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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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10298493 No.10298493 [Reply] [Original]

Good morning /biz/ i wish you all a productive and pleasant day at work xoxoxo.

>> No.10298510
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fucking dammit, one more hour and my nighshift is over and I can fucking go to sleep

>> No.10298523

I've been applying to jobs I dont wanna fucking do this but I wanna be rich one day. idc if it happens when I'm 80 I want to experience what it's like having fuck you money.

>> No.10298526
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>> No.10298537
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Fuckin nice. It's around 6am here. I have early shift today but i have a bunch of homies who have nightshift from literally 2am to like noon. The one nigger gets himself a bottle of vodka from the gas station almost daily

>> No.10298539

who you gonna say fuck you in your 80ties?

>> No.10298572

..seriously. Might as well take the opportunity to say fuck you to your parents and live in a ditch while you have the chance, Nobody cares about the bald dude in the convertible bro.

>> No.10298586

when you have money it doesn't matter how old you are.

>> No.10298610
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>mfw i work full time and get to work the 2-10 shift every day

>> No.10298613

Plus every normal 80 year old has arthritis or some similar ailment and are constantly pumped with buprenorphine.

>> No.10298656

>Nobody cares about the bald dude in the convertible bro.

The 20 year old college girl does.

>> No.10298670
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>> No.10298694
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1 hour before I get to my comfy bed and probably have more wacked out lucid dreams of being pic related.

>> No.10298711

>wake up at 6AM, fill your day with productive shit then go to work at 2PM
>start work at 6AM, come home and feel too tired to do anything
Sounds like a win for me. I also work those shifts.

>> No.10298767

desu I like working in the morning. Knowing I've done what I have to do already gets me going. I sleep better too when I work in the morning not sure why

>> No.10298791

>I want to experience what it's like having fuck you money.
You actually end up being nicer to people.

>> No.10298802

why is that? So nobody steals your shit?

>> No.10298807

>the chad fry cook

>> No.10298829

That's part of it. Plus you know a lot of them hate you already anyway.

>> No.10298871

Keep thinking that bro. The 20 year old college girl fucks chad in his jeep. The only girls you see with old bald dudes are 6/10 gold diggers, and even then the guy is usually an ex-chad, not some neet clawing his way from the depths of social destitution. Im not trying to put down your dreams, Im saying take action now.

>> No.10298893

>The 20 year old college girl fucks chad in his jeep

lol yeah because that's probably her boyfriend. The rich guy doesnt put up with her bullshit. Keep trying to justify yourself being poor. I'm young and poor and this shit sucks. I'd rather live 20 years as a rich dude than the 60 as a poor fag.

>> No.10298956

>this shit sucks
Kind of essential to appreciating things once you do get rich, though

>> No.10298960

So what are you even saying? Live fast die young? If that's the case you should think about crime, seriously. I am not justifying being poor it sucks bro but I am saying there is more to banging girls than just money. No girl wants to be seen as a gold digger and you will get mogged by chad and be infuriated if you don't develop the whole package. GL

>> No.10299005

> I am saying there is more to banging girls than just money

That's true, but the guy with money never gets the bullshit. We do.

>No girl wants to be seen as a gold digger

Lol no girl cares about that anymore . Try looking at Instagram

>you will get mogged by chad

it doesn't matter. There is no alpha in this situation lmao. You're fucking a young woman and that's it. Theres nothing else to it, theres nothing to "win".

>> No.10299019

idk from what I've seen on biz people think if you arent rich by 35 its pointless to be rich. It makes me think some of these people saying it arent actually poor because they're so complacent.

>> No.10299044

Have a great day wagecucks


>> No.10299068

>people think if you arent rich by 35 its pointless to be rich
Shit, I hear 20.
The point is that if you're born rich, you'll never be able to appreciate it. Even acquiring it young would make it difficult.

>> No.10299099
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based, hope this is you

>> No.10299229

Seems like a hedonistic perspective. What is the point of doing it if you gain nothing? I would at least want to have the respect of the woman, not be seen as a bank account with a leaky faucet in my dick.

>> No.10299248
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>the value of a woman's respect

>> No.10299279

Respect from women is an inadvertent side effect of achievement in life. It has no value, but it is a measure of value.

>> No.10299284

>I would at least want to have the respect of the woman

oh you're one of those lol. First of all who cares, youre fucking her and "chad" gets to listen to her complain about her day. Second, when you get rich you become a "chad" because weak faggots dont make it. Bill Gates is the exception, not the rule. There is no situation where not being rich wins lmao. I understand you can live a good life without being a billionaire but it's always better when money isnt a problem.

>> No.10299356

Does waking up early to look at my investment money count as a job?

>> No.10299393

I am just speaking from experience of watching tons of rich men get emasculated by their trophy wives. Yes I'm sure your plan is to just fuck around but that was probably their plan as well yet it happened to them, presumably they lost market value and were forced to marry to retain pussy. I just think you may be overvaluing the status money buys. And as well, women are expert at extracting resources in exchange for the minimum amount of sex. Ultimately I don't claim to know what it's like to be rich so this is all just speculation. Either way, the one good thing about not being rich is it builds character like this guy says >>10299068

>> No.10299456

> i wish you all a productive and pleasant day at work
I wish I read this before I started today because I've dealt with nothing but financially illiterate bogans all day and have been fairing no better in my side businesses when the government is getting involved.

I pray everyday that I'll survive this year let alone come out the other end with a decent revenue stream from multiple sources.

If you work in fast food OP I hope your day was quiet with minimal complaints.

>> No.10299477

>I am just speaking from experience of watching tons of rich men get emasculated by their trophy wives

A rich man never loses market value. If you're poor and old yeah, but money makes pussy come to you. A rich man who gets emasculated by his wife married her before he made it or its the rare instance where the woman is rich herself (see hollywood). I live in Los Angeles and I've seen just how much money can elevate you in social circles. Perhaps where you come from it's different. I'm not particularly in it for the social status but I want to fuck young broads with big tits and have a nice house, but the only way to do that here without dealing with the problems is money. Like I said, money always wins