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10296661 No.10296661 [Reply] [Original]

Lots of posts here about whether or not women are a good investment. I'm here to tell you they absolutely are not. As a married man, I can tell you with certainty should you allow a woman to latch onto you, she will quickly succubus and you will long for your single days. However, with any luck, she will give you one thing that absolutely is a wonderful investment.


My first born is currently 2 months old. There is no greater feeling than knowing my offspring will carry my DNA into the future long after I'm gone. No amount of money (at least at this point) can allow that to happen. When I look at my child I think "this thing is fucking cute", but more importantly I think, "this thing will ensure I live beyond my actual lifespan." What greater investment is there than a certain kind of biological immortality which you can only achieve by having children? I feel like a fucking god.

>> No.10296668

>feelings beyond your own survival

where do i get some of those?

>> No.10296699

But anon, this IS my own survival. View the universe in a truer light. Your physical existence is perfectly meaningless, but your best chance at its succession is passing down your DNA to another human. I live on through my child at a fucking molecular level. It's actually amazing.

>> No.10296700
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Good work boomer

>> No.10296719

condemning another soul to toil in hell is nothing to be proud of, OP. there's a reason Jesus didn't have kids.

>> No.10296724

nah thats just ur opinion

i'm here to get shit done and i aint ever dieing

>> No.10296733

>He believes in "hell"
You'll never make it, jesusanon.

>> No.10296738


>> No.10296751

you’re such an original thinker. nope

>> No.10296757

white babies 100,000% ROI BACK

>> No.10296761

Not if you birth autists who can't take care of themselves.

>> No.10296771

>thinking this is about religitard shit
earth is hell. this is the prison. when you bring a child into this world, you are condemning another soil to toil in hell (life on earth). you just made another energy slave. congratulations, OP.

>> No.10296780

i have one on the way
gib baby tips plz

>> No.10296782

Nature will work that shit out, you can have another one and hope it doesn't go as sour.

>> No.10296797

If you still need to ask if marriage is a good financial decision, you are still in "never going to make it" status. Like all financial decisions, consider the risk and reward. Opportunity cost of marriage is you, in theory, permanently forgo sex with all other women in exchange for sex with one for the rest of your life. That one person is long an options contract that you will with 100% certainty not be able to sell at a profit. They lose value everyday and it starts to accelerate in their 30s. What do you have to put up for this privilege? Your free time, often times your hobbies, and 50% of your networth. As you accumulate net worth your access to pussy (your opportunity cost) increases, while your current asset (your wife) tanks in value AND your gross financial risk goes up since the 50% exposure remains constant. There is no scenario marriage makes sense, because the girl worth being with for the rest of your life would never subject you to such a laughable contract.

>> No.10296826

Nature won't. You will, with your money. That useless autist will be your responsibility.

>> No.10296845

Earth is fucking BEAUTIFUL. The people who think this is even remotely a "prison" have fallen prey to negativity and have closed their eyes to the wonders of this planet and existence. Life is a truly amazing experience, often even in what we'd consider its most dire examples. Travel the country you live in and look at nature around you. Listen to the insects at night. Close your eyes the next time you're eating and let the food just sit in your mouth. This is the fucking garden of Eden, my man. It's all about perspective.

Harder for your wife than it is for you. She is just a titty milk bag for weeks and weeks and months and months. Help her as much as you can. Be patient with her. Do as much with the kid as you can (change diapers often, bottle feed at least a couple of times a week - titty milk only, of course). Rock her to sleep. This will help you develop a stronger bond so the kid doesn't piss you off. They really have nothing to offer you now other than being your offspring, so don't expect some kind of cute looks or their understanding you're their dad or whatever. That doesn't happen for a long time. But you'll find moments when you look at them and have higher level thoughts about life and what this really is. Cherish those. Also, shit happens FAST. The first 2-3 weeks the baby is like an alien insect, it doesn't open its eyes a lot, it shakes its head violently in weird ways and opens its mouth at anything in hopes for food. A week later and it's looking at you and is aware of your presence. A week later it smiles at you for the first time. A week later it follows you with its eyes. Week by week massive developments happen, so try to appreciate every week even if some of them suck.

>> No.10296863
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hire a baby nurse for the first two months unless you literally want to be on the verge of death from the lack of sleep. It is worth the money trust me

>> No.10296912

Good analysis, anon. I think the value mileage varies - my wife is generally a good sport in terms of my hobbies/free time and I can't complain about that, but I have friends who definitely just gave themselves completely to their spouse. Almost everything you're saying is true in some sense, though.

>> No.10296930

If you can afford this it's a good idea. My wife is from a country where if we moved there we'd have 2 people working as "help" full time including a nanny and staying in the US was a tough decision for us. We have a $150k combined salary and live in a decently large city so hiring a nanny was not an option for us here. We chose to stay because of the USA life meme, but honestly I think I should have just moved and I'd be living like a fucking king right now and we'd both be well rested.

>> No.10297020

What a beautiful analysis. A+

>> No.10297027

Immortality is fucking disgusting
No different from wigs who put their names on buildings.
Enjoy having your child browse 4chan all day
Even worse, enjoy leaving them to suffer alone after you die.
Procreating the ultimate meme. Good job. You played yourselves.

>> No.10297158
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boomer 101 thread. all you say is how having akid improves and impacts your own life, is there anything more narcissistic?

>> No.10297162
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totally agree annon

>> No.10297176

thanks anon

>> No.10297186

I'm supposed to what, tell you how having a kid impacts the world around me? It doesn't. We don't need more people at this point, species survival is not at risk. Having a kid is a wholly selfish act no matter who you are right now. My kid is too undeveloped to be of any real value to anyone, or for me to think about what an amazing life I will give them. I have no idea what their wants or needs will be. At this point, perspective and realism only affords me the ability to think about how it has affected my own life. Your idealistic cope is fucking juvenile.

>> No.10297212

the earth is beautiful, but compared to infinite consciousness, it's a prison. it's all perspective.

>> No.10297221

>be middleclass
>doesn't know about stem cell therapy and NAD+ IV therapy
>literally going to miss the window an entire group of wealthy elites get to live for centuries
keep telling yourself that little piece of inferior DNA carrier matters

>> No.10297235

Totally agree Anon. Also, if commenters don't have kids of their own then their opinions don't matter.

>> No.10297241

You're not afforded infinite consciousness while in this existence. This existence is short lived. Why not enjoy it while it lasts? If your infinite consciousness is even a possibility, you're more likely to attain it post current state. Don't throw this away just because it's not your ultimate desire of existence. That doesn't make it not worth appreciating the experience.

>> No.10297248

Yeah enjoy your children get fucked by niggers before eventually the entire specie goex extinct on this rock clinging to its iphones. That's pretty much all you're raising them for.

>> No.10297258


wait u can just do that?

>> No.10297264

Keep telling yourself that we're going to get to play god in the future, something we as a species have been saying for the last several thousand years. If we ever do crack the code, I'll be long gone, and my best bet will be my lineage living on and enjoying those fruits. You also will be long dead, so don't count your chickens, anon.

>> No.10297275

>Listen to the insects at night.

Thats the sound of 3.5 billion people with nothing to eat desu

>> No.10297281

Truth, it's easy to separate the children from the men in this thread.

>> No.10297291

>You're not afforded infinite consciousness while in this existence
exactly. you're supposed to work to attain it. having a kid makes that impossible. also, that kid will now learn from you and repeat what you have done, unless they have a glimpse of infinite consciousness. it's why almost all spiritual teachers did not have children.

>> No.10297300


I am a geneticist, believe me, no one is original, and if anyone dies nothing of value was lost

Especially a fetus

>> No.10297301

Is having daughters the ultimate cuckoldry?

I cannot think or comprehend of anything more cucked than having a daughter. Honestly, think about it rationally. You are feeding, clothing, raising and rearing a girl for at least 18 years solely so she can go and get ravaged by another man. All the hard work you put into your beautiful little girl - reading her stories at bedtime, making her go to sports practice, making sure she had a healthy diet, educating her, playing with her. All of it has one simple result: her body is more enjoyable for the men that will eventually fuck her in every hole.

Raised the perfect girl? Great. Who benefits? If you're lucky, a random man who had nothing to do with the way she grew up, who marries her. He gets to fuck her tight pussy every night. He gets the benefits of her kind and sweet personality that came from the way you raised her.

As a man who has a daughter, you are LITERALLY dedicating at least 20 years of your life simply to raise a girl for another man to enjoy. It is the ULTIMATE AND FINAL cuck. Think about it logically

>> No.10297308

>you're not me, so you can't possibly understand
this is SJW-tier thinking. pathetic.

>> No.10297317

34 yr old, not virgin, but been alone long enough might as well be virgin

I would be the best dad. Would love to have a son and play sports with and video games. But don't see it happening. Oh well. I have hopes of making it on crypto and expating somewhere I can find a young lady and start a family.

>> No.10297353

This is why I come to biz. A gold nugget drowned in a sea of shitcoins and pajeets

>> No.10297354

why do you care that YOUR pseudo-random nucleic acids pair and splice with another set of pseudo-random nucleic acids? DNA is simply a log of biological imperatives, it has no intrinsic value unto itself.

>> No.10297388

I pity your daugther who has to live with such a dumb and pathethic dad.

>> No.10297392

by the time i'm old we'll have cloning/mind transfer/cyborg augmentation so don't waste your time on babies

>> No.10297409

Sorry, are you talking about seeking Nirvana or something? That's as much equal bullshit to me as Christianity. The universe has pre-determined what's going to happen to you. You're simply along for the ride. You think you'll achieve "infinite consciousness" while on this Earth? Top keks to you, sir. Literally impossible.

Because I think it's incredible by all scientific standards, and most scientists agree. Except that weird geneticist above who despite all other scientists saying all DNA is unique seems to believe no DNA is unique. Obvious larp, just wanted to pay homage to his idiotic post!

>> No.10297488

I had a baby with my GF.

Enjoy it and glad I'm not married.

>signing a piece of paper that guarantees a woman half your assets

Holy shit fuck that

>> No.10297497

>That's as much equal bullshit to me
>Literally impossible
your perception is limited. it's why you're having a child, to "protect" your DNA instead of working to attain infinite consciousness. base materialism is the spell under which most find themselves. this is the hell of illusion.

>> No.10297499

Good on you, anon. You did it right.

>> No.10297515

Kek has spoken.
I must make babbys

>> No.10297523

Thanks man.

Truly I'm shocked that so many men get married in the current era. It's downright obvious the courts favor women.

Loving a woman and making a baby is natural. That piece of paper is not.

>> No.10297527


>> No.10297586

It doesn't even matter if you got the paper once you have kids though. Common law marriage applies once you've been together for a few years and have kids.
Been with my "wife" 10 years now, but never married her officially. We've got a house, dog, 2 kids, etc...living the dream. I know damn well I'd get rekt financially if we ever split.

>> No.10297609

my 5 year old son is autistic. he shits on the floor and barely speaks a few words. i want to kill myself daily

>> No.10297616

Raising daughters is the most one of the most rewarding experiences as a man. It's hard to understand how your mind got to be so poisoned anon...

>> No.10297662
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>being so afraid of death that you do the most common thing ever and try to explain to 4chan /biz/ why this 18+ year massive liability is an amazing investment

>> No.10297685

>Telling people to obtain "infinite consciousness" (whatever the hell that means) instead of having babies because having babies is "materialism".

You New Age nutcases are worst than incels.

>> No.10297748

What's wrong with Incels apart from being ugly and repulsive.

>> No.10297750

early 20's zoomers can afford these kinds of delusions. Life hasn't really happened for them yet.

>> No.10297782

you literally have no understanding of what i wrote. your obvious defensive tone is evidence of it. i'll give you a hint. materialism is not consumerism

>> No.10297799

Fuck off faggot, life isn't for you to define.

>> No.10297804

it really is true - the younger generations are more aware than the ones that came before

>> No.10297805

Based OP.

>> No.10297812
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you are not born gay

its bcuz a relative touched you


>> No.10297831


Common law requires a lot of things...

Shared bank account, shared bills, shared assets.

None of which we have

And even then common law is a much weaker legal case than an actual marriage

You're way better off paying child support than alimony.

>> No.10297837

No, you just think you are. We boomers thought the same thing 10 years ago. The fag posting about infinite consciousness was me at one time.

>> No.10297844

I want to make cute hapa babies :3

>> No.10297843

I hope that's not another spic

>> No.10297845


If serious I pity you so much.

I would rather not have a kid at all than a handicapped child.

What do you think causes autism?

>> No.10297852

>not uploading your consciousness into a robot and living eternally

>> No.10297889

Lol, get off your high horse. Your argument from authority isn't going to work on me. You think you're some enlightened genius just because you've read some ancient texts and practice some stupid rituals that's "ToDeep4 for plebeians" to understand. If you think starting a family is bad, then that's your problem. Don't try to spin into holier-than-thou bullshit.

>> No.10297905

>The fag posting about infinite consciousness was me at one time.
that's me. learn to IDs, boomer. i bet it was you before you had kids, got a morgage and resigned yourself to attempting to feel complete by attaining through more things, including kids.

>> No.10297924

you're inferring a sanctimonious tone because you do not understand it. everything i said is regarded as fact, spiritually speaking. you chose the path of materialism and that is ok. you'll get another chance next time around

>> No.10297926

Aware of what? Googling for everything they don't know and thinking that their echo chambers are the sources of truth?

>> No.10297930
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>my offspring will carry my DNA into the future
Who cares? You will still be dead.

>bagholding DNA
>bagholding babies
>implying that child is even yours

invest in paternity tests

>> No.10297948
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>people who havent been doped up by parental hormones and whos minds are therefor clear and unclouded should be ignored

>> No.10297959

i bought into the 'muh vaccines cause autism' meme so we didnt do any vaccines and he turned autistic anyway. now i think its the roundup ready gmo shit that builds up in breast milk because he was breast fed and refused to give it up until 4 years old

>> No.10297965

Me back when my life was so empty I had to feed my mind stories about how special I was.
Hope you're not so lonely that you entertain the idea of a monastic life. You won't find anyone there worth being.

>> No.10297972

>Aware of what?
this proves my point. you think awareness is related to someTHING. this is why you do not understand what i'm saying.

>> No.10297994


Wow hmm.

We do formula.

Sucks man. Hope you can find a silver lining.

>> No.10298013

wow, sounds bad. how long did you live the monastic life?

>> No.10298034


I guess all living things are materialistic then because they want to reproduce. Obtaining something physical and something not physical, what difference does it make? You still need to be selfish in order to obtain it. You still need to affect the material world in order to obtain it. Obtaining nirvana, "infinite consciousness", or whatever your religion calls it is still a selfish goal.

>> No.10298061

Awareness has to be in relation to something.You can't be aware of nothing unless you're braindead.

>> No.10298087

Holy crap you guys are depressing. Congratulations OP...hopefully there is more to having a baby in your mind then simply passing on yoyr DNA though.

The rest of you bitter little cocksuckers just please go back to your holes.

I met a good woman who is a successful entrepreneur and just a genius when it comes to business in general. Unless bitcoin reaches 1 million dollars a coin she will always have way more money than money than me and be more successful....but thats okay...she pays for everything and gives me whatever she thinks i might want and on top of that is a kind hearted amazing person.

We travel the world togetber all on ger dime.

Where did i meet this person? China.

You guys need to leave the ugly fat western pigs called women alone entirely and realize there are women worth marrying or being with out there and if you do get married, marry way above your income level so they have no need nor desire for your resources.Win win.

>> No.10298102
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>he shits on the floor and barely speaks
I shouldnt laugh but I did anyway.

Also old lady eggs cause autism. Women are much, much more likely to have an autistic kid the older they are at time of birth. Was her biological clock ticking? Like 30 years old+?

>> No.10298133

I've done the circuit. Lived in intentional communities...ashrams...wandered aimlessly as a hitchhiker...lost myself in the jungles of Peru. Might be I'm a bit jaded at this point.
There was something there to learn ever step of the way, sure...but I'm a much more grounded person now. Gotta keep your feet on the ground.

>> No.10298177

>I guess all living things are materialistic then because they want to reproduce.
you're still missing it. read the part after "i'll give you a hint" and reflect on it without thinking
>Obtaining something physical and something not physical, what difference does it make?
the difference is, when one obtains infinite consciousness, one isn't confined to this reality prison afterward.
>or whatever your religion calls it is still a selfish goal
this is not a religion. it is the spiritual knowledge from which all religions are based. did people think jesus was selfish for trying to share this info with people?
if you say so, fren. you have to think outside of rigid definitions. think about meaning as opposed to labels

>> No.10298196

nice digits. i hear ya. na, i have no interest in that lifestyle, although i considered it briefly when i was younger.

>> No.10298246

Unironically this, you're fucking selfish OP.

>> No.10298358

let go of that ego. your dna isn't that important. the world doesn't need more of you, and you went ahead and made more of you anywas. besides it's probably cheaper to freeze your dna than to raise a child that might not even have kids

>> No.10298388

yeah she was 36. fuck

>> No.10298485
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It's actually the father's old pathetic sperm that is linked with autism.

"When compared to a child born to a 24-year-old father, a child born to a 45-year-old father was 3.5 times more likely to have autism, 13 times more likely to have ADHD and 25 times more likely to have bipolar disorder."


>> No.10298511

well my sperm was 32. all i wanted in life was a son i could teach amazing things, and i cant even talk to mine. fucking tearing up right now

>> No.10298560

I'm sure you will be able to teach your son things, it might just be in a different way. Maybe consider having another child?

>> No.10298598
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>my older sister and her boyfriend don't want to get married and have kids
>I'm a wageslave that wants to quit and gamble
Ask my parents how they feel about their "investments".

>> No.10298615
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>deliberately having children with a 36 year old woman

Why? Did no one explain to you the risks?

Did these feminist cunts seriously not control for the age of the mother in the study? I see no mention of that anywhere. Older men tend to marry older women, therefore they have more autistic kids. It has nothing to do with mens sperm whatsoever. Yet another feminist propaganda piece out of sweden, the laughing stock of the world. Other studies not written by brainwashed feminists that actually controlled for the womens age found only very slight effects of sperm degradation. Men age like fine wine. Women do not.

>> No.10298640

it was my only chance to make a child and i took it. have i felt regret? yes

>> No.10298744

Of course there is, just catering the post to biz. I'm glad it has spawned all sorts of interesting discussion. Having a child is truly beautiful, as is the unique subjectivity of the meaning of life which is prevalent throughout this thread.

>> No.10298758

these always make me laugh, because i'm too young to be a boomer, but too old to drink energy drinks

>> No.10298761
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>parents have 4 (four) children
>not a single one of them is going to give them grand-children from the looks of it
lmao nice investment

>> No.10298927

Fine I'm sold. Now where do I get a woman to make babies

>> No.10298985

Lots of places.
But she should be late twenties to early thirties.

>> No.10299156

>out species survival is not at risk at this point
Wrong. Whites are reproducing below replacement rates. That leads directly to extinction and faster than you might expect.

>> No.10299239

Soft. Spend the time to bond with your child. Suck it up.

>> No.10299749

>He thinks it's his

>> No.10299775

Anon, you probably have the grandmas or some nanny taking care of the baby. I have a 4yo and a 8mo and even though I love them they are an horrible pain in the ass.

>> No.10299819

Telegony, she has a third person's genetics.

>> No.10299869
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>Non pedo thread about children and how great of an investment they are.
>serious replies to op
Nu biz is awesome

>> No.10300040

It's a primitive animal instinct. Nothing virtuous or to be proud of despite the feelings. Junkies who fucked everything often save themselves by making kids, than family and state is helping them because young family. Literary the more retarded and poor you are the more you are craving for children as a escape from reality and a way to give worth to your self. It's not an achievement of any sort.

>> No.10300204
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>> No.10300205

the absolute state of normies

>> No.10300244


there is a specific reason why clergy from many cultures throughout history prohibit having children.

You are basically fucked and will always be spiritually tethered to your child after death.

>> No.10300245

>i bought into the 'muh vaccines cause autism' meme
>now i think its the roundup ready gmo shit that builds up in breast milk because he was breast fed

maybe he's autistic because his parents are retards

>> No.10300867

b-but mixed kids

>> No.10300898

>There is no greater feeling than knowing my offspring will carry my DNA into the future long after I'm gone.
This is exactly what i don't want! Not cause i am hideous or dumb, but cause I don't want my DNA on this shithole, I *hope* it makes it difficult/impossible for me to be reborn on the planet. Also with kids you end up bringing yourself karma as you will undoubtedly do something you regret and forgiving yourself is not easy....

>> No.10300974
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You sir sound like you need to get your Slack back.

>> No.10300984

Nah anon only half of you lives on. Its like they splitvyou in half, jointed you with a low IQ roastie and set you on your path.
A walking abomination, ew.

>> No.10301006

Only while underage. Steer him well and he might amount to something. Lost cause? Abandon ship and see what happens.

>> No.10301018

>marrying a low IQ roastie

>> No.10301027

There's only one solution

Fuck her yourself

>> No.10301211

It's the same with a boy though, some woman gets his sweet sweet cock

>> No.10301223

Your woman is stupid. She is risking being a single mother on the drop of a whim of her partner. She's literally mentally handicapped

>> No.10301226

>Loving a woman and making a baby is natural. That piece of paper is not.
All relationships were socially enforced, since the dawn of time

>> No.10301241

Hopefully at least one of you gives enough of a shit about them to care for them in old age.

Infinitely better than dying alone in a smelly nursing home.

>> No.10301328

so you're a Xoomer?

>> No.10301424

>falling for the "continuing society" pyramid scheme

>> No.10301931

this. anybody can fuck and have kids, I see crackhoes with potbellies, not an achievement if you dont have a really good reason

>> No.10301946


>> No.10301963

The most intelligent mammals are the intensely social matriarchal ones.
There's a reason for the success of the jews as a race. Their women are harpies and continue to keep pressure on their men to succeed.

>> No.10301981

>high income woman

statistically, youre very likely to get dropped i the future

>> No.10302007
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look, OP, you are worthless as an individual and so you your genome
>I feel like a fucking god
delusions of grandeur coupled with narcissism coupled with not understanding that in a few generations your individual DNA will have diluted into nothingness

>> No.10302497

Jeez, go get laid.
Someday a woman will appreciate you.

>> No.10302517
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>delusions of grandeur coupled with narcissism coupled with not understanding that in a few generations your individual DNA will have diluted into nothingness


>> No.10302620

I don't hate the idea of having kids but literally everyone my age I know who has one has the IQ of a potato

>> No.10302682

They need to implement a system where you have to pay $300k to be allowed to reproduce.

Everyone else will be forced into permanent chastity.

>> No.10302714

Good idea, if this happens i will make sure i don't have more than £299,999.99!

>> No.10302946
File: 115 KB, 728x485, imtmbq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Lots of posts here about whether or not women are a good investment.

simple answer is no because their looks are their asset. women are a depreciating asset because their looks fade over time. pic related before and after.

>> No.10302958

Now that you say that. I'm seeing the same thing....

>> No.10303016

So this kind of logic would mean men are also depreciating assets which means your argument is literally pointless.
It’s simple, do you want to grow old alone or with someone. Finding the right broad is definitely hard. Pro tip: as much as my shallow ass does, it’s not always about how a bitch looks. 95% of the time it does. But if you really have a cool girl then you have a fighting chance. The goal is to find a shy qt and train her to be how you want. This takes time and a lot of psychology but if you care enough then it will work

t. With my gf for 12 years, she is now a mini me. I love bitches but I hate them too, don’t we all. But there are some out there that are worth entertaining.

>> No.10303042


You have been cucked and....deluded into believing it is a good investment that will pay off. Lmfao

Reminds me of 99 percent of shitcoins...when it hits you. It'll hit you hard that you fucked up

Especially with this generation of kids, brainlets who look up to negroid rappers. And girls who want nothing more to be the ultimate whore

>> No.10303091

>sexy time with gf
>ask if she's safe
>"i think"
>say fuck it and shoot loads and loads inside her
>fast forward a month
>no blood in sight
>she's scared as fuck because "muh carreer" and "i didnt want kids"
>am actually excited as fuck, litetally started picking names and shit
>test says negative, her period was just late
>pretend that am happy but am actually disappointed as all fuck

Financial freedom cant come fast enough

>> No.10303221

>muh career
BAKA women are so dumb. Any critical thinking on their part they'd realise they only have one real job in life.

>> No.10303363

>So this kind of logic would mean men are also depreciating assets

nope the sexual market value is different for men and men only gain value if they earn more money.