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10340531 No.10340531 [Reply] [Original]

Buying ICON at $12 was the worst decision of my life.

>> No.10340534

all of this delicious FUD is making me wet

thanks OP

>> No.10340557

That wet feeling is the gooks brainwashing you. This gook shit is going under $1 in a week. Feel free to screencap this.

>> No.10340648

i fucking love this FUD

dont worry, there is still time to fill your bags OP

>> No.10340680


No worries, you will be poor.

>> No.10340740

ive already made it but thanks for your concern

notice anything strange about the daily volume in recent weeks?

icx sentiment sooooooooooo low right now

cant wait to see how well this comment ages, anon

capped ;)

>> No.10340862

How is this project. I'd honestly think about investing in anything Don Taps endorses, no extra money to put in though.

>> No.10340946


or make connections and get insider info ;)

>> No.10341004

Not really into the whole investing about project. Just into day/swing trading

>> No.10341197
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its unironically good, but waaaay slower than anyone expected, mainnet is a thing of beauty the way it works, and I have verified that none of the foundation or team icx have been moved yet.
such a shame how much this fell from pic related

>> No.10341215

It's still high volume despite it being dumped.

Is this an actual real case of whales suppressing the price to accumulate meme?

>> No.10341222

why not move all that into btc anon? why gamble?

>> No.10341249

no, that is always a meme, icx is in a very strange situation where it pumped like nothing ever seen before so 99% of holders bought it over the price it is at now, so 99% of people shit on it and it creates a bad sentiment.

>> No.10341252

Is 400M the current circulating supply? Is 800M the absolute max supply forever? And the annual supply increase would come from the 400M locked away? I don't get it in the white paper.

>> No.10341257

#LookAtMeImNaval If you are always taking you will never have enough but if you alwsys give you will never run out

>> No.10341260

because you make money in crypto by gambling, my initial investment was 1k and i had over 4m at the peak, and i started in 2017 so I would have made like 7x in bitcoin at abolute peak in comparison to 524363636x i did by taking risks

>> No.10341269

dude when are these fuckers going to release some updates?

>> No.10341281

no, current circulating supply is approximately 500-550M. The total supply right now is 800M but all of the rest is locked. After every full year the 40 community representatives vote on 0-20% inflation.

>> No.10341292 [DELETED] 

are you retarded? im talking about moving his 1MM$ into btc NOW. also nice larp you giant faggot

>> No.10341295

wish I knew, I kinda decided to hold it for 6 months because I dont see a better long term project out there, really dont. But it would be a lie to say I sleep really well at night

>> No.10341298

So the total supply can go past 800M, and the 387,431,340 ICX circulating on CMC is wrong. Thanks.

>> No.10341303

What's it worth now

>> No.10341305

1. you replied to my post and im explaining to you my reasoning, also that is under 1m now.
Would you rather make 2-3x on bitcoin or have something that might go 10-20-30x but is good enough that it wont ever bust. Ask yourself

>> No.10341319

>is good enough that it won't ever bust
That's the part we're all worried about. Not sure if that's true. I think dropping like 90% was going bust already, and it seems like it could drop more.

>> No.10341320


>> No.10341326
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>> No.10341328

might as well go to 0. Fuck ICON and fuck Koreans. Been gooked for 6 months holding this piece of shit

>> No.10341333

it was correct before the mainnet was fully working, now its not because some whale pools got released (me in there included)
What makes me feel good is that all the 200k+ icx holders i know already took profits on the way down and now arent selling a single coin, its mostly plebs keeping the price down now believe it or not

>> No.10341335

Can i ask what is it you like about ICX? Mainly the partnerships and team?

>> No.10341345

that tells you everything about the icx sentiment right now, i dont fault anyone for thinking that way.
But if you think about it, it went over 25X vs eth in ico price, and over 100x total, it had to drop, i wouldnt say thats totally unreasonable

>> No.10341356

Thanks for the info and nice trips. I just want to see some actual releases and results now. It's hard to trust the fundamentals until that happens. Doesn't help that Min is kinda obnoxious in my opinion. He talks tough like "not saying I'm sorry" or "not wasting my time with this," kind of insulting people who are concerned. That's how a con artist talks. Not that I believe that about ICX, but it's bad for the project's image.

>> No.10341357


gooks are experts at creating fake hype for pimp & dump scams... watch out for similar upcoming gook icos

>> No.10341362

Quick question: At one price points did you (or your whale buddies) take profits? How did you know it wasn't going to go back up?

It did a quick moon upon Bithumb/Upbit listing and during the mini run back in April.

I foolishly have kept holding but wish I sold and bought back before. What do you look for so I can do the same? Or does everyone in the group decide the same?

>> No.10341372

Also curious about this, and where do you think it will bottom out in the short term?

>> No.10341377

I invested for the team initially, everything they did later was done well, even the bug in the erc20 code was blown out of proportion because the guy who made it got fired months before it was found.

>> No.10341379

I wouldn't be surprised Min comes off as a douchebag faggot

>> No.10341391

right around 500 sats if we are being conservative.

>> No.10341400

min is absolutely obnoxious i agree, but would also argue that its the opposite of what a con artist would say, if there was something rotten there he would offer airdrops and balloons and fireworks, instead he really doesnt give a fuck about the token price right now, they know that they get paid after the job is done, its a serious project.

>> No.10341407
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When BTC hits 20k, ICX will x10 from where it is currently.

>> No.10341415

I got my coins on mainnet, im a part of the new supply that whales bought so we could bypass the ico limit of 75k icx, so I couldnt sell at any of the highpoints because I didnt have them. I did sell 100k$ worth through some back channels when it was about 5.5$ thats about it. Havent sold since then, my friends did a similar thing, bit smarter than me sold some at 8 and now no one i know with 200k icx+ is thinking of selling

>> No.10341426

Are you the guy who posts on the ICX FUD threads every couple of days where you and your whale buddies have like 3m of ICX?

>> No.10341438

Anyway to join these ICX whale groups? I had around 135k ICX before it dropped (sold a bunch on the way down, still planning on holding like 50-70k).

>> No.10341446


tfw only 25K ICX :(

>> No.10341451

you cant magically predict numbers, focus on fundamentals and talk to the developers u would be surprised how much insider info u can get (obv not for icon but for smaller projects), forget about TA and stuff, TA is a meme in actual whale circles where people have tons of money.
As for the last question, everyone does decisions for themselves, we are in a group because for some projects to get in early u need to invest 1m$+ so we bundle up

>> No.10341458

are you apart of the pub?

>> No.10341457

not every few days, I posted 5-6 times on 4 chan total, when I have some free time or when im bored, I avoid the total fud threads unless I see someone ask a reasonable question or have a good thought.

>> No.10341473

nah, u gotta know someone from there to vouch for you, because we also trade there so your reputation is everything when u send 50k$ after speaking 3 words to a guy

>> No.10341477

By the way, speaking of fundamentals, do you know any ICX dapp developers? I wanted to see if I could play around with making something. If there's a community of developers to talk to, that would be cool. The subreddit is kinda weak.

>> No.10341501

Ok so from now on biz, whenever you see some Chinese dude in charge of a project, don’t invest. Consider it a life lesson

>> No.10341511

No problem, figure it would be that way.

>> No.10341514

I spoke to some and they say that its harder to do it on icx than on eth by a lot, and even then the team has to vet your dapp, thats how its gonna work for the first year, they wanna avoid a complete scamming shitshow that eth icos turned into

>> No.10341555

Makes sense, ETH has way more tools and a bigger community. I'd like to see something a dev community like NEO has at least.

I get keeping a tight leash on it at first, but hopefully it opens up like you say. The whole point of a public blockchain is that it's open and decentralized after all. Thanks again for answering questions anon, it's hard to find people willing to talk about it. On the subreddit people either don't know or downvote anything perceived as "FUD".

>> No.10341575

they are releasing a lot of their code, and developer tools "soon". JH Kim said it might be in august, + their ico platform iconest, so you will most certainly get all you need in a month or 2. They also mentioned that when the ball gets rolling you will be able to publish anything u want, I consider it a good thing that they dont allow crypto kitties to start the project, make some useful dapps first

>> No.10341583

Yeah, I can understand their reasoning there. Good to hear that, I'll look forward to it.

>> No.10341607

i dont know how many of you paid attention to bluewhale ico, which was supposed to be the first icx ico, they accepted both icx and eth, and had their ico ages ago, dont even remember when, instead of releasing the coins in the full bull market they said we are releasing in 6 months, thats the kind of thing that makes you instantly know something isnt a scam or a quick flip, look for that.

Now fast forward X months, they released in this terrible market exactly when they said they would, most icos these days go -50 to 80%, how did bluewhale do? Holding steady on 1.5x after the first day dump, go for fundamentals.

>> No.10341643

I do like their approach of talking to people and institutions to find use cases instead of blind hype with nothing to show

>> No.10341661

Sigh. I guess it's just brutal man. I had over 330K as I was balls deep in ICON now it dropped down to 35K. It's painful and I've lost a lot of faith in this project.

>> No.10341673

serves you right

>> No.10341675

Buying XRP up to $2.35 was my worst decision. Runner up is not selling my XRP bags in January.

>> No.10341677

of course its painful, but thats the part of the game, either sell now or forget about it for 6 months

>> No.10341712

Are you in anything other than ICX?

>> No.10341754

right now not many, got ton of ETH, for trading and such, and 2-3 different shitcoins i gambled on

>> No.10342727

What do you think about Peter and thebitcoin pub?
Also where do you see ICON by the end of the year or maybe summer of 2019?

I have 100k ICX total and it’s about all I have besides a good investment in HashGraph that’ll be coming out in 2019.

I originally would have never put so much of my portfolio in ICX and gone all in but with staking “soon.jpg” I thought the only way to truly make it with staking was to go in early and go in big. Obviously that came back to bite me in the ass but the ICON team seems to be doing better than ever.

I’d really like to see it hit 5 dollars by EOY.
Also, the mods and people that are close to the ICON team CONSISTENTLY say that the ICON team are working on far greater things behind the scenes than we could imagine.
They say this repetitively yet when I ask them like what they say the old “we can’t release any non-public information”.

>> No.10342737
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>ive already made it but thanks for your concern
>icx sentiment sooooooooooo low right now

>> No.10342892

How do we know that's not just shilling while they secretly dump their bags? the team is so far behind on their roadmap, I don't know what to believe anymore

>> No.10342918
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Not even worried, in fact I'm considering buying another bag of ICX if it falls to ~$1.1

Look at their connections/partnerships back in Dec 2017. After that, look at their current partnerships - the difference is spectacular for ~8 months difference.

I don't give a fuck that Min seems like an asshole. He can do whatever the fuck he wants, he doesn't owe anyone anything in terms of communication.

All I want from him and the team are results, and so far they've delivered. I don\t fucking care about postponed roadmap checkpoints, that's common knowledge for any non-brainlet out there.

Shit's good and will be even better when the network effect and adoption fully kick in. Fuck yeah baby.

>> No.10343004

Bro they haven't delivered shit that's the problem. Everything they are supposed to deliver was promised back in January, and here we are July and nothing. That's why it's fucking taken the biggest shit in the market/

>> No.10343282

this is the project that failed to meet their deadline multiple times.

I was all-in in December, but after they delayed their mainnet, I realized this is destined to fail, and abandoned the ship.

>> No.10343631

That’s what I keep trying to tell the fucking moderators and everyone in telegram and shit and everyone is like “but you have to understand ICONs vision”

>> No.10343727

why do you even bother going there? they're all deluded bagholders who can't take any criticism

>> No.10343887

Some of us want to help protect our Western brethren from the gooks to save our genepool. The Orientals are winning, it's an uphill battle.

>> No.10343919

The truth is if you are going to pick any kind of coin to hold for the long term, I do very much think that ICON would be a sure fit.

We all want staking, the DEX, and the main net to be fully functional but in order for the IISS to launch correctly, we need the DEX to launch at the same time because they go hand in hand.

You get staking rewards and just rewards in general based upon your I_Score which is rated based upon many things. Like how many transactions you make, how many dapps you use, and how much ICX you freeze in the DEX liquidity pool as well.

So for the IISS to come out, it all has to come out.