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10330164 No.10330164 [Reply] [Original]

>Adderall is different to meth

>> No.10330780

>same pharmacodynamics
>you're all fucked

>> No.10330791

>fell for the kike scam.

>> No.10331777


>> No.10331798

Bizness and Finance

>> No.10331840

>traps are different to men

>> No.10331896
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>Amphetamine isn't the same as methamphetamine hurr durr
The absolute state of Addies.

>> No.10331911

You have no idea how many "straight" guys go on gay dating apps now looking for that shit. They even post shit like "sorry, not into dudes". It's probably the most extreme form of being a closet case.

>> No.10332026

>methylphenidate is different to amphetamines

>> No.10332105
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I hate concerta. I was prescribed in the 4th grade. I weighed 110 when I was 17 years old because I had no appetitie to eat.

When I stopped taking this drug against my doctor's and parent's recommendation my life improved drastically.

>gain 60lbs of muscle when I start eating while working out
>look like a male
>no longer having cold sweats all day
>am no longer constantly irate/on edge from being on a stimulant all of the time
>looking like a human instead of a skeleton allows me to actually be social without people being disgusted by my poor health
>no longer in a psuedo-manic mood so I'm not as socially off-putting anymore
>get regular sleep

Unfortunately, it either caused a heart condition or brought about a latent one much earlier.

>> No.10332126

Even back in high school, I don't remember anyone doing hard drugs, just weed. Or were they, and I just wasn't clued in on it?

>> No.10332391

Depends what you consider a hard drug. I think the only things not going around my high school were heroin and meth. Though, it's not like kids weren't popping adderall and pain killers, so it was basically there. Hell, even in middle school I was in the nurse's office while a kid OD'd on xanax.

>> No.10332413

Adderall is so fucking comfy fuck I wish I had a script

>> No.10332756

adderall is for poor fags. Vyvanse is better

>> No.10333060

This, has to metabolize in your system resulting in a smoother transition and not a sudden rush accompanied with jitters. Say what you want about pharmaceutical amphetamines but I'm nearly incapable of sitting down for more than 15-30 minutes at a time and completing work in front of me. Give me a vyvanse and I'll casually bang out an entire to do list in one sitting. Everyone's brain chemistry is different, dont judge.

>> No.10333512

Adderall is poor man's meth. Dexedrine/Dextroamphetamine is basically meth that doesn't have neurotoxicity at every dosage. Adderall is to meth, like codeine is to heroin. If you're aiming for the real thing, might as well get the real thing.
>coffee is different to heroin
Yeah it'll do that. Long-term heavy stimulant causes either cardiac muscle atrophy or complete cell death. Vasoconstriction of the blood vessels, a lack of nutrients due to poor appetite, and a constant "on" signal to the heart is a bad combo. No idea what you got, but I hope it's not permanent.
Depends where you're from. The middle-middle class public schools really don't know how to get turned up. Upper middle class private kids seem to be more experienced with all that shit. I know private-school classmates that were doing LSD, Cocaine, Adderall, and an assortment of painkillers. Baby's first drug start and all. Lower class kids in a lower class public school? Probably don't do hard shit as regularly as the private school kids. Drugs are an expensive luxury.
If you're in the U.S, just fake it. ADHD, narcolepsy, whatever.
Vyvanase is the bomb -- only because they're aren't any generics. Chemical comp on generic addies is straight tsundare.
>t. Alternating between staying up 48 hours on adderall and sleeping 12 hours the next day
>ask me how much pristine code I've written
>really please ask me the shadows in the corners of my vision are getting larger
>send Ambien
>thank you

>> No.10333691

Some type of arythmia. I can keep it in check if I watch my caffiene intake and don't consume caffeine for more than three days in a row. It doesn't start on the third day, but there are lingering effects.

Vyvanse is amazing

>> No.10333907

A quick read through some journals looks like methylphenidate is known for arrhythmia. It also looks like if you get all your other bodily functions in check, risk of keeling over from a heart attack should go back to near-normal. I'm sure you've done your own research, and don't need me mentioning any of this shit. So, all I can offer you is a nugget of advice from my own journey of fixing all the shit that's wrong with my body: the less physical data you have, the more likely you're shooting in the dark and going down dead-ends.

There's a finite amount of symptoms and indicators for disease in the human body, but these diseases are made up of very similar combinations of symptoms. A pituitary tumor could cause the same symptoms as sleep disorders, etc. The one thing that's speed up my process is getting more data. This includes control-experiment blood workups, physical monitoring, etc. Knowing where my baselines are and how sense of well being is correlated with those physical markers.

And also, if you're self-diagnosing, to get a good diagnostic manual off of libgen. I started off by ravaging Wikipedia articles, trying to put all the strings together, but a lot of Wikipedia's medical articles are lacking in substance. I've found missing symptoms that should've been included and missing conditions, when talking about symptoms.

>> No.10333924

Also, something something our perceptions aren't stable and will constantly deceive us. Something something physical data anchors our minds from going to delusions.

>> No.10333941

Vyvanse and DUDE WEED.

>> No.10333987

Raunch ID color, fellow canoer.

>> No.10334021

>ruining your brain because you're lazy and think you have problems focusing

>> No.10334370

I mean it literally is different but effectively the same depending on how technical you want to be. Even if you think adderall is "just" meth, taking something orally vs. injecting is a huge difference and most people aren't brewing meth in their backyard with all kinds of shifty byproducts in order to cure their adhd. I love d-amphetamine though, for my psychological profile it is literally the perfect drug(socially anxious, low energy, difficulty concentrating) so I'm inclined to defend adderall even though generally speaking the psychiatric industry has gotten out of hand tossing out anti-depressants like they're candy

>> No.10334403

>thinking everyone experiences the world the same way as you
>be a varsity level d1 athlete
>wake up 6 everyday to lift, cardio in the afternoons
>but I can’t pay attention in a classroom so I’m just ‘lazy’

Fuck off.

>> No.10334435

Hardcore anti-"drug" people are really confusing. Their attitude of superiority is all they have to back up their claims

>> No.10335372

It actually is. It's more similar to cocaine than amphetamines

>> No.10336090

The risk of stimulant abuse is mainly lowered ejection fraction / LVEF/ hypertension. Very basically, it causes your heart to beat harder (contractility) and faster (heart rate). Overtime, the force of the stress by the above causes the heart cells (myocytes) to adapt to the more stressful environment. Does this by growing bigger to deal with the stress (hypertrophy) and this most often occurs in the left ventricle, as it’s where your body gets its blood pumped from. This is common condition known as LVEF. The issue with this is that with the growth, the internal diameter of the chamber decreases, meaning blood ejection/ sec is worse, so your Heart beats faster/ harder to ensure the body is receiving adequate blood supply. Outside of the heart, the arteries eventually become stiffer to deal with the harder blood flow. This results in an increase in blood pressure (hypertension) which can contribute to coronary artery disease.

That’s not taking into account the noradrenwrgic/ dopaminergic neurotransmission/ mental state that comes with stimulant abuse.