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10342714 No.10342714 [Reply] [Original]


How fucked am I?

>> No.10342715

wtf, all shitcoins

>> No.10342717
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>> No.10342721

Don’t say that!!!!

I’m fucking losing my hair already.

>> No.10342730

Dude? I'm down 22 thousand BRL and I'm not panicking. Just relax and have faith in your coins. Although I'm holding just Bitcoin so I don't know about your alts...

>> No.10342733

post ur folio then cryptochad.

>> No.10342739

I just want HOT to hit once facking cent and I’m fucking set.

I’m just not sure it will

>> No.10342753

Why HOT between all the alts available? I don't know, I'm kinda newbie to crypto so I only trust Bitcoin. All these alts are relaying in ETH that don't even have their own tech.

>> No.10342758
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I’m sweating fucking bullets righ now. It’s almost 5 and I cant sleep

>> No.10342765

HOT is literally going to solve decentralized computing. I have 25m and am holding until a year after launch before I do anything.

>> No.10342778

HOT will lauch eoy and it’s the most innovative ioc at the moment.

They can do what what eos, iota, trx do potentially better.
I just dont know if they will get enough traction amd if they will deliver.

>> No.10342783

youre gonna make it due to holo. eoy youre set.

>> No.10342789

are u comfy it will 100x ?
1 cent is my fucking dump #marketsell goal

>> No.10342795

Holochain has its own tech, they have an alpha on the GitHub and dapps that can run on it. They sold 2,000 servers that are being delivered EoY and the beta net will launch on that.


Worth listening to if you want to learn about their model and as far as comparing it to BTC their goals are completely different. I don't invest in anything other then BTC that wants to be an actual currency. Holochain's focus is being the "airbnb for your computer"

>> No.10342806

I don't know about 1c but I think that a 10x from here is going to happen. I went in big (for me) on Holochain and Constellation because they are really the only qualified teams that are going to 10x BTC that I could find. I wanted NKN or SKY or any of these other projects to work but the teams are incompetent and as a CS major their applications are either lies or would just make horrible infrastructure.

>> No.10342807

May God hear u anon, I fucking need to leave this shitty country.

I’m working on my german naturalization process due to ancestry, only problem is that I dont have enough money to move

>> No.10342808

Still if you're expecting a 100x you shouldn't have the majority of your savings in it. This is investing 101. The more volatile something is the smaller the amount of your patrimony should be in it. You don't speculate with all your savings in one thing that is very volatile. Just saying...

>> No.10342815

I know.. i got greedy like a fooking jew

>> No.10342823

I'm saying that because I got burned in BTC's ATH. Took a lot of time and energy to understand my mistakes and to avoid the depression of losing so much money.

>> No.10342841
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Anyway, let's just be positive, we're all gonna make it anon and leave this shithole behind.

>> No.10342843

I still have 12 months worth of rent and food at the bank but that’s fucking it.
My gf went to sleep and closed the fucking door she is so pissed at me.

>> No.10342847

GF for how long? Doesn't she wanna leave too? Does she got any other better idea? Shouldn't be complaining then.

>> No.10342849
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>> No.10342857

6 years.
She does.. but she is conservative on her investments.
The only btc she owns is bc I gave 50% of my arbitrage gains to her for a month.

>> No.10342870

Still OP wifi is shit so switched to 4g

>> No.10342878

Did you try Bitmex? I'm messing around with it, getting used to it and learning a little bit. Lots of potential. I like the idea of making money trading with leverage got a little bit of Jew genes.

>> No.10342907

Not yet.. too fucking busy with med school.
But i like the concept.

>> No.10342917

Med school? If you're graduating in it how are you gonna move? You won't be able to practice it in Germany and you won't like working in a "lower" field after having the potential to make so much as a doctor. What's the plan?

>> No.10342925
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Holo is an amazing project, but on the other hand you're the type of retard that FOMOs in. Eventually you'll be shaken out and you'll FOMO into something else. People like you are not meant to make it. You'll get decent gains by jumping on some moon missions, but you'll never actually make it. There's a higher chance that you'll eventually FOMO into some scam and lose everything.