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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 131 KB, 2048x2048, Bms5o86 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10336359 No.10336359 [Reply] [Original]


>“I’d bet my money on four to five years,” Vansa says. “Hopefully sooner.”


>> No.10336401

I actually sold 3k OMG. The project seems dead. And there are already projects that have their own merchant tool, and could be used whatever the OMG tries to do. Check out Magnet.

>> No.10336455

Yeah, there is already so many different options for different cryptoprojects. OMG is just too slow.

For example Request Network changed their plans and they are not going to use omg in future.

>> No.10336488

lmao so glad I dumped this shit last year

>> No.10336495
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This is it.

>> No.10336509

I'm scared guys, all this omg fud, I've spent the last 9 months putting every spare cent I've got into omg, got 1k now. Took out a loan & everything, my entire future us riding on this. Is it really over? What do?

>> No.10336593


Before she was begging for partnerships

She literally killed OMG

>> No.10336612


>> No.10336614

It is a monsterous project. But imagine being one of the proof of stakers a few years from now. Collecting fees from millions of transactions. You would never have to worry about working if it comes to fruition. You fags have no patience.

>> No.10336628

sell you fucking idiot.

>> No.10336629

Holy fuck the delusion of the Omisegoys

Wow. Just....wow.

>> No.10336645

>being a proof of staker a few years from now
do you realize the opportunity cost of waiting as opposed to making money elsewhere? do you also realize that they could miserably fail at any time from now until then or be destroyed by some competitor? lol. wow.

>> No.10336646

Fucking liars, "very soon"

>> No.10336648


>> No.10336663

Where is that one omisegoy who makes 10 threads a day fudding this?

he is going to have a field day with this one

>> No.10336667

Yeah it seems as though they will be using Tendermint/Cosmos which actually looks good in comparison to plasma.

>> No.10336674

read the article you idiot.

"The obstacles ahead
Now for some caveats, some of which are daunting.

OmiseGO candidly states that its product won’t be fully operational for years to come. “I’d bet my money on four to five years,” Vansa says. “Hopefully sooner.”

Also, the team is primed to make powerful enemies and could always face legal roadblocks. Disrupting taxis and hotels a la Uber and Airbnb is one thing. But radicalizing the way people store and send money? That would challenge the supremacy of banks, which wield extraordinary political firepower."

you deserve to lose your money if you are all in OMG right now

>> No.10336685

>do you also realize that they could miserably fail at any time from now until then or be destroyed by some competitor? lol. wow.

You can say that with 98% of the projects. Unless you are a fag who only owns BTC, LTC or Monero.

>> No.10336686

W-what about s-s-seven hundred dollars end of year?

>> No.10336692

so thats why youre willing to wait 5 years for a product? LMFAO.

>> No.10336693

Glad I sold all my OMG during the pump yesterday hahaha ha.

They are still partnered with status.im tho so I'll keep a watch out

>> No.10336711

I'm 85% sure you are the actual migger.

>> No.10336712

wow what a fucking nail in the coffin

>> No.10336720

>Took out a loan & everything

>> No.10336724

Cosmos looks definitely awesome.

>> No.10336726

I did you dumb faggot. I'm loling at the Omisegoys

Welp you're wrong buddy. There's more than one person on this basketweaving forum who thinks OMG is a shitcoin. Enjoy your 5 year bags friendo.

>> No.10336733
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>> No.10336735


Good things come to those who wait. I'd rather wait on this then dump my money in OxBTC, REQ ,HOLO or whatever other ETH ponzi scheme the pajeets are shilling on Biz

>> No.10336742

4 TO 5 YEARS FOR A FULLY OPERATIONAL PRODUCT? Holy shit I was going to buy back in after selling all my OMGs a while ago, but now holy shit.

>> No.10336751

I don't give a shit if it takes 5 to 10 years... i'll be hodling til then

>> No.10336752

Poor guy. He's delusional.

>> No.10336755


how about investing in products that will have a solution before then faggot. ever think of that? LOL betacuck

>> No.10336761

omise is an existing company that already handles billions in transactions a year
all those other vaporware products from companies that don't even exist will be long forgotten in five years whereas omisego and omise will still be around

products such as?

>> No.10336766

lol holy shit. Vansa lied through her teeth. She said very soon and now in this in my opinion cop out article she says 4-5 years.


>> No.10336774

Holy fuck I'm so mad and I don't even hold these anymore. They strung us on with all these "SOONS" and then finally admit this bullshit.

>> No.10336783

Are all you guys this retarded?
Of course it will be 4-5 years. This has been known for almost a year now.

>> No.10336794


dude she literally said they will get their network up this year.

This is 100% orchestrated jouranlism by the team for a dying project.

Im livid right now

>> No.10336795
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tfw this man stole your life savings.


>> No.10336807


Working products get no hype. This is speculation driven. Wake me up when Komodo jumps into the top 20.

>> No.10336811

>one basket


>> No.10336819

basically anythng you fucking moron. Ethereum should be fully scaled by 2020 and meanwhile you will still be waiting for these gooks to give you back your initial investment. i feel sorry for you but then i realize you are a sub 50 IQ human.

>> No.10336828

Learn to fucking read. The network will indeed be up this year.

None of you fags actually UNDERSTAND this project, do you?

>> No.10336834


No need to argue with HOLO hodlers. You will get nowhere.

>> No.10336835

How funny would it be if most ERC20 tokens end up using cosmos as opposed to Plasma? I cannot believe that OMG may actually fail when everyone thought it was on of the best bets in all of crypto just a couple of months ago.

>> No.10336844

Let them believe it, better for us.

>> No.10336847


4-5 years is what then faggot?

I should have ivnested in fucking stellar. they are doing the same thing but are not dishonest FUCKING GOOKS. Id have been up 10x still since q4 2017,

u fucking thailand lying rodents ill come there and kill all of you and i mean it

>> No.10336859

>OmiseGO candidly states that its product won’t be fully operational for years to come. “I’d bet my money on four to five years,” Vansa says. “Hopefully sooner.”
>fully operational

Lets see if i sell now I will miss out on Plasma drop + others...um, i will hold

>> No.10336865


>muh townhall.
fucking team cant even record a short session in a conference room and decide to do it in their basement instead. pathetic joke

>> No.10336871

Remeber OMG is a long long long term hold. We will all be rich a 5 years. LOL.

>> No.10336877
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>> No.10336882

non answer, that's what I thought

you are trying too hard

>> No.10336895


dude we all know blockchain is stupid. I only bought this shit so these faggots could pump my tokens to at least 50 bucks.

Im mad I trusted them. Like i said if I held btc or eth id still be up 2x. break even because a jungle gook vansa lied to me for 7 months.


u have nothing whore. ur almost as bad as jun scamegasawa going to the central banks holding vitaliks hands

>> No.10336896

It is videos like this that make this space look like a complete joke and why everyone is concerned about scams.

>> No.10336903

I just gave you an answer you fucking imbecile. i said ethereum. jesus christ you idiots are dumber than i thought. go back to plebbit where you came from

>> No.10336904

Cool, now instead of having one worthless token you'll have many.

>> No.10336910

What the fuck are you saying? You make no sense... I don't think you have a clue what you're talking about.

4-5 years means they finished a fully operational DEX running on Plasma as it has now been defined. Their "ultimate end goal". They named it Tengen.
Full PoS, cross-chain compatible plasma

Also, you're the migger. I know with 100% certainty. Post a timestamped pic of your white hand and i'll pay you 0.05 BTC. I'll post the txid in this thread.

>> No.10336935

migger detected, only one person says this
you didn't give me any answer
you just said etherum will be scalable by 2020 which we both know is pure bs

>> No.10336944

literal coal burner

>> No.10336957


lol yeah fucking right. Stellar will have all of that including global vc partnerships by next year.

these faggot fucking gooks are copping out and paid a journalist to spin their words.

Im so done, this project is a fucking legal scam

>> No.10336968
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kill urself seriously.

>> No.10337003

If you think Stellar is an actual competitor of OMG then you have absolutely not the slightest clue what you're talking about.
For fuck sake just sell, you goddamn migger. I'm so tired of your stupid FUD.
Educate yourself. Get a life. Accept your losses. Let it go.

>> No.10337028

>he made a typo therefore he's wrong and needs to kill himself

>> No.10337036

Reminds me when komodo had their announcement for decentralised icos and it looked like a fucking terrorist video and they were about to behead someone.
The fuck was i thinking not just picking stellar after the ibm partnership and calling it a day

>> No.10337043


stellar is the vc backed dominant project to omisego.

OMG is done

Exit at 12 bucks if im lucky.

Fucking sleazy brutish gooks. Vitalik knows they are trash now too. he is so embarrassed to even mention them

>> No.10337058


Wait for plasma pump u moran

>> No.10337063
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>5 years

>> No.10337069
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>Wait for plasma pump u moran

>> No.10337098

Look at OMG's github repo's... They are doing EXTREMELY well.
Stellar doesn't compete with OMG in ANY way whatsoever. WTF is wrong with you? How can you deny basic facts like that? Explain to me how Stellar competes with OMG. It's a radically different concept.

Please sell at the current price. Just get out, man. Leave it be.

Vitalik shows his face all the time for OMG. He heavily supports every single Plasma related project out there. Most of the plasma research and development is being done by the OMG team. You're seeing ghosts, man.

Plasma is SUPER fucking close. It technically already works. Why is nobody actually watching any of the github repo's? Anyone can run their code!

>> No.10337113

>Wait for plasma pump u moran
That happend in august moron, i know cause i bought then. Fucking pump made me fall in love with this gook shit when i could have just picked stellar

>> No.10337117

im gonna kill myseld my btc stash is being bled by these chink coins

>> No.10337131

Just sold it all in the market section, im Out it's too much to take, probably gonna have to take out another load to cover the payments of the first one cause I lost so much on thiis worst decision of my life

>> No.10337140
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Mfw all in on OMG

>> No.10337149

You fucking idiots are still defending them? They strung people on FOR MONTHS with soon this, soon that. Now they say 4 - 5 years? I'm glad I sold these but I wasted my time following them. You fuckers that bring up migger every fucking time are so fucking deluded. Clearly only 1 guy in the world can question and get mad at a team that lied to people and made it sound like things are getting done "SOON." Who the fuck is going to even use plasma RIGHT AWAY? The OMG token STILL does nothing.

>> No.10337151


golem has a great github too and its at a 30% loss from august lol

Im not holding this reject project long term.

fuck that.

next pump im out and going all in on vc backd coins.

fucking loser exxagerators

>> No.10337185


>Total retard
>Is gonna buy vc bags

Checks out

>> No.10337196

The only people who kept the "soon" meme alive was /biz/. Jun said the word "soon" ONCE.
You're a retard for falling for /biz/ sentiment instead of just doing your fucking research. If you knew what you invested into, you'd know this project won't reach its final goals for half a decade.
Get fucked.

>> No.10337197


bro even btc is a better invesmtent at this point. this piece of thailand dog shit is selling off everyday because the team knows something we dont

>> No.10337218

>The only people who kept the "soon" meme alive was /biz/
I got out quick, fuck this coin, but are you serious right now? Jun wasn't the only one that said soon.

>> No.10337220

can this team keep their fucking mouths shut?
this is what happens when you hire gender quota hires, the project falls apart

>> No.10337222
File: 57 KB, 550x720, FORBESTHAILAND041_001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Uhh Hey, round eye...
>You make-a fun of mai projek huh?
>You fink you real funny?
>Meet mai partna in crime, we show you who boss
>Hey Hey Ritalik, get ova here and tell these white devils to buy more omse_go ...omse_going_to_the_moon bitches

>> No.10337223

non argument
stay btfo

and kys migger we all know it's you
only one person has the same post style and starts this shit every day at the same fucking time

convicted sex offender scum bag

>> No.10337225

are you retarded? they literally say SOON all the fucking time.



>> No.10337230

This is difficult fud to ignore.

>> No.10337234

no one ever thought the project would be 100% complete this year
you obviously have no understanding of how shit works

>> No.10337235

> OMG ready eoy
Ahaha y'all forgor to ask which decade ahahaha

>> No.10337241

whatever u say faggot. thanks for your BTC and for your sacrifices. i knew when to get out LOL

>> No.10337248

I think I'm slowly becoming convinced you fuckers are more delusional than coss token holders.

>> No.10337268

This hold is getting less comfy by the day.

>> No.10337277

not even
four to five years for 100% complete with all their customers on the network
as if that's fud
go rape some more women you piece of shit 5ft nigger

>> No.10337294

Fucking bullshit.
That was correct. It's literally finished. See >>10337098

Failed attempt at immitating the real migger.


>go rape some more women you piece of shit 5ft nigger
The crazy thing is that he is an ACTUAL genuine pedo rapist. And he's genuinely literally unironically on /biz/, shitposting every day.

>> No.10337328

>everyone is the migger
Your shit is just fucking tiresome

>> No.10337359

This guy is the migger for real:

I even offered him 0.05 BTC if he can post a timestamped pic proving he's not the migger.

Trust me. I know.

>> No.10337395

>Trust me. I know.
>says the person with a paranoia about the migger
Seems legit.

>> No.10337449

Top Tier PR

>> No.10337460

He types the exact same way every time.
He starts his first sentence without a capital letter and his last sentence never ends with any punctuation.
He leaves whitespace between every line. He makes the same grammar mistakes every time. He leaves an empty line after referring to your post.

This is the guy the Omise company threatened to sue. It's fine if you don't believe me.

Again, i'm offering that poster 0.05 BTC if he posts a timestamped pic of his hand, proving he's not the migger. I'll post the txid right here in this thread, if i'm wrong.

He has been shitposting the same old FUD threads on /biz/ for almost a year now. It's getting really damn easy to tell when it's him or someone who has actual criticism of the project.

>> No.10337486

what are vpns and other devices
you've been exposed migger for months migger, give it up
you must have one hell of a vendetta against omise.. was it because they rejected your offer for paid shilling?

now kys you convicted sex offender mentally ill cross dressing 5ft nigger

>> No.10337507

>same old FUD threads
This article was posted TODAY

>> No.10337548

I'm not referring to this thread, you fucking retard.
I'm referring to one guy in this thread.

>> No.10337557

>if i only invested in btc in 2011
holy shit this board, put your shit together

>> No.10337838

I love how this board says GOOKS but the team is mainly white people.
The fact that BIZ fuds this so hard should be an extremely bullish signal

>> No.10337854

There's only like 5 white people in the project

>> No.10337861

fucking idiot.

>> No.10337889

Youre fine anon. Look how dead eth was, around the same price, before it took off. You did your research, have some fortitude.

>> No.10337949

and they're like polish women or something

>> No.10337964

Fuck. Fuck my fucking ass. Fuck you Thai ladyboy pieces of shit. You took one year of my life and you fucked my fucking ass with it.

>> No.10337973

Post timestamp and i will sell my 1.4k omg and post a timestamp/txid

>> No.10338008

I'm out. See you in 5 years, space cowboys.

>> No.10338069

This token is one of the few that has a legit chance to 1000x in 3-5years.

BIZ: Wahhhhhh i want 1000x in 30 days.

>> No.10338087
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>unused walmart skateboards, with apple stickers to ride off the back off of apple's face id announcement
>Taking selfies at companies you are not having meetings with
>partnership(s) consist of one mcdonalds in the ladyboi fuck capital of the world.
>Recent interview consists of literal studdering potheads with waterbottles on their heads saying 'if it never comes to fruition, so be it'


>> No.10338116

>$10000 per token

sure anon

>> No.10338141

>studdering potheads with waterbottles on their heads
I wouldn't believe it if I didn't see it myself

>> No.10338655

Jun was a pro skater for element you dumb fuck
rest of post ignored

>> No.10338769

thanks just bought 100k

>> No.10338807

Sell it all and buy a bitcoin while you can. Where do you think bitcoin will be in 5 years compared to OMG?

>> No.10338837

Here's your (you)

>> No.10339686
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i dont even own omg and never will but these omg threads are pure cocaine. my fucking sides. autistic delusional bagholders fighting niggaz who had enough and chimp out

10/10 would read again and pay for it

>> No.10340326


>> No.10340344
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yess....Omg safe again....keep buying...rats right..

>> No.10340363

What did they change it to? Please tell me it isn't from 4 - 5 years to "soon."

>> No.10340373

holy shit its down to 98202? ive not seen it dip this low ever

>> No.10340390

Fucking Sauce? I don't care about bag holding OMG faggots gimme those caramel skinned tittays

>> No.10340440

>OmiseGO states that its product won’t be fully operational some time to come. (According to its latest roadmap, users should be able to place cash in the software’s “e-wallets" by the end of the year but the project’s “end game” development date isn’t yet specified.) As for how long it might take before blockchain technology is commonly used in Southeast Asia, Vansa says, “I’d bet my money on four to five years. Hopefully sooner."

>> No.10340467


Not sure why this is happening now. Plasma is one of the most promising things in crypto. I'm going to pick up more OMG. Buying the dip.

>> No.10340503

Fucking retards everywhere...How many beanie babies did your parents own? Surely you got your investing acumen from them.

>> No.10340526

So now it basically means it's not worth staking for another 4 to 5 years?

>> No.10340643

Polkadot too. Can't wait till these platforms come out I wanna scoop up some main net coins

>> No.10340681

Holo isnt a ponzi, retard.
Req seems okay I guess
0xBTC is an interesting idea but is an actual Rajeesh Patel tier scam now. OMG is barely any better though.

>> No.10340798

Check the article now faggots the reporter completely mis quoted Vansa and has since corrected it. Vansa was never even talking about how long it'd take for OMG this entire thread is garbage

>> No.10341012
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>No sauce for you nigga

>> No.10341916

Just false FUD...ignore

>> No.10342506

This has to be paid FUD. Or a competitor trying to get this crypto to tank. They actually corrected it pretty quickly...

>> No.10342561
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> As for how long it might take before blockchain technology is commonly used in Southeast Asia, Vansa says, “I’d bet my money on four to five years. Hopefully sooner."

nice FUD now gtfo pajeet

>> No.10342585

>As for how long it might take before blockchain technology is commonly used in Southeast Asia, Vansa says, “I’d bet my money on four to five years. Hopefully sooner."

i dont think any other cryptocurrency will be commonly used in any country in 5 years. biz is retarded again.

>> No.10342658

Anon, in 4-5 years the project will be completed....No one know the answer to your question as it is a 'soon' thing. Sell if you want to, You need to DYOR its the best cure of weak hands.

The article has been corrected since it was posted.....

OmiseGO states that its product won’t be fully operational some time to come. (According to its latest roadmap, users should be able to place cash in the software’s “e-wallets" by the end of the year but the project’s “end game” development date isn’t yet specified.) As for how long it might take before blockchain technology is commonly used in Southeast Asia, Vansa says, “I’d bet my money on four to five years. Hopefully sooner."

>> No.10342681

OMG is unfuddable!

>> No.10342703

>i dont think any other cryptocurrency will be commonly used in any country in 5 years. biz is retarded again.

This is the level of knowledge the fudders have. This fag probably bought Verge....

>> No.10342706

Woah... article has since been EDITED. FUCKING FUD !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Holy shit CRYPTO IS A SCAM. JUST LOOK WHAT ONE FAG JOURNALIST CAN DO

>> No.10342738


the Fudders
1. can't read good
2. have not DYOR
3. Typical /biz/tards jumpin on a band wagon (most likely)
4. paid

>> No.10342743

I already a while ago. Even though the article changed, it still means its not gonna be worth staking for another 4 - 5 years.

>> No.10342772

youre fucking brain dead man

>> No.10342803

no reading comprehension

this fud thread should be titled "vansa claims blockchain technology will be commonly used in southeast asia within 4-5 years". how OP got you biz retards falling for the original title is beyond me.

>> No.10342861

$1 by december

>> No.10342874

I know what they changed you fucking idiot.
>OmiseGO candidly states that its product won’t be fully operational for years to come. “I’d bet my money on four to five years,” Vansa says. “Hopefully sooner.”
To what they have now. I thought they removed 4 - 5 years part when everyone is saying they changed it. But now its 4 - 5 years or sooner when people will be using blockchain in South east asia Vansa thinks.

>> No.10342926

>I know what they changed you fucking idiot.
Calling other ppl idiots
The absolute state of (You)

>> No.10342934 [DELETED] 

rachel just WRECKED her foot


>> No.10342965

Was that the best response you can come up with? If you couldn't piece it together, guess who's the brain dead one.

>> No.10342993

This bullshit reeked from start to finish. Can’t believe people fell for that skateboard shit sub 100iq fools

>> No.10342994

>I got out quick, fuck this coin
I thought you sold already

literally falling for FUD
>guess who's the brain dead one.

>> No.10343008

Absolutely gooked. This vaporware shit will be obsolete/too late to the game if it ever gets done.

>> No.10343017

Probably because I still follow it. If you decided to read my previous posts, at least read all of them.

>> No.10343039

Dude, you fell for FUD! Quit thinkin so highly of yourself newfag.

By the amount it dropped it looks like we lost some lottery ticket hodlers, you included

>> No.10343045

poor omisegoons

>> No.10343046

Are you mad that you actually didn't sell on this. Is that why your projecting?

>> No.10343061

Whatever you think man. Just gonna say if you were here last year and you're not already in BTC right now, then you fucked up.

>> No.10343065

>Are you mad that you actually didn't sell on this.
Nope, I don't daytrade.

>Is that why your projecting?
kek, i got most of my OMG for free from sellin the Bitcion cash airdrop that was 5x the price i paid for BTC...

>> No.10343218

REminds me of the January FUD...

Some foreign cunt journalist basically made us drop 20% mcap. Fucking hell, she probably got paid $50,000 by some whale to do that shit and the whales made way more.

>> No.10343221

I can't believe you are falling for FUD on a mostly solid project around their ATL when they have a progressively solid roadmap ahead of them and steady progress to show for.

/biz/ is literally retarded and thinks the state of a project changes in 3 months or incredibly good at FUD.

>> No.10343224

yeah I can't believe a MUFG subsidiary gave omise 30 million usd in funding for the project
what fools

>> No.10343524

Why does the github only have 5 contributors? Why won't they fucking hire people.

>> No.10343598

Go into the repositories and through their contributors.
It's way more than 5.

>> No.10343600


This article has been Edited from when it was first publish hours ago.

The Updated and Edited version now says: "As for how long it might take before blockchain technology is commonly used in Southeast Asia, Vansa says, “I’d bet my money on four to five years. Hopefully sooner."

The Original said: "OmiseGO candidly states that its product won’t be fully operational for years to come. “I’d bet my money on four to five years,” Vansa says. “Hopefully sooner.”

Someone convince me this isn't FUD. Protip: you can't.
Oh and thanks for the cheap tokens.

>> No.10343622

>As for how long it might take before blockchain technology is commonly used in Southeast Asia, Vansa says, “I’d bet my money on four to five years. Hopefully sooner."

Are we reading the same article or do you miggers and pajeets have no reading comprehension.

The product will be ready as scheduled, but adoption won’t be as quick

>> No.10343675


>> No.10343729


Except users won’t know they’re using cryptocurrency. OmiseGo fudders are the epitome is retarded

>> No.10343945
File: 83 KB, 453x418, 1526534606585.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember the first x2 when I started with crypto, OMG was teh boi.
Glad I sold, fun times

>> No.10343948
File: 13 KB, 251x201, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]