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10297426 No.10297426 [Reply] [Original]

So I went ketogenic and although I've only lost a little bit of weight, my energy levels went through the fuckin roof.

Why would anyone follow a different diet?

>> No.10297443

>Business & Finance

>> No.10297448

i noticed the same. I can go all day on just eggs and bacon from breakfast. if i eat carbs im done before lunch

>> No.10297450

keto is death. bacon and cheese is death. how can anyone advocate this aids diet

>> No.10297458

Wrong board but wtf do you eat and what's your skin color?

>> No.10297461

How is it death if it causes you to have perfect bloodwork?

>> No.10297465

the only reason this diet would make you feel like you have more energy is because your previous diet was so shit that you probably never ate any real foods until now. The only benefit of keto is that you will likely have a more sustained feeling of energy rather than in waves from a normal diet.

>> No.10297467

Anon can only afford low quality meats

>> No.10297473

>what is cholesterol

>> No.10297481

Lol whoops

>> No.10297483

>what is healthy cholesterol

>> No.10297484

>energy levels through the roof on keto.
Why are you lying anon. Islts physiologically imp.

>> No.10297485

step it up with periodic 3 day and 1 day fasts...4 hour eating window for the rest and eat nothing inflammatory.

x3 a week 20 minute 180bpm interval cardio and HI lifting x4 a week.

Then make sure you have spiritual community and are taking concrete steps towards a larger, fulfilling goal that contributes to the well being of your fellow man.

>> No.10297486

>eating cholesterol raises your actual cholesterol levels

>> No.10297489

Dietary cholesterol does not affect blood cholesterol. Actually it’s too much fructose or HFCS

>> No.10297490

not death but it's not healthy either

>> No.10297491

>doesn't know that your body is able to switch from using carbs as fuel to using fat as fuel
>doesn't know there is such a thing as essential fats

>> No.10297493

I just started as well. This shit is fucking awesome, I feel great, not as snackish through the day, and Its basically a meat diet. Burger on a lettuce wrap is so delicious. What have you been eating? I'll need more recipes besides eggs, hamburger, veggies, and my usual soon enough. Carbs are everywhere can't even do milk really.

>> No.10297516

beyond hopeless. holy fuck.

>> No.10297519

release yourselves from sugar and dairy and you will never have to worry about weight again.

>> No.10297521

I eat cauliflower rice and I made pizza using cauliflower crust, shit was so cash

>> No.10297534
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>doesn't know how the body processes food

>> No.10297555

alright bucko, you're asking for it

keto is a meme diet produced by industries to try and get you to eat more garbage. it is also promoted by health "professionals" who want to sell you more medication.
>muh bacon, muh cheese, muh health

>> No.10297564

>imagine unironically thinking this about nutrition in 2018
wew, lad

>> No.10297581

a myth

>> No.10297596

>cites a youtube video
>doesn't study health science

>> No.10297597

lol this faggot still goes by a food pyramid made by kellogs i bet LOOLLOLOLOLOLOOL

>> No.10297601

jesus, anon. get some new material. also, dairy is bad, that is true.

>> No.10297610

good science doesn't age
meat, eggs, and dairy are on it so no

>> No.10297614

Yup also ate cauliflower crust pizza, so. good.

>> No.10297622

>(((health science studies)))
like the ones in the 90's that said all fat is bad for you. or when they said salt raises blood pressure, but now they say it lowers it

>> No.10297624

I absolutely love keto.

I did a keto cut for a bout 6 months. I went from 22.5% bf to 11.9%. I lost 3 lbs of muscle in that time... quite incredible. I also feel 100x better on keto than I ever did when I ate carbs.

I've now switched to a cyclic keto diet. This allows me a cheat meal or two on the weekends. Keto is great, however it isn't really a social diet so doing a cyclic keto diet helps with that. However don't do a CKD if you haven't done a strict keto diet for quite a while. Otherwise, you're not really letting your body get used to living off fat.

>> No.10297636

correct, but the bad science you posted does
see >>10297622

>> No.10297638

>thinks his ability to paste in a few publically available links proves that he studies health science
>studies health science yet has time to post on /biz/ for some reason as well
Autistically scrambling for articles on google out of fear of losing an argument on a polynesian basket weaving forum does not count as 'studying health science' lad.

>> No.10297651

>meat, eggs, and dairy are on it so no
ahhhh, vegan detected. the lack of animal fat has shriveled your brain. good luck, anon

>> No.10297654

I have free room and board through my contracting job, and I eat about ~$60 a day worth of meat (4000 calories).
Put on more muscle weight in a shorter time than when I was on gear and working with a good personal trainer at a lifting gym, while eating a "balanced" high calorie diet.
Feel like I want to rape the shit out of any female I see, even if she's a pig faced braphog.
Thank god I'm in the fucking desert, or I might have done something stupid with all of this energy.
Couldn't afford it stateside anyways,
My shits were so bad for the first week I did this caveman diet that I was banned from the in-dormitory bathroom and was forced at gunpoint (jokingly of course) to use porta pottys.
We're talking shits that smelled so bad that they woke people up from a deep slumber, through two closed doors, bad.
Shit is real, man. The warrior/hunter caste is supposed to eat lots of meat.

>> No.10297658

I learned about the ketogenic diet from a nice anon over on /pol/ about a year ago. Decided to take the plunge in August 2017, starting weight was about 280lbs, my ATH, was kinda depressed, always tired, exhausted, no energy. Within the first couple months I'd lost about 20lbs, couple months later 20lbs more, on and on, as of today I weigh ~175 lbs, literally 105lbs lost in 11 months and I feel fucking amazing. No loose skin or stretch marks either which is surprising, I was prepared for the worst but I basically have a body similar to when I was 21 now despite being almost 40 years old.

Also I live in Canada so take advantage of the medical services here, was going in for monthly blood tests for pretty much the entire year, my cholesterol is fine, all my nutrient levels are fine, nothing abnormal at all despite eating tons of meats, eggs, cheese, nuts, etc.

Cholesterol is basically a meme, I'm convinced that sugar and HFCS is infinitely worse than any amount of fat or high-cholesterol food. Seriously don't eat sugar, ever, and don't eat carbs. I personally don't even use artificial sweetener as to avoid developing any cravings - have tasted nothing sweet in the last year or so. Only drink water, coffee, tea, that's it.

I've recommended this eating strategy to 5 or 6 people and they've all had similarly incredible results.

My energy levels have never been higher, I seriously feel 18 again, I spring out of bed in the morning wide awake (never was a morning person before), I never get mid-day crashes, I stay alert and energetic from like 6am to 11pm every single day. Don't consume sugar or carbs ever again.

>> No.10297659

Ahh sugar is good for you and everyone knows it's fat and no exercise makes you fat not delicious sugar.
Research paid for by the sugar industries. Topkek and people ate that shit right up

>> No.10297670

lol idiot you're supposed to eat chicken, eggs, yogurt, and steak. Why do you foodlets have to process everything?

>> No.10297675

>thinks keto is based on eating more sugar
It's heavily restrictive on any sugar. What are you on about?

>> No.10297682

there's a reason why egg companies are literally banned by the U.S government from labeling them "nutritious" or "healthy"

>> No.10297690

Sounds like me. I am "bing" awake at 6am. Right out of bed. It's insane.

I do recommend Zevia pop though. It's sweeted with Stevia. It really does keep things somewhat reasonable.

>> No.10297697

eggs are a staple source of protein around the world, and have been for millennia
what the fuck are you on about?

>> No.10297702

I'm doing intermittent fasting and that boosted my energy lives by a fuck ton and I actually started enjoying food again. I was also fighting with myself for 2 months and now finally a month passed of me not having any sugar at all. I can't even imagine how hard it must be to switch to keto. You have to give up that delicious meat and all other foods like rice, oats, corn, beans, chickpeas, almost all fruits, potatoes, tomatoes, diary products etc...

>> No.10297707

learn how to read replies, newfren

>> No.10297710

>is literally just an asshurt vegan with excuses to avoid admitting that the reason he doesn't eat eggs is because he thinks it's mean

>> No.10297711

It's surprisingly not that difficult. I dont crave carbs at all. Sure I would love to have a big bowl of spaghetti, but I wouldn't trade that for how awesome I feel day to day.

>> No.10297712

>appeal to tradition fallacy

>> No.10297719

Literal retard diet for soccer moms in the 80s. Enjoy your bad breath breath and bowel cancer faggot. You're not gonna make it.

>> No.10297728

>packed with protein and a multitiude of vitamins.
imagine actually believing eggs are unhealthy because you think cholesterol is unhealthy. wow, anon

>> No.10297731
File: 39 KB, 353x365, what.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>give up meat
no, it's not an 'appeal to tradition', eggs have protein and calories and are easy to create, which is why they are a staple food
retard alert

>> No.10297735

I think animals are delicious. So do other animals.

>> No.10297737

Ya I have considered the artificial sweeteners more and more recently. Friend of mine recently started the diet and she bakes a lot and wants to try all the keto brownie or keto peanut butter cookie type recipes and it's tempting to try them. I may eventually cave in to that, I was just being stubborn to make sure I don't derail, but I think once I hit the 12 month mark I may start with the artificial stuff. I'll keep Zevia pop in mind, thanks anon

>> No.10297746

i still eat meat now and then because ethics aren't objective but im not ignorant to the damage it causes

>> No.10297749
File: 132 KB, 1249x612, liberalmemes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lets just get this one out of the way for the dumb fuck commie shitlib lurking in this thread who thinks his opinion about animals matters

>> No.10297757

Because it's unsustainable for the environment and expensive for the individual.

I eat beans and rice daily, spend less than $1 a day. I work 8+ hours a day, walk 10k steps a day, chill for 4+ hours a day. No coffee, no fatigue, I perform optimal work. I have under 60 heart beats per minute, 110/70 blood pressure, under 21 BMI, and overall this is the best kind of life.

There's also limitless recipes to beans and rice, you can literally add anything and it tastes great. The best part is for just $1, you can literally last a day or two on this, and it's a ridiculous feeling knowing you're eating until you're full yet spending so little.

>> No.10297758

Have you been checked for diabetes, anon? I went Keto briefly and felt great, but went off it when stress mounted up and I got lazy. I started feeling like shit again. Not long after I was diagnosed as type 2 diabetic. I feel that kept made me feel so good because my blood sugar was already out of control.

>> No.10297759

but it literally doesn't cause any. sugar is the problem, 100%. learn how the body actually works

>> No.10297770

eggs were actually categorized as a "Super Food" not too long back, they have no negative health impact. I eat 3+ eggs every single day and know people who eat 5-6+ eggs per day. I've had blood tests done monthly, my cholesterol is completely normal and I'm nearing 40 years old.

If you aren't eating eggs you've got serious problems anon.

>> No.10297775

LMFAO. what is your fucking energy made of? glucose you fuckin idiot hahahahah i'm done here. fruit is bad boys pack it up. take a biology or health science class sometime pal

>> No.10297789

cool, what's your bench and squat?
your dl?
> take a biology or health science class sometime pal
>posting mercyforanimals.org


>> No.10297792

I always wonder if my gf has diabetes. Girl is tired all the fucking time.

>> No.10297800

somebody post the cap of that guy going into detail about how blood sugar levels slow fuck every aspect of your body up

>> No.10297802

i posted many academic articles you obviously didn't read

>> No.10297817

Diet is something no one wmha seen able to figure out. Despite what any of you faggots say. If keto works for you, est a keto diet. If you're a faggot and want to be a vegan, then be a faggot and eat vegan. Why do people care so much? Remember when we were kids and the school Jew taught us that it was healthy to eat lots of bread products? They either want you fat and dead or no one can figure out what's good or bad.

>> No.10297820

>Pretending the scientific consensus isnt that eating cholesterol causes heart disease
>"Muh sugar"
>Keto bloggers are authorities In nutrition

>> No.10297821

>not ketosis
you're not going to make it anon

>> No.10297830

As someone who studies metabolic control of locomotion. you are forgetting that ketones can , and are, used as energy sources bypassing normal glucose metabolism,

>> No.10297834

learn something faggot >>10297821

>> No.10297854

ketones are able to diffuse into cells faster than glucose due to size. it makes sense that you feel more energy with ketosis, though it will not be sustained for long duration, that is why most people on keto need lots of snacks.

>> No.10297856

an actual non-retard on biz

>> No.10297863
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how do i long keto and short carbs? i never realized how many fatass dietary brainlets are on this board... sad.

Most of you won't make it.

>> No.10297874

As well as oils and fried foods. Use only butter and animal fats to cook.

>> No.10297883


Not even once.

>> No.10297884

>posted 2 minutes after youtube link.
>didn't watch the 13 minute video where a doctor tells him what cholesterol is and is not.

>> No.10297899

of course they are, but your body works a lot harder to do this. no shit fat is still energy, it is simply not optimal.

>> No.10297910

this desu senpai

>> No.10297915

This. I eat 3 eggs and 3 slices of bacon every morning. I barely feel hungry during the rest of the day.

Keto works because fat and protein aren't addictive like carbs. The more you eat then, the less cravings you get. Reducing your food intake overall improves your energy levels.

>> No.10297918

read my article posted on what "normal" cholesterol actually is. guaranteed yours is over 100, and that is a death sentence

>> No.10297932

"The rationale is ketone bodies are a more efficient fuel than glucose" https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23852511

>> No.10297935

Ya okay because I'm going to trust some tard on 4chin over my doctor and the results of the last couple years of regular blood tests... makes sense

>> No.10297943

Also while we're on the subject of meat-only diets, can we talk about how Jordan Peterson (known practitioner of meat-based diet and general screwball) claims to have stayed awake for 25 days after consuming cider, making him the holder of the world record for days gone without sleep unaided by stimulants (smashing the previous record by 14 days)?

*claps hands*

What a fucking titan

>> No.10297950

>it is simply not optimal.
wrong, 100% wrong. sugar isn't optimal.

>> No.10297966
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It is beyond unhealthy unless you do it perfectly right and almost no one does it perfectly right (I guarantee you're probably not doing it right either). It's not just "haha, I just eat bacon bacon and eggs all day". You still need to eat healthy.

>> No.10297968

>This. I eat 3 eggs and 3 slices of bacon every morning. I barely feel hungry during the rest of the day.

You can get be content with roughly 360 calories a day?

Are you a small chihuahua by any chance?

>> No.10297996

On top of that, if you really have the discipline to actually do keto right, then you should have the discipline to be on a better diet - one in which you have a balanced simple/complex carb diet mainly sourced from mineral-rich vegetables with lean meats and low amount of sugars.

>> No.10298000

Dude, literally every scientist agrees with that guy. You should rearrange your life for whatever random bullshit he's repeating this week.

>> No.10298002

So you spent $60 every day on food, and people told you that you smelled so bad they forced you to use a different bathroom, and you're saying that's a good thing?

Either you have very strong confirmation bias or your brain cells aren't functioning properly.

I spend less than $1 a day on my food, which means for $60 I can last two months on beans and rice. Also no one has said my shit smelled bad, although I have had several friends laughing at me for farting a lot and loudly.

If you have so much energy, why don't you go out for a run? Best way to spend energy.

Amazing story, although I have a similar one except I ate a lot of carbs. Try it without coffee next time.

I have no idea, it's been years since I last went to a gym, I don't have a gym subscription.

>> No.10298004
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>transitions from a dog shit 0 nutrition junk food diet
>meat has some nutrients that covers up deficiencies
>that MUST mean ketard diet is good

>> No.10298015

If you want carbs they should all be take before bed time because they make you sleepy. I don't do full keto but I intermittent fast and I get by carbs at bedtime. In fact, if I fast and then take carbs at my first meal it fuckes me up.

>> No.10298019

science has to be PROVEN wrong by future studies, you don't just go full retard and claim that the laws of physics are outdated to whatever arbitrary time period you've set therefore it's invalid

>> No.10298027

Eat like a tiger, meat, greens and water.

>> No.10298044

That is terrible advice.

>> No.10298051

TIL tigers eat greens

>> No.10298065

>laws of physics
nice hyperbole, anon. read my other posts so you have some context next time you decide to post your drivel.

>> No.10298067

You have never seen dogs and cats, predators, eat grass? How do you think they take a shit without any roughage?

>> No.10298068

+100 votes

>> No.10298079

These studies all only talk about blood/serum cholesterol, and moreover just about the effects of LDL. They don't demonstrate anything regarding eating cholesterol.

This might be a useful primer for you:

>> No.10298120

>having perfect bloodwork is unhealthy

you're an actual idiot

>> No.10298135

Health is wealth senpai. What's the point of making it if you're a skinnyfat autistic fuck

>> No.10298163

uh retard, if you're not gonna read someone's study, not gonna read your fucking shit lmao. you're just some obese shit stain that lost a little weight and somehow thinks he's fucking enlightened and big brained

>> No.10298191
File: 185 KB, 1170x500, grizzly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tigers are carnivores, bears are omnivores. Even bears eat ~90%+ of their food from plant sources:


And look at their teeth. They don't even need to cook their meat to eat it. Yet some human "Keto" guys eat more meat than bears, who are more adapted to that lifestyle, and they think it's good for them.

The largest and smartest animals in the world are also herbivores (hippos, elephants, giraffes, etc). Carnivores are tiny in comparison (tigers, lions, wolves). And it takes several of them to take down one of these larger beasts.

I'm not even saying meat is bad, people can eat what they want. Is it necessary though? Not at all, I eat just beans and rice and look at me.

Keto guys make no sense, but it's this bandwagon "bro" trend where they think they're right, by being wrong.

>> No.10298226

I'm going to do whatever the fuck I want, you liberal shitstain. If you try to stop me I will beat the fuck out of you.

>> No.10298238

No one's stopping you, you're the one spending $60 a day on food by choice. It's like having an expensive spam attack on the network, no one minds because you're paying for the fees.

>> No.10298242

>there are no fit attractive people on 4chan
lmao; projecting this hard. i feel sorry for you, anon. have some more onions, it'll make your feelings stronger.

>> No.10298255

highly doubt you could beat anyone you DYEL soiboy shitter. not a single decent athlete, martial artist, boxer has eaten your shitty ketard diet and you'd probably get knocked over by the wind before you could even land a punch

>> No.10298263

>I eat just beans and rice and look at me.

post a pic then tough guy, you keep talking about this bean and rice shit you probably weigh 120lbs at 5 foot nothin and an ever-shrinking brain due to lack of animal fats.

>> No.10298267

Do you eat any fats?

>> No.10298277

You're pathetic.
I feel genuinely sorry for you.

>> No.10298280

nah, there are, just not anyone eating a shitty ketard diet. i don't visit fit because i've already made it physically from the beginning, but here you are plaguing this board with your autistic rambling that no one really gives a shit about at the end of the day.

>> No.10298282

>The largest and smartest animals in the world are also herbivores (hippos, elephants, giraffes, etc). Carnivores are tiny in comparison (tigers, lions, wolves). And it takes several of them to take down one of these larger beasts.
you completely destroyed your own argument. typical vegan logic.
the LARGEST ANIMALS are herbivores and the smallest are carnivores
fucking kek.
inb4 lifting - this thread is about losing weight

>> No.10298292

yet, you keep replying. gotta keep the goys eating their sugar and being weak from not eating meat, amirite?

>> No.10298294

They only need that shit because of furballs and bones etc., anon. Their digestive tracts are vastly different than ours and they generally don't need fiber.

I guess they eat greens if you count grass but the point is, you're not a tiger because you eat like one, lmao

>> No.10298308

almost forgot, the smartest animals (dolphins and whales) are canivores as well.

>> No.10298317


>> No.10298321
File: 137 KB, 680x798, niggerss.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol who the fuck said anything about eating sugar? your ketard diet is already kicking in and giving you schizophrenic delusions, seek help my man

pic related when i see ketards

>> No.10298338

So manlets and midgets are greatest humans on earth then, got it

>> No.10298351

Plants are full of sugar numbnuts

>> No.10298357

Agreed, I actually do look like a weakling haha. I talk shit, but I'm pretty weak. I'm still right tho.

How does this ruin any argument? Keto guys are saying "I need meat to become muscular" yet the largest, strongest animals don't.

I'd say gorillas or chimpanzees are actually the smartest. Still herbivores.

>> No.10298423

>you can only be fit if you're short
this thread is about losing weight. your point was that larger animals are herbivores. larger animals have more weight. it's a pretty obvious point.
>I'd say gorillas or chimpanzees are actually the smartest.
fair enough

>> No.10298466
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>he would rather be a hippo than a tiger

>> No.10298479

checked and kekd
i can't believe he posted that seriously thinking he was making a good point.

>> No.10298527

Best answer

>> No.10298597
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>complains about the post being off topic
>immediately chimes in to defend the OP minutes later, bumping the thread

>> No.10298626

>not comparing to gorillas which are our closest animal relative and are vegan and are strong as FUCK
not going to make it

>> No.10298652

Just started doing quasi-keto, not rigid though. Trying to eat under 150g carbs (just complex) and cook with ghee/avocado oil —- just found out olive oil oxidizes in the temps I cook. Eating lots of fish (and omega supp) and red meat as well as veggies and berries. I’ve read I shouldn’t be concerned about saturated fat. Am I doing this right boys?

>> No.10298665

Low carb is good, keto is a meme. Are you testing your pee? If not you have no way of knowing if you are in ketosis or not.

>> No.10298688

No. You're not doing keto at all.

>> No.10298754

> Trying to eat under 150g
This is not keto. Low carb is great but you sound like a retard to anyone who knows what they are talking about when you call it keto.

Getting 150g of carbs from "veggies and berries" would be a challenge.

>> No.10298812

you really can't consume that much carbs and expect to enter ketosis

the basic way keto works is it switches your body over to using fats as a fuel source instead of carbs/glycogen as a fuel source, and that's why you lose body fat so quickly on keto is that it's being burnt as primary fuel. If you eat too many carbs your body never makes the switch and you continue using carbs as your primary fuel source, retaining whatever fat stores your body has. So if you're fat as fuck like I was and want to lose weight real fast, you need to go full keto and cut those carbs way down. If you're not that fat though and you're just trying this diet for the memes or w/e then do what you want; what you outlined would certainly be better than a typical American diet filled with fast food and soda pops. Just depends on your goals.

>> No.10298823

Have any of you guys done keto long term (years) and still feel good?
I'm skeptical about how long the effects last. Weight loss is fine, but what about energy levels, mental clarity, etc? How can a body survive for years without carbs? Is it possible?

>> No.10298865
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>He would rather be a seal than a gorilla

>> No.10298891

>Have any of you guys done keto long term (years) and still feel good?
>I'm skeptical about how long the effects last.

Same. If keto causes rapid fat loss due to fat stores being the primary energy source then your energy levels should tank once you stop being a fat fuck.

Keto is probably great for fatties but what happens once there's no more fat?

>> No.10298924

Yes it does.

Who is they? Just read the research yourself, stop fucking reading headlines and read the actual papers. The average person’s perception of nutrition is that it changes every year because you have favhot clickbait journalists that don’t know shit shitting out headlines that mislead people. Just read studies for yourself, learn the jargon, it’s worth it.

What do you mean cholesterol is a meme? What were your levels? Some people have a genetic disposition to have higher sensitivity to dietary cholesterol so their blood cholesterol levels respond more to that than others might. It’s great that you were able to lose weight, but I really get concerned about people doing diets that are going to end up with them having a heart attack. I’m aware that the standard diet leads to this more often than any other death, but I think there are healthier options than keto or a standard western diet.

>> No.10298940


well I've been on it for almost a year (11 months) which isn't excessive, but so far I've had no drop in energy or cognitive function whatsoever, in fact I feel more alert and sharper now than I ever before.

>fat stores being the primary energy source then your energy levels should tank once you stop being a fat fuck

that's true, when you're on keto you have to consume A LOT of fat, like people add butter to their coffee, and cook with excess butter, and buy fattier cuts of meat - you can't eat like really lean beef or chicken breast with 0g fat on keto, you want the fattier stuff because it's your fuel source. When you're a fat fuck you don't have to concentrate on consuming quite as much fat (although fat intake should still be your predominant macronutrient) but once you're less fat you need to make an extra effort to eat enough fat or you'll probably feel like shit.

>> No.10298945

You guys follow any good guides for keto?

>> No.10298967

like every fad diet you will soon see the consequences of the shitty diet. people mistake losing weight for the diet itself improving their health. but that is absolute horse shit as if you are obese and starve yourself, you'd see the same improvements in the short term. obviously no one argues that starving yourself is a good idea long term, keto and other fad diets are the same shit, people just haven't done it long enough yet to see the consequences.

>> No.10298968

This has not been shown empirically, fat based diets don’t have a metabolic advantage over carb based ones when controlling for calories.

What is happening on keto is

1. You are restricting a huge food group so naturally you end up eating less (and less processed food likely as most processed foods have carbs)
2. You eat less and therefore you consume fewer calories and lose weight.

“Burning fat” vs “burning carbs” isn’t really a good way to think about it.

>> No.10298970

What? You eat more if you run out of fat stores you retard. Did you know you can just fast? You end up in ketosis and don't need to eat until you run out of fat stores. Also don't forget that eating too much protein also kicks you out of ketosis due to gluconeogenesis.

>> No.10298988

Nope, just trying to eat less carbs and more healthy fats for the cognitive benefit. A1C was 5.5 and I’d like to get it to 5.0. I’m 6’ 160 and 4% BF but was eating around 400 carbs a day. So far, so good. Consumed about 70g carbs daily the past few days without trying too hard, and overall I’m feeling pretty good; much more clear headed. Like I said, my only concern was the saturated fats. I’m confident about keeping nutrients and vitamin levels up

>> No.10298990

Is keto for me if I'm already a skinny twig.

>> No.10298993

Every animal in nature lives on a "keto" diet, as well as the Inuits who are observed to be one of the healthiest peoples. Theres nothing fad about a natural diet. Grains are unnatural despite society conditioning you to believe otherwise. Getgud

>> No.10299020

Do you ever cheat on the diet?
Have you developed and food sensitivities? I've heard stories of people that did keto and then all of a sudden they couldn't digest bread anymore.

>> No.10299021
File: 80 KB, 657x539, brainlett.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>as well as the Inuits
stopped right there retard. inuits aren't under any keto diet, you seem to mistake meat diet = keto diet. they eat fresh meat, so it has glycogen and glycogen is basically carbs. if you eat fresh seafood in restaurants it's basically the reason why it's sweet, but supermarket meats lack any of this sweetness. this is because glycogen denatures into lactic acid the moment an animal dies, but the inuit eats their meat right when they're killed. next time think before you speak brainlet

>> No.10299023

How on earth are you 4% body fat? LARP?

>> No.10299041

yes larping, unless he got an actual dexa scan to prove it, there's no way he'd be able to know and is probably bullshitting. 4% body fat makes you look like a shriveled up 60 year old man ball sack

>> No.10299047

wo, i wasn't expecting someone else on /biz/ to know this.

>> No.10299048

no i've never cheated once so far, not a single time, although i have been tempted a few times

i've heard about those food sensitivity stories as well - i know they say that your body can react badly if you switch back to a standard diet and start consuming huge amounts of carbs without easing yourself back onto them, so that'll be interesting if i ever decide to go that route. For now I plan to stay on keto quite awhile longer (at least a year or more) assuming there's no medical reason for me to switch off sooner, but so far my health has only improved and my frequent blood tests have all been normal across the board.

I've read about people who have been on keto for 3, 4, 5 years straight with no issues, but who really knows.

>> No.10299084

that's good that you are feeling better on the diet and that you haven't cheated.

for the food sensitivities, my theory is that its all due to the gut biome. Sometimes when people do keto they don't eat enough veggies to support their microbiota ... make sure to eat onions, leeks, green onions, spinach, spices, herbs, etc and you should be fine.
Does keto allow fermented dairy? That would help too.

>> No.10299086

Lol Idc if you believe me, all I had was one question. HIIT workouts 5x/week, distance running the other 2, a stupid fast metabolism and lucky genetics. Part work, part luck. And yes I have regular exams to make sure my body’s not deteriorating from too much stress. Plan to have full blood work done 3x a year if I stick to this new plan too.

>> No.10299107

idk if 70g carbs daily is keto.

>> No.10299117


not saying you should change what you do btw, but I thought keto was like 15g max.
What carbs are you eating?

>> No.10299150

yea i get quite a bit of spinach, broccoli, lettuce, green onions, herbs and spices. Try to eat a good portion with dinner at bare minimum.

Fermented dairy products are okay as far as I know, high in fat, low in carbs. I eat a little Sour Cream here and there, although not too big on dairy in general.

Thanks for your suggestions

>> No.10299160

Yeah I’m just upping my fats/veggies/berries a ton to make up for the significant carb change (and thought I heard Ketosis could be established at <100?) I do get that ideally it’s around what you said though.
And only brown rice/sweet potatoes.

>> No.10299173

Well I learned something from your post. However glycogen still accounts for only 15-20% of their diet being carbs, which is still low. They attribute their not being in ketosis to a genetic abnormality. However it would be more correct to say glycogen *begins* to denature into lactic acid gradually, according to my research. What exactly is your diet?

>> No.10299184


>> No.10299201

checked, and thank you anon. some sanity is on this board.

>> No.10299219

your diet sounds similar to mine except that I don't keep my carbs low
are you feeling better with lower carbs?
my main carbs are potato, rice, fruit, honey, milk (if that counts as a carb source)

Sounds good then, keep it up

>> No.10299752

Keto is a meme. You just started eating not shit for the first time in your life that's all

t. /fit/ with years if experience

>> No.10299779

>I lose weight so quickly on Keto
You don't lose weight any quicker you fucking morons. You just lose a lot of water weight due to depleted glycogen storage.

>> No.10299794
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I've build a spiritual/improve/crypto community.

its what we all want it seems. 300 members and counting!

D1sc0rd C0de = FXfJqwW

>> No.10299802

15-20% carbs pretty much kicks you out of ketosis though assuming 2000 calorie diet. you need about 50g of carbs max to maintain ketosis. also yes, it gradually denatures into lactic acid, that should be assumed since pretty much any chemical reaction acts the same.

I don't really keep a strict concrete diet but it can be summed up to this generally:
20% protein, rest of 80% varies in ratio, don't have a set one. strictly whole food diet, I focus on complex carbs and fiber, and limit fruit consumption as they don't have much nutrition compared to other food groups. vegetables are a staple as well and where most of my micronutrients come from along with seed consumption(also good source of fats). while I'm not vegan, one thing they got right is shit like chia and pumpkin seeds being extremely nutritious compared to any other food group. protein i eat whatever, but only food group i avoid completely is dairy as it's what really feminizes men with all the estrogen it has. soiboy being a meme and people actually believing it is pretty sad when most low testosterone normies(ex. buzzfeed faggots) don't actually eat any soi but they do eat a shit ton of dairy. don't take any supplements outside of omega 3s when I skip seafood for the day..

>> No.10299837

i vegan i get more energy too

>> No.10299900

not enough energy to type correctly, apparently

>> No.10300331

I did this for a while and after a few weeks my shits were like literal mud. And the worst smelling farts I’ve ever produced that wouldn’t go away. Is that keto kicking in??

>> No.10300372

Well anon, please do tell me how the eskimo's and northern folks managed to survive for centuries on fish and animal fats? Your body takes energy from 2 sources: glycogen (from fructose like you said) and also from fats. Sugar is a quick fix, but fats provide energy for a longer time. Carbs do more harm than good, yet they are heavily marketed by the food industry. Because they are cheap to produce and the markup is bigger than on meat. Most all you can eat restaurants for example rely on the fact that the food is mostly carb based, so they don't go broke over it. The fact that people eat so poorly also benefits the medical industry. You eat bad, you get sick. You go to the doctor and he knows how to write you a prescription to cure you, but he won't tell you how to prevent getting sick in the first place. You end up buying pills, get better and repeat the whole fucking cycle. But maybe it's better this way, there are too many fucktards on this world anyways.

>> No.10300400
File: 298 KB, 1200x752, REU-EU-PIGS_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meat industry has been very succesful in making people believe this dogshit is healthy for you.

I feel sorry for all the people that feel like they are a strong hunting man while eating fat tortured animals that have died in agony.

You are eating all that medication, antibiotics, stress and bad energy.

And you wonder why all the mutts get cancer, heart disease or diabetes.


>> No.10300419

make sure you eat enough vegetables, OP.
many retards that go on keto assume that you must always eat "muh meat and fats" when in fact the diet should be balanced with a big amount of vegetables. That being said, this diet is the best thing that happened to me. My goal is to combine keto with intermittent fasting, but I still can't do it. My gf has been on keto and IF for ages and she's doing great. I'm doing great on keto alone so the motivation to go on IF as well is kinda meh.

>> No.10300434

Because it has diminishing returns, like anything else. I did keto/low carb for a decade, and was gaining weight at the end. I switched to a quasi-vegan diet (6 days vegan, one day anything I want) and the weight dropped off and my energy levels returned.

I think all of the basic "eating styles" work, to a point, but you have to change it up over time because your body gets stuck in a rut. That, and occasional fasting, and no matter what, drop sugar and trans-fats and sodium, or at least lay off the salt most of the time. Oh, and no dairy. Cheese once in a while, maybe.

I do miss keto/low carb, but i'll be back, down the road, but for now I'm enjoying potatoes and rice and fruit again - and feel just as good, have as much energy, and my doctor is happy with where all my numbers are. I have diabetes in my family, and there's not even a hint of it for me, and I want to keep it that way.

>> No.10300441

You don't get bad cholesterol (LDL) from dietary fat, educate yourself. It's created by your own body, when you eat trans-fats and certain kinds of carbohydrates. A meat based diet with no sugar or carbs will lower LDL dramatically, and people go off their meds changing their diet to keto/low carb.

>> No.10300465

There are tons of low carb/keto recipe pages. My easy recipes, when I was doing it, were things like taco salad - romaine, and everything in a taco but the shell. Omelettes are THE SHIT for keto/low carb, you can put anything in them. Get a slow cooker, and make stews and bean-less chili. Quick meals, I'd make a bag of frozen chicken breasts, and cut one up with a couple of spoons of mayo, on lettuce. I found tons of recipes on vegetarian sites, like pizza crust using eggplant, parmesan garlic sticks, all kinds of stuff. It's a good way to learn how to cook. Spaghetti and meatballs, with riced cauliflower or mushroom noodles. Mashed cauliflower, just steam some cauliflower, mash with butter and cheese. Massive salads. Onion soup. Sauteed onions. Grilled garlic and vegetables. Sliced meat and cheese in lettuce. Low carb cheesecake (look up the recipe, it's easy).

>> No.10300471

Try fried eggplant. Just as good.

>> No.10300555

When going into keatosis do you produce weird shits? I had diarrhoea for 2 weeks starting about 2 weeks into a keto diet. And vile smelling farts that smelt like something literally died inside my arsehole

>> No.10300581

Not quite.

The body breaks everything it doesn't pass on out of the colon into glycogen, which is stored in the liver, and then if there's excess, in fat cells.

Keto/low carb reduces the calorie intake by eating foods that are low in calories - it would be a struggle to eat too many calories of meat and vegetables in one day (nuts and cheese are the problem here, they're high calorie), so the body turns to burning stored glycogen from fat cells when the body enters a state of ketosis - or ketosis bodies enter the bloodstream, as a by product of burning off stored glycogen. Restricting carbs helps reach this state, because they're broken down into glycogen faster, keeping the liver full, so the body doesn't turn to stored fat.
Ketosis will also happen, on any diet that restricts calories. If you do the Potato Hack, where you eat nothing but potatoes for 2 weeks, you will have ketone bodies being released into your bloodstream, because you're not getting enough calories to run your body, so it turns to stored fat. You can do this with eating nothing but rice, or corn, or beans, because they're low in calories and it's incredibly hard to eat too many calories in one day to gain, weight.
People generally don't look at keto/low carb as a calorie restricting diet, but it is - it also removes the impediment to ketosis as quickly as possible. When I switched over from keto/low carb to my current diet (vegan 6 days, anything on the 7th), I get the same bad breath I got from entering ketosis on low carb.

It's all about cutting calories, and staying away from sugar and anything that's high in calories. You CAN gain weight on a keto/low carb diet, like eating high caloric foods like nuts, cheese, and fats, like olive oil. What i experienced, and a lot of people do, is if your goal is weight loss, you have a lot of slack diet wise to eat high calorie foods like cheese and olive oil, and lose weight, but when you get close to your goal weight, it matters more.

>> No.10300588

This vegan basedboy wanker still at it? Give it up. Meat for men!

>> No.10300594

Then you probably have a sluggish gallbladder and you should be careful with keto. Focus more on the vegetables and lean meat part of the diet and eat less fats. A sluggish gallbladder will turn your life into a living hell if you eat lots of carbs and fats. With keto you get rid of the carbs but there still is the fat problem. Reduce the fat and you should be ok.

>> No.10300611

That will happen with any dramatic change in diet. Your gut biome is adjusting to the new diet, new flora has to develop and spread to handle the new material, and the old die. You'll get the same thing if you go from a keto diet to a vegan one (more farting, though, from the increase in fiber).

But, any time you have diarrhea for longer than a day or two, see a doctor. Going keto for me cleared up years of what I thought was IBS or Chrone's, which runs in my family.

>> No.10300811

>future hairlets
enjoy being bald subhuman