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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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10311410 No.10311410 [Reply] [Original]

So I realize I'm talking to a very small minority on /biz/ with this, but for those of you who just *knows* that at some point in your lives you'll be in the $100M+ range, and are already on your way there, why do we do it?

It struck me today, as I'm putting in my 12 hours a day working on my business, why do we even bother continuing once we get to like $10-50M? What is it all for? I like to think I'm doing it because eventually, once I join the billionaire's club, I'm gonna use it for philanthropy (science in particular) and will make a real difference in the world, but why should I even bother?

With people who just wants more money for the sake of money, the answer is simple: Addiction, basically. But for people who actually have a higher end-goal with their money (like Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos, Bill Gates etc.), why do they do it? In the end, all you have is this short amount of time, and money (and frankly, accomplishments) don't mean shit when you die. All you have is this moment and your experience of it.

This has nothing to do with the fact that I went to walmart the other day (which I almost never do) and saw all the morbidly obese, idiot people there, and I thought "wait why the fuck am I slaving away to improve the lives of these sad sacks of shit who'll probably just drunk drive themselves to death or die at 700 lbs of a heart attack"? Seriously, why should I give a shit? I mean yeah I'm getting paid but once you hit those big numbers, why the fuck keep going? Why shouldn't I just take my good amount of money and fuck off somewhere warm for the rest of my life, to live a comfortable yet not exuberant life (who wants that anyways)?

>> No.10311434


My child, you must ascend.

Take your $50MM and escape society. Build a great manor house on 1,000 acres and secure your family's destiny. Then devote your life to whatever pursuit you deem fit.

The utility of money over 25-30MM or so diminishes greatly.

>> No.10311456

Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man.

For God shall bring every work into judgment, with every secret thing, whether it be good, or whether it be evil.

>> No.10311475

I'm gonna get a condo on the Moon with my Trillions

>> No.10311569

time is the only thing that matters. spend it wisely on whatever you deem important

>> No.10311688
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My child, you must ascend.

Take your $50MM and give it to me. Build a great manor house on 1,000 acres and fill it with coke and hookers and gift it to me. Then devote your life to whatever pursuit you deem fit.

The utility of money over 25-30MM or so diminishes greatly. So just give it to me

>> No.10311712
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>> No.10311758

it shouldn't be about a number it should be about a lifestyle you want to achieve.

there is no end to hedonism, find equilibrium instead

>> No.10311785

>there is no end to hedonism
there is if you go hard enough. enlightenment through excess. but you're right, it's all about balance.

>> No.10311823

Anything beyond 20mil is just filling a hole left from childhood

>> No.10311859

this is so true when you are puking while with a 10, exotic cars with dead batteries outside, yacht not running right and you have it all plus a pounding headache, and all you want is to fell ok, then you go the other way

>> No.10312022

What's the point of living a "comfy" life? Don't you think you'll get bored? Just chilling and banging sluts every single day? At some point it'll get tiring. There is more to life than the pleasure of your senses. Don't you want to push the boundaries of science, philosophy and art? You probably can't do it yourself but you can "invest" in other people with skills. Life is like a game, and when you have money you can tinker with the mechanics and push through the rules to achieve novel phenomena, don't you think that's cool?

>> No.10312085

Buy yoself some Gucci clothes, Gucci bling, Gucci rims, and Gucci hoes fo yuh Gucci gang!# ;b (finger glove, eggplant, other black people social media runes)

>> No.10312141

We are going to re-shape what it means to be a perfect gentleman. No, not like that rodgers character, to be at the top and truly redefine our terms. For instance, I hate golf, if I were in the 100M+ range I would buy up every golf course I could find and turn it into LARPing arenas.
t. saying m'lady unironically