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10333345 No.10333345 [Reply] [Original]

Which career ideas never turned real for you? Share your story, I need some /feels/, I feel like shit.

My story:
>8 years old
>discover football (soccer)
>playing every day with school frens
>never came home on time cause I loved it with my whole heart
>parents didn't like sports and punished me for coming home late
>they didn't let me play in a club
>fast-forward 4 years
>still loving it
>parents finally let me go to a club
>12y old children bullied me for being a foreigner and always being the "thinker"
>I couldn't anymore after 3 years
>fell for the college meme (dad pushed me)
>21yo and doing CS now without any passion
>having a depressing life despite having many friends
>only peace is found in watching my favorite team play or in pot.

I still think every other day about what if my parents actually let me play back when I was 8 in a club. I still love the sport and it's the only passion I have in my life. It's so depressing to know that this door will forever be closed for me. Sometimes I lose some tears about it. Like now.

>> No.10333637

Why didnt you just changed the club back then? Also, when football is your passion then try to find a job releated to your passion. Football is a multibillion $ industry they offer jobs in every field.

>> No.10333681

It's never to late though. Look at trippier that nigga was a supporter a few years back now hes playing for England.

>> No.10333690
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failed musician here. It's the worst feeling watching your hopes and dreams shattering apart
>make music daily since 12 years old
>21 still making music for whatever fucking reason
>can't sing because too shy
>already lost all the fantasies I had when I was a kid that I'd be making a living doing my favorite thing
>now would be glad if anyone just liked my songs, don't care about it making me money at all
>haven't finished a single song in fucking years, only unfinished demos
>too afraid of critisism, so I don't upload anything
Honestly, music ruined my life. I don't give a shit about anything anymore. If crypto won't make me rich I'll just neck myself. Well even with the money I guess all the roads lead to that eventually. Wish I could go back in time and choose another hobby, but now it's too late and too much effort has been put into that, so it's retarded to quit, so I'm going to keep beating the dead horse until the end

>> No.10333745

Just want to let you know. 95% of the us are in the same position. Listen to Alan Watts get a little enlightened and maybe do acid/mushrooms with some friends on day camping. Honestly, I just had a root canal yesterday and to add onto it I ripped off my front bumper so I'll have to drop 3k on that which I was planning on throwing into crypto but it didn't even phase me because I'm happy. Things and things and things and things.

>> No.10333798

When's your birthday? 80% of football (proper football, not armoured handegg) players are born between september and new years.

>> No.10333827

Docs say I have bipolar 2. Or something. Like longer drawn out fluctuations of mood. I think its bullshit. I've had depression since like I was about 20 but mostly cause I read a lot and I'm m not a complete fuxking retard.

Most people who arent stupid are depressed. Just gotta keep an eye on that son of a bitch and also you gotta let it out to roam free for a few days every couple years so that you dont get insane. That's what I do atleast.

Dont take the meds they try to give you it's all bullshit and only want to sedate you so they dont have to worry about you.

I spent a few days in the bin and it was bullshit they charged me 12 bucks to talk to their doctor.

Again, dont take the meds and dont believe them. When your depressed just be aware of it, control it, then let loose a few days every few years. That's my advise.

>> No.10333867

>parents brought me to the USA as a kid
>overstayed visa
>no green card, undocumented, at constant risk of deportation
>got DACA so thats the only reason im still in the country
>can not get any certifications as most require permanent residence status
>still managed to get a college degree, but no one wants to hire an illegal
>dont know anything about my home country, would probably kms if deported
>parents constantly berating me for not making more money, despite the fact that it is their fault im in this position
>currently doing wagecuck job for $15 an hour and living with asshole parents
>no future, no goals, no hope in sight
>just taking one day at a time

>> No.10333908

>be me
>end up working with the boss's son
>cunt is getting promoted to supervisor

probably going to walk out the door today, no joke

>> No.10334032

I couldn't change the club, I lived in a rural area. Trust me, finding a job related to football is my last resort. But doing big data on football statistics and actually playing it are different worlds.
I will probably start again as an active player but I will need to focus on uni, otherwise I'll end up a total failure.
This is hard, is beat producing nothing for you?
I'm thinking now for quite some time to try LSD. Not sure if I'lldo it though
March :/
What do you think of by letting it out?
This is unbelievable, stay strong bro. Xou will surely find a door openener somewhere. If you don't have social anxiety , try to network as much as you can

>> No.10334074

To be honest this sounds like total bullshit. There is no possible way that after all those years of work you still can't make something decent and finish a damn song.

The only explanation I can come up with is that you're just making dumb excuses. Maybe you're one of those persons who wants to do something "unique" and is totally incapable of studying a specific stablished genre and seeing what makes it sound good.

Don't reinvent the wheel anon. Also I really want to hear your stuff, please provide links.

>> No.10334100


>3 years old
>love cars/racing
>never able to get into a cart, even though my parents have money
>fastforward 16
>get license
>watch F1, indycar, WRC, etc every weekend
>take my car to the track/autocross as much as possible
>Fastforward 21
>parents are extremely happy I'm going to a really good school to study to go into IB
>literally only want to do it so I can maybe be a paydriver someday

>> No.10334110

forgot to add I also do a lot of simracing

>> No.10334127
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>be me
>dad showing me cool shit from his world travels in military
>bunch of military stories growing up
>cool I wanna do that sometime
>graduate high school
>go to college for 2 years in Comp Sci
>military enters mind, travel world, get paid, sweet government bennies after
>spend 1 year of my life working my fat ass off to lose nearly 60 lbs to meet weight requirements for entry
>finally get in, my PT scores are shit but I nut up and bust my ass more than everyone else to make it
>Final PT test happens, I'm about to finally realize one of my dreams for the first time in my life
>tear the rotor cuff on my shoulder
>I literally cannot move my arm, put on a shirt normally, make my bed, perform any real basic functions
>transferred to medhold for recovery
>crippling depression and anxiety set in while spending the next 8 weeks on base in medhold
>literally stare at walls, cockroaches, and the holes in the ceiling for 16 hours a day waiting for the next day to come never knowing when you're going to get out.
>booted out for "adjustment disorder"

Now I have no college degree (and still about 11k in debt), and all that time I pissed away trying to join the military was for nothing.

I still want to make it /biz/, but I have no friends, almost no family, no connections, and barely any work experience. How the fuck can I recover from a life of instability?

>> No.10334226

you have us. invest safely, be careful of biz shills, and you can make it just like the rest of us who have a brain

>> No.10334283

I've noticed a lot of shills here on /biz/, but what's a good giveaway for shills? What can I look for that makes a scam?

I have an interview in 20 minutes so I can't read it right away, thanks in advance anon

>> No.10334328

I actually think I have some decent songs, it's just I can't finish any single one of them. Also my vocals suck and I do everything by myself so it takes too much time
>Also I really want to hear your stuff, please provide links.
Not the best work, but the only one I have with somewhat acceptable recorded vocals. Also unfinished. Still can't sing for shit and sound like a complete faggot in this one.

this one is total crap, but it has no vocals so I can share it. It's about the same topic as this thread

>This is hard, is beat producing nothing for you?
like for money ? Too much competition and I don't like that kind of music. And it's not like anyone would pay for my shit anyway

>> No.10334660
File: 90 KB, 633x640, interpidboomer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>vidya artist, uni degree back in the day etc
>was family approved designated job for my lazy ass
>didn't really like it
>was mediocre at it
>end up working in advertising, shit hours shit pay
>decided to quit after my biggest job for a big oil company, became depressed because i hate both ads and the oil lobby
>spend a few months mentally in the shitter, i was preparing for that job for years
>ff to today, waifu, weed and crypto, life's good

Picking myself up after having to pull a hard reset on my "career" sucked major ass for a time, but it was a major step in helping me reevaluate my whole life and giving me my most productive years so far.

As a freshly minted boomer, I've got two pieces of advice for you lads;

1) Don't pick your wife on looks, unironically go all in on personality alone

2) If you find something you really enjoy doing (found my calling close to 30 years old) go all in in that, too

Good luck and give 'em hell

>> No.10334675

Might be caffeine withdrawal OP? Been having ur sips?

>> No.10334743

fuck off hubert hansen

>> No.10334752

I like your style. Gotta work more on mixing and structure but the vibes are dope. My advice would be to look up mixing and mastering tutorials and also try to find similar professional sounding songs and study the structure. Don't give up anon.

First one reminded me a lot this https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=RazOfS6mjfw#

Maybe you like this too https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=KOb5lFMwOyI

>> No.10334805

trippier has been pro since he turned 16

>> No.10334873

tap dat mf upboat if your life goals and ideal cereers have gotten smaller and smaller since beign a kid

>be 16
>want to be an air ambulence pilot
>be 21
>any job where i dont have to interact with people would be nice
>genuinly thinking about getting neetbux

is there any hope for me?

>> No.10334960

Probably wanna start with mushrooms like a gram or two. Wouldn't be wise to jump in balls deep without experience.

>> No.10335542

I'm going clean now for a week. Will evaluate afterwards

>> No.10335728

That's rough my man. Hang in there though. Get an online degree and do freelance computer based work if you can't move around.

Program, be an artist

>> No.10335801

A few years ago I left a very high paying sales job to start my own company and it ended up failing. I wasted a year of my life and most of my savings on it. Now I'm broke and struggling to hold onto a shitty job while simultaneously losing every dollar I try to save in this giant ponzi scheme. Kill me.

>> No.10335866

thanks fren. death note is a good animu, but not really what I had in mind making that song. I know my mixing and mastering skills are pretty bad, working on that

>> No.10335867
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Cuz, music is passion. Keep doing your thing, sometimes I play guitar once every two months othertimes I play 12hrs a day.
I do it for me

My gf actually songwrites and composes etc she has some stuff out but we have office jobs as well, its a hobby, its a passion. Do it for yourself brother don't worry about the fame, these days making it is impressing 12 yr old girls so don't fret.

Don't stop

>> No.10335962

yeah I guess you're right. It's just in my nature to get autistically obsessed over some things whether it's music or crypto. And if something doesn't go along with my plans or whatever delusions i made up for myself that really fucks me up every time

>> No.10336089


Update, just got back from the interview and got the job. $16.5/hr

It isn't exactly great by /biz/ standards but I've only had temp jobs and shit work for minimum or near minimum wage so I'm tickled as fuck.

>> No.10336098

congrats :)

>> No.10336104

>be me 6 years old
>oldfags ask me what I wanna be when I grow up
>"I just wanna be retired"
>oldfags laugh but Im dead serious
>tfw now 33 old wageslave and still just wanna be retired but will probablly never make it

>> No.10336105

I know this sounds cliché, but when you die your money won't matter. Do enough to enjoy yourself and make ends meet. Find short, simple goals to achieve and meet them. Keep long term goals in the back of your mind

Congrats bro. You'll get 20 dudes here who'll call you a poorfag but remember half the people here are NEETs. It's not about how much money you make it's what you do with it, save accordingly

>> No.10336117

Congrats faggot. Aiming for a $20.50/hr position with max pay at $31/hr. May we all make it.

>> No.10336119
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congrate mate. it's a good start.

>> No.10336129

I’m guessing most people aren’t doing something they love doing or they wouldn’t be here on this Peruvian depression counseling message board trying to gamble for a better life

>> No.10336137
File: 63 KB, 722x349, 1506487429722.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Music hasn't ruined your life, if anything it has given you a lot of joy and an outlet for one of the truest forms of expression.

Most musicians ruin their deep-rooted love for music and the joy of creation by trying to use it to sustain a living- I've seen too many failed musicians who threw away everything to try to pursue music, only to be left in their mid thirties with some deadend day job and a failed music career consisting of occasional bar gigs.

Even talent is no guarantee, music is truly one of the most saturated markets there is, your dreams of a career in music were fanciful but ultimately misguided- only the smallest fractions of musicians out there will be able to sustain a living from their artistic success, the rest will simply not never make it.

>> No.10336149

Hey you can't just rename a pic and repost it that's not halal dude

>> No.10336177

Work in a warehouse fgt or some manufacturing type gigs. As long as your co workers are cool it's all good. You got plenty of time if you wanna work the trades. Plumbers and the like don't have to be too social and shit.

>t. ex warehouse worker now cutting materials all day

>> No.10336192

gl anon, get that job my man

>> No.10336219

Just leave ffs. You're a drain and a parasite

>> No.10336238

i dont think i renamed it, i just downloaded it two times. sorry allah

>> No.10337137
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that's why I'm trading shitcoins, so I could completely immerse myself in my autistic hobbies once I have enough money for a comfy NEET life. As I said I'm not concered anymore about making money on music, just want to make something great that people would like to listen to. The kind of stuff my favorite indie bands do that are not exactly well know but make awesome stuff.

By music ruining my life I meant that that's the only thing I can think about, making a great album I could be proud of. And the fact that I can't finish any of the song fucks me up in a way. It just feels like something I have to do, but can't. I mean, it's like you spend so much time creating something, working on each track for hours, just to find out later no one gives a fuck about it.

I had some delusions when I was a kid about being a rich rockstar and shit like that, now I don't care about any of that. I'm too socially retarded to be famous anyway.