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File: 84 KB, 780x439, 151231141831-top-400-richest-taxpayers-780x439.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1031209 No.1031209 [Reply] [Original]

How did it get this bad?

>> No.1031214

Fuck off

>> No.1031228

Now I remember, people actually think they can reach the top 1% with hard work and dedication. :^)

>> No.1031266

One side gave up

>> No.1031280

Wasn't it always like this?

Pretty sure there was always the "ruling class" such as royalty, but the difference is that back then it was impossible to move countries, move up social class, etc.

Nowadays you can move to other parts of the world, start companies and become a millionaire

>> No.1031292


Is 61k a year bad, m8?

You can buy fucking 200,000 potatoes with that income, m8. You goin hungry on that bruv? I don't fuckin think so.

>> No.1031308

>tfw $60,000/year is my goal

>> No.1031377



>> No.1031384

there's no way those circles are to scale

it would take 16 of those little orange circles just to equal 1 million dollars

>> No.1031386

Alright mate, so shut the fuck up, go on wall street and protest for all I care.Why don't you wear a maoist suit, that'll make you look real tough. Meanwhile people with hardwork and dedication will be making it.

>> No.1031396

why is less than 1% of the population in the NBA?

>> No.1031402

>thinks buying the government and crying about how you're such a victim of it on Fox is hard work

>> No.1031422

Why do niggers throwing a ball around make so much money?

>> No.1031453


Because you keep watching it and buying their fucking shoes. Ignore it and it will go away.

>> No.1031463


It takes generations of top tier offspring to get to the top

>Immigrant father lays bricks, kids learn english
>brick layer's kids get entry level highschool diploma jobs like plummer
> plummer's kids go to college
>they get shit entry level college jobs
>college grads kids become a doctor or lawyer
> lawers kids finally make it to harvard
>harvad grad might make it big

This could all happen if youre lucky enough not to have a NEET child in your family tree that fucks up the upward progression

>> No.1031465

family breakdown-serious

>> No.1031503
File: 18 KB, 600x600, REEEE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>grandfather was a war criminal nazi defector who made millions from pillaging and moved to minnesota after selling secrets to the states
>father ran away at 17, joined the military, left before the pension cutoff, was a hippy for 5 years, had 3 kids, got a mediocre job, lost mediocre job, works minimum wage
>grandfather's inheritance all goes to his other non-fuckup kids

God, just stay home and listen to your dad for 5 more years so you could have been rich enough to make me rich. Fuck. I'm doing well enough, better than most, but I could have done great.

>> No.1031518

Because the world's dopest ballers are hoarding all the game so the rest of us can't go hard in the paint.

>> No.1031528
File: 133 KB, 896x719, kikery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It's natural ; ^ )

>> No.1031531

Nigger detected

>> No.1031545


Debatable how much that has really helped. In the past the elites were tied to the fate of the nation, now they are internationalist that keep their assets in tax havens and could care less if the nation burns.