong. I can't let them go, so suffer a lot.
I don't do drugs, don't have drinkin problems, but women just get me high first and then leave me emotionally dry for months. Or a year actually

>> No.10355384

Stay strong.

>> No.10355391

I'm a former OC addict, I know.

>> No.10355400

weed and modafinil

>> No.10355414

I love poker too, but I limit myself to gamble only about $1000 per week.

>> No.10355416

Pornographic material
I'm doing my best to keep it to fapping once a week. Been succesful so far. The week is almost over

>> No.10355573

lifting and banging thots breh

>> No.10355595

That sounds awesome though

>> No.10356217

Can someone link to the thread on hallucinogenics, please?

>> No.10356227

4chan, /biz/ /pol/ /x/ all day between em

>> No.10356231

Crypto is poison.

>> No.10356242
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Found it already: >>/biz/thread/S10244789

>> No.10356249

smoked it everyday for all of college pretty much. It makes me a lazy cunt, and it numbs me from life. I’m about to graduate college and I want to be more productive so I think this could help. I also want to reverse the potential damage I’ve done to my brain. I’ve already quit drinking so this is the next step.

>> No.10356257
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Beer, sips and masturbation

>> No.10356265

Alcohol, though I can keep it in control.

My real life long struggle is with food, I'm constant fighting my weight. Currently trying intermittent fasting..

>> No.10356285

How frequent can i use mdma and stay relatively safe, guys?

>> No.10356290

Don't eat at all fatass

>> No.10356299

Kek I know desu, been from Otto mode to lard ass and back.

I just love to cook, learn recipes etc. Basically it my favourite hobby with a shitty side effect.

>> No.10356314


>> No.10356357

Lsd but I think this might be my last trip.

>> No.10356443 [DELETED] 

find god my dude, but more immediately, be thankful of knowing that you are conscious of your negative state of being, but you have dominion over your future habit forming behavior, so might as well begin now by throwing away that coke. then when you feel the withdrawal effects do something more fruitful with your time like reading the bible, or going for a walk.

>> No.10356465

I'm addicted to disappointment.

>> No.10356479
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Cigarettes and 7/11 ice coffees

>> No.10356486

Nicotine is actually beneficial, not in the form of tobacco smoke though. Everything else is shit and you consume shit.

>> No.10356522


>> No.10356674
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Snorting finely crushed ritalin and lately started taking daily wellbutrin.

>> No.10356675


>> No.10356745

Dr pepper and nicotine

>> No.10356864
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>I take kratom daily, Xanax twice a week and tramadol twice a week
>former addict

>> No.10356965

Corticosteroids, immunosuppressants, painkillers and avoiding all recreational drugs due to crohns....

>> No.10357231


You can get sick by taking too much. Also daily heavy kratom use will cause balding.

>> No.10357251

The internet.

>> No.10357339

Struggled with alco, weed, cigarettes, drugz (nothing serious hopefully but i bet if my path would have crossed with heroin i would do it, definitely), caffeine, pornography.. fuck since 18yo been moving from one poison to another BUT last Monday drunk last kaffe, fapped one more time at hodling strong, gash i hope i will succeed, god speed anons!

>> No.10357346
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watching anime girls die

>> No.10357351

*first uBoot drink (0,5 of beer with bottomed shot of vodka) i've drunk when was like 13 yo. from that day party hard lol

>> No.10357360

AIDS i got from a Thai hooker in Pattaya

>> No.10357389

oh fuck. dude, thats shit.

>> No.10357403

its fake, i dont have any addiction im not a loser

>> No.10357411

Smooching the cheeks of my baby sister. She's 23 now and lives in a different state and is married with two babies who are almost as smoochable as she is. But the two or three times a year I get to see her, getting to give her a peck on the cheek is the highlight of my day.

>> No.10357415

ChainLink ;(
and now LinkPool ;((

>> No.10357429


>> No.10357532

So I hope u die from aids! We bull now!!

>> No.10357537

Pornographic films

>> No.10357548


>> No.10357586
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>> No.10357591

alpha as fuck

>> No.10357593

mostly kratom coffee and weed these days

>> No.10357610

Putting my face between a nice, soft pair of titties may be the best thing I've ever experienced.

>> No.10357615

Come on guys stay healthy, join a football club or something, stop the drugs niggers.

>> No.10357643
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young white skanks

>> No.10357688

Ghb a few times a week. Seems pretty harmless. Basically a better drunk feeling, sex is 10/10 on it

>> No.10357699

Why do you like guro so much?

>> No.10357700

Jaffa cakes

>> No.10357704

teenage asian girls

>> No.10357712

>Mdma, lsd, thc. Occasionally only
Are you me?

>> No.10357724


>> No.10357878


Evekeo (lab grade biphetamine that I have a script for and abuse heavily on weekends)

Cocain every once in a while

MDMA every few months

LSD couple times a year.

>> No.10357969

good poison right there

>> No.10357973
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The struggle is real boys

>> No.10357977

Pick field shrooms as soon as possible anon, trust me

>> No.10358036

nice larp, fag

>> No.10358069
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The depression is real

>> No.10358106

What’s your preferred dose with alcohol?

>> No.10358133
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holy shit they still make game informer??

>> No.10358150

i chug about 2-3oz on average then chase with distilled water, this is the best vodka, russians are based af, this one is the best for the money imo https://www.samsclub.com/sams/russian-standard-vodka-750ml/prod2040373.ip

>> No.10358163

oh you said preferred dose, i just get plastered until i have to use that chinks door dash to order food

>> No.10358170

yeah i dnt read them i just joined gamestop to find shit to do but games are so shit now days what happened

>> No.10358180
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>t. Boomer

>> No.10358185

I’m talking bout those pills that make us super human

>> No.10358197
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If you like rum get the one on the left its the best rum for the price

>> No.10358205

Oh, if im trying to get shit done i take one 30mg, if im trying to tweak out and watch dank porn, 100mg+ every 3hrs

>> No.10358313

My therapeutic dose is 15mg. 30-40 recreational. I do take days off and use magnesium so I don’t build a tolerance, also evekeo hits different to me them adderall. It’s more portent mg for mg

>> No.10358339

hits different? or hits harder?
It's an amphetamine sulfate similar to Adderall, but with a different composition: whereas Adderall is 75 percent dextroamphetamine and 25 percent levoamphetamine, Evekeo is an even 50 percent of each. Evekeo is an immediate-release, short-acting medication. See the Evekeo web site for more information.

im going to try to get adderall and evekeo next visit lmao

>> No.10358359 [DELETED] 

Imho it hits harder. You feel much more body push which I love. Also, all the d amp is better and less amp is trash is bs. I know lots of people that prefer 50/50 speed better then 75/25.

Look up “black beauties”. They are legendary. Evekeo is the same mix.

>> No.10358377

Imho it hits harder. I can feel effects with 5mg. You feel much more body push which I love. Also, all the d amp is better and l amp is trash rumor that is all over the net is bs. I know lots of people that prefer 50/50 speed better then 75/25.

Look up “black beauties”. They are legendary. Evekeo is the same mix.

>> No.10358381
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>> No.10358568

thanks you too
yes we bull now

>> No.10358602

rave sluts on insta

>> No.10359169

The fucking internet, break from reality.

>> No.10359301
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doubleshot vodka with 2 cups of coffee before work and at lunch, bowl or two of weed at night, and 12mg vapelording all day like a true modern man. would def do adderall or piracetams again. terrified of coke, know I'll love it. hate psychedelics, lsd is only one I'd ever do again

>> No.10359545
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>> No.10359622
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>> No.10359639

I did so much coke last night

>> No.10359662

What the actual fuck is wrong with you Americans? Why do you need to take 10 different drugs just to exist? In my country in northern europe pretty much the only drug anyone would use is weed

>> No.10359850


>> No.10359891

because america is a miserable place

>> No.10359904

Living here can take its toll. Surrounded by so much shit and shitty people while feeling like and being treated like a slave.
Everything just keeps getting worse.

I'm on my way to making it, but it's fucking rough sometimes.

>> No.10360248


>> No.10360341
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Please recommend a few accounts that currate pics of several rave sluts.

>> No.10360397

browsing this shithole.

>> No.10360500


>> No.10360507


>> No.10360556

German beers. Really good tequila. Half-way decent port.

>> No.10360582

Honestly i would feel the same anywhere, i dont feel like anyone is truly free, and that is what produces my anxiety , you would never know how depressed i am in public. Master chameleon btw

>> No.10360583


>> No.10360593

>how to spot a larper

>> No.10360607

Anime girls

>> No.10360630

Unironically bbc

>> No.10360739

Pussy. (Women)

Couldn't get enough. Had to get a new one every week or so. I went cold turkey around 25 because I had s chance with wife material. We are married now so it was a smart decision. The rehab was hard but luckily test levels drop with age. The eternal pussy run is a crazy drug.

Now I got that wife pussy AND the diper money .

>> No.10360778
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Ah yes, picrelated.

>> No.10360788

Is coke really that great? I did it once and didn't even feel much from it. Maybe it was just cut to hell.

>> No.10361246

He probably craves for lowtier crackwhores.

>> No.10361278
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nicer than beer because it doesn't bloat the fuck out of me

>> No.10361430
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>Checks OPs digits
My girl (insert typical le biz opinion here) who is an absolute unicorn amongst women. I'm more than lucky to have her.


Dude weed (occasionally)

And ofc Sir Gay

>> No.10361487
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Pron, thankfully.

>> No.10361509

>all those Germans who browse this board
Really makes you think.

>> No.10361528

shoutout tot the ones understanding this.

>> No.10361574


>> No.10361650

Fasting will just make you eat more in the end.

>> No.10361685


>> No.10361695

Ridiculous expensive French wine
Top restaurants
MDMA once in awhile (4x yearly)
Coke every so often (6x yearly)

>> No.10361697

Coffee and alcohol, the very occasional cigarette. Can go for days without food if I just get coffee, 3-5 large cups a day. I’m a student but wife works and gets well payed, so life can be pretty neat. I do struggle with depression and numbness still.

>> No.10361748

/biz/ has become slow af

>> No.10361998

Monster, modafinil and sadness

>> No.10362183

wow, i can relate to this one.
currently seeing a new chick that's a solid 10/10 atm and i'm just waiting for the impending doom

>> No.10362957


>> No.10363185

Try shrooms and cbd oil (bluebird extracts are top notch). They brought me back.

>> No.10363216

This. I say only CBD oils. Helped me get off speed (addy)

>> No.10363219

Im thankfully clean for months, havent done coke since march, no pills since january. Never liked weed, so I rarely used it.

I actually miss ecstasy, but I know im better without it. I may use it again one day, but I dont want to go back to using drugs 4 times a week.