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File: 173 KB, 814x965, 1528757011392.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10326200 No.10326200 [Reply] [Original]

Bitcoin Cash will fall below 0.1 bitcoin so fast, its going to fall out of the top 10 in market cap.

More and more people are discovering that this coin does literally nothing and know its a scam. You better sell before Roger sells his bags. He owns 90% of all BCH btw.

Cashies BTFO.

>> No.10326727

core cucks are getting desperate

>> No.10326900
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>> No.10326922

the news put it on blast only a few hands hold

centralized af

>> No.10327005
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>mfw corecucks are still peddling the non-mining node meme

>> No.10327045

ok just bought more

>> No.10327106

$2.5 million eoy 2019

>> No.10327375
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>> No.10327456

> You better sell before Roger sells his bags.
Says the LTC kek whose still holding after Charlie dumped his bags.

Everything you said is verifiably stupid. The biggest BCH holder is Satoshi because it was airdropped to all bitcoin holders 1:1 last August.

Your FUD is 1/10, Ranjeet. Blockstream should demand a refund

>> No.10327507
File: 279 KB, 900x506, 1529676722498.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its also 10X more vulnerable to double spend attacks then Bitcoin is.

>> No.10327519


>He thinks the miners would let their future money maker get attacked


>> No.10327610
File: 119 KB, 1024x577, 8pihQeIN80mVsR0cO9SOzmuCHxwym6oSd95EjK5f0Ls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its still 10X more vulnerable to a double spend attack then Bitcoin. regardless of your assumption...I hope you re right for your own sake. But it still an assumption, not a guarantee.

If anyone can conceivably double spend Bitcoin, then no one is safe, and crypto may die. But if btrash is double spent, it will be hailed as a victory for Bitcoin, bcash will spiral into oblivion, and we will have won the war.

good luck cashy, you re going to need it. pic related.

Buy Bitcoin

Sell bcash

>> No.10327638

>its still 10X more vulnerable to a double spend attack then Bitcoin

The miners want bitcoin cash to succeed, thus they won't attack it. dumb corecuck

>> No.10327856

Have you not looked at the charts recently? People are literally exiting BCH fast to ride the REAL BITCOIN straight to the moon. Bitch coin cash isn't going anywhere but down, 100% in the red.

Cashies BTFO.

>> No.10327879

Why do “the miners” want bitcoin cash to succeed? Also why are the millions of miners all on the same page with this?

>> No.10327906

Brain dead core shills popping up again. Good time to buy some BCH?

>> No.10328150


Because they have skin in the game, dumbfuck

>> No.10328269


Because they want a coin which will supports thousands of transactions per second? Why the fuck would they want all transactions to be off-chain?

use you brain

>> No.10328323

Lightning will fix everything wrong with Bitcoin.
You realize once LN is up and running in a few months BCH will literally be useless as fuck. BCH literally has 0 future in the world of crypto.

>> No.10328518
File: 1.76 MB, 5000x5000, NEVEREVEREVER.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Lightning will fix everything wrong with Bitcoin.

>> No.10328700

Jihan won't let this happen to BCH. He also controls more than 50% of the BTC network anyways. lol goodluck.

>> No.10328704
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>> No.10328731
