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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 22 KB, 630x630, eth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10327015 No.10327015 [Reply] [Original]

PoS is still a year or two away for Ethereum...anybody else working on accumulating that magic number of 32 ETH in preparation for running a validator in 2020? I've got 26.

>> No.10327023

cost average around $550

>> No.10327075

how many chicken nuggs will 32 eth get me per day?

>> No.10327094

about tree fiddy

>> No.10327107


>> No.10327120
File: 67 KB, 1024x962, 1518238625627.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

27 ETH here, i should have gotten 32 by now but spent my resources buying other shitcoins

>> No.10327129

>Future anon here. Don't have long. Chickens go extinct December 2020. No more tendies... President Obama says she will find a way...

>> No.10327136

I traded all but 32, debating whether to risk that stack or be really conservative and let it sit until sharding.

>> No.10327140

fuck that stake decred

>> No.10327141

ethereum is satoshis true vision. craig wright got in a hige fight with roger ver and jihan
csw is dumping 3 million bch on the market and buying up ethereum

>> No.10327153
File: 35 KB, 416x418, 1506213870693.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw 150 ETH

>> No.10327160


I am not trying to stomp on your show bro, but I day trade with +/- 3 ETH your stack daily. I do hodl only 6 ETH also though. How many are you looking to hold by next summer?

>> No.10327183

Quality larp. Would love them to have a bust up, the drama to end all drama.

>> No.10327207
File: 44 KB, 332x333, 1531860685855.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw started with 58 ETH now down to 20 ETH .....why did i invest in shitcoins :(

>> No.10327214

All the serious miners have enough for a few nodes once the switch happens

>> No.10327217

>magic number of 32 ETH

Thats literally the number I have in my cold storage, didnt know that was the minimum for staking. Cool.

>> No.10327291

You only have 26 eth? I’m not meaning to be an ass, but I’m going for 1000 eth because that’s what I heard the node minimum will be. I guess our scales are different...I throw 30 eth at shitty private sale icos.

>> No.10327319

5% roi is really shit reward. There are so many ways to make more with probably less effort because you wont have to maintain node. And the decentralization feature will actually decrease as the price of eth goes up. Small guys wont be able to afford it and others will simply see it as a poor investment choice.

>> No.10327342

bullrun confirmed, whales bragging already

>> No.10327439
File: 690 KB, 1440x2960, Screenshot_20180718-224422_Delta.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really doubt you can be a node with only 32ETH, I heard 1500 was minimum but cant be so sure, where the hell u got that info

>> No.10327594

It was supposed to be 1500ETH in Casper FFG which was scrapped.
The new minimum is 32 with sharding.
The problem is that it's going to be impossible to withdraw until the next (after sharding!) hard fork. While they state it's supposed to come fast, knowing them it could mean 3 years.

The last plan is to add PoS with sharding in 2020. Knowing their total inability to execute it could as well happen much later.

>> No.10327633

Well ETH was 3 cents in 2015, so it's not a surprise to find people with a few thousand ETH here and there

yes anon you're late to the ponzi and you're buying all our bags for more than 4000x the price we bought it for

>> No.10327643

>mfw I've sent over 40 ETH to my Binance wallet since November but only have $9k in holdings currently because I "invested" in shitcoins.

>> No.10327678

tfw when ETH ends up forcing you to vote for a set number of nodes and the 32 eth thing is a lie because it would be impossible to control what people post.

>> No.10327707


>> No.10327739

They will need to keep the 1500 eth thing in play to prevent people from posting illegal shit on dapps that will cause people to flee the coin. You are basically going to get a shittier more controlled version of EOS when ETH goes pos.

>> No.10327802
File: 744 KB, 1440x2880, Screenshot_20180719-003023.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I am set

>> No.10327816

Is it better than NEO?

>> No.10327828


Poorfag detected

>> No.10327832

ETH was never 3 cents you knobhead. The lowest ICO price was 20 cents

>> No.10328168


Roi hasn't been finalized

I'd imagine it will be variable similar to hash difficulty. So the incentives go up as usage goes down

>> No.10328206

i don't get it why do people keep focusing on these coins when its naturally endangering itself

>> No.10328306

Anyone else think that the transition to PoS will not increase the price of Ether nearly as much as people think it will? I mean at that point Ether is an inflationary asset. It's not like Bitcoin where you know nearly for fact that your coin will be worth more in 5 years than it is now. It's still just a gas/utility token.