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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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10331290 No.10331290 [Reply] [Original]

If you bought crypto in Q4 2017 / Q1 2018 for the first time, you aren't early adopters, you're to the right of the tipping point.

This is still ok, but don't expect to get filthy rich. Almost all crypto millionaires have been "minted" already, so to speak. You can still become a millionaire with crypto, but it requires enormously more starting capital to happen.

>> No.10331320

we are still pre-stealth phase. at tipping point of innovators. the first platform,dapp or cryptocurrency that gains real world use and adoption marks the Innovators stage. its starting to happen in venezuela. Next comes early adopters, when there are more than one semi popular dapps or use cases. probably in 1-5 years.

>> No.10331335

2.5% of the population does not own crypto

>> No.10331343


>its starting to happen in venezuela

Fuck I wanted to buy petro, but they just stole my passport and didn't give me shit!


>> No.10331347

Its actually more like 8% owns crypto

>> No.10331355
File: 76 KB, 618x767, 8FUjzXAkd8gBuAZSaz4Y7px62GQgHTP1ktBLi86EuSk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How you do get a million dollars in crypto?

Easy. Invest 5 million dollars. [drum roll, cymbal clash]

>> No.10331364

yeap pre-stealth phase pple got ripple to 130bill mcap.

delusional bastards.

dec and jan pple bought the bags of the "now" crypto millionaires. get over it.

>> No.10331375


>> No.10331380

we are at 3-4% tops right now. The next bull run will bring in institutional money which will take us over 10%. Then they will use their media assets to sell their bags to the normies and we will be on our way to 50%. Over 50% takes at least three years from here, 5 tops. 10k invested in non-shitcoins right now will become 1 million.

>> No.10331425

>we are still pre-stealth phase
You can't be fucking serious.

>> No.10331442

This is a graph of companies accepting crypto, so we are currently around 0.000004%.

>> No.10331491

>we are at 16% adoption
You're not gonna make it

>> No.10331505

no, first of all, all ICOs have to die, ETH and NEO are just gateway to steal the money from people to the retarded chinks and pajeets, anyone who still doesn't get it deserves to be scammed, crypto is literally cancer right now i might expose it all, but i'm too lazy for that shit right now, maybe soon

>> No.10331519

>fitness youtuber are talking about ripple
>early adopter

>> No.10331531

2.5% of the population does not own amazon stocks either
is amazon in stealth mode?

>> No.10331538

People really are forgetting the dot com bubble. That was still early adoption if you bought after it popped.

>> No.10331578

exept only a handful companies did make it through the bubble. Most went bankrupt. The same will happen with 95% of all the shitcoins.

>> No.10331585

Never said they wouldn't. I'm just saying this is still early adoption.

>> No.10331587

which 5% will make it out?

>> No.10331699

95%, more like 99%. Every coin is a shitcoin except BTC, all created only for two purposes - scam the people (create useless tokens, ''sell'' them in the private sale and dump all over the public sale and then on exchanges with or without initial catalyst) and the other ones to safely store the stolen money without paying any taxes or crash ETH or NEO, fucking easy af and most people know shit, also - any shitcoin listed straight on Binance? - good you now know what shitcoin is also cz_binance invested in and instant dumping on retards who are buying it

>> No.10331774
File: 13 KB, 310x162, 1530577203725.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Niggers are in crypto. We reached mainstream.

>> No.10331781

Very insightful graph, anon

>> No.10331801

go interview 10,000 random niggers and report back how many own or have even heard of crypto. you see one or two niggers on youtube shilling scams and assume every porch monkey is balls deep in crypto with their welfare check and crack slinging money

>> No.10331862

If you bought Bitcoin last summer then you would be considered toward the tail-end of Early Adopters. If you bought Bitcoin last January then you are towards the beginning of Early Adopters. Start of Early Majority was in November.

>> No.10331883

market cap of gold: $7.8T
total market cap of crypto: $292B
>not early adopters

>> No.10331903


>> No.10331949

Fucking LOL. The absolute state of /biz/.

>Gold has a huge mcap and crypto doesn't so we're definitely pioneers.

The value of all fertilizer grade manure (i.e. shit with an actual use case) is about $5bn. You should be comparing crypto against that, not fucking gold you absolute sped.

>> No.10331957

>crypto doesn't have a use case
>crypto's use case should be limited to the value of manure because memes

>> No.10331985

Less retarded than

>Crypto doesn't have a use case
>I will unironically compare its potential value to gold, which is historically extremely significant to humanity since antiquity as a store of value and, more recently, in industrial applications.

>> No.10332021

top kek, a retarded goldbug appears
>it's just a shiny metal for retarded boomers and you can't actually sell at spot price in large quantities without triggering SAR/CTR filings with IRS/fincen and/or outright breaking the law
it's super effective!
>s-s-s-stop buying crypto!

>> No.10332087

I'm all in crypto matey. Just don't have such an insanely detached from reality outlook on the current addressable market size.

>> No.10332098

do you seriously believe for one second that we're not going to 1T and above? Why are you even still in if you don't believe this? And if you believe we'll hit 1T, do you really think we'll just stop there—meteoric rise from here, break through ATH, and then... stop?

>> No.10332116
File: 15 KB, 270x230, boomer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You should be comparing crypto against that, not fucking gold you absolute sped

Yeah! Crypto is just like beanie babies, you fucking stupid Zoomers! It's literally the same thing as beanie babies!

>> No.10332127

The future addressable market, if crypto can lock in proper use cases and get real adoption, is much, much higher than gold.

The current addressable market is lower than the current mcap in my opinion. 95% of the mcap is absolute FOMO shit.

>> No.10332134


ETH is like 3 years old. I'd say it's still pretty early lol. Most people have only heard about bitcoin.

>> No.10332149

well ok then nigger, what are we even arguing about? my point the entire time was that EVEN gold is $x, so obviously [...]
>starting arguments for no reason on the internet

>> No.10332179


Lol, if 8% of the population had even $10 in crypto each the mcap would be fucking massive. I swear some of you niggas are fucking retarded lol.

>> No.10332185

You're assuming crypto will definitely be successful and take a large slice of a massive, massive market. This is currently absurdly optimistic, particularly since even if crypto is successful, only a handful of coins in a sea of utter shit will be successful.

So, even if crypto mcap goes to $100 trillion by 2030, most people today will simply not be the beneficiaries of those gains since the coins they are investing in now will turn to dust.

>> No.10332190

>I'm all in on crypto
>but I disagree with you

>> No.10332209

Are you retarded?

I can think an index is overvalued and still invest in specific stocks I feel are undervalued or have good growth potential. Jesus.

>> No.10332225

>never explicitly disagree with any of this to any serious degree
>this entire conversation has literally just been you stoking your ego over an argument you manufacture and essentially conduct entirely by and with yourself
god, you are a fucking cunt, you know that?

>> No.10332250

normies only know about bitcoin, the term "crypto" doesnt even register for them

>> No.10332273

>Get BTFO because you make an uninformed, unqualified claim about a market you know nothing about
>Call the other person an argumentative cunt

Sounds about right for summer I guess.

>> No.10332274

95%+ of population uses amazon

>> No.10332279

you are really fucking stupid

>> No.10332289

>Continue shitting your pants on an anonymous image board to the delight of amused onlookers.

>> No.10332299

and just to elaborate a bit, you remind me of the people who make a big show of not having a political party affiliation and who go to great lengths to bring this up without provocation and then use it to signal nonstop until everyone else just drops the subject. you really are arguing with yourself this entire time kek

yeah, we get it, have fun virtue signaling and huffing your own farts you low-iq goofus


>> No.10332317

How are we at the tipping point past early adoption? There is currently no coins in production us. Currently at zero adoption.

>> No.10332528

Because it's not true. People have been saying innovation/early adoption is over ever since the first bubble popped at $30. It's a self-defeating psychology that is present in people that are afraid of success and use it to justify and feel better about not taking risks.

>> No.10332576
File: 145 KB, 1536x2048, 2B68D1A5-3064-4A92-B3B6-50A10BDAA9AB.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I started in July of last year, put the final bit of my $2500 investment in around September and learned how to trade in January. The gains were between January 6th and today. What does that make me? Am I gonna make it?
Haven't heard that Boomer term in a while. I lolled

>> No.10332606

after the big bump in december? How did you do well during the sideways bull market? any advice or tips?

>> No.10332613

You are retarded, stealth means it's still unknown which is obviously not the case with bitcoin, it's a very popular and known thing.

>> No.10332618

What's the point of posting this?

>> No.10332633

what's the next bubble after crypto or is that a black swan?

>> No.10332642

the coins i hold

>> No.10332650


help me with 0.2 btc anon. i dont wanna wage cuck

>> No.10332661

I don't know and people who do have accurate guesses and the courage to invest in what they think the next big thing is don't rely on random opinions of anonymous shitposters.

>> No.10332663

Yep, after the bump. From September to January, my fiat value rose pretty linearly with the price of bitcoin so at the peak, I was around 10k. Only after the bubble starting deflating did I get serious with the trading bit. My strat boils down to spotting certain patterns in the market and buying dips on shitcoins then selling within hours or days on the rebound. I ended up building a bot and setting it loose on every exchange with a solid api and good volume. It would be hard to duplicate it by hand.

>> No.10332694

Rhodium, down 4x from ath and it booms in recessions

>> No.10332838

how do i make a bot liek that?

>> No.10332906

Learn some programming language. Node or Python, either are good choices. Then go here: https://github.com/ccxt/ccxt and learn how to use that. At this point, you'll have the tech side down. Now is the hard part. Find a strategy that works manually and you can break down into a series of logical steps. Convert that to code and let it rip. It's that easy.

>> No.10332920

such as buying at a certain low as % of the dip and selling inversely?

>> No.10332968

literally 100x through active trading in 8 months?

>> No.10333006

Wait for the dip to get a good ways down. Like you could look at the chart from across the room and tell what it is. Not some little postage stamp tier crap. When it gets down there, start looking for the support coming in from the big money. When you see the big orders actually going through, you know the price has bottomed out. Buy with the big money and sell whenever you feel like it. Wash rinse repeat
Pretty much though the real trading didn't start until I already had about 10k so it's more like a 24x. But if you just count btc gains, it's a 55x.

>> No.10333079

do you ever trade stable coins (USDT etc)?

>> No.10333133

I trade USDT pairs if that's what you mean. I basically trade anything that has volatility. On some exchanges I trade shitcoins against the Russian ruble. Others against the euro. I'd trade marbles against beanie babies if they'd let me and the math was right.

>> No.10333147

Do you have specific formulas that you tune over time using your bot? Do you use traditional TA indicators? Etc.

>> No.10333200
File: 139 KB, 480x466, CIA_Nigger.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reminder that this argument is nearly 6 years old when people said same about $1 btc

>> No.10333220


>> No.10333274

I can't give you my exact formula but I started out with something very simple at first but over time it's gotten a lot more sophisticated, taking into account standard deviation of price, volume, Twitter sentiment and keywords, recent buy vs sell side volume (have to pull the order book for that) and some other things. My next thing is going to start training some ML models with tensor flow and port all of my tight loops over to C from Python to get more of an edge on the high frequency stuff. If that doesn't cut it, I might collocate some FPGA's after laying the algorithm out on them. I get pretty deep off into this thing. Really trying my damndest to make it.

>> No.10333394

>crypto is comparable to fertilizer
the absolute state of boomer kike shills

>> No.10333419

hmm i got very little experience coding but i have a buddy who is a programmer but has never traded. should we team up or can this be learned relatively intuitively?

>> No.10333428

Bubble pop in 2014 discouraged me from crypto. That was right before Ethereum started manifesting. I'm not missing out on a moon mission.

>> No.10333470
File: 312 KB, 750x375, 5a6a12c9178425320f8b4635-750-375.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One picture to wreck your post

>> No.10333472
File: 1.48 MB, 1436x1674, 1516728265431.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>1 in 12 people own crypto

>> No.10333526

You could learn the basics in a couple of months even if you're new to programming. Go through this tutorial: https://learnxinyminutes.com/docs/python3/ then check out that ccxt page I linked to above. Once you make it through both of those, the ideas will just start coming to you.

>> No.10333530

Non-ironically we are to the left of this chart. In the maniac/visionary stage.

>> No.10333545

im gonna make it as a late majority i dont care thanks senpai

>> No.10333552

I love that normies fell for the hodl meme. Feels good to have them retain value for me to dump on.

>> No.10333610
File: 12 KB, 401x116, 7BF7A81E-DC54-46C2-BEBB-C182CFB14D60.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You'll make it

>> No.10333707

thanks. already deep into that tutorial. fuck a job

>> No.10333727


>one celebrity posts something crypto related
>we're all clearly laggards now

IQ literally too low to understand statistics. Besides, does she even have any of those in her portfolio?

>> No.10333839

literally no one uses crypto, people in real life are still laughing at bitcoin. theres not even 1 working product out yet, if you are not larping you should kill yourself asap

>> No.10333893

Crypto is in the stage where the internet was in 1995. With the only difference that 4 "internet years" are the equal of 1 "crypto year" in terms of progress.