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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 11 KB, 250x250, vechain.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10300836 No.10300836 [Reply] [Original]

After swap this will be nr1 ranking coin

>> No.10300840

tanking coin* fixed that for you faggot

>> No.10300854

The Proof of Autism(PoA) consensus model is the best solution for Ven holders. You even get marvel comic tokens as a reward for staking your Autism by holding this coin and believing everything Sunny Lu says

>> No.10300870

just sell and buy chainlink
seriously don't be a fucking idiot, cut your losses and join the next step in the industrial age.

>> No.10300888

Best be joking, nigger.

>> No.10300906
File: 62 KB, 500x495, 1517993522542.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not unless you really want to get JUSTED
You got chinked, accept, sell, get into real projects.
All these chinese projects like VEN and TRX are doing is creating shit hype with fake partnerships. Its all fucking vaporware, at least Bitconnect was transparant about it.

>> No.10301466

This. When I bought VEN I got 10k coins at 30 cents per. Sold the day it went past $8 per. Was hoping it'd hit $10 before I sold but when I saw it creates under 9 and start back down I sold. Happy as a pig in shit that I did. Was the first and only moon mission I timed perfectly.

>> No.10301594

why does biz hate ven

inb4 chink scam
inb4 sunny
inb4 reddit
inb4 delusion

>> No.10301608

Make way for Waltonchain faggot. WTC is the real supply chain coin

>> No.10301648

I mean have you looked at its chart?

>> No.10301690

its all ven holders shitposting and fudding for the lulz

>> No.10301727

looks pretty good on the weekly desu

>> No.10301755

This was posted on one of the threads and everybody stopped posting altogether on the spot really makes you think

>> No.10301765
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>> No.10301808
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>> No.10301836
File: 56 KB, 597x640, 5C101776-B10A-4BA0-87B9-7841D3D928C6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BMW false pumping
>False advisor vitalik until called out
>Fake gui’an National level partnerships >exposed when China banned all forms of crypto
>paid firms to represent vechain so that vechain can have some form of validity(practiced by all shady businesses in China)
>CEO brags about telegram twitter reddit followers
>no revolutionary tech, no innovation

B-b-but my shitcoin world adoption

>> No.10301840


I don't even hold VEN and this is low quality FUD.

>> No.10301854
File: 66 KB, 640x487, E6F791D2-8A00-4B49-9016-2F0FCF459FBD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Screenshot = Bags being unloaded in late December by devs which the paid shills claimed were “whales” and that everyone has to “buy the walls down to Make them go away”
Lmfaoooooo how else do u think an obscure failed company suddenly gained traction
They unloaded bags during the crypto boom of 2017

Fucking autists

>> No.10301938
File: 109 KB, 1024x672, 4ABCF902-7CCE-45B4-B8F3-13E2FF2E4111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Literal scam

>> No.10302236

Do you have any proof at all it was devs dumping and not just a bunch of whales who got in at $.10 and wanted to cash out their 100x profit?

>> No.10302414

Geee I wonder who else has more supply at .10 than the whales

>> No.10302621

i still haven't seen any thoughtful arguments - beyond the obvious 'scam' samefagging - as to why biz hates ven or why there isn't money to be made right now

>> No.10302666

I think everyone hates on VEN because of the constant hype they create to drive the price up

Even during the recent price decrease VEN rolls out CCK at the exact moment, pretty cringey

>> No.10302689

i hate cringey youtuber vloggers and twitch streamers

but the market doesn't give a shit how i feel

>> No.10303015

That's why VEN is going up... oh.

>> No.10303249

why so much vitriol towards a legit project when there's literal overhyped scams much further up? focus on tron and eos

>> No.10303410

>what is discord

>> No.10303505
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Please, tell me more ...

>> No.10303515

All this VEN FUD is a co-ordinated attack by WTC shills as their little coin will cease to exist in 2019 because of VEN and this is the only way to win.

>> No.10303805

Believe it or not....there are plenty of us here who have nothing to do with WTC that still hate VEN. I'm not into supply chain coins, but VEN in particular pisses me off. It's nauseating how the plebbits have eaten up the cringe hype marketing.

>> No.10303894

Because all Sunny cares about is hyping the price up so he can dump his bags on the heads of a few unsuspecting normans.

>> No.10303922

when it comes down to the bottom line there is NO FUCKING WAY im paying an extra 2 bucks to know where the fuck my wine came from

all suply chain is scam

>> No.10303981

The use case is legit, but the network isn't going to generate as much income as most of these fags think. It has to be cheap as dirt to transact on if anyone's going to use it. Manufacturers and distributers break down operational costs to fractions of a fucking cent per item....all they want to know is "can this save me money"?

>> No.10304065
File: 85 KB, 678x1024, 37559C01-C18D-45D5-8961-F0B7A7A1A821.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So many glaringly stupid things you just said, but the one point I’ll make is that the market for highend wines is huge, so is the resale market. Knowing where your wine was stored and what conditions it was kept under will be game changing. People will not buy untraced wine.

>> No.10304103


this is exactly why i hate VEN. i fell for it but sold in January at 70k sats when i saw everything else getting raped.

then i waited to buy back but i was no logner holding so less emotional and saw waht a fucking load of red lights there were. i was debating with people but i noticed ventards were all fucking brainless and never wanted to have a discussion or acknowledge them so i started hate ven holders and plebbitors who hold it/

>> No.10304119

also why are the faggots on here so caught up with the wine and muh horse cum shit? there's a lot more supply chains to track and a lot more to the vechain platform. i swear most of the posts here are just trolling

>> No.10304149


because Vechain started as a supply chain coin, and its why most of us who bought in pre January did buy it.. then it turned into some shill/hype coin that tried to be everything suddenly which is a major fucking red flag.

>> No.10304155

Okay...so what does that cost on the network? If Vechain tries to maximize fees knowing that wineo's are willing to pay more for having a superior produce...they effectively shut out any other use case beyond tracking high end luxury items. High end product tracking is not a big enough market to make half a million neets rich on the network.

>> No.10304184

Let's give it a real think guys....
Why the fuck do you think the token price is going to rise?

>> No.10304299

Well, I mean with the upcoming ICO's they'll be required to lock up VET as part of the process. I personally love seeing the price dump right now. The lower the price per VET the more each ICO will have to lock up.
Also pretty sure nearly everyone is planning to sell their VTHO back and rebuy VET so use you brain and thinking about how that will play with the price eventually.
I'm just a fucktard though, so I mean, do what you want with that.

>> No.10304338

keep fudding.. pretty soon even 'll be able to afford a Node, which is the only way to make any real money from VeChain

>> No.10304419

NEO mooned hard as fuck shortly after launch when people started earning GAS rewards and literally nobody uses the platform. Vechain has dozens of huge enterprises on deck for a pilot at minimum, plus ICOs, plus all the companies using their private chain.

>> No.10304461

Supply chain and anti-counterfeit/fraud are very similar and those 2 main use cases VeChain is focusing on. It's not like they are trying to be a consumer dapp platform like ethereum or NEO.

>> No.10304477

Of course not. You're a poor loser who doesn't know the difference between a good expensive wine and the $8 one at the grocery store.

>> No.10304501

this is unironically true

if you either care (and have enough money to) or you are some trendy normie you are gonna scan your shit, especially with expensive products

might even be that scans would become mandatory to assure quality

>> No.10304642

it will rise plenty when the xNode amnesty window closes and all those dorks trading with their unleashed coins rush to get back on the bus.

>> No.10304659

lol this shit has been manipulated from the start, if you're still in VEN, you're going to keep bleeding

>> No.10304992

They have shit ICOs. Besides, other than ETH...which platforms have been able to cash in on the ICO hype? Stellar has had multiple (legit) ICOs too and the price has steadily declined while this was going on. VTHO isn't going to be worth shit.

Yeah, NEO mooned hard but GAS is not VTHO. What's the price of GAS again? Price of VTHO isn't going to be speculative since it's pegged to cost per transaction that businesses require to be stable and dirt cheap. GAS price can rise to whatever the fuck simply because nobody is using it for actual business use. VENs dual token system dynamics are very different than NEOs.

Assuming everyone wants to buy back in, sure. So it pumps again while the plebbits scramble for their nodes....then what? Use of the network isn't going to rocket the price of VEN, it's a long, slow build up from here on out. Adoption is going to happen all at once. Trillions of transactions a year is a fucking meme. Don't expect to see more than a few small pilot projects for enterprises this year.

>> No.10305018

*adoption isn't going to happen all at once.

>> No.10305067

When 101 authority masternodes are responsible for generating >80% of all VTHO...you're scrounging for peanuts anon. Good luck.

>> No.10305110
File: 1.00 MB, 3024x4032, VeChain-driver.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>xNode amnesty

I can' believe people put their money into a China Hustle with Norse Gods, Plastic Hammers and amnesty clauses for people who donate money. And you're expecting this to an investment where they share their profit revenue with with you because enterprise are going to buy your thunder gas which is in high demand.

The Chinese really have played dumb moon boy suckers in crypto

>> No.10305128

China Hustle

>> No.10305177

It's that bad. You guys are going to look back on this are kick yourselves for being so stupid.
>how the fuck did I think this was a legit project to invest in with plastic hammers and marvel studio marketing videos.
It's so fucking obvious to the rest of us who aren't emotionally attached to the empty promises you're being fed.

>> No.10305582

everything's going down anon
i don't know if you've noticed yet

>> No.10306131

Nope, just VEN