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File: 51 KB, 1024x813, bch-wide-1024x813.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10337891 No.10337891 [Reply] [Original]

My confidence is wearing thin on this. Should i covert my 50 bch to btc? did i get meme'd? i dont know what to fucking do, the psyops have been extremely powerful and tiring. might kms

>> No.10337902

you do that last thing

>> No.10337956

id rather hold bch than btc right now not even kidding

>> No.10337963

why, its doing fuckall and btc really does have better devs, support, etc... more i see whats going on the more i realize i drank the koolaid

>> No.10337972

buy half BTC half LTC and get out of Btrash meme

>> No.10337985

not at all, those bch losers like losing money pumping when it goes to .05btc but now it's .1 and they wont give you their monies

>> No.10338007

This. Wtf does this shitcoin do that Litecoin can't. People were freaking out last summer during the hardfork because no one knew how hash rate would be distributed between BTC and BCH. Now the dust has settled, I really don't see the point of this coin.

>> No.10338047

>Wtf does this shitcoin do that Litecoin can't
0-conf AKA instant transactions

What does Litecoin do that no other coin does? Litecoin does nothing but be a testnet for BTC. Even the founder dumped every last bag he had on you at the top.

>> No.10338077
File: 244 KB, 980x790, Screen Shot 2018-07-11 at 12.43.19 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lets see:
>lightning is shit and never happening
>the LN whitepaper was written in Jan 2016
>tx fees get too high anytime tx volume increase
>one guy, literally the owner of shitcoin.com controls 49% of the lightning network
>wow so decentralized, totally censorship proof

>instant tx
>almost free tx
>simple, on chain payments
>opsec is much easier
>usable by the entire world, not just millionaire bankerfags
>merchant adoption growing daily
>dApps like cointext and money button work
>BCH based tokens rolling out this year
>supported by all the major mining pools
>supported by almost all early bitcoin adopters
>actually a peer to peer electronic currency
>actually has utility

idk op i'm stuck i can't say which is better

>> No.10338100

This is what bagholder delusion looks like.

>> No.10338138

Big blocks win. It hasn't even been a full year. If you bought right after hardfork you would still be up over 50%

>> No.10338139

btc really was shit to use when tx's were high although eth is the same. how do you think the ln should progress time wise?

>> No.10338151

yea i did buy right after the fork. i bought at .07 but like i said, most of the support is behind btc. this is so mentally draining fampai

>> No.10338162

Well now you're up a little over .1
I dont see the problem

>> No.10338174

i dont want to go below .07 and don't want to miss my ticket to the moon for either. should i just buy btc with fresh fiat for hedge?

>> No.10338225

Honestly the only one worth buying right now is ETH if you want to buy some coin that has a real function and is not used just to speculate and will be soon abandoned.

The fact is BTC is still the "standard" for the market, so it will have a long life even with no pratical uses and a shit mining system

>> No.10338242

eth cant scale either. just as bad even recently

>> No.10338278

Bitcoin Cash is getting tons of adoption. Only crypto with consistent bullish news

>> No.10338292

in relative terms maybe, but in absolute? I mean, I bet btc market cap is some orders of magnitude greater than bitcoin cash

>> No.10338294
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>he bought into the BCH meme
enjoy your monopoly money kiddo

>> No.10338295

>projecting this hard

>> No.10338296

wtf have the btc devs ever done to be considered better? fuckers are complete incompetents and havent improved anything in years.

>> No.10338319
File: 1.14 MB, 1106x1012, pepelooking.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>bitcoin is #1 so it will always be #1

That line of thinking has never backfired in the past

>> No.10338333

it doesnt matter, btc is the schelling point in the crypto space. its got so much support. something catastrophic has to happen to btc in order for people to start converting en mass

>> No.10338336
File: 119 KB, 1024x577, 8pihQeIN80mVsR0cO9SOzmuCHxwym6oSd95EjK5f0Ls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get out before the double spend attacks.

Bitcoin Cash is 10X more vulnerable to double spend attacks then Bitcoin is.

>> No.10338342

What do you want to know? Ive done a shitload of reading on both btc and bch. I lean towards btc but hold neither right now.

>> No.10338343

hold a little BCH, Stellar and ETH in case they gain network effect for being real money. All 3 are being pushed in various ways to be used, and all 3 to be programmable money and thus able to leverage smart contract fintech, even cross-chain.

But only have them together total as maybe 10% of your portfolio. The real gains to be had over the next 1.5 years is in the very undervalied tokens of real businesses with staggering use cases and disruption potential.

You won't see this high mcaps being adopted as money enough to drive 100x before in maybe 2020. Hype can take one to unexpected places though.

>> No.10338347

rofl this is what happens when brainlets pontificate about bitcoin

>> No.10338350

While this is a true statement, they released recent news about coingeek being 20% of the has power with something like 40,000 ASICs. So yeah... its still pretty damn secure. They only one who could attack is would be the same giant miners that mine BTC and they won't kill the golden goose.

>> No.10338351


Jihan would never let his project get 51% attacked. Keep dreaming

>> No.10338352

however, coinbase DID add it rather quickly. see im so torn going back and forth. good things happening to bch but not enough support from users it seems

>> No.10338373

>Youngest coin in top 4.
>Youngest coin to be added to coinbase
>Owner of Bitcoin.com hardcore support
>Guy most likely to be SN hardcore support
>Great dev teams proving 1TB blocks will work

Yeah what a shitcoin, better sell and buy back later at 10k

>> No.10338377
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>ETH having a real world functional use case...other then cryptokitties and pyrmidtokens

XMR wants a word with you.

>> No.10338380

In any case at this moment in time all the main crypto are very low, it's a full hold situation. Little sense to sell right now unless you really need to cash out fast

>> No.10338391

that's an assumption based on the longevity of jihan

>> No.10338402

Hahahahaha 1tb+ blockchain hahahaha

>> No.10338419
File: 68 KB, 1024x1024, 81D0C14B-4384-4FC7-B591-3CE5AB0E8627.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The real gains to be had over the next 1.5 years is in the very undervalied tokens of real busines

>> No.10338432
File: 25 KB, 400x517, 1517734127239.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

very moneis sir buy btc sir much money bcash scam sir

>> No.10338443

XMR’s price doesn’t have to increase in respinse to usage or adoption, in fact it could fall despite increased usage.

>> No.10338789
File: 3.55 MB, 320x240, 1524692577420.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used to hear the same shit from no coiners back in the day about btc.