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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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10312185 No.10312185 [Reply] [Original]

what are we even doing with our lives? it all seems so pointless.

>> No.10312207

it is

like holy fuck I wage cuck away the majority of my day just so I can merely exist, to pay for food, gas, and insurance. kill me

>> No.10312228
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It's almost like we're cattle on some giant ranch...

>> No.10312234

Wanted to leave school to avoid normal people. Wanted to work to buy my own house. Invested Thousands to have stable life with wife and kids. Now I miss my childhood, miss my teachers, miss my parents and still don't have a gf, nor a wife or kids. But we can't just give up now anon.

>> No.10312268

do you have a house? I don't... can't even afford actual internet
-posted from neighbors wifi

>> No.10312286

i don't know about you guys but im getting tired of this shit. im about 1 step away from just saying to hell with society and just go live in a fucking van down by the river.

>> No.10312291

Just baby steps of goals.
>need to finish degree
>need to start good marketable skills
>need to buy house so I'm no longer sleeping in my car
>need to not have to worry about money and be able to start traveling again
Apart from this I don't even know. I have so much on my mind always, but my aims seem so small. I've just learned to find what really matters and everything else is fleeting nothingness. The basics are all you really need and it's what humanity will have in common everywhere. Get those then decide how to spend the rest of your time.

>> No.10312296

i love being a slave to my capitalist masters

>> No.10312338

Don't worry humanity will go extinct from killing off wildlife and food due to pollution and then there's overpopulation. There are people who are trying to deny it will happen, but we're already seeing the rich recklessly destroying shit and pushing the space angle because they know there's not much time left before earth is uninhabitable. You, as a wagecuck have no say in this, so you may as well do whatever you want.

>> No.10312353

i mean i realize some of you guys are young but im an old fag 30yo boomer. im not "old" technically but im getting there. the healthcare situation is a joke in this country and it wont be long before my old ass starts needing medical attention. i already have a hole in my tooth. i can't afford even a simple doctor visit. the future just looks so bleak.

>> No.10312382


cattle don't have to work. all they have to do is grow up healthy and then calming walk up the ramp to the slaughterhouse when the time comes.

>> No.10312581

Aim higher. I have all of that and still find it hard to wake up some mornings. I remember when I was 18 and thought a six-figure job and friends were the most I could ever want.

>> No.10312653

Aim higher for what? Everything looks stupid to me and I only like the little things in life paired with freedom.
Who knows what we're doing.

>> No.10312705
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This thread reeks of Shion

Don't feed the binbougami you fucking idiots


>> No.10312724

you can blame the kikes

>> No.10313023

Dunno... But I know I'll keep up on these "magic internet beans" beacuse they make me a lot of monieeeezzzz...

Next question?

>> No.10313096
File: 52 KB, 600x333, 1514906826771.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just want to make enough money so that I can be self-employed and work remotely from someplace warm from January-May

>> No.10313327

I'm bored and made some money during this run.
Hit me up if you feel the same and feel like taking on new experiences and try to leave this "pleasant earth" with huge smile... In a couple of years, after at least trying to live good...


>> No.10313378


>> No.10313382

Even if you had a lot of money, it doesn't mean your life is any better. Lots of super wealthy people still live unhappy lives, lots of celebrities commit suicide, same with millionaire superstar athletes.

When you're dead none of your life achievements matter anyway. All your knowledge, experience, relationships, everything disappears.

Most people have no purpose in life, everyone is just going about their own.

>> No.10313386


>> No.10313402

I've already discussed it with my SO but if I "make it" however unlikely on my wagecuck job I'm buying a ticket to space and the rest goes to the family. I can't dream of anything more.

>> No.10313414


Read this multiple times and reconsider your life.
Trust me, It will make you wonders.

>> No.10313432
File: 34 KB, 292x404, 1531365601740.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying any of us exist

protip: You are incapable of proving your own existence.

inb4 I think therefor I am

>"I think therefor I am"
>"I think therefor I"
>"I think therefor"
>"I think"
>using unproven existence to prove existence.

Sorry to break it to you kiddo. Us philosophy majors are the ones with the big brains.

>*stinks your links*

>> No.10313506

Have children anon

It'll give your life meaning and make you want to be the best version of yourself

>> No.10313540

Have a similar existential crisis recently. Given the short span of average person, it feels absolutely foolish to be enslaved for a good part of life to earn money. May be a majority of science and science-induced capitalistic efficiencies we don’t need actually and yet we can be happy (think homestead/traditional village life/tribal life). It’s our concept of BAU and social conditioning (high education/job/mortgage/mindless consumerism/debt) that’s flawed.

Imagine a fictitious conversation between two outsiders (to the system) - they happens to be two tiny sparrows (father and son)

Son: why are these houses empty, dad ?
Dad: all of them gone for work, son?
Son: why they work hard when their massive houses lie empty in a beautiful sunny day?
Dad: this how the economy works? You work and you earn.
Son: why sparrows has not created our economy?
Dad: good lord, you want us to be enslaved by that system, like humans. Thank god that we have a simple life. We don’t need crazy mortgages/soul-crushing jobs. Consider yourself lucky that you are a sparrow, not a human.
Son: But I like their cars/big houses/big machines. They are capable of amazing things, Are not they ?
Dad: true. But they are over-intelligent to realise that they actually don’t need all those crap to lead a purposeful and simpler life close to Mother Nature. Science and intelligence helped them to dominate over us and all other species. However, empathy-less science and intelligence is causing dooms for us and even for them.
Son: if they are so smart, why humans don’t realise these issues?
Dad: some of them does and are already taking actions. But for a vast majority of them - they are so brainwashed by the artificial economics and unending desires of urban lives that they refuse to change. They think nature exists because to give their selfish lives a more dollar value. How foolish.

>> No.10313552


People who are capable of understanding this... "Invest in Link"...?
Still, dunno if those "stinkies" is a meme..?

>> No.10313626

I just turned 40 and have to look forward to 30-35 more years of this fucking shit?!? Working for just enough to get by. No possibility of buying a house. I make $20 and hour still feel like a loser. Our civilization has stagnated and what do we have to look forward to? The latest iPhone or celebrity whore being shoved in our faces.

Travel? Not with my wages while the charm of the old world has now been lost due to modernization.

There's nothing left out there that doesn't cost an insane amount of money to see, do or own.

I figure I'll wait until I turn 50 and kill myself but not before cashing in every bit of credit I have and going on a month long bender in Thailand before slashing my wrists as I watch the sun rise on the beach.

>> No.10313632

Well, maybe you are "under-intelligent". Jesus man, you really need some remedial classes because your writing is shit.

>> No.10313649

Every time I wake up, the first thoughts that go through my mind are "why is this my life, is this all I was ever meant to be and why can't I die in my sleep?"

>> No.10313656

All I ever wanted was to see the world, stay in nice hotels, eat good food and fuck lots of hot women. Possessions mean nothing to me. Was I asking for too much out of life?

>> No.10313667

The only people who complain about being rich are those who have never been poor.

>> No.10313689

It really is. I can't wait for the day I finally grow the balls to do something about it.

>> No.10313709

I’m 18, you guys are scaring me ...
is it going to be okay if I’m a charismatic young man looking to double major in business and finance?

>> No.10313718

So glad I fell for the trade meme liife is pretty fucking comfy

>> No.10313730

I'm 29 and actually just bought a ticket to Thailand. I'll spend two weeks in December eating, drinking, and fucking. I find traveling to be very therapeutic, especially when I do it solo.

>> No.10313747


>> No.10313754


Ever thought about waking up in another place?
Ever thought about chainging habits?
Ever thought about what your next step in life would be?

Im not better at all, pretty much in the same position, just trying to give you some ideas which I, myself have been working on.

>> No.10313760

Revel like it's you last day on Earth because your perception of time starts to accelerate as you get older and the only thing worth anything is the experiences you have. So make them good ones.

>> No.10313762
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You're still young maybe there's hope for you still. I gave up on life a looooong time ago. Basically waiting for death and gambling on shitcoins in the meanwhile.

>> No.10313764

>Lots of super wealthy people still live unhappy lives


OTHER people are stupid. I'm gonna be happy as fuck when I'm financially safe.

>> No.10313776
File: 936 KB, 267x198, Dehorning.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok boomer

>> No.10313780

I want to get on a plane and go somewhere to start fresh. Can't. Married and I love her. Don't let yourself fall in love because if she's a good woman you'll never be able to let her go.

>> No.10313785

Lol don't let these guys get you down. You'll be fine. All it really takes is good people around you.

>> No.10313786

what part of thailand did you go, and how much did it cost?

>> No.10313792

yep. honest work is the best work.

>> No.10313796


Damn. Is that a sound advice?
Doing stoopid shit in Thailand...?

>> No.10313797

>So glad I fell for the trade meme liife is pretty fucking comfy

What do you do?

>> No.10313807

better than getting mulsed, sheep ftl.

>> No.10313849

Thanks, anon
Read my post again. I'm going in early December for the first time. I'm still planning but I'm set on at least staying in Bangkok, Pattaya, and Chiang Mai. I have a loose budget of $5000 for 2 weeks, and my plane ticket cost just over $1000.

>> No.10313857

Operate a concrete pump truck

>> No.10313967

It’s all pointless in the end. I have been at a job making about $100k a year for about a year. While so many stresses of my old life are gone, what has taken its place is the existential crisis of meaninglessness. I live a comfy life and I don’t hate my job, but I see no reason to get up in the morning. I might call it quits in another 20 years when I hit 50.

>> No.10313996


Yeah I figured this out after somewhat making it in crypto (500k isn't making it but it's not bad). I actually didn't know what to do with my life at that point. It was comfortable and I didn't really have challenges. So life felt meaningless. Actually I was happier even when I worked my shitty job as a teen in a grocery store, making friends, and going to school while getting high/drunk every weekend.

>> No.10314005

You have obviously never starved to pay your rent while cucking it for pennies. Get the fuck out of here

>> No.10314027

You're fucked unless you invest in kneepads and gargle the mayonnaise of your ideal employer

>> No.10314043

still not as bad as circumcision

>> No.10314588

sounds like a pajeet proverb but it's still true