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10315678 No.10315678 [Reply] [Original]

Why don't more people live in their cars since rent is so insane?
Also general money saving tips thread

>inb4 thread is killed by some shitter and his pump and dump for the latest shitcoin

>> No.10315695

Spend less that you earn, the rest you can save

>> No.10315704

live at home with the folks if you can and save tens of thousands lol

>> No.10315708
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>donating your """saved""" money to the federal reserve

>> No.10315738


>> No.10315791

Geez, cycling around like third world poor people? Why are they even allowed to live?

>> No.10315969

Geezzz how can I be poor of I have a median income in an expensive city and spend all my money on advocados and latte's

>> No.10316120

Just move to lower-income country, problem solved

>t. passive income faggot

>> No.10316131

in 5 years time my ark should provide me enough passive income to retire

>> No.10316139
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>> No.10316169

will shitcoins shitposting ever be banned on biz?

>> No.10316186

Which country and what do you classify as "low-income"? I live in Florida a couple of miles from the beach in a condo I bought in the bottom of the market. Total monthly bills are around $600 and that includes electricity, internet, mortgage, hoa fee, and groceries. Also, it's in a nice part of town within walking distance to the nearest Starbucks (for what that's worth).

>> No.10316194

lol working for a company in silicon valley, i would rather kill myself

>> No.10316217

Beats sitting in your car for hours due to traffic.

>> No.10316329

Did you post this just to brag and justify your life choices at the same time? What are you trying to prove here anon?

>> No.10316409

Problem is rural salaries are so fucking low right now. I live in the boston area and was trying to move west and the best offer I got was for literally less than half my current salary in the city. I also was paying $700/m in rent a year ago before I bought a house. My commute was 45min but to be able to essentially save 3-4times the amount of money you don't have a choice. With everyone moving to cities its getting crowded so you just have to pay out the ass or commute.

>> No.10316411

Not bragging at all so don't take it that way. I'm genuinely curious since I kind of have a thing for optimizing lifestyle/capital outlay. I've obviously found a pretty good balance here but I also have a bit of wanderlust so I'm always open to alternatives. I've thought about eastern Europe but the crime rate concerns me. I've also thought about Costa Rica and Southeast Asia. So since we're on the subject, I thought I'd give my current circumstances as some context for the question of what qualifies as low cost of living elsewhere as that low cost of living obviously implies first world amenities or a decent approximation which isn't an issue where I am now. Feel me?

>> No.10316536

600 USD/month seems quite sweet for 'murrica - I'm assuming you make at least 2 500 USD/month? In any case, these 600 bucks would carry you quite far in, let's say, Chiang Mai or Cluj-Napoca.

You have security concerns over eastern yurope - well as someone born there I can say it's safer than most american cities (EU member state tho).

Relevant question: Do you get laid? If not, you should pack your bags and head to SEA asap.

>> No.10316631

Just imagine when the housing bubble pops again. Its gonna be like 08 again. We will enter another recession. QE money printing will be done to bail out the banks and rob people again. Auto loan and student loan bubbles will pop as well. All at the same time too. Mama mia!

>> No.10316731

I'd rather live in a cardboard box off the side of the road than be surrounded by gypsies all day

>> No.10316917


>Tfw priced out of Silicon Valley despite growing up in Palo Alto and having 300k combined household income