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10317070 No.10317070 [Reply] [Original]

>Want to trade crypto
>Read about taxes
>Don't wan't to trade crypto anymore

>> No.10317160


>> No.10317201


Just make a spreadsheet and deduct taxes everytime you make a sell you lazy piece of shit.

>> No.10317224

Fuck the govt
Crypto-ancapistan when?

>> No.10317305

You need to find a better country.

>> No.10317452
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you don't have to pay taxes if you never cash out

>> No.10317464

>paying taxes on nazi internet funbux

you aint gunna make it kiddo

>> No.10317525

fyi this is how we know you're poor. rich people can't dodge taxes, but I assure you the IRS doesn't give a shit about your $20 LINK profits.

>> No.10317538


plus you will most likely lose money vs buying and holding btc

>> No.10317539

bitcoin.tax does all the work for you

>> No.10317547

Their plan worked.

>> No.10317555

ya, just stay out. you'll lose money and have to pay tax on your losses. if you buy $1000 of bitcoin you'll lose ~80% and then have to pay thousands in taxes. they'll take your home and your children then you'll be living on the streets.

>> No.10317556
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>rich people can't dodge taxes

>> No.10317585

This is an altcoin board.

>> No.10317732

if you weren't poor you'd know that.

>> No.10317908

Feels good being an europoor huehuehue

>> No.10318107

this anon gets it.

if enough people dont cash out.....the gubmint will have to bend the knee.

>> No.10318139

trading crypto is stupid anyway, even if you wern't late trading it is just throwing away most of the growth potential you get by staying in positions for those multiple 100x returns you could have gotten over a number of weeks/months.

>> No.10318165

were you not aware taxes exist before getting into crypto? Abraham Jewski will always have his cut

>> No.10318902
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>he thinks he is rich

>> No.10319014

I am a nocoiner but an oldfag, what alts should i buy today? I have 5k to start with?

>> No.10319035

>if you never cash out

>> No.10319084

My gubment made crypto to crypto taxable like a month ago. Just bought few coins after the law passed and just gonna hodl till I can cash out, no reason to trade anymore because you can't even deduct losses which is fucking crazy.

>> No.10319440

This, just keep building your crypto empire until you have enough BTC to topple governments.
Nobody will stop you from cashing out then.

>> No.10319519

tax avoidance =/= tax evasion

>> No.10319565

Both mean the same to the IRS, fucktard.

>> No.10319598

Thankfully most exchanges save your transaction history, so just print them off at the end of the year and hand them to an accountant. Its worth giving some bean-counter 500-1k so you dont have to spend two weeks sorting through shit, only to get it wrong.

>> No.10319606

you don't pay taxes if you don't cash out.

Monero that shit and become a digital nomad.

>> No.10319627
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>rich people can't dodge taxes
>tax avoidance =/= tax evasion

You're certified retarded. Don't post again.

>> No.10319644

spend $20 and download bitcoin.tax

>> No.10319742

anyone else think it's about time to start telling those thieves to fuck off or else?

I mean, wars have been started over less........

>> No.10320349

Wars cost money.
They control money.

>> No.10320646

>Unironically living in the US

>> No.10320918

>US is the only country that has taxes

>> No.10320968

>paying your tribute to israel

>> No.10320978

>not using a anon binance account
>not cashing out with ATMs or gift cards

well suit yourself

>> No.10321009

it has the most retarded tax laws regarding cryptos, that's for sure

>> No.10321021

>Want to trade crypto
>Read about crypto
>No taxes on unrealized gains
>Can trade crypto to crypto tax free
>This includes also stable coins like USDT
>30-33% tax on realized gains

Thank god I live in a Nordic socialist state

>> No.10321053
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>log in Mint and tally up all your coinbase/Gemini deposits
>so you've put in $X dollars into crypto
Then it follows:
>free to cash out up to $X dollars as you wish
>(fiat value in) - (fiat value out) >= 0
>no capital gains realized

Yall niggas really so brainlet you couldn't figure that out?

Also, """"crypto-to-crypto"""" tax is a meme, you're disqualified if you use this argument.

>> No.10321090

You get taxed on all your income, at least in usa. That's like saying you don't want to get a job because you don't want to pay taxes. Smarten up kiddo

>> No.10321121
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>want to make money
>read about how kikes control everything and it's all rigged against me
>don't want to make money anymore

>> No.10321125

No it doesn't. Finland has same except higher rate, no long term rate and no way to deduct losses

>> No.10321144

What country?

>> No.10321209

OP, Read 'The Grace Commission' its all you need to know about taxes

>> No.10321865

Also, Finland bases your speeding ticket charge on your income.
Fuck that shit.

>> No.10321964

All in LINK, unironically.

>> No.10322037
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Taxation is theft desu.

>> No.10322041
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anyone know if crypto to crypto is taxable in Canada? I'm seeing mixed reports

>> No.10322050

So how much do I have to make before taxes to get 1 mill? US fag

>> No.10322075

Yeah, fuck that indeed. Can be pretty good if you are NEET ofc

>> No.10322303

Pretty sure it is but if CRA really thinks anyone is going to keep track of their trades they're retarded. Especially people who used shapeshift on the Exodus wallet. All I'm claiming is what I bought with crypto no gains no losses no bullshit. Then they can do the ground work to prove I've made a profit or a loss.

>> No.10322644
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>> No.10322859

Did you miss the new rules? They are taxable now. Also it is 30-34%

>> No.10323457

Holy shit

>> No.10323515

Kek I still have your old rules + 20% tax on profits.

t. Viro

>> No.10323693

>tfw don't pay any taxes on monthly little peasant "cashout"

Thank god I live in a crippled state

>> No.10323765

How do you expect to cash out? What exchange you use? I know quadriga files their shit like good little goy puppets.

>> No.10323790
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>dollar cost average
>never cash out

>> No.10323856

why would you pay some kike when all he's gonna do is pump all your trades through some algorhytm like cointracking or some other bitcoin.tax. You can do it yourself in 1 day, just pull all your trades through exhanges APIs

>> No.10323983

lucky fucker
you have no VAT right?

>> No.10324158
File: 127 KB, 1000x640, 1530572820473.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buy bitcoin p2p cash BCH and never cash out but spend it at your leisure.
Problem solved you dumb pajeet