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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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10339641 No.10339641 [Reply] [Original]

>invited to job interview
>go to job interview
>told application was unsuccessful
>ask why
>"aww sorry but we just don't think you have enough experience :)"

Did they think I was going to get more experience between the time they invited me to interview and the interview itself? Did they even read my resume?

>> No.10339653

Dude it's summer go do some labor and toughen up snowflake

>> No.10339670


Shit like this happens when they have too many people applying for the job. They can just fuck around and be picky as shit.

>> No.10339674

Not everyone lives in in nasty flyover sticksville where the only job prospects are mowing lawns or working at the local Walmart.

>> No.10339685

Yeah you Libtard, go do some weeding for the neighbors like was when I was your age! Wait what's that? They hired Maxicans? lol That's probably because they werk hurder! dumb SNOwfLAKE!!!!!

>> No.10339688

>Go to job interview
>Talk about qualifications
>Get hired

>> No.10339693

I thought there were going to be a bunch of people there considering it was such a big firm and that they were travelling 250+ miles to come and interview us, but there were only eight people at the interview and they were only three positions. Perhaps they feel they can do better and will relist the job and start over.

Someone like me can't even get menial work because they'll just say "lol u'll leave after a week u dumb faggot we aren't that dumb", plus they have no reason to hire a graduate to mow lawns over someone who has experience mowing lawns.

>> No.10339712

>Go to job interview
>Lie about qualifications
>Get hired

fixed it for you

>> No.10339719

>get a job interview almost everyday
>Almost all these jobs are 20+ miles one way
>Get none of them

I love burning money going to these literally pointless interviews. My top favourite is when they tell me to come in for a interview but all I end up doing is filling in an application of shit that's already on my resume and leaving 15 mins later.

>> No.10339764

>My top favourite is when they tell me to come in for a interview but all I end up doing is filling in an application of shit that's already on my resume and leaving 15 mins later.
To my knowledge they do this partly due to laziness and partly because an application is a legal document and your resume is not. If you lie on your application they can fuck you, it's harder to do this if you lie on your resume.

>> No.10339786
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>have job interview
>go on sociopathic preparation ritual
>pinpoint exactly who will interview you
>research every minutiae of their lives
>infer social preferences based on social media and work history
>prepare the perfect persona for this person
>memorize a list of 50 boilerplate responses to typical questions this type of person will ask
>bring up topics that just happen to coincide with things this person cares about
>get called back the next day with an offer
>straight up told me he had 3000 applicants and was looking to hire 20 more

>> No.10339822


lol just b urself

>> No.10339827


unironically this. you need to use targetted facebook ads if you even want to get an interview these days

>> No.10340304

This is what happens when a company is dominated by HR bureaucracy. The left hand never knows what the right hand is doing and vice versa, just tons of incompetence basically because they hire a bunch of women and sissy boys who went to school specifically so they could get a worthless make-work job.

I'm almost graduated out of college and already applying to places. If I get contacted by a company for an interview offer and it's a woman on the phone, I hang up.

>> No.10340318

>Being a creep that can't schmooze women

>> No.10340324

I don't bother. I have some mentors who helped me in internships and throughout college, and they're already graduated and working. All three of them basically tell me to stay away from big companies that let the HR department be heavily involved in the hiring process, because apparently working for them is a nightmare.

>> No.10340428

They didn't read your resume. They skimmed through it. About 80% of the questions I get asked in job interviews could be answered with "read my resume".

>> No.10340451

>>10340324 you do realize that women have a critical influence in almost all work related decision making? Especially office jobs. Men want to be accepted by women so most of the time they do whatever to please her. This is life.

If a woman doesn't like you, 9 times out of 10 a man won't like you either. Stop being a pussy and learn how to charm

>> No.10340536

Is getting a MBA worth it these days, my niggas? Or do I give up on education and find another way up? Currently stuck in a sales job in a shitty market and not really wanting to stick around long term.

>> No.10340558

Only if it’s at Harvard or if you already have the job and your company’s paying for it.

>> No.10340574

Stop trying to spoonfeed idiots.

>> No.10340608

MBAs are a dime a dozen but is the school really that important?

>> No.10340624

Yeah. If it’s Harvard then you get networking connections. The coursework’s still bullshit of course.

>> No.10340741
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That sucks you haven't figured out how to get through life like a normal person. I live in Hawaii and fuck bitches and do what I love for a living.

>> No.10340846

>"Anon is here to see you, sir"
>"The guy is 10 minutes late with no follow up call. Whatever, I'll come down"
>see an unkempt, slouching, ham dwarf-moon, wearing jeans and runners, awkwardly leaning on the wall helping himself to the staff coffee machine whilst staring at the help desk girl in the lobby
>"yeah this guy is bot for us, ask him to leave"

>> No.10340905


>> No.10340968

kek just got hired at 95k with 1yr exp in software engineering. im not even that good lmao

>> No.10340977

Delete this post immediately you fucking cunt.

>> No.10340986
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I hate you

>> No.10341040
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