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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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10301253 No.10301253 [Reply] [Original]

Accumulation is done. I stop fudding now.

Strap in lads.

>> No.10301273

What's is your LINK to REQ ratio gents?

>> No.10301276

>he thought his fudding is the only thing preventing this coin from mooning
You can strap out lad you're not going anywhere

>> No.10302410

Sorry your fud brainwashed me. It can't be undone. Irreparable damage cannot be repaired. Enjoy your bags.

>> No.10302425

>Accumulation is done. I stop fudding now.
>Strap in lads.
Should we tell him?

>> No.10302430

Right now 15k REQ to 3.8k LINK. I really want to stack up on LINK to have about 7K but the price is not right. Will wait for a small correction below 20 cents again.

>> No.10302484

8K REQlet
25K Linklet here

$25 800 000 EOY give or take

>> No.10302525

Shoo shoo pajeets

>> No.10302548

If you think biz fud has been keeping this "suppressed" you are a retard.

>> No.10302792

PnD group back at it again. I’ll put a sell wall up and you won’t get past it.

>> No.10302812

Go and try it. Ill smash through any sell walls

>> No.10302822

I won let dis get above 30 cents >:O

>> No.10302844
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>I’ll put a sell wall up

>> No.10302853

you meant to say you are getting paid 30 cents per hour, pajeet? shoo, shoo!

>> No.10302857

I am keeping it suppressed under 8 cents for now.

>> No.10302881

Why would you though? Wouldn't it be in your best interest to you know, not kill the coins hype and let the price rise?

>> No.10302928
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Early REQ investor here.
I bought in between 3 and 6 cents. 500 to 800 sats. When everyone was dumping everything for the 2X Fork on bitcoin ( that got cancelled )

I sold in February.

I doubt I'll buy in again.
Let's face it, the team isn't up to the task.
It's just a shitty JS library.

but that's not even the worst.

Let's all remember what Charlie Lee said.
"A decentralized paypal isn't anything special"

REQ depends on too much.

> ETH for their platform
> KNC for their DEX
> Pajeets for their code work
> This, that.

You are better of investing in projects that can be sucessful on their own right now.

REQ is a shitty bet.

Do you really think sites will add the REQ button when they can just add "insert coin that's fast and easy" button too?

DESU it all seems great on paper.
but it's shit.

IT's absolute shit.

I wont buy in again.
much more gains to be made in other projects.

thnx for the new car though boys.

>> No.10302940

After the wiki France mishap I’ve felt indifferent towards req

>> No.10302947

Thanks just bought 1000k

>> No.10302955

yup, adding this to my cringe collection.

>> No.10302959

REQ is much more than ''Paypal 2.0''

I care more about accounting that they offer

>> No.10302963
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So what are you buying?
That's why you made this post right?

>> No.10302983

Lel. I hope so for your sake, anon, but that seems unlikely.

>> No.10302995

This isn’t even good pasta. Why would anyone have saved this?

>> No.10303050
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it's not a good pasta, I could improve and a shit ton more arguments why request network, right now is a dumb fucking move.

But yeah.



listen, it will be years and years before they have anything decent out. it's not worth it. they aren't up for the task given and all the talent is already working on much more interesting projects.

if you want to baghold this coin for 5 years before you see decent returns. by all means.

and even then they will probably be pushed out of the market by other projcets.

invest in projects that are bringing out products and tech this year. not in 2 or 3

REQ can't do anything as long as they are an ERC20 on the ETH network.

Aslong as ETH can't scale they wont ever have a product.

>> No.10303075

lmao, if ETH with lord Vitalik won't be able to scale, than there's no chances of scaling for everything else.

>> No.10303081

They are changing to Tendermint blockchain and they work with PWC France too. That is the reason why i invested heavily in bitcoin.

>> No.10303087
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Answer me

>> No.10303120

35k link, 20k req (down from 40k). Together 15% of my folio. Wish I could stack up to 50k link but I'm overinvested in crypto already.

>> No.10303647

You barely made any profit on the last pump.