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File: 42 KB, 540x1074, TAU3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10302143 No.10302143 [Reply] [Original]

Long it has been predicted about how Lamden has the potential to decimate the market and it feels like the time is about right.

During the time of market crash, TAU's the only one that is green that too with a hefty margin of 5%. Every other coin is going down the hill and I can personally feel good about myself as I made the right move at the right time by getting Lamden when the prices fell down.

There's still a chance as it has just gone up to 6 cents and the predictions says that it'll go up to the $2 mark by the end of this year, like they say it's better late than never!

>> No.10302167

It's been a while i'm seeing the hype surrounding lamden and it's expected price increase,

I personally feel it has truth to some extent as if you consider all the upcoming events including the mainnet then it all looks possible.

>> No.10302199

The market crash nearly destroyed every other coin other than the market dominate ones,

Good to see TAU was able to stay competitive as well as relevant!

>> No.10302214

Lamden is a very good AIO coin, and we are constantly spoiled with development updates, these guys are delivering like insane.

>> No.10302227

Hahaha Indian will be DESTROYED by Pakistan at the next cricket match!!!

Kashmir is rightful PAKISTANI CLAY

>> No.10302230

I really can see how people are starting to talk about this amazing, under the radar, business oriented mega blockchain project.

Thumbs up guys. Keep up the shills.

1000usd a coin boys

>> No.10302302


Even if I wanted to buy TAU, the overpowering stench of curry in this thread would turn me off this scamcoin. Could you possibly be anymore obvious, pajeets?

>> No.10302422

So you consider yourself a guy who gets thrown around by what people have to say?
Probably a hard road to live on.

>> No.10302806

I don't get it,
Why is this still relevant and why do people even bother to talk about it?

>> No.10302842

These pajeets must have an army of shills.

Reading some of these replies makes me cringe at how obvious it is.

When are we getting flags?

>> No.10302893
File: 31 KB, 412x351, 1-3-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For once I made my mind up and thought about investing in it,

But then I realized the fact that they can't stay relevant at all as they were falling off with the updates and nothing new was introduced.

>> No.10302936
File: 89 KB, 977x565, TAU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For several reasons actually,

TAU has been able to compete the larger projects that have been there for a while that too efficiently.
Lamden haven't reached it's max potential yet as the mainnet isn't even out yet, you will have to wait till Q4 to witness that.
Lamden offers almost the same or better features than most of the large platforms and the true winner for me is the fact that it's only 7 cents.

>> No.10302941

The TAU threads are the worst consistently. I’m pretty sure they are actively asking their “investors” to shill. They will never have a real product so without PnD they’re all bag holding. This is a scam coin at its finest and what’s funniest is that lots of people warned against it during the ICO yet biz always has idiots who don’t listen.

>> No.10302960

This is probably the lamest argument I have seen,

You probably aren't good at keep track of things because since December here are the updates:

- 10 active developers working on the project
- Lamden has 4 suites Clove, Cilantro, Saffron, Flora
-Atomic swaps activated
- Lamden Clove swap interface is created.
- Lamden is going to launch its mainnet in Q4 '18
-Lamden has announced to make it own DEX in 2019
- Tokenized fiat for switching easily bw fiat and Tau.

>> No.10303055

Sit back and read again what you are claiming,
If this was a scam coin then it would have been gone right after the ICO wrapped up but they are still here and providing.
There's no need for shillers as the community around Lamden are wise people who can connect the dots and realize what's best in their favor.
Most of the people are waiting for mainnet to roll out so that they can experience an increase in the prices.
Let me tell you what will be funny, your face when the things I have mentioned get implemented and you crying over your fate with regrets dropping from your head.

>> No.10303070

Yet here you degenerates are, shilling some scamcoin nonstop. Nice hypocritical post, scumbag.

>> No.10303170

Pretty useful information, will surely take that into consideration next time I'll invest, stupid mongloid.

>> No.10303198

ALTs can survive when they are :

-Create Adoption
-Have use-case

These points sum-up TAU.