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10329082 No.10329082 [Reply] [Original]

It is mathematically impossible to pay the sum of debt. Prove me wrong

>> No.10329097
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>> No.10329109
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Shut up goyim. You know nothing.

>> No.10329119

that's why jews will keep increasing the debt so their slaves keep working.

>> No.10329167

It is mathematically possible because the United States has the power to make a coin that is worth whatever the government wants it to be worth. They can then use that to pay off any debt. They can also issue a coin to anyone in order to pay off any debt.

>> No.10329175

They can’t just increase debt

>> No.10329181

It's not meant to be paid

>> No.10329192

Yeah, no. The US government can do that all it likes but the Federal Reserve will simply say "no thanks, we're not going to buy your coin for that price, sorry".

>> No.10329201

Don’t worry jfk. We will avenge you.

>> No.10329202

No they can’t cash digits btw just represent digits on an account

>> No.10329207
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oy veeeeeeeeey

>> No.10329246

Cash is created to represent money thats in an account
The money in an account represents promissory obligations which the government just republishes them as bonds and then the central bank creates an account balance representing those bonds which MEANS that you can’t create money without creating debt

>> No.10329266

Fix money then fix the world

>> No.10329267

Lucky to have a pre 1900 liberty head dollar.

>> No.10329275

No one create money without creating debt not even the government

>> No.10329291

The Federal Reserve would have no choice. What are they going to do? Sue the United States? They would not win.

>> No.10329295


>> No.10329320

Printed money represents money that is created as debt with interest, created by the government therefore they can’t just create money

>> No.10329327

If you think you can cancel out the debt, you can’t reuse the money because once the debt is payed the money is destroyed.

>> No.10329357

This is why I try and buy any Gold/Silver coins I can get my hands on.
I actually can get pretty great deals at the local pawnshops currently bogged down with debt and happy to sell at spot or even under spot for some coins.

>> No.10329408

>31 U.S.C. 5112(k) as originally enacted by Public Law 104-208 in 1996:
>The Secretary may mint and issue bullion and proof platinum coins in accordance with such specifications, designs, varieties, quantities, denominations, and inscriptions as the Secretary, in the Secretary's discretion, may prescribe from time to time.

>> No.10329459

Can’t create money without debt is what I meant

>> No.10329568

Hitler was a rothschild, dumbfuck

>> No.10329773

Was he really? I never really liked that guy because of what he did to Serbs

>> No.10329782

i create 1000 breedom dobers and loan them to you at 10% interest. after 1 interest period, you will owe me 1100 breedom dobers, but remember, theres only 1000 total in existence. you cannot repay me, no matter what. so what you do is you borrow more breedom dobers from me to pay me back the first loan, thus i issue another 2000 dobers, loan them to you with same interest. you pay me back my 1100 dobers, have 1900 to spare (1000+2000-1100), but now you owe me 2200. rinse and repeat.

>> No.10329815

That model would work if the borrower is a NEET with no source of income.

>> No.10329853

He’s the only person who created the dobers

>> No.10329858


>> No.10329866

Oh so it's a simplified model of world debt, where >>10329782 represents the bank?

I took a course on money and banking and t.b.h. we didn't even discuss the origin of money conceptually, they were just like "Ok, the Bank of Canada exists and it creates loans and shit."

>> No.10329997

Yeah, research mathematically perfected economy by mike montange just don’t get don’t go over the top, have some balance, just saying this because thinking about money can make you crazy seriously

>> No.10330055 [DELETED] 

You pay the loaner back the 1000 you have then you buy 100 breefom dobers back from the bamk with some other asset/currency and then give the last 100 you owe back. There are other assets out there besides fiat breedom dobers.

>> No.10330073 [DELETED] 

You pay the loaner back the 1000 dobers you have then you buy 100 breedom dobers back from the bank with some other asset/currency and then give the last 100 dobers you owe back. There are other assets out there besides fiat breedom dobers.

>> No.10330089

Check corbett on the subject, there's also a bit of info on how his unmarried grandma worked at one of their mansions before returning pregnant. They definitely bankrolled him, too

>> No.10330097

You pay the loaner(you) back the 1000 dobers you have then you buy 100 breedom dobers back from the loaner(bank) with some other asset/currency and then give the last 100 dobers you owe back. There are other assets out there besides fiat breedom dobers.

>> No.10330103

What's the point of even paying back the debt?
Wouldn't it be literally cheaper to just not pay?

>> No.10330128

And ruin your credit score?

>> No.10330167



>> No.10330194

What credit score. The US doesnt have any real credit score and even if it did, it wouldn't mean jack shit.

>> No.10330204

Its a myth. No proof hitler had any jewish ancestry.

>> No.10330209

Noone will loan to you in the future if ypu never pay back your loans.

>> No.10330215

Oh the federal reserve will stop loaning money to the US government? What the fuck are you smoking?

>> No.10330247

The us government is backed by the country. If the us government stopped paying their loans back no country not even the federal reserve would loan money to the us. You can't make money with loans unless the entities you loan to pay back more than the amount you let out

>> No.10330253
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This always seemed strange to me. If I understand correctly, China is still buying massive amounts of US treasure bonds, which is just another name for US debt, correct?

Why would China do this if the US already has such a massive amount of debt it can never repay the debt is already has?

>> No.10330296

They can “loan” more money
What I mean is they can make more proported loans

Bonds represent promissory obligations
Money from a bank comes from representing promissory obligations, bonds can be used too to represent promissory obligations

All a bank does is give you evidence of existing money(promissory notes) and say it’s a loan

>> No.10330300

Why exactly does the US government need foreign loans to survive when they can print their own money?

>> No.10330344


They can print their own money but the more they print, the more they devalue the money already in existence.

The dollar would completely plummet.

>> No.10330384


By this logic, every US dollar is debt then, correct?

If all the US debt would somehow disappear overnight, then the US dollar would no longer be debt?

Ive watched shitloads of youtube videos on this subject and I feel like I have no fucking clue what is going on here.

>> No.10330415
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How is that not exactly what they are doing?

>> No.10330437

No you can’t just cancel the debt you need to retire the debt with the money

Imagine this, you create an iou and you give exchange that iou therefore you are in debt, if the iou is doesn’t get back to you the debt is still there because that iou is a promise to pay

Just research mathematically perfected economy and listen to the audio of mike montagne, he created MPE in like the 70’s or 80’s and he’s still makes interviews clear audio too

>> No.10330448

Every time they print money it is a debt subject to interest, you can’t make money without debt that’s counterfeiting

>> No.10330455

No not counterfeiting just impossible because all money is an iou that has to be returned to be destroyed

>> No.10330469


(((They))) do that in every country regardless of where you learn. There are certain subjects that are always avoided. They filled the education system with shills and useful idiots a long time ago.

>> No.10330496

We will never have a President with the ballsack to sign an Executive Order to abolish the Federal Reserve, then declare literal war on its members.

>> No.10330612
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RrwbgdtbdXE for explaining it to normies


>> No.10330639

Lol no mate

Look up the chicken note by youtube hourmoneyjubilee

>> No.10330659

All debt is meant to be retired

>> No.10330702
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as a retail manager (wagecuck 4 life) and someone who recently bought a car, I can call complete bullshit on half of that list and I live in Marin County—one of the most expensive counties in the US. I'm not trying to be annoying: $1.5 eggs is easily obtainable, bread can be $1, milk $2.79, stamps 50 cents, gas more than $3 (even though we have some of the largest oil refineries in the world here in the bay area—people blame taxes, I blame niggerjews: the jokes on you, I'm jewish), I don't know the price of harvard and I don't care, rent is about 2k here, new cars can easily be $20k (also buying new cars? pic related), homes are super expensive in Marin county, median income in Marin county is $80k or $100k (not going to bother looking it up).

>> No.10330724

If i had to guess, i would assume theyre national averages. Regardless, all you need to do is look at the median income vs median home price. Or check the CPI for the past 100 years.

This videos good as well, not sure what you disagree with though.

>> No.10330735
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America is valued at 80 trillion equity. 100 trillion in assets. 20 Trillion worth of debt is nothing.
Paying 2% loan every year and making 6% gains every year on that loan. That's a 4% increase. All of this is good debt.

People with no concept of good debt and bad debt should not be in this discussion.

>> No.10330752

if you do that, at the end of the day youre left where you started (you have 0 dobers), but also lost your house (because I evaluated your house to be worth 100 dobers).
thanks for the free house, goy!

>> No.10330775

it's not meant to be paid. it's meant to keep you submissive. it's actually an industry of nonexistent capital if you think about it

>> No.10330778
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>be lent $ at X rate of return
>invest $ at Y rate of return
>Y > X