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File: 21 KB, 640x491, sHO4MGXl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10326427 No.10326427 [Reply] [Original]

Buckle up gents, prepare for litoff.

>> No.10326458
File: 62 KB, 747x891, 1518603876498.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cause that's how it actually works
squiggly lines from different industries and different timelines matching

>> No.10326489

there is an optimum way to speculate on exponential growth

>> No.10326490

>Gold ETF made market parabolic
Nigger what

>> No.10326501


Bloody brainlets deserve what is coming for them; the biggest FOMO they have ever experienced and will experience in their entire life.

>> No.10326522

It's still speculation based on squiggly lines from different industries and different timelines

You are trying to tell me that OP and his image is an optimum way to speculate on the exponential growth of the crypto market?

>> No.10326551

if you know something is going to grow exponentially there is an optimum path of buying low and selling high to make the most money

gold grows expnentially against the dollar because the fed has a constant inflation target

bitcoin grows exponentially because adoption of technology is described by an s curve

this is why gold and bitcoin have the same graph

>> No.10326571

this knowledge is wasted on this shit board. let these kids worry about their summer school detentions...

>> No.10326875


>> No.10326885

price is driven by emotion. emotion is the same regardless of whatever market it is

>> No.10326895

hes wrong

>> No.10326954
File: 58 KB, 640x447, 640px-Diffusionofideas.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you cannot teach normies (majority) this by definition
the universe is deteministic, life is like a wave most people are too stupid to stand in the right place

>> No.10327022

How likely is the August ETF announcement? Does everyone think this pump is insider trading or something?

>> No.10327179

pls give more knowledge. Am 21 and am irrationally worried that i'll fail in life

>> No.10327226
File: 32 KB, 472x315, 3BD59B47-B8B6-483C-BB39-D8638E929A68.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have 6500$ sitting in Coinbase. When do you anons recommend i get into btc?

>> No.10327243


Like 3 weeks ago lol.

>> No.10327245

You didn't buy when it was below $6k?

Anon, I....

>> No.10327263

just placed a long position lets go

>> No.10327272

BTC will 10x from here before EOY. This should be painfully obvious. Exit alts and be in BTC for the next few months.

>> No.10327293

Do not exit all alts

>> No.10327301

for one stop listening to strangers on the internet. im also 21 too but just start praying to god anon, the universe is not predetermined this guy is a faggot. just do your best to do your best

>> No.10327303

EOS will outperform, nigger

>> No.10327310

>cause that's how it actually works
>squiggly lines from different industries and different timelines matching
psychology of greed doesnt change, friend

>> No.10327325
File: 103 KB, 640x633, 09823472_AH932JAJ_290328.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thinking anything outperforms BTC

>> No.10327333

Does this imply our next mega bullrun is our last?

>> No.10327337

trips confirm

>> No.10327341

Anything is possible, checked lad

>> No.10327351
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>thinking bcore outperforms anything in a bull run

>> No.10327369
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>> No.10327400
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>He doesn't understand satoshi values

>> No.10327430

Wtf is etf

>> No.10327437

Unironically this makes me think that bitcoin will probably be a decent long term hold.

>> No.10327483

This, but do i really need to mention it?

>> No.10327497

Yeah that will never ever change trajectory

>> No.10327525


Electronic Tron Falcon coin

>> No.10327541
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>> No.10327557

First of all, send it to Coinbase Pro (formerly GDAX). Secondly, don't ask these idiots about anything.

>> No.10327572
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>> No.10327608
File: 227 KB, 600x400, 326D9F69-B9D3-43C7-BBD8-FF9E8DCFA5E5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If SEC approves BTC ETF(which they will) on August 10th a Platinum Bull Run will explode and continue to EOY

For sure 10x or more

>> No.10327609
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>> No.10327617
File: 305 KB, 1378x1710, IMG_20180619_114722.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How will my coin do, anon?

>> No.10327627

This is an interesting argument, where can I research more about this

>> No.10327632
File: 169 KB, 888x901, sHO4MGX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not posting this

>> No.10327636

>(which they will)
serious question, why would they? i know its been rejected twice already. whats different now?

>> No.10327652

maybe the fact that mega large institutions have acquired a fuckton of bitcoin?

>> No.10327661

Doge ETF?

>> No.10327664


>> No.10327673

"Gold ETFs track and hold the value of bullion, compared to futures, and more closely follow the price"

Bitcoin ETF when?

>> No.10327674

>if [...] something is going to grow exponentially there is an optimum path of buying low and selling high to make the most money
the optimun path is buying low once a lump sum at the bottom
tl;dr: you're a brainlet

>> No.10327675

With that Mastercard ($MA) patent that came out to means that there going to get a decent chunk of that so start. Big boys need to be set to make money before anything happens

>> No.10327688

I'm 50/50 in litecoin but I'm not sure if I should adjust that ratio to more in bitcoin. what do you guys think?

>> No.10327692

Extra transexual fairy

>> No.10327694
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Small snapshot

>> No.10327695

>hold the value of bullion
so bitcoin wont moon as much? I assume it will only moon as the custodians have to buy it to make the ETF in the first place

>> No.10327708
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>> No.10327713
File: 440 KB, 840x573, bizo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dont be fooled.....if it was real they (whales) would have bought

its over wait until they finish


>> No.10327715

i am brainlet. who is grayscale and how do they know this?

>> No.10327723

This. Bitcoin will not rise to 100k until JP Morgan controls 10,000 coins or more

>> No.10327749
File: 649 KB, 1600x1067, FF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when Russian and btc are connected which is very soon it will dump to 1k-4k

maybe lower if they enact immediate sanctions or ban all crypto

dont be a fool and buy so high



THE USA IS the last one

china and all others failed

USA and DOj are left to bring down crypto. when they finish whatever it is they are planning then its moon mission

apply common sense, USA has not decided what will happen

if you buy today what will happen 2 weeks from now if they make an official ban or regulation ?


the best buying opportunity of a lifetime

hence will not go up

just wait

its all patience with the big enchilada

this case


>> No.10327766

Nice, just bought 100k

>> No.10327777

k just did some research. seems legit. although its not 100% BTC gets approved if it does im going all in

>> No.10327787

more like gay scale

>> No.10327803
File: 119 KB, 1270x596, gold-chart (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thats 9ver a 40 year time period with 20 year bear market. Bitcoin has only been in bear mode for 6 months.

>> No.10327808

Holy shit are you me

>> No.10327817

true but the chart looks very similar and crypto moves faster. desu im not super bullish on crypto in the long term but if etf is approved i think itll pump until eoy. good money making oppurtunity

>> No.10327823
File: 64 KB, 618x597, 1528738277688.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Only $60k Bitcoin

>> No.10327836

They will not understand, these people don't have the patience needed to wait 2 years.

>> No.10327837

>thinking that gold isn't crashing right now because of manipulation.

>> No.10327875

What if ETF dosen't get approved?

>> No.10327883

Grayscale is one of Barry Silbert's child companies.

>> No.10327891

Business as usual

>> No.10327903
File: 421 KB, 1440x1420, Screenshot_20180718-214118_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kind of sus actually. Like he wanted to pump the price for a bit after BlackRock fudded it. Either way I'll stick to my plan and buy in if its approved

>> No.10327914

Pretty huge dump probably. Thats why I'm waiting for approval before I buy. Sure I'll miss out on early gains but if it gets approved it's going sky high anyway.

>> No.10327934

I still think that bitcoin is going to be the replacement for the USD when hyper inflation steps in. Having every transaction available is massive for a government. Plus I live this:

Satoshi Nakamoto(中本聡) is old Japanese for "Central Intelligence."

>> No.10327935
File: 522 KB, 2252x1360, Screen Shot 2018-07-18 at 10.45.48 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not yet grasshopper, patience..

>> No.10327947


I sure fucking hope it does, I lost so much fucking sats from holding ICX I want to die

>> No.10327987

You can post all of this good info but they won't listen to you, don't waste your time fren.

>> No.10328006
File: 2 KB, 125x121, champagnepepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw just realized this chart looks exactly like the chart for the altcoin i'm all in on

Feels good man.

>> No.10328029
File: 522 KB, 2198x2615, pepe_painting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10328049

i do too, sometimes compare totally different timeframes and wonder why they dont correlate

>> No.10328070


If you have any decent sum then you can't lump it without moving the market

>> No.10328078

30years time frame?

>What is inflation?
>What is the financial crisis 2008 and the gold speculation?

What a retarded chart

>> No.10328203

you DO know one day has 1440 minutes, right?

>> No.10328468

>Satoshi Nakamoto(中本聡) is old Japanese for "Central Intelligence."

Is it tho? Could also just mean inside book clever, or basically satoshi the clever book nerd.

>> No.10328499

except theres "central" in his name

>> No.10328512

naka can also mean inside of you dingus.

>> No.10328547

>Doing a quick web search, you’ll find out that Satoshi is usually a name given for baby boys which means “clear thinking, quick witted, wise,” while Nakamoto is a Japanese surname which means ‘central origin’ or ‘(one who lives) in the middle’

God dammit

>> No.10328561

inside aka center

>> No.10328586

I truly hate you, do you even speak japanese? He could have a good half dozen names or more that could be construed to mean central intelligence because of how fucked kanji is.

>> No.10328609
File: 22 KB, 225x225, 78B4CB89-5082-4DBE-8BC9-91A00EA92B18.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Renkoscrotum you gotta stop formatting your shitpost the same way out of character.

>> No.10328616

I'm not saying hes a fed just because of the name but theres a lot of other shit that lines up with crypto being made the US government. Your shitty nip language is just icing on the cake, faggot weeb

>> No.10328620

made by the US gov*

>> No.10328641

Get out of here you idiot, we’re trying to have a real convo and this child brings up EOS, lol.

>> No.10328671
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>> No.10328674

according to Pablo escobar brother btc is cia

>> No.10328703

>implying another recession is not coming
>implying bitcoin will not become the worlds reserve currency from the ashes due to fiat devaluation

>> No.10328713
File: 11 KB, 887x550, proof.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>theres a lot of other shit that lines up with crypto being made the US government.

>> No.10328727
File: 383 KB, 1443x1095, MMA_and_here_we_go_.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see you picked up on my graph

>> No.10328763

ignoring doj from today

its not the same as then

central banks back then were not as greedy this time they will not allow it to happen it again
the state of biz

>> No.10328795


I can tell who you are. Just stop dude, you should be fired from FUDing. Your FUD is the kind of shit only a /pol/ or /x/ conspiracy theorist would believe in.

>> No.10328873

>this time they will not allow it to happen it again
Not allowing BTC to moon again? How?

>> No.10328874
File: 59 KB, 1412x200, not just me .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10328882

Buy buying it themselves and then selling for cheaper than what they bought it for....oh wait

>> No.10328884


>> No.10329117

Dis picture givez me ze boner

>> No.10329332

The truth

>> No.10329338

When to rebuy?

>> No.10329465

just bought 100k

>> No.10329473 [DELETED] 

>he doesnt know anything about crypto

typical crypto "investor" lol. no wonder you idiots are poor

>> No.10329485

The SEC has mainly been worried about BTC regulation in other countries, but the regulation is maturing to a point where they may actually be cool with it

t. investment banker from other G20 country waiting to get in

>> No.10329487 [DELETED] 

they already bought in lol

>> No.10329498

Doesn’t change the maths though

>> No.10329517

>Implying you cannot print more and more via QE and keep creating more money outta more debts
>Implying bitcoin will be #1 in a decade and not a real crypto currency which is able to solve the scalability issue

>> No.10329632

>implying bitcoin is not the most decentralized cryptocurrency with the most resiliant blockchain

>implying bitcoin cannot be built upon to increase efficiency and scalability

>> No.10329657 [DELETED] 

What math? If you vompare it yo hold why not vompare it to every other asset ever? Silver copper platinum etc etc. Then we can see how well ops idea holds up. If you overlay the 2017 and 2018 btc bubble and crash over every other btc bubble in the past you would see we are due for another few months to a year of bear market reaching values between 5k and 3k

>> No.10329680

What math? If you compare it to gold why not compare it to every other asset ever? Silver copper platinum etc etc. Then we can see how well OPs idea holds up. If you overlay the 2017 and 2018 btc bubble and crash over every other btc bubble in the past since 2010 you would see we are due for another few months to a year of bear market reaching values between 5k and 3k.

>> No.10329689

So this is what was meant by the GOLDen bullrun eh?

>> No.10329717

given how fully mainstream crypto is now in an investing sense, all the huge growth is clearly over. 10-30x possible, but if youre not rich today you better stop dreaming about it, because you've missed the boat for good

>> No.10329721

>Physical currency will be more useful than digital when shit hits the fan
Are we going to go back to the stone age or will it be more cyberpunk?

>> No.10330475

Seriously save yourself, do this
Don't read biz before making a buy/sell decision

>> No.10330585

> he really believes comparing squiggly lines of unrelated assets reflect any real corrolation
> he doesn’t know what caused gold prices to increase by 1980
> he thinks gold as an ETF caused it to shoot up in price after 2008

KYS anon

>> No.10330789

i believe gold will go down one time more before we see it rising again

>> No.10330915

Go learn the quadratic formula, you peanut

>> No.10331104

>most decentralized cryptocurrency
>After 10yo developing we have LN (centralization in the end stadium)
>Still thinks bitcoin can be a world currency and decentealized

>> No.10331130


Fuck you!

Let us dream!

>> No.10331151

tasty electronic food

oh shit I have dyslexia

>> No.10331171
File: 26 KB, 640x491, goldvbitcoin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fixed for you

>> No.10331191

which day is it going to be? Dis gun be guuuuud

>> No.10331224


You're going to see some gains before the approval/denial though, so you could easily buy some now and immediately dump if it doesn't go through.

>> No.10331242

I could but I dont know the exact date or time of the decision. I could be left holding bags I'll just be safe and wait. Like I said if its approved we are making gains anyway

>> No.10331337


>> No.10331390

>Am 21 and am irrationally worried that i'll fail in life

Sounds like a rational worry, you probably will

>> No.10331520

they're called fractals u stoopid monkey

>> No.10331615

You know you could just stop loss