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10329583 No.10329583 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.10329596

this is why 0xbitcoin is the real bitcoin

>> No.10329598

On top of that it's a DEFLATIONARY currency so it's only going to get worse with time kek.

>> No.10329599

4% of wealth centralized in the hands of a few is still better than 1% ie the current system.

>> No.10329607

That is a better distribution of wealth than non-crypto wealth.

>> No.10329616

Good thing I'm in that top 4% then.

>> No.10329624

wow! a value asset demonstrates the same ownership distribution as the rest of the wealth! how surprising

>> No.10329631

except theres a fixed amount of bitcoin. The 4% have no incentive to sell. Therefore they control the market even more so than the banks control USD

>> No.10329636

Yeah but it took hundreds of years for the non-crypto wealth to centralize this badly, while in crypto you have this problem from the getgo.

>> No.10329637

The alternative is at arms length and more easily obtainable then ever with so many competing cryptos.

>> No.10329648

Another episode of: I looked at bitinfo rich list and did some napkin calculations this why bitcoin is bad

Remember retards, wallets =/ people.

>> No.10329679 [DELETED] 

so then the wealth distribution is even more lopsided. Because the big wallets with actual people behind them arent competing against anyone

>> No.10329685
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But the market aren’t dictating it’s value - even if the wealthy can form this level of ownership - the company and its decisions decide if it’s profitable from the services and products they produce. Bitcoin is unique in that it isn’t a service or product - rather the vessel in which it represents - but what does it represent if its value is manipulated by those who dominate it? I’m OP but using a different app - not sure if it’ll show. I’m a Wallstreet fag and finance is my career I’m studying and have done.

The law of supply and demand are flawed in the manipulation of emotional influence in psychological perceptions within the normies. These guys profit from the hype they create.

>> No.10329687
File: 49 KB, 572x600, 8947534897987.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you have one BTC (1) in your wallet, you're in the top 3.28%

>> No.10329693

>most people keep their coins on exchanges
>"hey look these few people own all the buttcoins"


>> No.10329703

Shhh that goes against the claw resentment narrative

>> No.10329710

It always bothered me when I'd know smart people who didn't understand why this was a problem. Like, saving is great, QE is bullshit, but a deflationary currency is basically just another form of rent-seeking, it just benefits savers rather than consumers.
>pls someone affirm my beliefs with (You)'s

>> No.10329711

Class resentment
Fucking autocorrect

>> No.10329715

That’s what I thought initially as well - as it makes sense these addresses are sending coins that range in several to a few bits and pieces. But I still wanted to post this. If it’s exchanges - aren’t they no different than a bank in that they can always have benefit by managing such a large access of wealth? What if down the road one is backed? Or as hard as it seems happening - pocketing it after years of trust and that’s it?

>> No.10329720

*hacked not back - sorry I’m on mobile

>> No.10329727

would be better off starting afresh with an 0xBTC ETF

>> No.10329733

>aren’t they no different than a bank in that they can always have benefit by managing such a large access of wealth?

They arent different. Just look at all the barts and liquidated margins that happen all the time. Its obviously manipulated by exchanges but people in crypto seem to not care because they want their coin to moon. If/when crypto takes over we will have the same problem possibly even worse because of bitcoin not being inflationary

>> No.10329740


>> No.10329744

because his name is ranjesh

>> No.10329759

Here is the thing though. That 4% can't print more Bitcoin. Anyone who thinks that those 4% control Bitcoin more than the banks control USD is a fucking moron.

>> No.10329762

B-b-but it's decentralized!!!!

>Moving goal post

>most people keep their coins on exchanges
What's the point of the lightning network then?

>> No.10329776

Dude. That's exactly WHY they have more control. They literally hold all the money because new money isn't being made. As someone pointed out earlier it took the banks 100 years to get in the position they're in, crypto is already fucked.

>> No.10329787

there's no alternative to the true world wealth distribution, and bitcoin is hugely better than the average. there's literally no way to avoid that distribution in true money like bitcoin.

the only people losing out to manipulation are the idiots trying to short term trade bitcoin, and getting what they deserve. late adopters will continue to get raped, and nobody can help that, but not being late and being long only would have already made you a multimillionaire.

>> No.10329803

you mean you and every other late adopter is fucked. bitcoin is going nowhere, and all of us that wern't stupid and missed out on the greatest money making opportunity of the last century now have the money and power to make sure that bitcoin survives, no matter what.

>> No.10329822

well I've created over a hundred addresses (not including exchange addresses) and I'll never touch 99% of them again
let's not forget about all the people trying to get vanity addresses etc
so what's your point exactly dick head?

>> No.10329832

that's great for you, but as an actual day to day currency it is absolutely fucked. Unless you're talking about it as gold 2.0

>> No.10329839

>now have the money and power to make sure that bitcoin survives, no matter what.

unless chang ling decides to stop mining it in his Chinese sweatshop lol

>> No.10329848

market manipulation on crypto is a result of it being unrelated
it's nothing like traditional markets

and as for banks, they are nothing like exchanges
can you open an anonymous bank account, deposit tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands into it in less than hour, and withdraw as much in the same amount of time? all the while knowing you won't get flagged for the IRS to come fuck you in the ass...

>> No.10329849

And? What does that have to do with the AMOUNT they hold? The fuck? Just because there are many multi addresses about - none of that means jack shit if they are mostly empty or insignificant in holding.

>> No.10329851

Bitcoin can't survive without greater fools. Eventually, you'll run out of greater fools.

>> No.10329856

yeah because decentralized exchanges aren't a thing
dumb fuck

>> No.10329863

market manipulation in crypto is literally because of exchanges liquidating traders to keep getting profits. It just so happens this recent pump comes in as interest is dying and they need to breathe new life into it. Banks manipulate the economy the as well in many different ways. No matter what you're at the whim of someone else wether its crypto or fiat

>> No.10329870

most of those addresses have a few thousand to a few hundred thousand Satoshi left in them
also let's not forget about all the early mining addresses with loadsa btc that have been lost to time
so, what's your point again dick head?

>> No.10329872

>implying margin fags dont trade on bitmex.

haha you are so fucking stupid its unreal

>> No.10329885

margin trading is gambling
most people don't margin trade
exchanges aren't the sole big players in the market. government and financial institutions are behind a lot of the movements also whether you want to believe it or not.
what's your point dick head?

what do gamblers have to do with decentralized exchanges removing the worry of your funds being hacked?

>> No.10329890

Literally all the manipulation comes from bitmex and the fact only 4% of wallets hold the coins mean it is FUCKED unless they decide to sell it all but they have no incentive to

>> No.10329898

and you call me stupid while saying a few posts earlier that an inflationary currency is somehow less effective for the manipulation of not only markets but the economy as a whole?
top fucking Brainlet
kys boomer

>> No.10329901

>government and financial institutions are behind a lot of the movements also whether you want to believe it or not.

Yeah along with exchanges and you cant do anything about it because they have all the money

>> No.10329909

it's no better in an regulated market
the little man can still play here at least

>> No.10329915

>he doesnt understand basic economics

Typical biztard. Tell why would you spend your bitcoin if you know you'll never get it back? You wouldnt youd hoard it except for basic needs aka businesses would die and people would be out of jobs. The only people in power would be those with all the btc

>> No.10329918

It took banks so long because they didn't have control of the money supply until they were taken off the gold standard. IE Bitcoin. It had to be backed by an asset.

Now it isn't and they can freely print it. THAT is why they took over. People used to horde gold too but they have to SELL IT to get something out of it. it doesn't have dividends and they can't just print more.

>> No.10329925

>inflationary loving kike
literally Lmao at you bro

>> No.10329931

They didn't get in early so you're right they got saved by the bell but crypto is in its infancy and 4% already own all if it. In an economy where hoarding money is ideal that kind of distribution is terrible

>> No.10329938

>disregard what I said

this is why you will always remain poor. you are emotionally invested in this without looking at it realistically. I almost feel bad for you because you have to be really desperate to want bitcoin to succeed this much

>> No.10329954

muh 4%
do you also believe the wage gap myth?

friendly reminder that over 99% of all bitcoin addresses that have seen use are not currently active
go find some actual data to shit post with

>> No.10329965

like I said that's even worse. So the banks have more money then everyone as it is and can buy it all out if they arent already in yet. You're just so stupid it amazing.

>> No.10329970

and they will have no competition because those other wallets are no longer active. You cant win again the jews. You can only play their game

>> No.10329977

>Hoarding money is ideal
>Only people in power would be those with BTC
Tell me how exactly? You realize the only reason banks are able to have their cake and eat it too is because of the ability to print money and fractional banking.

If you have a shitton of BTC you refuse to sell then guess what? You are fucking poor. You don't control anything. Its the same as having a huge mountain of gold you refuse to sell.

>> No.10329982


>> No.10329991
File: 9 KB, 235x215, 1531799649536.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Wow, biz is fucking dumb. OP's infographic is terribly misleading by using graphics of people to represent addresses because

>addresses =/= people. I have 5 addresses myself, only one of which holds bitcoin.
>what are exchange wallets???

You can fart up an empty bitcoin address in seconds, in no way is that equivalent to a person. How was no one noticed this, am I wrong?

>> No.10329996

>have all the btc
>you are poor

What kind of retarded logic is this? You control all of BTC if you hoard it. That's the point brainlet. You literally control the market

>> No.10330012

I'm talking about BTC as if it was used as the day to day currency. Not as a store of value such as gold.

>> No.10330013

exchange adresses

>> No.10330015

>That 4% can't print more Bitcoin.
They don't have to! All they need to do is HODL, it's even better than printing.

>> No.10330030

That means it's likely even worse than what the infographic shows. Some of those top 4% addresses probably belong to the same person.

>> No.10330031

do you even understand what decentralized means?

>> No.10330039

If you held 96% of the gold supply on the planet but knew that if you sold it you would not get it back would you be rich or poor?

What are you using to pay for everything you do? BTC is not interest bearing. There is no such thing as fractional reserves and if you sell one it is one you do not have.

>> No.10330053

You're rich if you keep the BTC because it would be the dominant currency used to buy things. Wether you decided to spend it or not doesn't mean you're poor or rich. You're currently in possession of it so you are rich.

>> No.10330062

Also see>>10330012

>> No.10330068

If that is the line of logic you want to go down then it doesn't matter how much they hold. They have no effect on the market because they are never going to sell it.

>> No.10330077

I think it's more like 96% of addresses hold 0.000001-0.0001 BTC

>> No.10330078

Art of war is the plebbiest meme book out there.

>> No.10330081
File: 467 KB, 596x594, CE1290AD-4822-428C-A3B6-49DE253439EA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, there is a lot of brainlet activity here.
The top four wallets are exchange hot wallets...

>> No.10330083

Except they do. Whether they use it or not doesn't matter. They literally have the market at their fingertips and change it if they so wish.

>> No.10330099

Not the anon you replied to but I'll give you my personal answer as to why I think 0xBitcoin is a better (notice I say better, not perfect) implementation of Satoshi's values than BTC (or BCH for that matter).

There are a few key things that Satoshi lays out as crucial for a digital currency. One is supply cap, which 0xBTC has at 21 mil tokens. Decentralized access is achieved since Ethereum access is unfettered. Fair distribution requiring resource input is achieved by using mining algorithms. There is no ideological reason why 0xBitcoin is more or less adherent to these values than BTC itself. It's a fallacy to think that Bitcoin (the non-specific Satoshi ideal) needs its own blockchain, since the blockchain is just a way to record transfers of value.

So for all intents and purposes, 0xBitcoin is as legitimate of an implementation of Bitcoin as BTC and BCH. What I think is important to realize is that Ethereum as a network is significantly more advanced than Bitcoin's, and it will potentially grow to be more valuable overall as a network (not to be confused with the value of the ETH token). It makes no sense to have this deflationary and decentralized currency on its own blockchain when it means that this currency cannot interact with the next generation of global digital financial tools and interfaces. Within Ethereum, 0xBitcoin IS RIGHT NOW the premier implementation of Satoshi's "vision".

>> No.10330104

You dont have to use something all the time to own it. You can own something without using it in the present moment. The BTC market would belong to a BTC hoarder

>> No.10330108

And wallets =/= people.

It would be more interesting to see the distribution of BTC among the 4% of wallets that actually an amount of BTC over 0.001

>> No.10330116

Now this also forces the question of 0xBitcoin's limitations, as it is confined to the Ethereum network just as BTC is confined to the Bitcoin core network. I think what we will find soon is that any competing network to Ethereum will also have its own premier implementation of Bitcoin. I'd argue that this is sustainable, and that there can be multiple thriving Bitcoin implementations within their own ecosystems. It just so happens that Ethereum is the premier smart contract network right now, which is why it's a perfect place to showcase the next generation of store of value/currency tokens.

>> No.10330120

This thread is a prime example of how stupid this board is

>> No.10330136

They won't for the very same reason that other guy is arguing. They gain more by holding. If they decide to sell it all it would crash the market and distribute it far more equally and as an end result they lose their position.

The value of currencies swing up and down in regards to other currencies and items. Bitcoin is volatile because it isn't popular enough yet. Less than what 3% of the world population has purchased bitcoin and it isn't even being used on an institutional level.

The larger and more used it gets the more and more those BTC will be spread out among everyone. They can't have their cake and eat it too. If they want to take advantage of bitcoin being worth more they have to sell it. The concentration makes perfect sense considering how niche it was until very recently and how little it is used.

>> No.10330146

Yes (and Thats a good thing unironically)

>> No.10330196

>They can't have their cake and eat it too. If they want to take advantage of bitcoin being worth more they have to sell it.

They dont have to because btc can be split up into pieces. It just means 1 sat will be worth a lot more. If you could only sell or buy 1 whole coin your argument would make sense but we know what satoshis are. Someone can still hoard that money while the rest of BTC is split and used amongst everyone else. They still retain the same market power because they hold it all

>> No.10330200

I looked long and hard for the dumbest post in this thread and you are the winner, though the competition was fierce.

This is correct and the retards at /biz/ actually cannot comprehend how it skews those graphs.

>> No.10330226

You are arguing against any currency with your arguments, not just BTC. The hoarders hoard, regardless of the monetary system. Inflation does not make it better, it makes it worse, because the bankers can buy natural resourcers and hoard money at the same time.

And hoarding natural resources is the true problem, it's happening as we speak. 1% gaining control of oil, fresh water, land etc. Someone owning tons of currency is nothing compared to that.

>> No.10330235

>You are arguing against any currency with your arguments, not just BTC

No because theres a fixed amount of BTC. BTC can be split but you cant make new BTC. Therefore it's still the same amount of BTC going round

>> No.10330240

>people dont have multiple addresses
>it totally doesnt change the picture if they did

lol what a fucking retard

>> No.10330249

I can't tell if you are fucking with me or are just intentionally spewing non-sense.

It doesn't matter if its 1 sat or 1 coin. They still only have as much market pull as they are willing to actually sell. The exact amount of force they are able to exert of the market is based on how much they are willing to actually sell. If they aren't selling anything they don't have any effect on the market.

I'm kind of convinced you are just some boomer who saw the meeting read up on BTC and thinks he understands it.

>> No.10330270
File: 164 KB, 499x514, 1510818875362.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Christ, the stupidity actually hurts me.

>> No.10330288

In this threa: what is a pareto distribution?

>> No.10330298

They dont have effect on the market currently but it's still at their whim. They dont have to be actively manipulating the market to be in control because if it ever came to it they can buy or sell everyone out of the market. Sure perhaps in day to day it wouldnt seem as bad but as >>10330226 said about natural resources being important they could buy it all if they needed it. They have the power to do it. Inflation is not perfect by any means but with a growing population and growing amounts of consumerism its needed. Although the rate at which the banks are going at now is definitely alarming. Disinflationary currency is not the solution.

>> No.10330306

You DO realize that banks control the newly printed money? They control the whole economy by deciding who gets the printed money as loans, collect interests and gain more money as a result.

Imagine if more BTC could be created but only by the "top 4%". you are literally arguing that would make them less powerful. It would not.

>> No.10330326

I'm not arguing that inflation is perfect. I'm saying it's the lesser evil. The banks win in either scenario I know but inflation is more pleasant for the common person who likes to buy shit. Perhaps I worded my argument wrong but I'm trying to say for our population growing inflation is better than the alternative of hoarding money

>> No.10330328

i know - its fucking depressing

>> No.10330334

>They can buy all the natural resources if they needed
Okay thats it. You know literally nothing about anything if you think someone can just buy all the natural resources. The laws of supply and demand and clearly beyond you.

Holy fucking shit I can't believe I spent this time trying to talk to you.

>> No.10330338

growing population*

>> No.10330342

>he doesnt think it's possible to buy land.


>> No.10330354

In order to buy land people need to be selling it. If you have all the money on the planet it doesn't mean you can buy everything. At least with something like BTC if you buy something with it is something you no longer have.

As opposed to an inflationary system where they buy something and then print more money so they now have the land and the money back and the money that was given in exchange for the land is now worth less.

God damn man. Are you the kind of person that thinks if you press sell the market just automatically fills it? Do you know what buyer and seller interaction is? Do you know how any kind of market works?

>> No.10330359


People are born every single day my friend. Look at the diamond industry, people shell out thousands for something that could be made cheaply in a lab because of some marketing department convincing them of “””authenticity”””.

>> No.10330369

they would be selling it because they need the money to eat and live, retard. The guy with money takes advantage of that

>> No.10330382

Not him but it's not that simple. The elite don't go around buying water until no one else has any left, that wouldn't work as people wouldn't sell what they need.

It's enough for them to gain control of the water little by little while still distributing it to the people, so they won't notice any difference in their day to day lives. Governments are selling fresh water to private companies every day to cut their budget deficits. People are not complaining as long as they are not dehydrated.

>> No.10330386

Explain the situation that would lead to that please. I'm curious as to how you think that situation would occur because as it stands you are spouting total nonsense.

>> No.10330405

I don't think anyone is going to argue the elite are always a problem. This argument basically boils down to gold-backed currency VS non-backed.

It is much harder to manipulate a system which is backed by something because you can't lend more than actually exists and to actually buy something you need to give up value and cannot simply create it again while devaluing with they have.

>> No.10330411

You need food to eat, right? Can you eat land? No. What if you have money? You can buy food with it. Who has the most money? The guy who hoarded it. He know has your land because you're desperate to eat and he still retains the majority of the money. He now has natural resources at his disposal and you dont have shit. Congrats bud

>> No.10330430

Ofc we could get rid of currency altogether and go back to bartering. That's not happening anytime soon though

>> No.10330431

I absolutely agree.

>> No.10330458

That is a hilarious amount of assumptions.

For one it is assuming that said person does not have a means of gaining value by which I mean they don't have a job. It is also assuming he is willing to sell his land for food money which again is laughable because anyone would be willing to buy so unless the person with a lot of BTC is paying higher than market he won't be getting it anyway.

But lets assume it does go down the way you say and he pays higher than market value to ensure the deal. Guess what? He doesn't have that BTC anymore. Every time he buys something like that he trades BTC for property and eventually he will run out of BTC or the price of property will rise because hey supply and demand. Unless of course you need to also add some strange caveat that everyone is poor and can't afford food and must sell to this guy to make your story work.

Which I understand because it is a very weak story.

>> No.10330515

>For one it is assuming that said person does not have a means of gaining value by which I mean they don't have a job

There would be no jobs because people dont invest in companies. The risk never outweighs the reward because you cant make it back.

>It is also assuming he is willing to sell his land for food money

so humans can eat dirt? wow that's new isnt it

>person with a lot of BTC is paying higher than market he won't be getting it anyway.

he would have 96% of the BTC in circulation right? He can afford to pay higher and keep his majority.

>Unless of course you need to also add some strange caveat that everyone is poor and can't afford food and must sell to this guy to make your story work.

They are poor. The few have 96% of the fucking BTC. You cant complete with that

>> No.10330525


>> No.10330531

There's a lot of retards and literal anti-capitalists in this thread. Is this how low /biz/ has sank? Is a sizeable portion of this board so brainless that they are arguing against a deflationary global currency?

>> No.10330534

And btw you're forgetting that population is exploding

>> No.10330547

So you concocted this whole fantasy in your head I see.

>There would be no jobs because people don't invest in companies
Its sad that this is all a fantasy and companies or production didn't exist before the 1950s.

I don't even know how to respond to the rest to be honest. This is a level of delusion or astroturfing I can't even begin to comprehend.

You should really go read up on gold backed currencies and how the world worked with them.

>> No.10330549

Inflation is why you have the internet. It's why we got the tech boom. Anti capitalist is getting rid of consumerism and the choice to buy shit

>> No.10330557

>Its sad that this is all a fantasy and companies or production didn't exist before the 1950s

Lol because the technology from 1950 is the same as now right?

>You should really go read up on gold backed currencies and how the world worked with them

Yeah bank runs worked really well didn't they huh?

>> No.10330571

looks pretty good

how much bitcoin addresses are unused/obsolete/thrown away? if 50% of bitcoin addresses are obsolete it means that 97% of all bitcoin is in the hands of 8%

>> No.10330575

>Time passes and technology increases
>Technology never increased before 1950
>1900 was exactly the same as 1950
>Bank runs are comparable to a global debt bubble and currency that isn't actually backed by anything which allows banks to freely buy actual property with fake money they never really had and then put people in debt for borrowing money they themselves never had

I really don't know what to do with you. I'm just going to write you off as either a very naive idealist or an actual shill.

>> No.10330586

Oh and a side note is that bank runs only happened because banks were allowed to lend out money that they didn't own. Which is a massive problem in and of itself.

>> No.10330592

Congratulations. You won the award for the most retarded comment of all time that has been and will ever be made in existence of all mankind. Too bad I don't have a proper brainlet here.

>> No.10330593

>pretending the rate of technology development before inflation to now is the same

Just utterly stupid.

>The great depression and people literally dying in the streets is better than debt

Holy fuck you really dont get it.

>> No.10330600

Yeah its not like the standard of living increased at an insane rate ever since inflation was a thing. Yeah let's forget about it. Congrats you are the most economically ignorant fag on the internet. The very internet inflation helped give birth to! Lmao

>> No.10330615

see Table 3.

>> No.10330616

The rate of technological growth had more to do with automation which was made far more common during WW2. But of course you are a clearly deficient in several areas or are arguing in bad faith.

>People dying in the streets is better than debt
They were dying in the streets because of banks using money they did not own for their own purposes.

Look I'm done with you. I can't. You are either a shill or so beyond hope that nothing I say will dissuade you. I hope you are a shill just for your sake.

>> No.10330638

>The rate of technological growth had more to do with automation which was made far more common during WW2. But of course you are a clearly deficient in several areas or are arguing in bad faith.

Dude where do you think the money for the our standard of living now comes from? Its because people really arent afraid to invest holy shit. Do you think people would have invested in a Microsoft or whatever if money was to be hoarded? If we had a gold backed currency wed still be living the fucking 50s tech wise.

>They were dying in the streets because of banks using money they did not own for their own purposes.

Yeah and now banks dont go insolvent for loaning money they dont have. People dont die in the fucking streets anymore because inflation is a thing. You're actually fucking dumb

>> No.10330649

Yeah because nobody invested in Ford. Look dude I wish you the best and hope you are just a shill. If you aren't then I hope you eventually figure your life out.

>> No.10330650

You would actually rather have people lower their standard of living and have to go through hell every 10 just for your BTC instead of learning how to best inflation like a normal, functioning human being. You UBI fucks on biz really have no concept of a job or what an economy is lmao. Its insane

>> No.10330658

>haha one example in 1950 vs the 1000 examples of innovation we have now

Haha wow you really showed me, idiot. You're just ignorant that's it

>> No.10330665

I hope the pay is worth it or you get your life sorted out. I pray you are just a teenager.

>> No.10330668

97% are exchanges.
That's like saying 90% of the worlds currency is owned by 4% of the bank's, which is true.

>> No.10330669

I pray you grow up and realize we are long last the days of deflationary currency. Your BTC may still go up because of scarcity but it never will be used day to day. It isnt fucking possible anymore

>> No.10330680

May you find your way eventually if you are saying these things with an honest heart.

>> No.10330684

I own BTC. But I understand what it is unlike you

>> No.10330698
File: 852 KB, 267x200, disappointed.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a crypto inside another crypto is fucking stupid

>> No.10330710

You believe the banks will always win. If you truly believe that in your heart you have a long way to go before you can truly understand anything.

I wish you well on your journey.

>> No.10330717
File: 13 KB, 295x300, sewious.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a ton of those addresses are probably also lost forever. some nerd in 2010 mined a bunch of BTC worth 1 cent and then over time lost the private key because he couldn't dream it would gain much real value

the reason why we don't have so many early bitcoin millionaires is because the private keys werent taken care of

>> No.10330718

>I dont know shit about the economy but I know how the banks work and that we are stronger!!
>you'll never be on my level of thinking dude

haha woah so deep dude !! Unless you literally go in the streets killing those bankers you will never win

>> No.10330743

Best of luck friend.

>> No.10330884

>And? What does that have to do with the AMOUNT they hold?

Because it scews the results? Holy shit you're a brainlet.

Thats like having a nation with 100 000 people with 1000 of them being piss poor. However these 1000 people got 1000 votes each in the poll asking for their wealth and now every retard in USA thinks the top 10% in the nation own all the wealth.

>> No.10330894

>Bitcoin can't survive without greater fools

Of course it can. At that point it'll stabilize

Another day, another brainlet.

>> No.10330914

>Remember retards, wallets =/ people.
You're right, whales have many wallets so the real percentage is most likely even worse.

>> No.10330921


>Assumes people will only buy food and clothes if they know they'll get luxury goods 1% cheaper after a year.

You're such a gigantic brainlet that no one takes you seriously.

>> No.10330968

>They are poor. The few have 96% of the fucking BTC. You cant complete with that

WTF are you rambling around? Is everyone poor in THE REAL WORLD where top 1% own 97% of the wealth?

Do you even see what an insufferable brainlet you are?

>> No.10330984


Maybe take a screencap and include his best of the best in it?

>> No.10330993

comparatively? Yes they are retard. The 1% can buy out the rest of us if they wanted.

>> No.10331025

No they can't.

>> No.10331132

Look at what's happening with crypto, a dead worthless toxic asset class. The whole market is convinced it's going to be worth something some day. People pretend they know what they're talking about, millions of people buying into ICO's, 99% of which are down from their ICO price. Here's the truth about all of this; the algorithms won. There will always be a tiny handful of people with enough awareness to guide humanity just far enough away from meltdown; from total submission. The algorithm took them out. It's in charge now. Everyone submits to the algorithms, just like Elsagate creators submit to the algorithm and children watch "Elsa vs Spiderman Masturbates". We're in a feedback loop, a downward spiral. Zuckerberg and Sheryl Sandberg and tens of thousands of other Silicon Valley CEO's and employees must be placed in tiny cages, it must be livestreamed 24/7 forever until they die of old age. We need drastic measures to reverse this and we need to set a precedent so we don't fall back into this mess.

>> No.10331153

Why would bitcoin stabilize? What will make the whales stop selling? They have hundreds of billions left to cash out. It will be stable if they want it stable and it will be artificial if that happens. It's not like people will one day use this crap.

>> No.10331401

Proof of faucet or maybe a system that distributes 100,000 coins to every person on earth somehow and locks the coins for a few years. That's the only way "Satoshi's vision" will be obtained. Mining, premines, ICO's, all are scams. Bitcoin is popular, that's all it has going for it. It's a shitcoin like every other coin on the market that will never be taken seriously when the Dorito dust settles.

>> No.10331767

Bump for the topic outlining the biggest scam aspect of crypto.

>> No.10331818

i don't disagree but i happen to believe benefiting savers rather than consumers is a good thing
it all depends of the world you want to see
arguably, the permagrowth paradigm we live in necessarily leads to waste and war
a debt-funded economy has built-in defaults, and the weakest pay the price; which you'd believe would be a good thing evolutionary speaking, except those same people are kept alive through welfare, medical care, funded by those marginally higher than them. essentially, permagrowth inevitably leads to concentration of power as well. the few hands at the top move everyone at the bottom like pawns
so what is the difference between deflation and inflation? in a deflationary economy, those at the top have to use their assets eventually; whereas in an inflationary economy, through the printing presses they can endlessly siphon more wealth from the labor of all workers

>> No.10331834


you are the same anon
>changing ID so it looks like there was real interest in this shitcoin

>> No.10331863

are u guys trolling or didn't you realise that the biggest bitcoin wallets are exchange wallets and that the 4% is screwed up because the biggest part of the other 96% are addresses with a tiny amount of bitcoin dust that nobody uses anymore

>> No.10331871

That's because BTC is heavily traded. Those addresses are exchange address iirc

>> No.10331874

Some of the largest addresses are exchange wallets which carry the funds of thousands of people

>> No.10331875

What's the problem? Anyone could have been an early adopter back in the day

>> No.10331893

Oops meant for >>10330030

>> No.10332233

.1% inflationary currency with another .1% tax on savings not used within the year.

>> No.10332286
File: 901 KB, 1494x908, Screen-Shot-2015-08-03-at-10.16.04-AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


BTC is an outdated piece of code that is inferior to almost every coin out there. Even all those shitcoins and scamtokens a better than Bitcoin. This is why Bitcoin is losing dominance against almost every other coin out there. It will soon be as dead as Netscape and will end up being overtaken by ETH, XRP or perhaps even BCH or some other fork.

What matters is how much do you own of those cryptos that do have a long term future.

>> No.10332324

Explain to a brainlet how >>10329991 is incorrect.

>> No.10332956

Good post

>> No.10332989

literal fucking scam that doesn't hold to the core tenants of Bitcoin (i.e. scarcity)

they can print XRP, it's a fucking digital fiat that can and will be endlessly inflated.

>> No.10333005

Not really, I don't hold any

>> No.10333023
File: 57 KB, 555x396, 35922904_10160417434100065_1006176125803560960_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they can print XRP
use the SEC decision and securities instead mate. That FUD is old and no longer working , Ripple have step up their game now.

>> No.10333866
File: 95 KB, 374x372, 1528288366683.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10333988


>> No.10334081

Nice post. I just disagree with:

>except those same people are kept alive through welfare, medical care, funded by those marginally higher than them.
thats the fault of our social climate and socialist government we voted into office. Not inflations fault

>> No.10334124

an address doesn't equal a person
I can make 10000000 addresses for free and never use them
also 1 address can be an exchange servicing 1000s of people
this is a shit article written by a brainlet

>> No.10334147


>> No.10334318

>what is dust
>why would someone have several addresses with small balances
nice brainlet data, also
>includes exchanges
bfx alone has a little over 1% of btc in circulation