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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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10339728 No.10339728 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.10339771

oh man you are going to be very, VERY disappointed, very, VERY soon.

>> No.10339782

Just tethered literally nothing going for crypto right now

>> No.10339784

>Drinking moet chandon alone instead of being surrounded by pussy
>Thinks he's gonna make it

>> No.10339813

Livestream your death to alcohol.

>> No.10339815

Show your balance

>> No.10339824

Hmmmm thanks just bought 100k

>> No.10339829

no dom p no care you poverty fag

>> No.10339890

I don't fuck until my balls weigh over 31 grams

>> No.10339898
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They are on the way. I wanted to pop a few xanax, snort some coke, and finish a bottle of chandon before they come

I don't have to prove shit to you, this is an anonymous imageboard. I'll let you know that I have over 1000 coins from hacking emails and taking private keys on Dropbox, Evernote, Google Drive, and Notes on Apple devices

Check first reply, saving it for the whores when they come. Bought 2 for us all. I'll post some pics later ;)
>pic related

>> No.10339914

>He's gonna make it

>> No.10339927
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>> No.10339933

now im mirin anon. enjoy.

>> No.10339952

nice larp faggot saged

>> No.10339955

why would a whale be looking at USDT_BTC on a browser? lul

>> No.10339974

I know I will. Thanks for the reassurance. I hope you make it

Will do. Have a good night anonymous

I took a pic with my phone retard

>> No.10339988

I'm at my apartment back in my hometown. I bought a house in LA but come here when I'm in town. I'm hooking up with a couple of girls I went to highschool with. I only graduated two years ago.

>> No.10340106

what made you decide to celebrate?

>> No.10340128

only images u save from the web save as that shit retard. time stamp or kill urself larping faggot

>> No.10340139

>that thumb
what the fuck

>> No.10340165

I made a few million in a day and decided to celebrate the pump early

It's only 2 bottle of Dom P and a few bottles of Moet Chandon. That's what, $400? haha you guys crack me up

The pic got zoomed in. I tried showing off my watch, which I hold dearly. I bought it back when I hacked my first 100 BTC last year.

>> No.10340171

Yeah celebrating while dumping on us, u whales got no soul

>> No.10340180

Kek “when I hacked my first 100 btc”

>> No.10340187

>100 btc
>shitty dirty desk
>shitty dirty pc

>> No.10340189

By any chance OP , you re not looking for an apprentice are you?

>> No.10340223

>BTC hacking in progress...
>61 of 100 btc hacked
>61% completed
>Time left: 13h 37m
true story

>> No.10340230

What the roof look like

You also say $50k eoy

>> No.10340281

We aren't dumping, we're going to bring the price up. I'm not sure how long it will take because we can only do so much to move the price up. Just remember not to be greedy.

This is the first apartment I rented when I was still wagecucking and making money online. It brings back memories, so I still rent it when I come back in town once every month to visit my family. I tried buying the building for a reasonable price but the owner isn't willing to sell.

I'm not. I still am an apprentice, but to bigger whales. I'm glad that I know how to network and befriend rich people.

It doesn't work like that. All you need to do is find the private key, a lot of people store them online believe it or not.

I can't give an exact number but just know that we'll be at $9k in the next couple of months. EOY, probably $15k. There's blue whales that do the following to gain a shit ton of money: pump 5%, sell. short 5%, sell, and so on. When you have millions of dollars worth of crypto, this calls for hundreds of thousands if not millions to be made in a day. I assume you have less than 100k in BTC, so I would recommend that you not get greedy and hope for a moon. Look at the graphs, there's patterns.

>> No.10340283


You're going to kill yourself.

>> No.10340311

I need to find some crypto whales IRL

>> No.10340375

You need to quit believing larping faggots online

>> No.10340429

no offense bro
just kidding

however I'm happy for you
it's a good thread to have during these times, you're doing it right
have a great summer, next 2-6 quarters will be very intense. better be ready and refreshed before it happens

>> No.10340471

hacked wat

>> No.10340506

There has been nights where I have done almost 2 grams of coke, popped x5 bars (only remember because of the stories my friend told me), and was probably at least .15 on the legal scale (USA). I'm good, but thanks for the warning. I appreciate it.

I started with meeting people like myself online. They happened to live in the Los Angeles area and I just happened to meet a couple of whales. It was seriously less than 1% luck. Don't chase after it.

Thanks anon, I hope things are going well for you as well. I just want to inspire other and also seek out other whales like myself, I know there's a few on here. I'm ready, I get really good information. TA does matter by the way, but it's completely different patterns that you must recognize. I'm pretty fucked up. It may not seem like it, but I have a great tolerance. I'm not spewing bullshit. I've been on 4chan since I was 13-14 years old. I feel for this place and the people. Take my advice.

Emails. If you get access to someone's email, you can be them.

>> No.10340510

Why not both?

>> No.10340543

thanks for sharing

best tip ?

hold on few quarters it could get bumpy ?

where will you retire

>> No.10340550
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i dropped a few more coins into https://www.theaccountingblockchain.io/?aId=7543845-2892534 before corn dumps again. best bang for the buck, with the 50% bonus running out. these guys are neighbors with binance in malta boys. you know what that means!

>> No.10340595

I'll try to give you the best advice that I can besides hacking advice. Keep in mind that there are people with 10's of thousands of bitcoins if not millions. My group has coordinated p&d's, but we were once stopped because of a single whale, or another group (this happened multiple times). We paid someone to look in to it and they caulculated it was one person based on tracking transactions. I'm not sure about their opinion because there's only 21M BTC that will ever be in circulation. He was a bockchain expert, we paid him 10's of thousands just to find it for us.


>> No.10340623

why is it going to go up so slow?

>> No.10340654

Dude, there's a few billionaires that I know that used company assets to go into BTC. It's because I believe that there's a bigger whale or group that is profiting tens of millions, if not hundreds of millions per day.

>> No.10340685

have we now seen the bottom?

>> No.10340751

Was one of the whales “Yaz” by any chance...

>> No.10340766

i was hoping for 20k + eoy not 15k but i guess i will take it

>> No.10340828

its easy to see

goes up 5% then dumps


thats how right ?

>> No.10340869

By hacking do you mean getting an email password list and running through all of them on different exchanges?

>> No.10340895

Intradasting. So (if this isn’t a LARP) you’re a 20 year old millionaire balling and fucking hot bitches? Damn you made it.

Tfw used to have over 300k but it crashed down to 35k. Any chance you could set up a discord or telegram for just us and throw in a hint every once in a while?

I was in Hollywood for the past 3 years but was in a bad place so I chilled out a bit and moved back north. Would have been fun to party with other crypto people

>> No.10340896
File: 47 KB, 800x800, billecart-salmon-brut-reserve-nabucodonosor-15l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Moet is disgusting piss water. Hasn't been good in 20 years. And Veuve, while good quality, doesn't taste like a traditional champagne. For the extra 5 bucks, Billecart Salmon is the best champagne i've ever had.

>> No.10340987

This is the post that got me to decide to never come back to /biz/.

>> No.10341013

But anon, OP is so cool, hes railing drugs and sexing women so hard with his billionaire friends.

>> No.10341024

There isn't a definitive answer to that, there never will be. It all just depends how the masses reply to crypto, just like with every stock.

We are all anonymous, but have showed the leader of our group significant wealth. I wouldn't say completely anonymous because I have a few friends from LA that are in the group.

Take what you can is the best advice I've ever been given. That saying came from the Chinese.

Something like that. My group doesn't affect the price too much. As I said, I've given that advice before.

No. I used to run databases back in the Runescape days, it's more than that now. I made a thread on here explaining it but no one was interested. If people were interested, I would talk about it now but I don't feel the reason to anymore.

I hate to be a dick, but love it at the same time -- yes I made it. You can too. Sorry for your loss. I assume you were at 300k when the golden bullrun was? I hope you learned from that and remember to take what's given to you and don't be greedy. Always go for short term profit in a volitile market.

I found it to taste better than Dom P. I've basically only heard of Moet Chandon, Dom P, and Ace of Spades. I'm only 20. I've never heard of it and probably won't remember. I'm on a lot of Xanax right now.


I'll be back in a few hours. I had to make the girls wait for their time. God bless you all and remember not to be greedy. Please don't pass my information on. The smaller we keep it, the more you will make.

>> No.10341138

fuck you you fucking thief, we're coming for you


>> No.10341183
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>investing in women
not gonna make it

>> No.10341224
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>> No.10341255

>celebrating early
I'm bullish, but that's a bad idea

>> No.10341274

I'll be on the watch for a thread on databases with runescape, don't see how that goes in hand with hacking though.

>> No.10341278

>over 1000 coins
>calls himself a whale
fucking cringe

>> No.10341321

>owns millions in wealth
>shitty single monitor computer setup

>> No.10341324

you don't know what it's like to be rich, OP, and never will, kek.

>> No.10341779

I'm back sooner than expected. I wanted to play some CS:GO so I kicked the whores out after I busted a month's worth of cum all over their face. They're still staying here, I just told them to not bother me

I'm just trolling.

Facts right here. Women are psychotic whores, don't give in to their bullshit (not a troll)

No one can predict it besides the manipulators. Like I said before, take what profit you can.

I was telling you how I started out hacking, not to look out for the thread. You learn as you go.

As I said, we make up for a small % of the total gains. We can be stopped by the bigger whale (group)

As I said before, this is the first apartment I rented when I was wagecucking for a union. It was pretty good pay, but I made it with crypto. I rent this apartment out every month, it barely makes a dent in my account. I just use it for when I want to visit family and friends. I kept everything the same. I haven't been here for a month and am not going to waste my time investing in a setup. I'm also Jewish by the way, literally.

I wouldn't really consider myself rich, considering some of the people I've met. I can afford to do a lot of thing but my billionaire friends pay some of our adventures off because they can. They throw money around like it's nothing. I think they're suiciidal. Always remember to be smart with your money AND DONT BE GREEDY FOR THE MILLIONTH TIME!

>> No.10341793


no retirement plan

>> No.10341838

Me? I already bought a house with my gains. My credit score is at 800, I have a credit limit of $2,500,000 (should increase soon). I also have a decent amount of gold and gems (I bought a lot of jewelry, gold, and silver after I made 1000 BTC, but don't have too much gold and silver). Everything I have is paid off for. I don't spend my money that often either, besides on big purchases. I'm just celebrating the small bull run and the few million I made with only $500. After I visit every country, I will settle and live retirement free. My account said I am fine to live until I die. My grandchildren will also be set. If I plan to make other investments, I can completely save my family line. Set a goal and go for it.

>> No.10341854

How would someone go about this email hack thing anyway OP?

Asking for someone else

>> No.10341956


>> No.10341961

Seriously you made all your BTC stealing from other people.

You ever think about how many lives you've ruined and suicides you've caused?

You'll be tracked down and arrested or killed one day

>> No.10342022

Not talking about it, I just wanted to give background details to show that anyone's capable no matter how many coins you have.

I only stole from the rich. I made sure that they wouldn't go broke beforehand and not suffer.

>> No.10342047

yeah tracked down and killed just like all of the bankers and politicians that do this shit on the daily lmao imagine that

>> No.10342085

You keep saying don't be greedy
What is greedy? 10% profit? 20, 30?
People who bought BTC and sold at 1k didn't want to be greedy.
If I bought btc at $5,800, and then sell at 10k to be safe, if it goes to 15k and finds a floor at 12k I'm cucked. "Don't be greedy" is difficult

>> No.10342091

What is your opinion about link ? Do you have some ? Thanks OP.

>> No.10342380

>Bought 2 for us all.

>bought 2

>for us all

wow big spender

>> No.10342405

but I have literally no coins :[
>t. cucked poverty single father @ 23yr

>> No.10342410

that sounds nice

>> No.10342433

try to imagine if your wallet looked like this, OP


>> No.10342436

>If I bought btc at $5,800, and then sell at 10k to be safe, if it goes to 15k and finds a floor at 12k I'm cucked. "Don't be greedy" is difficult

That's greed. You don't want to live on hindsight, do you?

>> No.10342448

I'm not a whale but I am currently drinking Billecart-Salmon which I like a lot more than Moet NV

>> No.10342457

2009 vintage sucks
the 2008 just got released (after the 09), it is so much better. grab a bunch of those

>> No.10342477

holy shit we are twins

>> No.10342508

anon plz!
give us tips on how to avoid getting hacked ourselves. only do paper backups of pk, use huge strings on wallet backups, and have 2fa set on all my email accounts. is this enough? please advise kind hacker anon so we dont see biz full of crying pajeets like the etherscan comments section.

>> No.10342546

why do you beg like a faggot, have some self respect

>> No.10342580
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100% assets in crypto and i live in fear everyday of being hacked

>> No.10342589

Post picture of the sluts plz I wanna live vicariously

>> No.10342766

Could you drink more a entry-level, high school-rich kid champagne?

>> No.10342801

>Always go for short term profit in a volatile market.
Solid advice there anon. Also, I too have been here since I was 12 or 13, back in late 2008. 4chan is much like a second home.
Jesus bless.

>> No.10342834

Thats because you buy shit you dont have a fucking clue about, youre too much of an ADHD mongrel to educate yourself and leave everything on exchanges.

>> No.10342869

calling yourself a whale with only a few thousand BTC is pretty fucking embarrassing though.

>> No.10342885

no ive got 100% on a ledger that can be on a ledger but im also running masternodes on some aws servers as well as some pcs staking shitcoins and im just interested in what flaws hes exploiting and whether having 2fa on your email is enough (i dont think it is)

>> No.10343280

Impatience is the downfall of all poor men.