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10292202 No.10292202 [Reply] [Original]

Has anyone else smoked DMT on an acid trip?

>> No.10292213

hell yeah. shit's crazy. i haven't done that in a while though. maybe it's time to get some more

>> No.10292614

just yesterday did a nice whack of ketamine at the peak of a ~175ug LSD trip. was uhhh, interesting to say the least. complete ego death/disintegration with reality. strangely had physical sensations which i never (dis)associate with ket. was probably one of the more intense psychedelic experiences of my life and i'm no stranger. not sure i would repeat again, but the synergy was fucking incredible. felt like i was in the workings of the 'reality machine'. was also given an opportunity to add my own bits during reintegration, so i put linky into the ether. heh.

>> No.10293346
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>/biz/ - Business & Finance

>> No.10293389

Nice work, marine.

>> No.10293399

>he didnt know any hippies buying sheets of acid for 20 BTC in 2011
literally Nick Jr.

>> No.10293450

wow i never thought about mixing ket with lsd. do you inject your ketamine kek?

>> No.10293581

Fuck no, you snort the powder, intramuscular injection only if you want to go really deep. If it's liquid ket, just put it on a plate and slowly microwave it until it's a crust then scrape and chop until powder. Ketamine is "meh" on it's own, but really comes into its own when combined with LSD. Tge effect is much, much stronger than eitger taken on their own at the same dose.
Nitrous/whip-its have a somewhat similar synergy with acid, and also work well enough with ketamine alone to simulate a short acid trip. All three in at once is an absolutely amazing combination with music and a light show. I'm talking out of body experiences; I actually prefer it to DMT.

>> No.10293681

The best way I can describe it metaphorically is that LSD is the paint, Ketamine is the canvas, and nitrous is the paintbrush.
You wouldn't believe what your sub-consciousness wants to show you.

>> No.10293841

Still stuck in the 60s mkultra OP?

>> No.10293964

I did 6g of mushrooms with 0.4mg of ketamine and it didn't do a great deal. I had adhd and my vision was way off, ketamine made everything feel light, floaty and soft but nothing radical.

>> No.10293969


>> No.10294000

>Things that never happened: the thread
I thought I was on /x/ for a second.

>> No.10294403

Imagine the supra-consciousness, then

>> No.10294423

How do i long psychedelics?

>> No.10294425


happy to serve


just had powder form, so no. would suggest starting with smaller doses of ket than usual, though. what i took would have usually been a pretty mild (+2 - +3 range), but it ended up full blown +5. 'hallucinations' aren't even the right word, i simply had no idea of my surroundings, no idea if eyes were open or closed. just listened to solfleggio tones and 'meditated' the whole way.

>> No.10294428

do you actually think it's hard to acquire dmt ?

>> No.10294563

I have experienced some fucking mind blowing epiphanies while doing nitrous. It’s always so surprising how that little 30 second high can stretch to near infinity when you take a big enough hit. Sometimes I’ll have my iPad next to me with notes open and try to write down what I’m thinking about as I’m coming down. Its so goddamn fleeting though

>> No.10294679

Was going to once when I was tripping but was too scared, felt very vulnerable. I struggle to take the third hit even not on lsd and am usually in the waiting room though it's still very intense have only legit broke through maybe twice. Tell me Anon how is it different on lsd.

>> No.10294725

i watched 2001 a space odyssey while slamming nitrous and understood the whole thing. best movie experience of my life.

>> No.10294744

I know what you mean about nitrous being fleeting. You'll understand the answer to every question you have ever had, just as you start to pass out and time starts to come to a standstill, then your body flops around like a fish until your amygdala takes over and makes you start breathing again. I keep meaning to take notes too, but I usually end up just using the cracker like a SCUBA tank.
Speaking of which, canisters work just fine under water too!

>> No.10294786

took me one week with 4 viewings and a shitton of pot but I got there too
can almost translate every scene into a sentence

>> No.10295007

How much did you take?

>> No.10295110

0.4mg of ket is nothing. If you mean 0.4g, your tolerance must be fucked or you got ripped off

>> No.10295680

whip its are not safe and should definately not be used under water. Whip its starve your brain of oxygen, you are killing your brain with that shit. Be safe guys.

>> No.10296094


What is the proper way to inhale this shit? I tried it years ago and can't say it had a good effect on me.

>> No.10296101

Yeah Idk if the anon was implying people should do it under water cause you'll fucking drown kek.

>> No.10296108


wow its like im in freshman year of high school!

>> No.10296140

Remember to supplement b-12 before and after doing nitrous. I don't do them too often, but sometimes it's nice to inhale one through a bong. Doing it this way allows oxygen to mix with it

>> No.10296542

Yup. Saw the gears of the world working in unison until one gear decided to disrupt the whole machine. I am that gear.

>> No.10296748


>> No.10297194
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>> No.10297197

pump it into a punchy balloon and re breathe it.

>> No.10297451

I quit all that because it interfered with my /biz/ related goals.

>> No.10297513


>> No.10297529

I did a back-to-back DMT bong and then nang (NOS balloon) while on DXM. Was great because the dissociative really lets you just sit back and witness instead of being too overawed. I saw two green rectangles intersecting and moving through each other. Not sure what to make of it desu.

>> No.10298105


whip cream maker with two charges loaded. do some breathing wim hof style (hyperventilating for 45 seconds) breathe out, take a third - half a lungful of gas, THEN TAKE IN o2 and hold. beathe out, repeat until depleted.

>> No.10298117

tfw can never truly enjoy drugs because I know it's useless and just ruining your health


>> No.10298195

never do anything bad for you
never relax, be constantly productive
never enjoy food, only consume water and vitamin supplements
never watch tv, never go on 4chan, shit's bad for your brain. constantly do math problems and socialize. never scratch your skin no matter how itchy it gets. resist the urge. resist all bad things. you must be the perfect human being. you must, for the sake of perfection.

>> No.10298251

Smoking meth and PCP is the way to go. https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x19yoaa

>> No.10298337

>brain cell genocide tutorial

>> No.10298367

Tried some psilocybin over the weekend. Wanted to give up on life and not try anymore. That ego-death and headspace isn't a joke. Barely got any visuals, guess I took too low of a dose.

>> No.10298395

aw how cute. leave your basement everyone once in awhile anon, there are fun things out there

>> No.10298399

>exit whip cream

>> No.10299008

It started giving me thoughts like "money isnt important" what a load of fuckin bullshit lmao

>> No.10299014

>still thinks "Drugs" as an unbelievably diverse category "ruins your health"

>> No.10299038

>there are LINKmarines that have experienced fucking DMT
This gives me hope.

>> No.10299046


Translated from German:
This German medical documentary presents a patient who is suffering from the most spectacular epileptic symptoms and who is called tonic-clonic crisis (Grand mal). This crisis has two distinct phases: a tonic phase and a clonic phase. The man sits in an armchair, smokes a cigarette and goes into a violent bout of epilepsy where his limbs contract. The brain activity of the patient will then be recorded on an encephalogram. It is not possible to prevent this crisis which is triggered randomly.

>> No.10299070
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yeah what a load of rubbish lulz.
its just, uhh.. something you acquire for a relatively short amount of time.. really a blip in the grand scheme of the universe and then is taken away from you just as fast as you turn to dust just like everybody else
then what is the meaning of this piece of life?

>> No.10299088

Yeah, man, like woah

>> No.10299114

It helps to take a high enough dose to let go and break through to shroom land (so to speak). At lower doses your brain is still pretty firmly rooted in reality and is fighting the experience.
I would recommend at least a 16th of an ounce, and an 8th if you are in an especially good environment (i.e. pristine nature vs. your boring apartment), you don't have to eat it all at once either, try just eating a stem and cap every hour or half hour until it's all gone.

>> No.10299120

you're not supposed to take notes. they will be useless when you're sober because it's gonna be something generic that sounds profound when you're high, but you are detached from it when you're sober. just enjoy the experience

>> No.10299163
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>2 110 ug paper doses
4 hours into the trip, break out the changa.

>Wtf is changa anon?

Changa is a more user friendly herbal mix of smokeable DMT blended with herbs that prolong the effects of DMT about 10-20 minutes in total. This method wastes less DMT since it is normally susceptible to breaking down at high temps, you can just get the bowl roasting and smoke on the embers.

>Packed a fat bowl of it. Probably 1 gram to be shared with the two other friends on the trip.

>Take a rip, take another, and another, and another. Closed my eyes and was flung into the wildest trip of my life. Saw and experienced things in a more real sense than ever. Met with inter-dimensional beings and felt as it we were communicating telepathically. The whole experience was a little much for me, even though this was the umpteenth time experimenting with psychedelics in my life, this combo at the peak of an acid trip was like opening pandora's box.

When I finally came to, I barely noticed the 2 doses of LSD that I should be peaking on, I was shaking, like when you almost get into a car accident and your adrenaline is pumping. The experience was not unenjoyable, and I knew what DMT was like alone but it really changed me and my outlook on life and it's something I believe everyone in the right state of mind should experience once in their life, or it would be like going to the grave and never have had sex.

>> No.10299165

>thinks descriptions of psychedelic trips are merely metaphors
How to know somebody has never experienced this shit~

>> No.10299187

I did Ayahuasca in Peru
Was an interesting experience but also quite terrifying. Some pack of wild dogs had chased me that day which made the visions have a heavy teeth theme.
The images were more terrifying than any movie I had seen, many zombies and scary animals were floating past me. Luckily the vision ended well with what looked to be angels.
I was violently ill with vomiting, though this is normal as the liquid you drink is disgusting and very concentrated

>> No.10299196


>> No.10299260

I definitely took a little more than a 16th, but less than an 8th. I was getting some visuals but not for long, and the visuals went away and I was just left with the headspace.

>> No.10299294

I did it yesterday and I dont know if i broke through but it felt like it. It was my best dmt experience ever. My memory of it is already fading. I remember feeling an orgasmic feeling that you get from lsd sometimes times 5x for a few seconds and i remember rubbing my hands felt like dirt. Is breaking through going unconscious ?

>> No.10299371

If you don't know if you broke through, then you didn't. When you break through, it's pretty fucking obvious. Like, having a dance-a-thon with machine elf acrobat-magicians who keep showing you impossible objects while the room turns into a tesseract turns into play-doh turns into the machine elves turns into you turns into.... etc etc etc.

>> No.10299397
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I've definitely asked the entities about LINK EOY price on multiple occasions. They really like to skirt around the topic and never give me a direct answer though. Abstract shit about transformations, upheavals, change, etc. But never a fucking number. Coy little hyperfuckers.

>> No.10299404

Psychedelics take practice, you have to gradually increase your comfort level to higher doses and slowly open yourself to new experiences. If it's not amazing the first time (or times), that doesn't mean they won't start working amazingly well later on in your journey.

>> No.10299435

"breathing through" is an experience exactly and literally like reality as you know and observe it being replaced one hundred percent by something else completely different, exactly as you would imagine it'd be like traveling to another planet in an alternate dimension. I don't know how else to explain it.
The experience is completely unlike LSD or mushrooms. If this is not what you experienced, then imagine for a moment that you are taken from your surroundings right now and teleported to an alternate dimension that has no similarity whatsoever to this one. You can't miss it.. you'll know. Just smoke more.

>> No.10299492

And also with the full, tactile experience of this alternate world, too. You can look around to your surroundings like as if you're in waking reality or a very vivid dream. Except, when you look down you see no body, no hands etc. like you're a ghost. And within your surroundings theres beings that telepathically communicate to you. Seriously, the difference between breaking through on DMT is all of that VS. your regular mushroom trip. Shit's fucked.

>> No.10299826

Experienced this and know what you're talking about but also have taken huge doses and was stuck in a shitty tunnel with thought loops it was horrible. What is your definition of a subbreakthrough? I've been in the waiting room on a moderate dose and it was very similar to my breakthroughs but I didn't enter through this white light on a box the entities were machining away on and was instead sent back by them so I consider it a subbreakthrough

>> No.10299951


>> No.10300019

I tripped last night on a few g of shrooms and asked the price of link for fun, got 300 and something but id wager its because i saw these posts a while back. Either way the rabbit hole i went down about crypto reaffirmed my belief in its future.

>> No.10300249

Winced for your brain reading this.

>> No.10300257

Kek sounds like you're just a depressed fuck and your zero dose of shrooms khad nothing to do with it. Just kill yourself my man.

>> No.10300284

I meant 0.4g and my tolerance can't be fucked. First time i ever used it and alongside shrooms first drug in about 6 years. I guess because im /fit/ i need a lot more than the usual scrawny twinks using this stuff.

It had an impact in that it definitely softened the high, the shrooms had just given me confused adhd and colour vibrancy and when the ketamine was added everything softened and my depth perception was obliterated.

However the whole experience is wildly overblown if 6g of shrooms and 0.4g of ketamine just gives you some colour change, confusion and softening. I unironically get a more profound effect from alcohol.

>> No.10300386

Damn hippies..

>> No.10300482

fuck off junkies

>> No.10300502

Do you wince for all the people that get root canals as well?

>> No.10300505

Mah nigger I'm going to shamanicvida at the end of August for an 11 day retreat, they also give us San Pedro, rappe, yopo and kambo I'm going to be blasted out of the stratosphere

What retreat did you go to?

>> No.10300553

ME! I have done it on a Octuplet!

I love DMT, Anyone that thinks this is degenerate is either young or not open minded enough to look into things. It is truly a wonderful experience. Done it lets say 50 times in my life.

I will never forget my first time on just DMT, that feeling of being sucked out of my body....that tunnel of light and shapes.

>> No.10300598

They don't suffocate themselves for greater effect.

>> No.10300823

DMT is pretty good

>> No.10300857

Name a better mix than LSD, mdma and ketamine. Just powers you through to a different world.

>> No.10301052

Wrong forum

>> No.10301188

Is it? I wanted to try psychadelics in order to have a wild ride and tried 6g of mushrooms with ketamine and was pretty disappointed. It kept feeling like something was about to happen but never did and if i had taken more i would have been too confused and not sober enough to register it. I don't think I'll try anything again for a while but if there is some mix I'd happily consider it in half a year.

>> No.10301985

300mg by itself is enough to pull me out of the test tube in which our universe resides. With no tolerance, 125mg should be a solid k-hole dose. I don't see how you could even be conscious at 400mg

>> No.10302009

I tend to be pretty resilient to drugs. I have literally never been high with marijuana and i have eaten, drunk and smoked it. Only ever makes me need to urinate. Same with alcohol i can drink half a bottle of vodka and be doing alright.

Not a tolerance issue, im /fit/ so i barely drink and essentially never do drugs.

>> No.10302011

this, fuck happeed to this board. feels, shitcoins and now this. this used to be a business board once

>> No.10302124

>daily reminder psychs open you up to spirits and demons who feed off of the energy you produce during these states since your emotions are amplified
I thought drugs were all fun and games anons and I did acid plenty of times and was an experienced user until I basically felt possessed and had to go to the looney bin after a trip for a few weeks. Same shit happened to one of my friends but he managed to snap back to reality quicker. Some other anon shared a similar story but his delusions lasted months as opposed to weeks. Be careful, the guy who told me that psyche open you up to spirits is not the type of man to just make stuff up I really wish I was LARPing here.

>> No.10302132

I prefer mda to mdma. Not as restless, slightly more psychedelic. That molly/ket/acid combo is the best though.

>> No.10302984

THIS. I used to take lsd and dmt quite often(4-5, maybe 6-7 times a year) until I once got this feeling creeping up my back that the beings we come in contact with might not be goos guys at all. I don't think of these "demons and spirits" as necessary bad entities, but I somehow got the feeling that this is not really a "higher entities guiding humans through space and mind" but more of a "we give you our feelings in exchange for yours".

The demons and spirits have immense power but lack organised thought. When you come in contact with them ("break through) you simply make an exchange. You get to see other dimensions while they use our organized thought patterns to god knows what.

>> No.10303044

Clearly a samefagging schizophrenic. Get fucked, i hope the demons finally take you tonight.

>> No.10303116

Has any of you junkies ever tried ayahuasca?
I'm thinking of trying it on a shamanic ritual in the future.
And what about Peyote?

>> No.10303245

Have you ever tried increasing your IQ to a point where you don't pay a jungle nigger to wave his cock in your face for an hour whilst you are passed out?

>> No.10303401

I have smoked DMT after eating a Q of shrooms
I was at a grateful dead tribute festival it was cool

>> No.10303406
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I still beat myself up for using BTC to buy drugs instead of holding