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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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10326222 No.10326222 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone here over 40 years old? How does it feel that more than half your life is already over?

>> No.10326231

Great, half the suffering is over

>> No.10326232

We're all gonna die one day :(

>> No.10326246

it's unironically a relief

>> No.10326247

Fuck, Im 31, ima go get some work done, you damn zoomers.

>> No.10326267

40 is great. Be sure you're on trt though

>> No.10326270

43. Every day I wake up sad that I didn't die in my sleep.

>> No.10326276

50. Best period of my life.

>> No.10326303

any of you old fags still smoke or drug?

>> No.10326309

27, not going to make 30. I'd do the percentage but this is /biz/.

>> No.10326329
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To be fair, I wouldn't consider the first 15 years living

>> No.10326350

42 and prosperous enough to occasionally rent a whore. Well, she calls herself a "companion". It's pretty nice, actually. I get my dicc succ, then she tells me about her grandkids. It winds up being way less confusing and more satisfying than actual relationships I've been in since everything is on the table. Not to mention that I'm having more sex than I did in my 20s and 30s.

>> No.10326356
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>> No.10326357

41, I don't think half it is over, pretty sure gen exers getting to 100yo is pretty likely. Plus 20 years of life is being a kid, life doesn't really start until you're 20 so really I've only been alive for 21 years

>> No.10326364

39 here. Wealthy, in shape, hot ass wife, no credit card debt, no loans. Cock works great, do BJJ, could kick 90% of the asses on his low-T, hairless, trap loving board. Pathetic

>> No.10326381
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>all these boomers

>> No.10326537

>half your life is already over?

More like your life is already over. It's deceiving, because people don't take quality of life into account.

It's not much of a life when you're a shriveled up old prune waiting to die.

>> No.10326549

Im 35 and i still drink and do a little coke on the weekends. It takes such a toll these days. Not as easy as it was 10 or even 5 years ago.

>> No.10326558

This. We basically get cheated out of actually being able to pursue our wants until we hit 16 and can drive and start working.

>> No.10327177

40 is not half, we will live 100.

>> No.10327190

half of my life? here in my country we live at least 90 years, good luck in your polluted city boomer

>> No.10327210

That's why you stay active and fit you kale male

>> No.10327280

Half? More like 80%

RIP literal boomers

>> No.10327300

18, i have my whole life ahead of me you boomers

>> No.10327368
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40 here
I used to make lots of money 200,000+/yr. lost my job at 38. Been looking for another job even close ever since

everything I do I've already done before and children in their 20s now do it better. feelsbad.

>> No.10327404
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Shit, I've wasted 10 years

Can I still make it /biz/ if I wasted my life up until my 25th birthday?

>> No.10327417

25 is still young, you can start fresh anywhere

>> No.10327955

It's terrible, I get so depressed about it sometimes I think about killing myself

>> No.10328027
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41 here but I'm hedging with calorie restriction, metformin, and rapamycin. That combination will probably carry me past 110 or 115. By that time, I'm banking on my investments being enough to buy the best medical science has to offer which, um, should be enough. Here's hoping.
Remember, we aren't trying to be Case, we're shooting for TessierAshpool

>> No.10328044

How's metformin, I'm thinking about trying it?

>> No.10328055

>past 110 or 115
imagine being this delusional

>> No.10328066

On the bright side if you're under 30 there stands a good theoretical chance you will live past 100

>> No.10328099

I've been on it for about six years now solely as a lifespan intervention, i.e., not diabetes and other than some gastronomic unhappiness in the beginning, it's been great. No side effects at all anymore. Along with the rapamycin and calorie restriction, it's the only thing that's been clinically proven to have anti-aging effects so I'd say try it. No snake oil crap.
Maybe. I guess we'll see in 70 years or so, kid.

>> No.10328112

I was pretty much the same. I started making moves at that point, entered college at around 28, prepping for med school now at 31.

The time is going to pass anyways, the sooner you get started the better but there's a certain point where the ball just starts rolling on its own.


>> No.10328115

I've wished I was dead every day for the past 16 years. If only you knew how bad things really are.

t. 45

>> No.10328156

For the naysayers, I look at it like this. I mean, so what if I live a healthy lifestyle, don't smoke, don't drink, reduce stress and inflammation, eat wholesome healthy foods, exercise, have good satisfying relationships, etc. and I still die at 84. I did it all for nothing..
>for nothing

>> No.10328221

Even if a young member has 15 or 20 years in a 40 something there is zero reason to believe u will live longer than them. In fact a large percentage def wont. A lot of peolple die around 20 to 30. Its the riskiest years of your life. Get past those then ypur odds of a long life go up.

>> No.10328245

>Anti aging solutions
>DNA modification
>Bio hacking

Poor boomers will die for sure

>> No.10328301

Death is an illusion matterfag

>> No.10328399

Even if scientists figured out a way to stop aging permanently, i doubt that governments around the world would allow this technology to proliferate. Overpopulation would be a huge issue unless they start forcibly neutering people like the chinks.

>> No.10328419


>> No.10328462

48 here. Unironically love to and get to bang the missus daily, get to work or not work mostly as I wish, and wise enough to get into btc four years ago. Imma gonna die surrounded by friends and family, all yall millennials are fucked by baby boomers

>> No.10328487

Yeah it is far away in the future anyway as well (talking about hundreds of years). Too many people are getting hyped up by entertainers who talk about popular science like Joe Rogan.

There is not even a general consensus yet on what really causes ageing.
As long as the problem is not identified yet you can not start working on a solution and gene editing is in it's infancy as well and still creates more problems than it solves.

But it is nice to have a pseudo religion to hold onto that muffles the fear of death. I do it too.

>> No.10328513

31 here, you can die in the very next breathe. That is literally how long your life is.

>> No.10328516
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>Remember, we aren't trying to be Case, we're shooting for TessierAshpool

Based boomer reference.

Although at 29 I'm still trying to be Case. I'll pop a couple adderalls and stalk around my city at night, thinking of crypto schemes, bust out Kali linux at my local coffee shop and fuck around on TOR.

Same as me. Just saving up at my current job to go to law school. I'll be a late entrant at 30, but with my current savings, I'll have no debt after I'm done.

>> No.10328565

> he doesn’t even expect to live to 80
I bet you’re a fat ameriburger aren’t you

>> No.10328652

This. I'm 32 and I still party and fuck younger women and all that cuz I look young but every single day I feel slower, more tired, and closer to death. I can't imagine being 40. I hope I overdose or something before then.

>> No.10328661

Good luck clinging to life in a nursing home your last 10 years like a sick dog that needs to be put down

>> No.10328733

>As long as the problem is not identified yet you can not start working on a solution
This is not actually true. Take any problem that has obvious negative effects. Start throwing shit at the wall until something sticks. In the moment, you may have no idea why it works, doesn't matter if it does. c.f. hand washing and delivering babies. Nobody did it and many women died. Then some dude started shilling hand washing and eventually it caught on. They didn't know why until a long time after when we discovered bacteria and shit.

>> No.10328788

That's because you're partying. I'm 31 and when I'm doing drugs I'm just fucked up, but when you cut them out, you recover. Just takes a while.

>> No.10328861

I agree but that is semantics. Sure you can always find something by accident that slows the ageing process but until now we have not unless you count generic stuff like excising, sleeping well eating right and fasting.

So yes that could happen so you can hope but until now it has not and it might never happen.

>> No.10329004

>you can always find something by accident that slows the ageing process but until now we have not
My man, not picking on you but you're now 0 for 2.

>> No.10329009

im 21 and i feel the same way, glad i got years more of this too look forward too.

>> No.10329026

The calorie restriction article gets right into it but the other one, I'll direct you to here

>> No.10329049

still better than being dead

>> No.10329104

Over 40. My almost 40 schizophrenic brother's drug damaged brain makes his life a living hell. His psychotic behavior makes my life a living hell. No amount of wealth will change this. Every day, I hope it's my last.

>> No.10329118

I thought my life was over at 16 so whatever dude

>> No.10329125

>when you cut them out, you recover

Imagine being this willfully ignorant.

>> No.10329127

my grandfather is 80 and still parties on the weekends
gets drunk and smokes weed

>> No.10329182
File: 8 KB, 226x223, images (9).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All these boomers in here lols
>Being born = wish you died that same second you were born.

>> No.10329423

my wealth will make me immortal
>30 year old boomer In-Betweener millenial

>> No.10329442


>> No.10329705

You got one hell of a grandpa, god bless that man

>> No.10329830
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>1800 usdt

>> No.10329981

fine, but the time I get to 80 I'll be entirely comfy with death. My main aim is to ensure that none of my money will be inherited.

>> No.10329988

I will still be here when im 70. All I have is memes.

>> No.10330257

That's all I need, baby. Tether's going to the moon!
>comfy with death at 80
Yeah, you say that now. I wonder if I offer you a 357 magnum with one bullet in the chamber on your 80th with a "you know what to do gramps", will you feel differently then? I'll be sure to remind you how "comfy with your death" you claimed you'd be just a few short decades ago.

>> No.10330264

Ben Franklin did all the shit he's known for at 40+

At the age of 50 Paul Gaugin said fuck it I'm gonna be a painter.

Sam Jackson got famous at age 48.

etc. etc.

>> No.10330394

How do you plan on dealing with the immunosuppressive effect of rifampicin though? Metformin might help a bit but it seems that if you are not in a sterile environment like the flies worm or labrats they use the disadvantages outweigh the positive effects it may have.
It also just seems to work in the same way a caloric restriction lifestyle leads to a longer life so I don't think you need to take it if you do intermittent fasting.

from the wiki article:
"the known adverse effects caused by sirolimus and marketed analogs, especially the increased risk of infection due to immunosuppression, as well as dose-dependent metabolic impairment, make it unlikely that this could become a widely used anti-aging agent.[51] Among the strategies that have been explored to minimize such side effects are intermittent treatment regimens and combinations with insulin sentitizers (rosiglitazone) or antidiabetics (metformin) to prevent metabolic dysfunction."

>> No.10330453

Like most things medically related, everybody is different. My man, I've been taking Rapamycin ever since I figured out how to get my hands on it back in 2014 and aside from a few colds here and there and the flu once, not much has changed. Yeah, if you are a child or elderly or just an all around sickly person, maybe stay away. But I'm a 41 year old male with good genetics who's never spent a night in the hospital, has no known allergies or congenital defects. I'm basically in perfect health and the rapamycin nor the calorie restriction have had any deleterious effects. If anything, I'd say start slow, see if it agrees with you. If so, keep going.

>> No.10330492

if I were your physician I would not be comfortable with you taking rifampicin seems like the risk/reward ratio is not really there same with the metformin.

Focusing on caloric restriction is in my opinion healthier and does a similar thing.

But I get It you are taking an educated gamble I personally would not risk it though.

>> No.10330506

life past your prime isn't a life

>> No.10330530

I understand completely. Suffice it to say I am autistic about this to the extreme and have had a hardon for longevity research since I was in my early twenties. I keep meticulous records of my bio markers and on and on. If you knew me, you'd understand. For the typical "bio hacker" dabbler, don't even think about it as you'll probably end up killing yourself. I think we're on the same page though

>> No.10330607

47 here. comfy , drugging and drinking much more than i was in the 20's . last years recover time just get little longer.
just regret that wasn' t enjoying plenty of what i had on my 20's.

>> No.10330856
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>thinking that YOU will be one of those lucky few living to 60

>> No.10330863

Feels bad man

>> No.10330886
File: 6 KB, 201x184, simpsons lisa20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

overpopulation is over-exaggerated, look at a satellite map of the planet during night. we haven't even begun to seriously build vertically either. when up is at the limit we can build down. long before that we'll have off world colonies.

besides, people adapt their number of children to the conditions around them. at least as long as they can afford birth control and as long as sex isnt the only fun thing to do.

tl;dr don't mention overpopulation to be or my wife's son ever again

>> No.10330977

Just sad and you don't even know it

>> No.10330990

Post ugly flat chested wife

>> No.10331038

50? Dang, when did you start lurking

>> No.10331149

On the other hand, if you survive the culling the access to anti aging medicine will be that much more probable.

>> No.10331197

I’d want to die if population density gets any greater than it is.

>> No.10331237
File: 92 KB, 964x541, article-2617559-1D7AFA1000000578-875_964x541.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you could fit the entire world population in a tiny fraction of the grand canyon. Vsauce has a video on that.

Ofc you need land to produce food to sustain that population and every person still needs space for themselves but the problem is blown way out of proportion.

>> No.10331755

I'm probably the oldest person on this board (not revealing age) but older than everyone in here at least.

I don't plan on going anywhere, life extension technology will prolong my life indefinitely.

>> No.10331908


Never had more options, other grown-ups take me seriously right away, never had less drive. Fuck me.

>> No.10331953

you pointed out the main problem, not enough good land and fresh water for everyone.

>> No.10332115
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it's not like the population will spring up instantly, technology will allow us to manufacture precise food eventually (not just grow it). i mean if there's not enough food around it will just control the population even more since their babies will die... overpopulation on a global scale just wont happen

>> No.10332308

holy shit is this the oldest board on 4chan

>> No.10332446

>other grown-ups take me seriously right away
This shit right here makes being 40 worth it. No longer have to "prove" yourself. You don't realize how tedious that is until you're on the other side of it.

>> No.10332565

Invest that money in crypto, you boomer retard.

>> No.10332617
File: 177 KB, 467x440, OldDog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

45 with a 25 qt. No kids, townhouse almost paid off. Small stash in retirement 350K and some cryptos

Blew money for past 10 years fucking paid young qts so nice to have that at home plus extras like getting balls sucked and ass licked. I don't think I could go back to 20yr again unless I knew all the stuff I know or had lots of money. 20+ years of wage cucking is hell on earth. I know I don't have enough to retire really but I want to start a old fag NEET life as soon as possible scrounging on little if that's what it takes.

>> No.10332689

Hell yeah man. Neuromancer changed my life. Sometimes I sit staring at my charts with some of the right music playing and the vibe hits me. Crypto is /cyb/ as hell

>> No.10332720

You are going to make it.

>> No.10332886

I'm 34 and I have thought about this since age 22. Every birthday I double my age to see if its acceptable to me or not. I'm fairly scared of 40 because most 80yo people annoy me with their insufferable dependence. That being said, 34 years has seemed like an eternity and my happy life began when I met my wife, so I'm only 4 years into the good stuff. Bring it on

>> No.10333020
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>> No.10333155

Im 38. Spent 15 years doing the "right" thing. Ex got the house alimony up the arse and I barely see my kids who are fucked up after the split and though Ive no agency I am responsible apparently. Fuck wasting the best years of my life to spent the rsst of them miserable.

>> No.10333308

Fuck that sucks. Don't give in to despair though. I know it's easy for an outsider to say but I have to believe there are options. Look for a support group of men they might have ideas.

>> No.10333312

>implying people don't live over 80

>> No.10333374
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Did you fell for the marriage scam?

>> No.10333548

I just turned 60 and am having a blast. I still vidya, enough money that I don't have to work, I still get rock hard and since my wife is same age, can creampie her any time I want worry free. Sure, life is shorter now, but I'm having all the fun I can fit in. Things are way less stressful now that I'm older.

>> No.10333573


bahaha he sold his Bitcoin (BCH) like a true corecuck. BTW good luck with your kidneys with all that shit you're on. You'll be on dialysis in 10 years and you'll never reach 65.

>> No.10333586

you are just poorcels subchads coping

you lost the ponzi scheme lottery, at least kill, do something

>> No.10333592


>> No.10333597
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>> No.10333633
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>> No.10333643
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>life doesn't really start until you're 20
this is what beta cucks that didn't fuck prime virgins during high school will tell themselves

life ENDS at 20

>> No.10333645

How do I become a McDonald's chef so I can achieve all this

>> No.10333661

Almost 40.....once kids come it goes by in a flash.
My last 10 spent with my kids though so I didn’t have to be a wage Cuck....and play the fake corporate game.
Good luck kids..,,

>> No.10333724

/biz/ confirmed to be the board with the most boomers. Feels pretty good man.

>> No.10334058

being 30 makes you a millennial, boomers are over 60

>> No.10334205

>t. Boomer

>> No.10334531

38 year old boomer here. Married with 4 kids. Live in Chicago, paid off my home, own a 7 figure investment portfolio.

Dont listen to the Millenial mockery of own lives. Most live in their parents house still.

Living in America debt free in a major city with a house, wife and kids is a lifestyle 3+ billion people around the world would kill for.

>> No.10334620

There was a Dr. on Joe Rogan who was taking this. Dr. Attila or something. Do you feel any different or is this a meme?

>> No.10334654

>since my wife is same age, can creampie her any time I want worry free.
Surely you don't want to creampie your 60 yo wife very often?

>> No.10334655

>half over
KEK more like 2/3 over.

>> No.10334671

Honest question:

How do you still want and desire to fuck your 60 year old wife? I mean that is honestly amazing considering the temptation with porn and hot chicks on TV

oh yeah and obligatory:

> that 60 year old boomer who posts on a cis white angry young male basketweaving forum

>> No.10334733

id rather worry than creampie a 60yo old

>> No.10334784

Well, the thing about these kinds of interventions is it's a long term thing. Rapamycin and calorie restriction have both been studied extensively in mammals and the consensus is that it works and does extend maximum lifespan significantly. Of course ironclad evidence for humans can't exist yet as the experiment would take too long. That said, the literature is overwhelmingly in favor so I'm running with it. As far as how I feel, basically I'm great. I'm a bit skinnier than average with the calorie restriction but I make sure to eat enough to get the minimum usrda for every vitamin and mineral which is more than most people can say. I'm used to the rapamycin so it doesn't really bother me anymore. It does have some immunosuppressive effects though since that's basically how it works. I get colds and got the flu a couple of years ago. Other than that I'm good. I actually highly recommend a regimen like mine if you're serious about longevity. What I'm doing as far as I can tell is the only thing that has real scientific evidence behind it. Oh and the metformin can upset your stomach but you get used to that too.

>> No.10334856

People live to be over 100 in 1st world nations if they don't spend their whole lives eating garbage and if they take care of themselves.

>> No.10335074

Gotcha thanks. I'll look into it more.

>> No.10335101

Run away from him nigga and live your life

>> No.10335251

Says the highschool dropout. Say that to my face once u go to Wharton school u boomer

>> No.10335280

Have you looked into cryonics? You should.

>> No.10335318

I have not but it is on the agenda. Seems like a hell of a long shot. Worries me the most is the crystallization of the brain matter as it freezes. Seems like a one way street.

>> No.10335367

I'm actually already signed up.

The crystalization problem is partially solved by bodily perfusion with freezing solutions. The real problems are solution toxicity, perfusion depth in tissue not being the best, and phase transitions at low temperatures that cause tissue cracking.

They're looking at organic freezing solutions and intermediate temperature storage as possibly fixes right now. I think we're still a few decades out, but it's good to sign up now while you're young.

>> No.10335380

pressure's off now

>> No.10335387

Time is a social construct

>> No.10335442

Well, there is a thing called genes, and if you are unlucky none of that stuff will help you reach that age.

>> No.10335445

How much was the deposit? Also how do you need to arrange the rest of the money?

>> No.10335451

Why are you not ending it?

>> No.10335455

You pay a literal grandmother for a blowjob??

>> No.10335463

Nah I pay for it with life insurance (they pay out if I die), and the cost is like $200 per year.

>> No.10335558

You don't have to give any deposit at all? Do you just inform your insurance that Alcor should be the beneficiary of the funds or how does it work?

>> No.10335575

Two of my grandparents lived to be over 100. I'd say when I hit 40 I've still got a good 60+ years of suffering awaiting me.

>> No.10335721

creation of every new state requires destruction of the previous in order to live you must die many times over

>> No.10335758

Fortunately, everyone in my family that I'm aware has been healthy. No heart attacks, strokes, or cancer. And my grand folks have all loved to their late 90s.
Thanks. I'll definitely check it out soon

>> No.10336109

It's not about how much time it's about what you do woth.

>> No.10336249

Why not both?

>> No.10336283

If you're doing hardcore psychedelics all the time like LSD/Psilocybin or neuronal inhibitors like MDMA, DXM, etc. then you won't recover that well. Most drugs work by temporarily altering pathways in your brain to experience conscious & subconscious shifts. You're not going to go retarded off those.

>> No.10336297

It is. The older you are the more focused you get on business and finances since you realize they rule the world and having control of them gives you actual freedom.

>> No.10336299

Life is an illusion. We're already dead.

t. chaotic neutral

>> No.10336306

Well, before the thread shuffled off this mortal coil, just wanna say it's been nice getting some of my fellow 40 year old /biz/ boomers. More of us on here than I thought. May the Golden bull run of 2018 commence and may we all make it!

>> No.10336325

Every high school aged girl I've fucked was terrible at sex. Best sexual experienced I've had were with women 30 and over. You have no idea what a good blowjob is like.

>> No.10336362

You are in hell. You will never die you will be living forever. Everyone will die from your perspective but you will go on forever. Jokes on you.

>> No.10336518

Docfag here. There's a mice based metformin trial that showed benefits in non diabetic mice. As long as you don't get side effects, metformin is pretty safe to taken. Just go easy on the exercising though, lactic acid builds up fast while on metformin.

>> No.10336802

> 20 here
>Still have 60 more years left
> To much of pussy to kms
> How do I end this suuffering
>got fake coin money still depressed
>Never gona make it

>> No.10337209

Quantum Immortality.

>> No.10337461

>almost 24
Guys, what would you suggest me to do looking back? I got a degree, no debt, 30k in savings and like 20k in crypto. Live at home and in between jobs right now. Should I become a wagecuck and sit my best years behind a PC programming shit or do I have other options? Maybe travel the world but seems like a lot of money burned with no return on investment except "experiences".

>> No.10337710

work like crazy until 30, earn some high position and new skills, invest smart, retire by 32.

>> No.10337740
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>older than everyone
>still has childish fantasies of immortality

>> No.10337994

Not true.
Mars needs people, if we built underground bases and we could relocate millions to mars.

Also expect most of the African 3rd world to go bye bye within a few years.

>> No.10338013

Whatever you say child.
I've said it before 14 years and younger should be barred from internet access, they just shit everything up.

>> No.10338019

good thread to read
at least sometimes good people across the board can meet and have conversations of higher quality
today maybe isn't best day for discussions, however it did happen at least

>> No.10338049
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Why do guys (mid 30s-50s) always seem weird, or they're complete ass holes? Is it just the countless hours they have spent wage slaving so far? And around your 40s-50s is when most men seem to get divorced. So maybe that screws them up in some way. Younger people and seniors seem much more well adjusted for some reason.

>> No.10338244


>> No.10338399

Sounds like you’re in a great position at a young age. Anecdotal advice, get into fitness. Either running, weightlifting, sports etc. every single one of my friends in the 30 and older category slowly become fat slobs. And after an 8 hour day they rush home to get high or get some shit food and watch Netflix for 5 hours til they knock out on the sofa. Pathetic, being human is an amazing experience.

>> No.10338410

why are you so sure I don't do that now?

>> No.10338508

Suicide rates for men peak in that age range. Coincidence? Probably not.

>> No.10338576

They're probably poor.
Being old and poor is death as is. Make it, pay for a house, still have money and options and you'll be much better off.