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10352427 No.10352427 [Reply] [Original]

i broke the #1 rule. don't invest more than you are willing to lose.

Put $60k in savings in the market. In January I was up $225k in profit, May I was up $140k in profit, now I'm at a portfolio value of $10k.

I just want my initial back. god damn man, its been a nonstop bleed since May 5th. I lost so much time spending it in this market and I have nothing to show for it.

Im too scared to sell the "bottom" now but I dont believe in any of these projects anymore. Its all unneccessary and overvalued garbage. When will we see an uptrend already? This is fucking brutal

>> No.10352439

for your portfolio for /biz/ giggles

>> No.10352444

How does that happen. Did you buy nano and tron?

>> No.10352452

post your portfolio for /biz/ giggles

>> No.10352459


How is that possible. Yes, the market is down, but come on, $60k to $10k, really? What coins did you buy?

>> No.10352499

You came in in January?
Also what did you put in?
I'm down over 50% from initial and got in in !March, not freaking out or stressed just hodling
Then again, you di d break the first rule

>> No.10352519

Shit what did you buy?

>> No.10352552

4x at any point since Jan? Larp is larp is larp

>> No.10352565

Keep your hands strong. I hope you didn't "invest" in crypto

>> No.10352609
File: 97 KB, 645x729, 46a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there any extension that will notify if someone responded to my post or comment? I keep refreshing the threads like a retard so and I have a feeling that I'm the only idiot not knowing about some notify function.

>> No.10352625

Jesus Christ man. Seriously, why didn't you sell in January? did you actually believe it's going to to up forever? Why didn't you at least pull out your initial investment?

>> No.10352634

Holy shit, if true you fucked up huge. Never listen to the HODL peer pressure. Never be afraid to take profit or cut losses.

>> No.10352636


>> No.10352639


fuck off with this shit, in January it felt like the whole world was just getting on board and we were in first

>> No.10352640 [DELETED] 

> I dont believe in any of these projects anymore. Its all unnecessary and overvalued garbage.
Then you didn't do good research the first time around.
Have patience and think carefully, and you can position yourself well for the coming bull market.

Tips to look into (Never ever get into something before researching very thoroughly):

Now go read. You play with big money, then use your big brain. Don't be an ADHD faggot that only buys shit because it's shilled a lot.

Researching thoroughly includes:
1: Looking into the pasts of the core team members. First thing you do to weed out scammy projects. Actively look for "FUD". Some you will have to just keep in mind while looking deeper into it before you understand if it's legitimate criticism or not.
2: Read and understand what they are trying to accomplish thoroughly.
3: Ask yourself if their solution to a problem is something that makes things a lot more economically efficient than how things are currently done. If the answer is no, then into the trash it goes.
4: Look at what their competition is like, search long and hard. Apply the same principles as in this checklist.
5: Look at their path to market. How are they going to be adopted or used? Do they have partners that are useful for this? What are the incentives to be an early user before network effect kicks in?
6: What are their tokenomics and how may it affect the future price of the token? For example, validation node staking, coinburn, staking for other reasons, demand via other mechanisms. For example, Salt had terrible tokenomics, which one could see that it would have with some simple napkin math that shows that the circ supply after ICO represents 1.6225 billion USD in fees. Organic demand would not swallow half of that for over a decade at curring lending rates.
7: Dependencies on other projects. Look into.

Spend most of your free time the next 2 weeks looking into things using this checklist.

>> No.10352660

>>10352427 (OP)
> I dont believe in any of these projects anymore. Its all unnecessary and overvalued garbage.
Then you didn't do good research the first time around.
Have patience and think carefully, and you can position yourself well for the coming bull market.

Tips to look into (Never ever get into something before researching very thoroughly):

Now go read. You play with big money, then use your big brain. Don't be an ADHD faggot that only buys shit because it's shilled a lot.

Researching thoroughly includes:
1: Looking into the pasts of the core team members. First thing you do to weed out scammy projects. Actively look for "FUD". Some you will have to just keep in mind while looking deeper into it before you understand if it's legitimate criticism or not.
2: Read and understand what they are trying to accomplish thoroughly.
3: Ask yourself if their solution to a problem is something that makes things a lot more economically efficient than how things are currently done. If the answer is no, then into the trash it goes.
4: Look at what their competition is like, search long and hard. Apply the same principles as in this checklist.
5: Look at their path to market. How are they going to be adopted or used? Do they have partners that are useful for this? What are the incentives to be an early user before network effect kicks in?
6: What are their tokenomics and how may it affect the future price of the token? For example, validation node staking, coinburn, staking for other reasons, demand via other mechanisms. For example, Salt had terrible tokenomics, which one could see that it would have with some simple napkin math that shows that the circ supply after ICO represents 1.6225 billion USD in fees. Organic demand would not swallow half of that for over a decade at current lending rates.
7: Dependencies on other projects. Look into.

Spend most of your free time the next 2 weeks looking into things using this checklist.

>> No.10352676


Thanks anon

>> No.10352677

OP how is that even possible? What the fuck did you buy?

>> No.10352684

nice scams bro, you can't even buy hubii, nothing but a low-volume deadcoin lmao
enjoy your bags

>> No.10352729

Yeah, in hindsight it's so fucking obvious, but come on. We need to give ourselves a little slack, for most of us this was our first speculative bubble. That feeling of complete euphoria, like you've finally been unshackled and are rising up out of the fucking tomb world of wagecuckery and financial serfdom. It fucking possesses you, you can't think straight. I went in with 50k savings and made it to 270k by january. For me, it was just another 3x and I'd have made it. Enough to quit working forever. So close, just within my grasp...

Of course it's rational to take profit when you're 1000%-10000% up. But when you're 10000% up rationality goes out the fucking window, it feels like you've just raptured and you're in heaven now, nothing will ever hurt you again. It's like heroin hitting your veins for the first time. Nobody can fight that feeling, not the first time they feel it anyways.

>> No.10352732
File: 152 KB, 601x665, 1511980431414.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy is a perfect example of the ADHD kid archetype whose only opinion on the future performance of a token is whether it currently is on binance and whether it's currently being pumped.

The vast majority of biz is like this to some serious extent.

>> No.10352756

you are literally just trying to pump your shitty illiquid bags and drop them on some poor sucker who is already down and out lmao

this project is pure shit, COVAL all over again—literally fucking nothing

kill yourself, dumbfuck nigger

>> No.10352831

You must be retarded. My portfolio was $45k in may now its $30k, I did a couple trades but they were all for a loss. How the fuck are down >90% since then?

Just bought in another $10k today on this dip.

>> No.10353073

>1 post by this ID

>> No.10353106

look at him not even denying he didn't do any research
classic adhd kid

I'm not selling anything until at least 100x in Hubii's case. "Dumping bags" right now would be moronic. Something you would know if you had the patience to actually learn something.

>> No.10353116

It's literally a shitty bolt on crypto project to some shithead's stay at home dad internet marketing website, even their whitepaper makes this very explicit lmao
>hurrdurr DYOR it's a billion dollar coin hurrr
again COVAL all over again

>> No.10353137

>May I was up $140k in profit, now I'm at a portfolio value of $10k.

>> No.10353138

i seriously hope this is a larp... well.. actually who cares. anyone that can afford to lose 60 grand is obviously some rich fuck anyway. go tell daddy to deposit another 60k into your account and shut the hell up.

>> No.10353173
File: 15 KB, 310x326, IMG_0338.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>TFW you spot the commie faggot

>> No.10353178 [DELETED] 

>uses adhd to try and make people feel dumb
>thinks we don't see through it and realize he's coping for having adhd and thinks projecting it onto others changes anything except his falsely built ego

>> No.10353197


click auto [box]
browse other tabs
red clover indicates someone gave a (you)

>> No.10353203
File: 25 KB, 540x540, 1510286894215.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's literally a shitty bolt on crypto project to some shithead's stay at home dad internet marketing website, even their whitepaper makes this very explicit lmao
No it's not. How fucking dense are you. It's a content distribution, funding and digital rights platform spun off from a company that, among other things, focused on a content distribution and ingestion platform. They have working partnerships with Mozilla, Telenor, Prisa and TCL/Alcatel/Hawk.

> For instance, Mark Briscombe, head of business modelling at Telenor has formally joined Hubii Network's impressive advisory board, which includes former Reuters editor-in-chief David Schlesinger and John Paton, the former CEO of Digital First Media.
Mark isn't an advisor anymore but a core team member.

Hubii will be first to market with an end to end solution for funding (including crowd funding possibilities)-> publishing -> content access purchasing (like netflix/steam) and all the way around back to profit and royalty distribution (via smart contracts and scaled with striim).

You claim to have read the white paper but if that is the case, you're either trolling or fudding now. Congratulations on triggering the fuck out of me.

>> No.10353216

>funding and digital rights platform spun off from a company that, among other things, focused on a content distribution and ingestion platform
Top kek, I can't tell if you're really this dense or if you're drinking your own kool aid, holy fuck.
>gullible idiots like this are what make people rich in crypto
>this guy is taking advantage of gullible idiots
take your pick, nigger

>> No.10353226

oh also this doesn't pass the most basic fucking tests
>why does this need a token/coin
>it doesn't
>what does the token/coin do that couldn't be done using a traditional client-server infrastructure
>practically nothing

>> No.10353233
File: 115 KB, 700x695, 8eccef0d483d1c243ce5c1dcd12889b0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a post with no substance and no arguments
who would have thought

>> No.10353291

It needs smart contracts to be trustless. You don't understand it if you don't think it needs tokens. Striim does need its tokens for the data availability oracle staking and Hubii does need tokens for the fact check staking part of Hubii mind, though yeah it doesn't specifically need its own token for the sale of the content. Blockchain however, and a scaling and cheap payment solution with close to instant finality with no custodian is entirely necessary. None of these things are adequate with the state of current fiat fintech. The use of smart contracts for the automation of royalty and profit payments internationally, and the ability to bind it to funding and tokenized shares in a media product, is also taking advantage of blockchain technology.

>> No.10353379

Because my name might as well be Brendan Just Fraser. Lets just say my biggest holding is at a 90% loss and ive been catching knives disguised as dips

>> No.10353433

Thank you for posting this. It makes me feel better knowing other people have it worse. Sorry if I sound like a jerk, but was feeling pretty down today. Thank you, come again.

My 2cents- put everything in LINK and wait 2-5 years

>> No.10353447

Oh right and Striim needs its token for verification staking too in addition to the data availability oracle staking.

Hubii Mind will either revolutionize news fact checking and or flop hard. Can't guess which since they have been sparse with details so far.

The general ideas of Striim and Hubii's digital content platform are solid though and they have the best plan and the most useful partnerships to achieve initial network effect of any business trying to disrupt this sector.

It will be beyond the amazon of digital content.

>> No.10353468



>> No.10353470






>> No.10353483


Hey, well said anon. I have to agree. January felt like the beginning of some kind of world-wide revolution. The gains were fucking absolute bonkers. I mean, nobody has seen a bubble of that level since the dotcom.

>> No.10353498

>make assertion
>you make nonsensical counterpoint and baseless claims
>both of us fling mud
>"LOL wow he's flinging mud!"
keep shilling those bags, nigger

>> No.10353524

there's being insulting, and then there's being insulting and nothing else

someone's points aren't invalidated by them being rude while giving them, but someone simply being rude isn't a point

>> No.10353526


Many people I know thought the same thing.Well, things are not always as they seem.

>> No.10353544


Lel, you greedy shit.

If you had spent a bit of time in the real world or on Facebook, you would have seen fucking EVERYONE talking about their folio that they bought ATH.

When my pajeet taxi driver was all too happy to discuss his ripple, verge and tron holdings, I knew I had to dump it the moment I got home

>> No.10353552
File: 203 KB, 802x854, 1521246253005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tomb world
did you just reference philip k dick's exegesis on an uzbekistani badger racing penpal network?

>> No.10353578

Does the old adage hold true, anon:


>> No.10353592

I made my points and you said nothing to contradict them, you're just spewing talking points. This is a worthless project and nobody cares about it. It will go nowhere. Good luck dumping your ICO bags on some poor sucker.

>> No.10354631


I don't know those other shitcoins but the moment you said chainlink I lost all respect for you and your post. You're a bagholder and you're even more deluded than OP.

>> No.10354651

i put in everything. i dont care if i lose it all

>> No.10354679

You got greedy. To think 100-200% profits wasn't "good enough" was foolish, and you blew it.

Hold, and try again next year.

>> No.10354753

I fucking love how everyone thought we'll all make it in Dec/Jan, and now everyone is suddenly a genius who can't possible comprehend why someone would hold. lmfao

>> No.10354790


correct. Greed and euphoria are a powerful drug. Im willing to wait it out, I paid tuition per say. Still have other sources of revenue, worst case scenario is I made some of it back and not all of it/

But I will say the emotional swings this year were not worth it. This definitely got in the way of my everyday life and I wish it didnt. Lesson learnt

>> No.10354792


I personally never invested in any of these shitcoins. I briefly held LTC till I realised it was also a scam shitcoin. I just never thought any of this garbage would ever last and certainly didn't believe they'd all shoot up so stupidly high as they did.

I held BTC till the fork then switched over to BCH (aka the real Bitcoin), which is all I hold to this day and beyond.

>> No.10354811

>obviously some rich fuck anyway
The bums you see probably view you the same way

>> No.10354827


lol this guy things im rich. No Im just an idiot who started out with a 10k investment and gradually kept adding to it. aka most of my liquid money.

Still got 55k in the good old 401k thankfully

>> No.10354831

I started in December and couldn't think about anything else for 2 months. I even thought I could never go back to a normal life, knowing that a lot of people got stupidly reach by doing absolutely nothing while I get paid a few k each month.

I started with 15k and now have 3k left, and it feels like shit, but I hope someday I'll get back my 15k. It just sucks to know that, if I invested the same amount now, I wouldn't have 15k then but 75k.

>> No.10354858


yeah man. I thought about that too, working a job for a bi-weekly paycheck and getting paid what i used to make in a couple of hours during the dec run. It fucked up my perception of everything. This is basically how drugs work

>> No.10355187

I had a coin that went -92% called Pascal Coin. I decided to sell the bottom to cancel out my capital gains.

Learned my lesson. Never buy coins when all alts are pumping.

>> No.10355852


4chan X on Chrome

>> No.10355957

>t. brainlets with 0 reading comprehension

>> No.10356410

OP, were you in the stock market or crypto? Because if your losses were in the old fashion stock market, the losses you said you incurred should've been returned to you. So long as you bought companies you knew were competitive and had extremely high potential for growth, holding for about three months should've sufficed.
Wish you luck OP. I lost four thousand dollars by trading options on OKTA before their earnings report in June. They beat expectations, yet they sunk down. I locked in those losses because I wanted to immediate mobilize my money. And what do you know, there was a huge dip in late June for essentially every stock. In terms of earnings, that set me back two to four weeks from my gained returns. I learned to take gains when I can, and after reentering the market I'm being very cautious.
You'll be able to make it back. Buy into SFIX (what I'm in right now but will look to sell this week), SHOP, APPL (no debt at all, so the fed's rate increase should have no long term effect), and WIX for some safer long term plays. They say that SHOP will go to $1,000 by 2022.