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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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10351403 No.10351403 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.10351424

I actually expect 0x and omg to get listed first.

>> No.10351439


Lol wasn't even part of the announcement

>> No.10351454

Probably as well as Request

>> No.10351523

might as well throw doge into the picture. fucking idiots

>> No.10351546

i mean wouldnt ETC be added first at this point?

>> No.10351585

Actually no. Request will have the biggest gains of 2018. Sorry you are too dull to see it.

>> No.10351621

dull? I'm straight as a pube

>> No.10351802

Has an obstacle to overcome before it's more likely than BAT. 0x isn't approved for trading in iOS apps, BAT is the only ERC20 that sofar has been.

>> No.10351815

I'm unironically convinced as well op

>> No.10351837
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this is from warosu

">coinbase bought paradex it won't be using 0x for the cb pro erc20 exchange kek btfo zrx fags
>2 months later
>coinbase adding assets
>0x portal announced https://blog.0xproject.com/introducing-the-new-0x-portal-79b9aa6df72e
>"Portal provides a universal on-boarding flow that we think works well. In just three steps, your wallet is ready to trade on any and all 0x relayers. "
>Picrelated connected relayers

Can't even say I'm calling it since it's all right there but coinbase is not only going to list zrx it's going to be the platform for the erc20 exchange on coinbase pro."

>> No.10351874

Do any anons know when the first coin will be listed? Whether or not it's 0x?

>> No.10351944
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They are listing them all you brainlets

>> No.10352078

if anyone knew, they wouldnt be posting about it

>> No.10352140

Who cares what is first. Why wouldn't they all get added?

>> No.10352157

Do you hate making money?

>> No.10352158


Yes but I believe op was referred to the announcement of the announcement that included several coins

>> No.10352180

They already said ETC is coming first

>> No.10352194

Q: What is the status on adding Ethereum Classic (ETC)?
We are underway with engineering work to add Ethereum Classic (ETC), and it is proceeding as planned. We are making this announcement so that we can begin the next phase of work to explore adding more assets to the platform.

Being implemented, these are earlier then that

>> No.10352437

they will probably only list functional products and omg isn't one of them

BAT, 0x and Request have some starting functionality and are good candidates.

>> No.10352495
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>paradex is built on 0x and doesnt use zrx
>zrx is a useless token
prove me wrong

>> No.10352543

My pick is BAT. The Twitter evidence trail is extensive .

>> No.10352745

How's that? Crypto Twitter is a shit show of noobs spouting nonsense.

>> No.10352757

underrated post

>> No.10352786

Maybe I’m reading too much into things, but do you think it means anything that of the 5 coins they announced ,the only one that didn’t have a nice pump was ada? Do you think that says it likely won’t be a coinbase pick?

>> No.10352805
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and you're unironically retarded for thinking that. this thread is downright retarded. once BAT payments opens to everyone this is going to get listed on coinbase almost immediately.

>> No.10352821

It's Ripple

>> No.10352833
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Too bad it won't matter because crypto will be dead by the time it's listed.

>> No.10352852

I'm having trouble understanding why they would list something that seeks to destroy their entire business model

>> No.10352914

I'm curious about this too. Does the zrx token get used for transaction fees, or do those just happen with eth? I figure you can configure the 0x protocol to take whatever I guess, but not sure what's default

>> No.10353170

Yea, that's what I was thinking. ADA didn't really pump much and also the creator, Charles Hoskinson, seemed surprised by this announcement. As if he didn't know.

>> No.10353187

Apparently people keep claiming the ZRX token is used for "governance". Basically for voting rights, etc. Sounds stupid to me.

>> No.10353654

So as far as I can tell, looks like the relayers pretty much do have to use ZRX as the transaction fees if they're using the 0x protocol. They can "abstract" this away from the end user if they want to add another step to their internal process by automatically swapping for another token, but one way or another it'll end up as ZRX.

Seems sort of contrived to force the fees like that, but whatever. Get your money. People always seem to emphasize that the *real* utility of relayers/exchanges holding lots of the zrx token is being able to govern the protocol. Usually this would sound like a total meme, but for a decentralized exchange protocol, that might actually be really fucking important and valuable to these big exchanges. Idk

>> No.10353767
File: 38 KB, 483x305, chX3pFbK_yZyR_bvL66konU55Ydr5_w0G0FNyU7_67U.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>2 project managers and the cofounder of cb are advisors
>coinbase bought paradex
>coinbase is intergrating paradex into the coinbase pro erc20 exchange
>the 0x portal announcement confirms paradex being on zrx

It's not only getting listed on coinbase it's already confirmed running the coinbase pro erc20 exchange. Everyone that is sleeping on zrx will fomo at $8 as it makes it's way to $10 barely anybody realizes this is happening yet this is the comfiest feel

>> No.10353794


This is why ZRX is worth billions, it has a feedback loop of value like binance token. Im 25% of my port in ZRX until it hits 4 dollars at which point I will drop that % to about 15%

>> No.10353798

Getting listed and mooning are very different things, the latter which needs a fuck load of new money coming into crypto and theres little evidence that'll happen at the moment

>> No.10353810

How much 0x to make it? Sincerely.

>> No.10353837


>> No.10353849
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Who gives a shit about the listing pump. zrx is going to be the platform for the erc20 exchange, this dwarfs any pump that could happen just for being listed. Once formally announced it's going to 5-10x or more if it gets caught up in a market wide bull run

>> No.10353852


>> No.10353862

insider trading by coinbase, they pumped the coin before they announced the news and dumped it today

>> No.10353867

not trying to be a dick here but what actually uses the protocol? a couple of shit coins , decentraland and i think districtox? lol. nothing of any worth is even built on zrx so lets not get crazy here

>> No.10353873

It got pumped to rank 24 and is holding

>> No.10353930

>this level of cope
even linkers arent this stupid

>> No.10353931
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You clearly don't even know what zrx is or what it does or that it works with ~all erc20s. Even if you were right how is coinbase building their erc20 exchange on zrx nothing?

>> No.10353933

are you serious?

In case you are, look up all the decentralized exchanges that have already been using 0x all year or longer....Radar Relay is the one I've used, which works really well. Also Ethfinex uses it, and a handful of others including the one that Coinbase just bought to use as their ERC-20 exchange. That's the biggie, and is the next biggest factor at play here other than the actual listing of the token itself on coinbase.

>> No.10353969
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>muh nothing of any worth being built on zrx
>Coinbase. Ethfinex, and everyone else launching on v2

>> No.10353982

>a bunch of meme start ups no one has ever heard of


>> No.10353990

Not anymore since just about everyone expects it and coinbase doesn’t want to be accused of insider trading when whales who’ve been accumulating this forever dump on the announcement.

>> No.10354000
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>> No.10354191
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>Implying bitfinex and coinbase alone isn't way more than enough to start with
Hope your shitcoins work out bud

>> No.10354203
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>> No.10354214
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>> No.10354247

wasn't even on the list

>> No.10354577

you don't see the vision, then don't buy the coins. Ill sell you them later with a tax. It's barely been out and has already been widely adopted