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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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1032210 No.1032210 [Reply] [Original]

>stocks back up across the board

You told me to short, biz...

>> No.1032220

dude /biz/ thought the entire economy was going to crash when the s&p fell 3% in one day back in...august I think?

/biz/ is populated primarily by rubes and wannabees with no actual skin in the game hence /biz/ is always bearish (also 4chan in general is cynical)

>> No.1032223

it did.

this is just a really long dead cat bounce.
if you haven't doubled your shorts you've made an irrevocable mistake.

>> No.1032242

only because china stopped letting most investors sell stocks so now they have toxic assets which will cause their bankruptcy, and in tandem the bankruptcy of their banks

>> No.1032285

Agreed. Op, its about to get a whole lot worse.

>> No.1032289

The fact that you are taking advice off 4chan says a lot about you.

>> No.1032298

>idiots fell for the bear trap

lmao shitters, please sell some more so I can get perfectly fine stocks for cheap

>> No.1032331
File: 372 KB, 1024x681, El-multimillonario-George-Soros.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>its 2008 all over again
the soros strategy

>> No.1032342

10% in august fell 3% overnight.

>> No.1032355

efficient market theory. You really think a bunch of kids on /biz/ know when the stock market is going up or down precisely?

>> No.1032360

/biz/ did help me indeed get some interesting information that made me 25-30% gains, but it is also important to know where to look and what to ask. in the middle of the whole "10k what do" "shemitah" "I have this idea" you'll sometime find interesting threads.

>> No.1032361
File: 63 KB, 456x685, 1451751452803.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

s-hut the fuck up anon. I'm 13,000 deep in SH and i'm making a killing. The market is getting pounded wait till the heard mentally kicks in. I'm sipping a 40, jacking off to rough ammeter interracial porn and making money

>> No.1032368
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>tfw want to get in the game but have no idea how to get in the game and don't want to get some broker off the street for myself

>> No.1032378

>tfw want to get in the game but have no idea how to get in the game

in what game? what do you want to do?

make money isn't an answer, that's the result.

>> No.1032387


the bears have been wrong for almost 8 years now.

i remember in 2010 there was scare of a secondary crash and i put my 401k money in cash and then lost 7 years of upside on that tranche

so bears are wrong - the central banks have supreme control and there is nothing fundamentally wrong with teh economy.

Soros said "crash" the other day but i'm sure he is just trying to get a bigger dip to buy

>> No.1032393


>> No.1032470

Nobody can accurately predict the stock market. When you scream THE CRASH IS COMING HIDE YO KIDS HIDE YO WIFE every year, of course you eventually end up being right.

>> No.1032489


News will only report what will get views.

Market is in a correction, that is all.

>> No.1032642

>taking advice blindly from strangers

You deserve your loses.

>> No.1032647
File: 1.14 MB, 1366x2653, shemitah-real.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the bears have been wrong for almost 8 years now.
not true
pic related

>> No.1032649

>Soros said "crash"
Yep, you need to worry when he started to buy, not when he spouting bullshit.
/biz/ is so gullible they think the jew is going to let them in on his money making speculation.

>> No.1032652

Which was a muh needed correction since its all bs qe money anyway

>> No.1032653


>> No.1032656

Well it was just now wrong and if you follow back in time it was consistently wrong many times before that

>> No.1032662

>I told this guy to sell low and he actually did it the absolute madman!

>> No.1032721

> Trusting 4chan to make biz decisions

>> No.1032753

quality maymay

>> No.1032763

This. Always do the opposite of what memes tell you.

>> No.1032819

>>stocks back up across the board
what? my stocks are all down today

>buy index funds
>literally lost 8% in 2 weeks

>> No.1034619

you don't buy index funds for 2 weeks, you buy them for 20 years

>> No.1034702

August made me fart glitter. I was so excited to buy in

>> No.1035058

Soros has been yelling collapse for years now, google "soros puts S&P 500"