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File: 178 KB, 640x331, Norway-Jobs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10329035 No.10329035 [Reply] [Original]

The anon reads that norway is rich. The anon is poor and want a piece of the pie.

Anyone whois not local living and working in Norway please share your stories.

I guess driving a lorry would be the best type of job for someone from abroad. Licence doesn't cost much at least in my country. Dunno about experience needed though. At least in my country ukrainians work this kind of job and they don't the language so it should be okay working as lorry driver in norway right ?
Is it possible to get full employment this way without being cucked by the middle man ?

>> No.10329050

why not just go to america

>> No.10329051

If you want to move to norway you need to be brown or black and preferrably muslim. Bonus points if you are from Pakistan.

>> No.10329072

Well yes the wages in Norway are high as fuck, but the again all the groceries etc. cost literally 3-4x more than in Sweden/Finland.

If you live in Sweden and work in Norway you'll be making a fucking bank, but living in Norway as a fellow Swede in comparison is RIDICULOUSLY expensive. Like it's fucking absurd.

>> No.10329286

shit is expensive in my country, son. you'll make decent money compared to your shithole country, but you'll spend it all on living expenses

>> No.10329308

In after muh Muhammad, muh Muslim takeover

>> No.10329318

My brother works and lives in Norway for years now (originally NLD).

He ain't coming back.

Just stay away from Oslo and big cities - niggers and Muslims are ruining them. Go out into rural area's with some stores. Life is good there.

Norway has the highest standard of living in the world. I go there 2-3 times a year so I can confirm.

>live on a mountain with chickens and dogs
>breathtaking view for free every day
>cold as fuck in winter, annoying snow. get used to it but this promotes NEETing
>never poor, free healthcare and education (not sure about education)

>> No.10329360

Education is free. Costs ~100USD per semester for administration charges. You also get a monthly stipend so long as you pass your exams

>> No.10329369

Because America is infested with filth.

>> No.10329391

seconded on avoiding big cities (especially OSLO IT'S MUSLIM NIGGER LIBERAL-VILLE)

>> No.10329401


It's scary how everything niggers and Muslims touch becomes tainted with their stench of destroying economic progress, cultural identity and general sentiment. They are the cancer of the modern age. Amsterdam and surrounding cities are no different.

I was at an amusement park last week and it was 50% Shitskins.

>> No.10329416

I heard it's difficult to find a job without knowing norwegian despite pretty much everyone apart from maybe boomers speak english. As they have some plans for major infrastructure upgraes I wanted to go there as well to find civil engineer but not sure, doesn;t seem to be much demand there

>> No.10329446

yup, they breed like fucking rabbits and spread their shit tier religion to everyone who are lib-cucked enough to bend over and take it

>> No.10329449

Wage cuck in this shit land on maximum save mode and invest everything in magic internet money. Personaly cant stand how cucked scandinavians are like somebody castrated them

>> No.10329535 [DELETED] 

Purchasing power in Norway is absolutely shit. Only when we go abroad do we feel semi kind or rich.

>> No.10329543

This is correct.

There is a decent demand for engineers, its just that foreign engineers are in high supply.

Also. It’s difficult for young Norwegian people to find jobs too if they don’t have the right connections.

>> No.10329550

Purchasing power in Norway is absolutely shit. Only when we go abroad do we feel semi kind of rich.

>> No.10329570

It's completely normal to have a free-standing 3-floor house with a garage and big ass garden in Norway. You take a lot for granted.

This is worth about 40 years worth of wagecucking in Netherlands.

>> No.10329609

That's because we are only 4 million native Norwegians on 385 000 km2. Every nigger in America can go daily to McDonalds, we can't do that in Norway even with in a two-income family. Too expensive.

>> No.10329698

Eh, not necessarily true. I live in New Hampshire and we have a higher percentage of whites than Norway and a higher per capita income. California is not the US, anon.

>> No.10329725

You'll get taxed to fuck. Food, drink, alcohol, cigarettes etc are extortionate. The only way to save money is to have no life and eat only the state branded food

>> No.10330169


>> No.10330212

we really need to fix the shitskin problem

>> No.10330242

I'm a spanish pipe welder with 2 years exp

How easy would it be to get a job in Norway? I speak english

I hear their oil market fluctuates a lot so maybe it would be hard in oil rigs
But what about shipyards for example?

>> No.10330256

The Norwegian Krone did reduce a lot in the past year AFAIK so purchasing power isn't as grand anymore.

>> No.10330259

wagecuckers in eastern europe don't have a live in the first place so it's not that much of a problem.

>> No.10330663

hmmm, a 3 story house on one hand, daily mcds on the other. really tough choice, fren

>> No.10330721


Currently working in Norway on a short term contract. I've heard from coworkers that there are plenty of jobs in construction working where you can get paid 3-4k euro a month. From the stories I've heard you will be working your ass of every work day, but the living costs here including food and housing if you're living modestly will be no more than 700 euro. Say you're earning 3.5k, that leaves you 2.8k of profit every month. Work your ass of for half a year, accumulate 16.8k euro, meanwhile learning and reading everything humanly available about stocks and finance. Go back home, invest the 16.8k euro in stocks, keep working something low key to pay for everyday expenses. If you're not retarded and willing to work hard af, in a few years time you will be packed with cash.

>> No.10330737

I talked about purchasing power, that is far more than just a burger. Reason why we can afford larger houses in Norway compared to Holland, Switzerland etc is solely due to landmass per capita and not purchasing power. You totally missed my point. Go read a basic book in economics.

>> No.10330756

groceries aren't that expensive. You can live by spending under 5 euro a day on food. I live here, can confirm, so yall can stfu about high groceries prices.

>> No.10330845

One of the Benelux countries would provide you with a higher quality of living I think. High salaries and relatively low cost of living. Also great infrastructure and a perfect hub to go anywhere in the world. they're also friendlier than Scandinavians

>> No.10330853

5 euros wtf you eat sand?

>> No.10330878

You will die by malnutrition. 5 EUR per day in Norway is not sustainable.

>> No.10330955


im an american citizen, can i go to norway without skills and get a job doing construction there? how does that work? will i get booted out? ive always wanted to live there

>> No.10331016

why join jewniggers when you can join the dominant whities with high salaries?

>> No.10331048


30 eggs - 5 euros, can eat breakfast for a whole week.
22 sausages - 5.5 euros.
1 can of tuna (24 grams of protein) - 0,7 euro cents.
1kg of bananas - ~2 euros.
Spinach - 2.5 euros, you can eat for a whole week.
On the otherhand, yall better stay where you are and let your parents support you if you cant even find cheap food, you dense retards

>> No.10331119

I would recommend moving to Germany if you want the tax benefits for handling any kind of higher value in crypto assets (They are tax exempt after 1 year) or if you are actively trading a lot and subject to capital gains Portugal would be a good destination.
Germany has the advantage of a fairly high standard of living, good tech hubs around Berlin, Cologne and in Southern Germany, excellent universities and a shitton of industry that employs you straight out of your bachelor's degree if you are flexible. They are also the economic top dog in Europe with the most influence, so if there is a country that is mostly safe from the EU crisis it's Germany and to an extent the Benelux states and Scandinavia.

>> No.10331420

And debt up to our necks. The reason it`s so common for us to have it is the easy access to loans. The interest rates does not have to go up much before a lot of people are screwed over.

Also, there are decades of wagecuking to be done before we can say we own said houses.

Standard of living here is high, no doubt about that but we are not the rich fags we are made out to be. There are other countries where you will be able to have more at the end of the month (granted it`s not untrained labour). Untrained labour in Norway has it pretty good though.

Things to be wary of in Norway is the weather. Southern part has the best weather, coast has a looooot of rain. And the further north you get the more fucked you get by the winter darkness/summer midnight sun. These sound like fun things but when you live with it you start to realize that this is not good for your health as it fucks your internal clock and can give you hard winter depressions.

We have a lot of beautiful fjords though and great fishing.

>> No.10331446

I live in Norway. You're delusional if you think you'll have money left after rent and food. Unless you're planning on living under a bridge.

>> No.10332183
File: 51 KB, 704x720, 1531766393271.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I spend 9k-10k nok per month and dont even have car or family cant even imagine how much it would cost to support house famyli with children and multiple cars.

>> No.10332309

25K NOK after taxes/month
12-18K~ every month goes to paying house loan, student loan, electricity, toll booth, internet, phone, water and sewage, trash, car and roadinsurance. ++ other random bills that pop up from time to time.

Need to fuel my car 2-3 times/month just to get to work and grocery store for basic food (live 20km away from nearest store.)
Thats 2000kr~ just in gasoline.

Food is expensive as fuck over here.Even just 120kr/day to live will cost you 3700kr~/month.
Been living on Rice, pasta, eggs, bread, tuna, chicken breasts, and the occasional ground beef for the past 7+ months.

Haven't bought clothes, shoes or anything else for that matter for over a year.

End of the month and theres not much left to put into crypto even with our "high" salaries.
Expendable income for the average joe here is atrocious when all is said and done at the end of a month, including mine.

>> No.10332347

fucking thank you. it's the same for me and all my friends that are around my age (30yo)

>> No.10332378

Gommunism lol. If you haven't had oil it would be over

>> No.10332419
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Need to pay for shitskins and wamens

>> No.10332469

>up to 18k on normal expenses

move, sell your car, use public transport or walk.
your food budget is also a bit high nigger I hope you work out.
Also, just earn more. There's money everywhere

t. 21 yo boomer student living just fine in Oslo and spend about the same amount in food (lift weights)

>> No.10332475

real talk. listen to this man etc

>> No.10332482

I'm the welder in spain, 27 years old
I'm a journeyman (not an apprentice), 40h a week

I make 1200E a month after taxes
500 for rent (little appartment outside Zaragoza)
250 for the car (car loan + gas + insurance) (used diesel polo bought with 150k km)
50 for internet + phone
100 for bills
200 for food (I have food allergies, can't eat carbs or dairy, would spent much less otherwise)

That lives me with 100E for savings/emergencies, I can't afford fun/trips/splurges

When I used to work 60-70h hours a week I made a miserable 2000E a month, I worked 17 days straight at one point 10h-12h a day, I burned out.

Would my situation improve in Norway, renting a small place outside the city?
Would I have a little more than 100E left every month if I worked 40h? Would I make more than 2k a month if I slaved 60/70?

>> No.10332521

I can answer that. 2 kids a wife that stays at home, 2 cars a house and a fucking dog.

I bring 29k home. Theres at MOST on a good month maybe 3k left. 10k goes to the house, 6 on the car (my car is paid off), bills,food and kids stuff is another 8k ish. The dog doesnt cost too much. maybe 500kr.

So yeah. I always feel like we live paycheck to paycheck. But I wanted it that waý. I want her to stay at home with the kids and I am willing to sacrifice. Kid no 3 is in the making as well.

>> No.10332559

We're full, sorry.

>> No.10332575

yes sir!
you will have more money left over in NOR. At the same time it's not worth it. Spain is a country you can enjoy, be happy in, laugh. Norway? None of this. 8 months of darkness. Distant people.
Don't do it

>> No.10332582
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That sounds like hard core justing to me. I earn 27k spend lets say max 10k what is saved gose to crypto.

>> No.10332588

I think you'll make more money if you can find decent work as a welder, but be prepared for some serious winter depression

>> No.10332592

fellow European frog, I wish you the best of lucks but for you Norway seems like a little far-fetched idea at the present moment

>> No.10332643

sure, but you'd be better off renting close to a city and not having a car (hopefully your work has one you use for work-related use). Everything about car/transport in Norway is expensive in general. Wageslaving in Norway is fine, however you are still slaving.

In your situation I would rather just stay in Spain, learn something IT related (coding, web dev) in your spare time and hustle your way into a job or do freelance as fast as you can. There is plenty of online resources you can use to learn, and all the information you need to do ANYTHING is online. You can make money from your laptop.

After that use your spare time building a scalable business online while learning sales/copywriting. Money will be slow in the beginning but since its scaleable there is no limit on the potential.

No such thing as free lunch, however you CAN make very good money online. Just use google and get to work.

"whatyouneed + forum"
entepreneur forum
coding forum
money making forum
workout forum

>> No.10332697

Can always move back to my parents, or rent an appartment for the same price as i pay my house loan. (Not gonna happen.)
>Sell your car
1995 Subaru that i bought 3 years ago for 10K
>Public transport/walk
Doesn't exist where i live. Like i said 20km to nearest store.
>120kr/day in food is not much at all when you work full time + work out.
>Earn more
I do that. basically work 130%. over 100K last year in overtime alone.

Being a student is cheap living, once you get older reality will hit you hard unless you have inherited wealth.

t.29 y/o boomer.

>> No.10332713

All depends on priorities man. I used to earn 25k and only spend 8 and saved the rest. Back when I was single and lived in a hybel with some other guys. I`d rather have no money but a big family.

Children make you immortal, not money.

>> No.10332740

Maybe but working for other people give me allergy and cant stand women or children.

>> No.10332748

I'll consider that, I think I should see for myself

with schengen and everything it's not that far fetched right now, it would be a matter of moving back with my parents to save 3k or so and start making moves

a big reason why I want to leave spain is because of the extreme regulation and bureaucracy here when it comes to starting a small business.The amount of paperwork is insane, and just the fact of being registered as an entrepreneur (necessary) costs you about 300E/month

>> No.10332784

I am currently learning German with some future plans of moving there. How hard is it to find engineer job without langauge though?

>> No.10332788

Shit thats not right in short working 8 9 hours a day I dont grow as man. I want to become best version of myself before women and children things start.

>> No.10332818

one of the lowest population densities though

>> No.10332850

>not working a job you love.

I do what I love doing (shipsbuilder in Sogn), I come home everyday to my beautiful white family, that I can`t wait to add another member to.

I used to be a depressed low life working at Shell or as a bouncer in Bergen after I`d done 5 years Marine service. I finally found my calling at 29, and 2 years prior to that I "re met" my wife. We used to be in the same FHS 10 years ago. You gotta take the nordlending pill and get one of those fertile bonde datter waifus and all will be good.

>> No.10332858

Here is some reality for you non of there places you would want to move need "engineers" they make too many of them from there own populiation what THEY need is people for shit tier jobs who are hard pays kinda shit and locals dont want to do. Let that soak in its same in every country.

>> No.10332860

Oslo is ultra cucked. Enjoy your Somalis.

>> No.10332880

one of my shitskin friend found a wind engineer job. That was with connections though and he barely speaks german. Here in UK companies struggle to recruit senior engineers now, was just wondering what's the situation in Germany

>> No.10332919
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Well you are stuck in the system unless you take some action. If you're not willing to sell or rent out your house it doesn't seem like there is much you can do unless you hit it big making dollaroos online or similar.

>1995 Subaru that i bought 3 years ago for 10K
so? you are spending huge amounts of money on gas, insurances, and toll. Not only is this a depreciating asset, you are also spending HUGE amount of money driving it around. Calculate how much in total you spend on gas, insurance, road insurance, toll, and repairs every year. Not only are you spending a lot of money on it, you are also losing time (if you have a good job/side biz you can work on it while on public transport).

>Doesn't exist where i live. Like i said 20km to nearest store.
Rent your place out and move closer to a city with good public transport.

>Being a student is cheap living, once you get older reality will hit you hard unless you have inherited wealth.
lmao, how is it any different? There is NO need to inflate your lifestyle just because you're older if you're not in a financially comfortable situation. If you are living paycheck to paycheck your expenses ARE too high.

Im a student, work part time (+all summer), work out, get good grades, keep my net student loans close to zero, live far from paycheck to paycheck, and have time to puzzle on side businesses. Dont own a home but if I did I would sure as hell rent it out to get extra passive income while renting cheaper.

>> No.10333099

Sure the lands are vast, but only 3% is actual fertile soil. We're having trouble producing enough food for all as it is and the heat wave has been catastrophal so far. I'd say we're pretty full at this point. More people will just make the potential upcoming famine worse.

>> No.10333130

Gambling on crypto is the only way out of wagecucking. Unless you think earning 1M NOK/year will make you rich. You will be taxed to hell and back no matter what you do.

>Move closer to a city
No. i'm a northerner and will never move to the cucked south. Lived there for 3 years and wanted to kms every damn day. You can keep your niggers i don't want to be around them.

>Sell my car
I also NEED my car, something you southerners seem to not understand. Sure, living in the ghettos of Oslo you won't need a car, but up here we do. My car aint worth shit tho, might get 5000kr for it if i sold it. Did all the repairs myself and all the other expenses are mandatory, you can't get away from paying insurance and veiavgift.

Also, being a student is different. Your only expense is rent, food, and phone. I know, i used to work every summer and worked parttime when i was a student back in 09.
Still its not like i'm poor, i'm relatively comfy, just wish i had more expendable income each month.

>> No.10333451

could you recommend me on some job anon?

>> No.10333474
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>Gambling on crypto is the only way out of wagecucking.
There is people out there creating success you fools didn't think were possible. Gambling on crypto should only be a small percentage of your portfolio

>Unless you think earning 1M NOK/year will make you rich
Not by itself, but use the money correctly and you will live a pretty comfortable lifestyle

>You will be taxed to hell and back no matter what you do.
kek. 1m pre tax is still way better than 600k pre tax

>No. i'm a northerner and will never move to the cucked south.
move to Tromso or even halfway south, Trondheim

>I also NEED my car, something you southerners seem to not understand.
No you don't, you only need it because your location sucks. After you have made it drive around as much as you want

>Sure, living in the ghettos of Oslo you won't need a car, but up here we do.
not in Tromso or any other city

>Did all the repairs myself
Time you could have spent building a scaleable business eventually earning you more money.

>all the other expenses are mandatory, you can't get away from paying insurance and veiavgift.
sure you can, sell the car

>being a student is different.
kek yeah, I have WAY less cash flow than you. Still YOU are the one living paycheck to paycheck. Go figure

>Your only expense is rent, food, and phone.
fastlane to staying poor is to scale your expenses in the same speed as your income. Lotto winners usually do this and a disproportionate share of them end up with nothing. There is no reason you should spend the amount of money you do just because of muh age

>Still its not like I'm poor
You just wrote that you haven't bought clothes or shoes for over a year. Even I have. And my cash flow is nowhere near yours, and I don't live paycheck to paycheck

>just wish i had more expendable income each month
Move to a city, rent out your house, cut recurring costs, build a scaleable business in your spare time

>> No.10333489

>dreams of a Polakk

>> No.10333591
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16.8k euros is less than you think and will grow incredibly slow in the stock market even if you are the next Warren Buffet, which you're not. In general don't bother too much with the stock market. Cost averaging spare money into various indexes is a good way of saving, however REAL money comes from work/career, or ideally a business.

>> No.10333618

I am a chilean engineer, does anyone know how can I get a job in western Europe
>Tfw third world
>Tfw not third world enough for rich countries to give me visas

>> No.10333819

You have to be a utter retard to want to work there.
Just fucking dining out (4 people) costs 800nok which is 100$

And a beer 80nok

Fuck that beautiful hellhole country

>> No.10333829

2 people anon, not 8... assuming one drink each

>> No.10334248

heh based polish friends sell me 1L of vodka for 200 nok

>> No.10334250
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Construction Work as an Engieneer??? or what??

Any tips???

pls respond

>> No.10334409

How's the situation in the UK for Civil Engieneers?

I'm from Mexico

>> No.10334605

How about working on oil platforms? Impossible to find work?

>> No.10334980

T. Samefag postin from different device

Its employees market right now for civils if you are experienced, 2+ yrs experience with HS2 rail project workflow which will stay like this for the next 7-10 years. Starting out as a graduate may be difficult, depending on your background