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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 58 KB, 710x710, passive-income-real-estate-710x710.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10322917 No.10322917 [Reply] [Original]

Hi Biz,

what are your sources for generating passive income?
No standard shit like youtube vidya or writing a blog allowed.

Surprise me

>> No.10322956

bump. it's a shame with this bear trap that these threads ended and now pajeets come out of the woodworks.

>> No.10323994
File: 10 KB, 200x200, 819.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I make $10 a day with pic related. About as passive as it gets.

>> No.10324030

Computation is at the heart of automation. Automating value creation can be tied to income.
Answers to this question are literally infinite.

>> No.10324104

Maintaining websites. Basically i just click an update button once a month. Seems hard at first to get the clients but even with 10 clients its already a decent income. Atm. on my first world trip, living off of that money i make. I have 40 something websites i manage and have all my time completely free. 5/7 would recommwnd. Ofcourse you have to know something about web to do that.

>> No.10324577

Passive income is a boomer fantasy.
Just buy some shitcoins and shill them for massive gainz. Even a negro can do it.

>> No.10324601

Coin op car wash. My buddy bought one. Just shows up 2 times a weeks for 30 min to change soaps and collect the money

>> No.10324644



>> No.10324646

$200 a month from mining. I sell instantly. Trading is for brainlets.

>> No.10324672

I currently only have $500 freed up. Is there any viable way for me to make at least $10 a day with it?

>> No.10324681

secured loans, personal debts.

getting 3-15% returns per month, the world debt is never going away but it sure as hell is going to be serviced.

>> No.10324714

Buy a power drill and do a glory hole tour the nation's truck stops.

>> No.10324779

self-publishing erotic fiction on amazon. It's too much work to be worth it, but if you enjoy doing it and are good at it's more fun than doing something you hate. Currently making about $20 a month off of stuff I wrote last year and haven't touched since, though I did a shit ton to promote it back in the day.

>> No.10324854

I spent a few hours downloading go res images and memes in Dec. and put them on Redbubble for print on demand. Most of what I picked went nowhere, but I have two pieces that bring in $10 a month after a total of like 4 hours of fucking around during downtime over the holidays. 90s nostalgia and hipster memes are big on there.

>> No.10324927

What are some turnkey small businesses that I can buy and collect passive income from while doing minimal work? I'm thinking stuff like managing ATMs or coin operated car washes. Nothing complicated like a retail store or restaurant.

>> No.10324969

Know something about webdev or network server maintenance?

>> No.10325332

What the fuck is that?

>> No.10325373

Whats your rig.

>> No.10325433

This idea made me smile as I imagine writing stories of me masturbating and making money off it

What is the entry point into this? I have a software development background 3 yrs and no connections in anything finance related

>> No.10325573

Fat stacks of NEO and ARK are generating passive income for me. It's not much at the moment but it will be.

>> No.10325577
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Our only hope.

>> No.10325606

I write books. They don't sell well but hopefully that'll change with time.

>> No.10325629

Kek'd and checked

>> No.10325655

You have to make $500/mo in passive income in 1 year or you die. What do you do?

>> No.10325657

Sell covered call options dipshits

>> No.10325680
File: 2 KB, 64x61, 12.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am looking for a writer to write pretty simple analytical articles in a specific niche. Would be consistent work of about 3 articles a week (or more) for $20-50 per article depending on quality. Let me know if you are interested

>> No.10325697

I'm not that anon, but I've always been a decent writer. Do you have a throwaway email I can contact you at for details?

>> No.10325702

Bean boy

>> No.10325712

I'm interested. email me at mraso@uoguelph.ca

>> No.10325724

Just did some research on this (never traded options, only stocks/futures/fx), and it looks like in most cases you can break even if it doesn't go your way?

>> No.10325730

my brother does this for side income. its all chinese to me but he likes it.

>> No.10325754

Publish apps on google play. Really i just take other peoples code and change the asset files and replublish them for a dollar a piece. Only made 200 dollars but my free ones got like 10k and more downloads and like 50 five star ratings each. No one wants to spend a dollar. Also got to figure out how to impletment ads.

>> No.10325764

In bear markets your stock will fall heavily and you will have to be careful selling calls because you might lock in a lower price. Covered calls work best in neutral/ranging enviroments.

>> No.10325765

Or even better cash covered puts on spy, you could’ve been making fat premiums for the past 10 years

>> No.10325791

stock dividends

t. mid 30s boomer

>> No.10325798

Yeah loan it on lendingclub

>> No.10325834

Have you had success with p2p lending? I've heard it's best to setup multiple small loans to offset the risk in the event of a default.

>> No.10325878


>> No.10326273

My passive income comes entirely from exploiting weak ad providers and a custom built solution running on a fleet of bot computers.

pay is pretty good with very little maintenance.

>> No.10326300

>exploiting weak ad providers and a custom built solution running on a fleet of bot computers.

i'm trying to understand this sentence

>> No.10326391

What are some popular weak ones?

>> No.10326393

Eat like a bird, shit like an elephant.

>> No.10326425

personally, i dont see the advantage over simply investing it in any brokerage account.

>> No.10326603

So... I guess he sells some ad space on his websites and then clicks them himself using a couple bots and makes bank?

>> No.10326625

not strictly an ad provider but, Trialpay

>> No.10326634

It's much smoother if it's not a website you own.

>> No.10326662

Buy companies that issue dividends.

>> No.10326773

Is the idea using the botnet to hit the ad site you own and paying yourself?

>> No.10326788

So your custom solution can find sites using the weak provider and hitting those?

>> No.10326790

Interedesting, do any sites ever stop you before cashout?

>> No.10326794

Get your tits out on Onlyfans.com and get neckbeards to pay you 10 bucks a month

>> No.10326868

That's one method yes. Also hit up sites others own, get paid by them.

Finding the sites aren't the problem honestly. Maintaining the bot farm is where most of the work is done.

Nope. A lot of sites are just scams though. They'll never pay up. Quite a few are owned by the same person/group of people.

They caught on to me once because they were sending several payments a day to the paypal i use for this stuff. I use a unique paypal for each of those now.

>> No.10326934

>Finding the sites aren't the problem honestly. Maintaining the bot farm is where most of the work is done.

I think I could set something up given enough effort but what are the returns like?

>> No.10327016

lately they've been kind of shit. I used to average about $3500 to $4000 a month doing this, but due to an ad slow down/drought during Q2 it's closer to $1500 a month.

>> No.10327037

95% p3d and 5% fomo3d (crypto projects). no brainer passive income since march.

>> No.10327060
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Same bro, just tending to divvies through the bear market. Feels good

>> No.10327091

Do you feel like you hit a ceiling expansion wise then? Why not increase the number of bots or sites

>> No.10327124

Sell life insurance

I have been selling for 5 years

I’m 28

I get 2,000 a month. All passive income from commission

As long as they don’t cancel I keep getting paid

But Yea people cancel

>> No.10327128

Mostly time investment. If i expanded further it would require more of my time to the point I might as well get a 2nd job instead of doing this.

>> No.10327137

Wow this entire thread and not one person has an actual answer
Imagine my shock

>> No.10327163

okay thanks for the info anon

>> No.10327184
File: 106 KB, 633x960, 1531789767375.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lad i have a question, so Im 26 years old.

my dad has been working for New York Life Insurance (in NYC) for 20 some odd years and has a huge fucking client list. He wants me to become an agent since its easy money for me. but i hate wearing suits and I loathe insurance.
idk if I should do it.

>> No.10327188

This. On average 0.2% a day... Some months slower some months(projects launching) much faster... Beats my local bank's savings rate by like 30x

>> No.10327195

requires a fuck ton to buy one that isnt a nig tier wash

>> No.10327202

I trade btc
Instead of browsing 4chan all day like you cucks i spent months learnig how to daytrade
And now i can make $3k in 5 minutes
Have fun being poor

>> No.10327213

90% of people who start selling life insurance quit within the first year.

You gonna be the ten percent or the 90% ?

>> No.10327220

What indicators do you use?

>> No.10327232 [DELETED] 
File: 392 KB, 500x805, 1531764604554.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow what a faggot
just take the fucking free money from daddy and don't think too hard

>> No.10327254
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>day trading

>> No.10327256

Out of curiosity, do you write closer to mainstream, racy women's romance novels, or is it more niche /d/-tier stuff? Do you know which one sells better? I had some casual acquantainces that used to do erotic art commissions in college, and I was surprised how much money furries or people with more out-there fetishes would throw at that stuff.

>> No.10327279

Dropshipping, affiliate links, Web hosting, low yield bonds, if you own property or a boat you could rent it out when you're not using it,

>> No.10327283
File: 398 KB, 1505x2048, large[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The furry market is an untapped goldmine imo. In Edmonton they just crowdfunded a giant furry mural.

>> No.10327292

can we crowdfund them out of existance

>> No.10327575

How much do you charge?

>> No.10327589

fomo3d unironically

>> No.10327615

what do you think the nazi party was for?

>> No.10327634

Fucking hell... I live in edmonton as well. This city just get more gay each day

>> No.10327684


i'll take your place, leave an email address and go back to bartending. your father will adopt a son to be proud of

>> No.10328039

Despite all the bullshit fud I think amb will be a great source of passive income, even if it doesn't get to 1 million bundles a day for a year or two.

>> No.10328122
File: 26 KB, 929x619, 164609725.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Easy if you live in germany.
Get in touch with a doctor.
Become friends.
Ask him to write fake prescription drugs out for you. you dont have to get them, you just need him to write it.
The doctor of your trust will get up to 200€ for each prescription he writes out for you.
Make 50/50, 6 times a month.
Easy 600€ passive income, but a mid high chance to get busted.

I know a couple of guys doing this, its like a new trend right now.

>> No.10328136

everyone i've ever known who did things like this have shit lives now and are miserable, they will be fucked over eventually, there's a reason you die poor

>> No.10328147

Buy payfair and get a few trustnodes. It's like owning shares in the next big crypto exchange

>> No.10328183


how do you get busted?

>> No.10328235

How to take their code if it is already compiled?

>> No.10328239

I'll take your place, if you don't want it, bud.

>> No.10328267

Been writing since 2013 with a short story published under my name.

>> No.10328331

>makes 3k one time
>I am a genius

>> No.10328349

I used to do what he did and I figured $40 per client, here's the secret: I only pay $29.95 for reseller hosting (up to 100 domains), so I charge them all 29.95 or over.

If you find a nice host that isn't mainstream, you can rack a nice bonus by doing simple updating work like that guy.

>> No.10328584
File: 71 KB, 788x802, Screen Shot 2018-07-19 at 12.11.22 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm currently building up my CET stockpile. CET is Coinex's own exchange token. Around 150,000 CET will give you around 88 USD a day in dividends. This is because Coinex distributes 80% of their revenue from transaction fees back to CET holders. The higher the daily volume for the exchange, the higher the daily dividend payout. This will go on for about another 150-160 days until trade-mining of all CET tokens is complete, after that the dividends will be payed out monthly instead of daily. They're also doing a shitload of airdrops, and a token burn which will eliminate around 40% of the supply. Now, before you call this a scam I'd like to point out that Coinex isn't some random ass new chinese exchange, this one is fully backed by viaBTC and Bitmain so that means they have a gazillion of money and don't have a need to exit scam. My reading is that they're using this exchange in an effort to drive up BCH adoption/usage (out of their 4 markets, BCH is the main one I believe).


Pic related. Part of my daily dividends

>> No.10329101

Same as me. Have 50k CET and get 20-30$ a day.

>> No.10329142

New = You

>> No.10329178

What a fucking brainlet I can't even

>> No.10329281

About 100€/mo per site. Depends on the complexity of the site and the change that something can break and i have to actually do some work.

>> No.10329469

I love this picture.

>> No.10329470

I'd be first to fund.

>> No.10329472

Wow I'm surprised nobody on biz makes money the same way I do. I essentially use computer scripts to algorithm trade forex. Makes me 2-3k free passive income.

>> No.10329480

Fucking kek

>> No.10329482

>95% p3d
What's p3d? You mean RIETs?

>> No.10329515

How would I even get started doing that?

>> No.10329528

why don't you scale up then.

>> No.10329651

What indicators do you use?

>> No.10329723

You can try kidnapping woman and get them to fuck some people and then beat the money off them after they get paid

>> No.10329850

Fucking lol

>> No.10329937

make 2-3k a month running a crypto trading bot.

>> No.10329953

What about selling hashing power on nicehash? How sustainable is it?

>> No.10329972

Currently holding 19.5, how much will that give daily?

>> No.10330072

Bit tube pays you for watching but way more if you upload some shit of YouTube and say its yours. Cha ching.

>> No.10330199

Whats my income/how much do I have saved?

>> No.10330231

How much are they paying per video?

>> No.10330258

What do you do now? Ask yourself if you'd be open to honestly trying that lifestyle. Its not the worst, and its also not for everyone. You couldn't pay me enough money to live in NYC.

>> No.10330317
File: 62 KB, 588x823, Gtnot+having+a+filter+wow+_a47acbb1f1e89f1faa66e791c0c28ba0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i work construction yes

>> No.10330350

how to get CET?

>> No.10330377

AppInventor tier apps?

>> No.10330604

19.5k? Probably between 10-12$ each day.

>> No.10330614

Just make an account through this link, and then you can buy some ;)

>> No.10330954


>> No.10330978

I'm doing it.
$30 per month with a gtx1060ti and a gtx750ti.
Prefer '50 series, it uses less electricity.

>> No.10330994

I used to sell music to local DJs who were trying to break through into the music world. Would charge £300 for original music and £150 for a remix.

>> No.10331002

How long have you been doing it? Are the earnings consistent?

>> No.10331014


Why would you just not release it yourself, surely that's a better way. Long term exposure and streaming revenue

>> No.10331015

Just save/invest/trade your way up to 25x your yearly expenses and you're set for life. Passive income is a meme.

>> No.10331041

you need capital for that...

>> No.10331108


Payfair, ark, neo, and amb. 3k in each.

>> No.10331636

Wow, a thread on /biz/ which isn't entirely useless

>> No.10332056

newfag is new

>> No.10332066
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>> No.10332077
File: 434 KB, 722x769, A04C43A5-4518-4D84-8847-554508EA6A8D.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spotted the newfag

>> No.10332264

how much did you start with?

>> No.10332271

Explain the problem of parking $5 million in treasury bonds.

>> No.10332282

Tell that passive income to man up an stop acting like a bitch.

>> No.10332301

i make 10 to 30€ daily with a single viral video

i cant imagine how these faggots with countless videos of 5+ million views each are making

just lol at capitalism

>> No.10332628

Sounds like a lot of activity

>> No.10332669

>Passive Income General
L A R P income General

>> No.10332719
File: 31 KB, 1052x446, 11k adsense.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao at waggies

i havent done shit this year, 0 uploads, and my super viral 10+ million video keeps racking up views = money

why? because im a fucking genius, i saw a niche, i got told it was a dumb idea, and i went for it and "made it"

now my gains are starting to evade and becoming shitty so im going to craft another "masterpiece" to pump my numbers again, i predict im not going to need to upload for the rest of the year to have a decent wage but im going to start doing this full time since im going to need to be raped by taxes so i might as well go balls in and try to max out

>> No.10332743

It's not passive income if you have to work to keep it up, retard.

>> No.10332769

nah you just kidnap, enslave and whore her out passively.

>> No.10332830
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>> No.10332903

Put money in savings account... bank gives you passive income. Live on beach, sipping margarita.

>> No.10333027


>> No.10333037

Teach me your ways senpai. How do I make a viral sensation?

>> No.10333039
File: 73 KB, 646x808, 2002_the_count_of_monte_cristo_012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Shopify dropshipping site
>App portfolio monetized with in app purchases/ads

I'm 30 and have never had a job and lived off passive income my entire adult life, so I think it's worked out. Not rich, but I also never really work. Hitting the gym in a few ama.

>> No.10333052

Why does no one talk about arb just go look up abot on jewtube

>> No.10333058

How do I do either of those?

>> No.10333109
File: 1.83 MB, 720x404, wXFI5ji.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shopify site + high traffic item from Aliexpress (or anywhere really) + Instagram traffic.

App idea + Pajeet developer.

>> No.10333127

Streaming does not pay dividends and to profit from releasing your own music you have to do it via your own label which then needs its own exposure and people to buy the music. Why sell a track 300 times for £300 when I can sell it once.

>> No.10333143

Is redbubble actually worth it? Asking because I have decent artistic skills and have no problem with drawing cringy meme shit, but is it worth the effort?

>> No.10333169


>> No.10333214
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>> No.10333280

>he conveniently missed the part where I didn't do shit for 6 months and could continue to do so forever but i just want more money
keep coping waggie

>> No.10333297

no, fuck you and coping waggies like this:

you subhumans probably would have ridiculized my idea 2 years ago, now im making mad adsense money, suck it up

>> No.10333311

make video of piccolo raping vegeta

>> No.10333403


>> No.10333438

Can you go more into how to find high traffic items and build Instagram traffic? Please Anon

I'm not a wagie help a fellow neet out I wouldn't laugh at your ideas anon

>> No.10333532

Search around Aliexpress, always sort by "orders" to see what sells best. Go on Amazon and look at every recommendation it gives you or product, then search that type of product on Aliexpress and see what other similar things are out there you could sell that already have significant order # on them. For traffic start up Instagram account and use a Chrome follow/unfollow bot to build up following and Trailwind.com to schedule your IG posts.

>> No.10333821

Ughhh pressing a button every month!!

>> No.10333870

Uhmm why is this better than a traditional bond or buying stock??

Why not buy FANG??

>> No.10333879

I want in on this where do I sign up!?

>> No.10334197

search for life insurance jobs on your area?

>> No.10334325

I copy Hal on 1broker and make bank. I just login daily to see how much money he's made me.
I have a rental property I'm making $850 a month on.
I have money in a Vanguard IRA making me slow and steady gains.
I'm building a dropshipping site.
Looking to buy a triple decker home in a single family neighborhood for $220k that's making $2800 per month in rent.
Lots of ways to make money these days.

>> No.10334346

run an ln node

>> No.10334514

bless you

>> No.10334559

runescape botting

>> No.10334612

how do you do that?

>> No.10334631
File: 104 KB, 1000x1430, 1503202993808.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

help me frens i need a passive income, link is taking too long

>> No.10334693


>> No.10334840

Any way a total brainlet can do this? I would def put in the time and effort if it means I can make possibly the same as my full time job. If you have any info to point me in the right direction id appreciate it anon.

>> No.10334913

How the fuck does youtube still pay this good? It is so oversaturated with shit videos

>> No.10335313

From what I've heard they pay like 2 thousand per million view. If the vid stays up for years and gets more views it can probably just keep paying out

>> No.10335628


>> No.10335658
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>> No.10335692

I don't know

>> No.10335734

I flip collectibles and shit that I bought on markets yard sales etc

>> No.10336010

Roughly the same. I bring in about 300 a month tho at current.

>> No.10336028

Probably 4x GTX1070Ti. I have 6 of them and bring in about 300 a month.

>> No.10336044

How do you deal with the heat?

>> No.10336060

I've got them in a indoor green house tent with a fan mounted on top. The fan pulls cold air in through the window and pumps out hot air. Video related.


>> No.10336082

Swagbucks is pretty nice. You won't get rich but it'll pay you for doing the exact same shit you always do, so why not?

>> No.10336598
File: 14 KB, 284x177, Cans.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wake up at 4am everyday to go comb the parks for pic related. Kickin racoons out the garbage can in the process

>> No.10336679

i make a killing on FOMO 3D dude check it out, its like a lottery that pays you constantly

>> No.10336727

Ark? How? I was unaware if it had a GAS-like token

>> No.10336730

I will tell you what I did. I found a niche, and I saw that others were doing good with it, I put my own spin on it, uploaded like 5 videos, and the 6th one blew up, now I have spent like 3 months making my next video, and I think im ready to get tons of views again. Unfortunately what I do is time consuming as fuck.

>> No.10336878

Anyone ever camwhore?

>> No.10337521

your mother?

>> No.10337592

holy shit why did you go to Guelph for uni? Farmer?

>> No.10337961

I rent and flip properties. It's pretty boomer and kind of shit work when doing the work yourself on a flip, but you get some nice passive income along with building equity.

>> No.10337989


>> No.10338329

I have a fixed take profit and fixed lot size buys/sells

>> No.10338542

How hard is it to set up a payday loan shop in the ghetto?

>> No.10338559

also I have €100k in shitcoins, can I move this all into one coin for big dividends? Recommendations?

>> No.10338621

But I need to live longer than 25 years

>> No.10338634

News flash: $11,000 is poverty-tier

>> No.10338653

Damn it