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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 197 KB, 1600x899, china-stock-market.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1029026 No.1029026 [Reply] [Original]

China's market suspended after plunging more than 7% just after opening

It's finally here, /biz/. After four years of saying we're on the verge of a great crash, we're finally here.

>> No.1029033

Aww yuss!

>> No.1029038

Self imposed economic collapse

Nice move, china

>> No.1029063
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futures are blood red too, gonna be tough week

>> No.1029082

>It's finally here, /biz/. After four years of saying we're on the verge of a great crash, we're finally here.
/biz/ isnt even 2 years old.

>> No.1029083
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But world economy is doing well! Kike Yellen said so!

>> No.1029084
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>> No.1029093

How low can US stocks go?

>> No.1029094

Oil hit 32 handle. It's all over.

Let this bitch shit the bed.

>> No.1029179
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oil $25 soon

>> No.1029183

By automatically halting trade when the CSI drops 7%, don't they eliminate any chance of a small rebound later in the day and pretty much guarantee a further, maybe greater selloff the next day?
I always hear "x dropped y% before recovering later in the day". By halting any trade wouldn't you prevent any chance of that occurring? Or have they conceded they're fucked and are simply delaying the inevitable?

>> No.1029186


100 soon. But it has to hit 20 first- I'm buying as much as you suckers will sell me

>> No.1029195

Theoretically - to zero. Does that help?

>> No.1029217

id agree. theyre making the inevitable worse. if that was going on in our stock market id be shitting my pants right now and selling off at 930am sharp. cant imagine what people holding stock in china are thinking right now.

>> No.1029230

Wait, could this actually be the real thing?

What the fuck do I do?

Let's say its gets as bad as 192 and FDIC Jew meme fails, fed does hyper inflation, the dollar crashes, what would I do?

My situation is 100k in index fund

>> No.1029231

I think it goes like this:

make china's markets crash(whatever it takes, doesn't really matter how)-->drive them to war out of desperation -->war machine fires up in US, middle east involved somehow --> dow to 20k+

Or am I crazy?

>> No.1029234

>just threw 30% of my money into an snp500 3x fund last Wednesday
>all I've seen so far is loss
What the fuck man

>> No.1029240


U should put 10-15% into gold, and buy $UVXY before the crash comes

>> No.1029242
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i dont think oil will be near 100 next 10 years

>> No.1029243

us NEEDS china.

us cant even handle north korea properly. war with china, plox

>> No.1029247

>muh gold
>muh crash

>> No.1029249

Just get China to try and invade the middle east, they'll fuck it up and Russia will try to police their now massive unsettled neighboring regions, they'll fail too, and then we're back to the 1400s when only the West knows what the fuck is going on and India is shitting in their main water supply.

That last bit never stopped happening, good on them for consistency.

>> No.1029251

Schiff is right

>> No.1029254

look, if you say something every day for 4 years, you don't really have a right to boast about predicting it when it happens

What about the 1400 other days it didn't crash?

>> No.1029256

Us NEEDS currency leverage/standard of living leverage over China. And high oil is easy with a global war. There's a lot of geopolitical shit going on right now, more than the media even hints at I'm certain. Reading between the lines tells me this is the play, just a speculation though. I'm not old enough to really know but I'm old enough to realize that. Look at SA, Russia, et al.

>> No.1029257
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Schiff is an expert of bullshit. He just tries to sell the gold. If he really believed in his stuff why would he change his gold to dollars the moment people are willing to but gold? lol. maloney and Schiff are just idiotic scam artists everybody knows that

>> No.1029258
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That means literally that Putin will start a big war somewhere. Probably in Libya to consolidate his nation (and his regime) in a new "Great Patriotic War" with "evil West which 'democratic operations' all over the world lead to poverty in Russia". Despite the propaganda he will just do something serious to rise the oil prices.

>> No.1029261
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Haha, yeah probably. Russia tho aint the only one going to ashes with the 25 usd

>> No.1029262


>> No.1029264

Everyone's already forgetting that Russia took troops and invaded the Ukraine then claimed half of the nation, as if it were the 1500s. They'll do it again to stay on top; everyone thinks they're some huge powerhouse but the USA has more than double their population, and they're one of the few major powers that has to worry about a ground war with China's 1.3 billion people.

>> No.1029265

Lol they could not be more right, and everybody knows that

>> No.1029267

hes pwned in every single debate ive watched him in on youtube.

>> No.1029268
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>> No.1029269
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o-okay then. both have been literally dead wrong past 6 years or something but hey that's fine

>> No.1029271


lol cnbc please go to bed.

>> No.1029273

Well you are completely wrong

>> No.1029274

maybe hes right, just the inevitable is delayed and delayed. the shit he says makes sense and the only thing others say against him is that shit hasnt hit the fan in the last few years...YET

>> No.1029275


Most of /biz/ is just former /pol/acks that didn't care for nazi shit or current /pol/acks who aren't neet.

>> No.1029276
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if find it hilarious there are so plenty of retarded people defensing these two morons. schiff could probably sell shit in a can for you guys

>> No.1029280

I find it funny that you think your argument of "bu-bu-bu if he loves gold then why does he sell it" is anything other than the mark of complete moron.

>> No.1029281

only been a week my nigga, give it a few years.

>> No.1029290

yeah but is what hes saying really that far off? since 08 markets have nearly doubled but it seems so hollow. is america producing double now? is the national debt in half now? nothing got fixed exactly.

he said america is like a cruise ship with everyone on the top deck being the stock market having a party and the bottom deck is taking on more and more water.

i dont think were that better off from 6 years ago, certainly not what the market shows.

show me a single clip on youtube where hes had a debate/argument and hes completely wrong. i havent seen one yet.

>> No.1029301
File: 14 KB, 620x349, WEB-peter-schiff11rb1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im not going to argue cause everything i say will be ignored by guys like you. these moronic scammers are like religion to you. i mean, how much money have you made with their advices?

>> No.1029306

Crash = more stocks with DCA and that sweet DRIP

See you suckers on the other side

>> No.1029314

You are literally retarded

>> No.1029315

Maybe people ignore you because you don't actually make any arguments. You just say "lol u guys r dumb he's just trying to sell gold ahah I can't believe so many ppl don't understand that sometimes ppl say things that are actually just a scam and they aren't as smart as me to consider such a possibility".

>> No.1029317

im not arguing im just saying i dont think hes entirely full of shit.

when i first discovered him nearly 2 years ago i learned from him to invest in oil and not in an american company. i put most of my stock portfolio into PTR and it went from 100/share to 150/share. pulled out at about 140.

regardless hes entertaining to watch debate.

>> No.1029319


Don't worry about that retard. When people talk about Schiff they focus purely on the one time he said gold was going to 5000 and it didn't and they desperately latch on like a dog with a bone.

Never mind him calling out the bullshit housing bubble in 2006
Never mind him calling bullshit on the fed every.single.time they said they were going to raise rates but went another round of QE.
Never mind the economic sense he clearly articulates every time he has to slowly explain to people why printing trillions of dollars and inflating an even bigger bubble following 08 is a bad idea.

Yes he's a goldbug and i wouldn't buy gold on his word alone, and certainly not to try and make a profit. And he never advocates investing heavily in gold (he is a gold seller after all). Instead listen to what he's saying before that, what leads him to believe gold is on the way up. That the USD has a one-way ticket to fuckery.

Also watch this doco on what a cluster-fuck the US FED and government policy has been since the 2000 dotcom bust. Now this was made before even more QE was implemented so it's only gotten worse


>> No.1029332

Buy bitcoin gold and silver.

Im not joking.

>> No.1029347

>Also watch this doco on what a cluster-fuck the US FED and government policy has been since the 2000 dotcom bust. Now this was made before even more QE was implemented so it's only gotten worse

its tough to watch stuff like that and not want to sell off my holdings tomorrow.

that juice tastes sooo good

>> No.1029356

Haha time to pick a bottom and put all my sheckles in I'm actually glad it's crashing, bring it on.

>> No.1029362


Don't even need a documentary just look at a chart of the s&p. We have been curing bubbles with more bubbles. I think the whole lesson here is that you can time markets in an era when the markets are moved by monetary policy more than anything.

>> No.1029368

im with that. just play the field youre dealt with i guess.

>> No.1029385

How does Russia or China going to war with some shithole save their economies?

>> No.1029392
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china's market is a fucking circus :D 2nd time this week they simply close it :D bwhahahaha what a casino

>> No.1029394


>> No.1029396
File: 24 KB, 752x124, Screen Shot 2016-01-06 at 10.33.57 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

will the crashes in the chinese stockmarket affect the us stockmarket?

what kinds of US stocks are typically tied to chinese stocks?

is it worth buying some US put options to profit off of all this?

>> No.1029400


Yes it will. We will open down for sure. There is risk of contagion so errybody getting fucked.

>> No.1029401

i think it already has and will continue for a bit.

i dont see it as the final dagger by any means

>> No.1029406

Same shit was happening in the Summer and the Government intervened enough to settle things down.

It will just be a repeat, the Government has too much control over the market to allow a huge crash to happen. I don't see the Chinese market ever crashing big unless the Chinese people start causing massive riots.

>> No.1029409

chinese markets are bombing and forced to close early. shit is hitting the fan.

>> No.1029410
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The culture is completely different there. It's simply gambling short term with insane leverages in Asia. Now that chinese economy has risen they have more and more money to gamble. Shenzen and Shanghai will be wild places

>> No.1029412

And the same shit was happening in August.

Wake me up when the market opens up nearly 1000 points down like the last time this happened.

>> No.1029413


what US stocks are typically tied to the chinese market? i'm not sure what to buy put options for

>> No.1029418

medical? idk, everything is tied into china

>> No.1029419


China is on verge of collapse- once it does, the demand for oil will be huge as Chinese sell off their holdings in US real estate and collapses US real estate market

China will then hunker down and pour all their money into manufacturing and their military and drive price of oil through the roof

China has already collopased, us market 1 week away

>> No.1029420
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>Futures down 3% already

>> No.1029423
File: 38 KB, 389x276, Financialization Bubble.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that the Dow belongs at 6000.

>> No.1029425

This graph is adjusted for inflation to the real number is belongs at isn't known yet

>> No.1029427
File: 26 KB, 620x388, Soros1_1380711a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I got my eye on you goyim , dont try to go on the butcoins

>> No.1029431

Are you intoxicated?

That aside, either the economy grew three times its original size between 1992 and 1998 or else we're in a mega-bubble. I'm going to go with the latter.

>> No.1029441

Hah, the government is the one who intentionally creates the., and you think they are to try to stop it? Lmao

>> No.1029446


>buying into an index fund when the market has been on a downwards trajectory for six months
>3x leveraged, no less

What did you honestly expect?

>> No.1029448

The government can only prop up the market for so long before they can't and then there is a MASSIVE crash.

>> No.1029455

Yes I am. I meant to say 6,000 isn't adjusted for inflation, and isn't the real value for what the Dow should be at

>> No.1029458

But that is the inflation-adjusted chart. The Dow would be at 6000 right now if it had continued to follow it's 100-year trend and not entered into the current mega-bubble.

Look at the gently sloping line.

>> No.1029471


market is worth 10k- but china needs to collapse first.

market will fall to 6k, then be bought up, after china goes to 0 and sells all us holdings in real estate

This is happening right now

>> No.1029477


>breakers were triggered just 30 minutes after opening.

dude... the shit storm thursday...
it'd be one thing if it were friday because they could trade for another 30 minutes then essentially take a 3 day cool off period.

but this.......

>> No.1029481

china to 0 and us to 6k? come on.

>> No.1029484

care to expound a bit and tell us why you believe it would fall to 6k again, csi 300 had a similar drop a few years back afterall

>> No.1029485

Shit is scary, for the first time none on biz is actually considering the possibility that us market will perform well.
Good luck bull Bros.

>> No.1029486


China to 0, Us to fall to 8k then get bought up by people, rebound to 15k, and crash to 10k again.

It's coming- bubble is popped.

Sell China future- it is a biohazard

>> No.1029488



China will shit the bricks. China economy, is huge bubble, just like the US. The wealthy Chinese, are not stupid. They have been buying US real estate since 2008.

They will pull out of that, sell it for 10 times what they paid, and send the us economy down to 6-8k, the bottom

>> No.1029489

how can china zero. fucking zero? no one will put a dime in?

>> No.1029491


It's over.

Assets will be given to government officials for pennies on the dollar, who will then form private companies.

>> No.1029493

makes a lot of sense, their stock is sliding downwards and decreasing net worths of a lot of individuals with investment sense to have come into the real estate market after our real estate bubble crashed. so they sell those after theyve gone back up to keep making profits? new to all of this so trying to see your train of thought on the matter.

>> No.1029495

why wouldnt chinese investors buy those assets for dirt cheap?

>> No.1029498


the government owned assets, will go to the government higher ups and their family in return for worthless Chinese money that the government can print zillions of dollars of.

The US owned real estate, mines, subways, construction sites, etc will be sold for cheap dollars ASAP as wealthy chinese flea.

They will move in to one of their penthouses in Miami or la

Entire streets of houses where everyone is underwater on their mortgage except for Chinese buyer who owns the mortgages

>> No.1029503

So when can I buy a house with toilet paper money in southern California please respond.

>> No.1029504


House on sunset drive now that costs 50 mil will cost 30 million soon

>> No.1029507

Currently make 77k pre-tax how fucked am I.

>> No.1029511

when all the chinese guys buying houses in cash cant afford taxes and get their houses seized

>> No.1029512


Depends. Own a home? Pretty fucked. It's gonna go down like 100% in price, so hopefully you're already own it free and clear and no mortgage... right?

Your job- try to work hard. Don't get laid off! The rounds of 'downsizing' are coming.

If you just have liquid cash lying around, short china, short it hard, make some money, short REIT to cover your losses with your own home.

I own a 16,000Sq ft warehouse and just purchased another one... I'm selling so much real estate futures that I won't lose when the real estate market shits itself

>> No.1029513

Naw don't own. Built up around 30K in saving now but just launched this new job about 3 months ago.

Still pretty young but also like this job too and it's steady as long as we hit figures. Toying with ideal of higher education in supply-chain.

Short China as in?

>> No.1029514


Let me explain- everything in china, every stock, the currency, is worth $0, all the index funds...

Short what you will.

DONT short stuff with physical value like mines. Short bullshit paper money.

Free 30k in a weeks time

>> No.1029515


>holding leveraged ETFs longer than a day
>what is decay

>> No.1029517

I've had this vanguard account in limbo for the longest time. failed to verify when i was younger but guess i need to follow through on this madness.

the only news i've kept up to date regarding the chink situation is that their exports have dropped dramatically m/m. haven't taken a harder look at econ projection

>> No.1029518


Or you know, it's worth more. Want to make 300,000$? Short China futures on margin.

>> No.1029519

>vanguard account in limbo

i didn't even finish shieet. can i short chinese shit with vanguard?

>> No.1029520


Half the nation? Not really. Some people aligned with Russia took control of land where they're the majority anyway. If Russia wanted the whole country they could do it easily.

>> No.1029521


Let me explain very clearly- china has been in huge bubble. The chink market has a built in stop at 7% loss on a day- the bubble has been popped.

By using that stop, they have destroyed Chinese economy, it's all worth 0 now.

Every single day will be a 7% sell off

All the Chinese funds? Short the shit out of it. It's worth nothing

>> No.1029523
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Theme of the day:


>> No.1029524

China's entering their Brezhnev years. Expect nothing more good out of them for the next century.

Freedom isn't free, capitalism always wins, etc.

>> No.1029536

No reason to crash, just a panic&correction like it was in september.
Will you ever learn?

>> No.1029544
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I JUST invested the money I had sitting in my IRA waiting for a crash last month.

Should I get out while I still can?

>> No.1029550
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wew lad what is going on?

>> No.1029558

thread died?

>> No.1029562


People are watching the trading screens.

>> No.1029565

The happening. Welcome to 2016.
While different stocks go up at different rates, they all fall together.

I hope you were short.

>> No.1029566


what do you think of this?

will a collapse be inminent this year or next?

world market are continuing to sell our future to save our present. how long till it collapse?

>> No.1029570

What's the best way to short China market?

>> No.1029571
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Thank you /biz/ for making me sell last August because of memes. I saved so much money.

Oh wait... ou told me there was no crash incoming. Just a tiny little correction. You called me a tinfoil!

>> No.1029574

Stocks are speculations on the life of a company and future value you are willing to pay for growth. When the largest economic epicenter of the world collapses two days in a week, the value of the strongest companies in the world, that both create their products and sell them in that epicenter, lose their values very very quickly.

>> No.1029575


china is dead right now

us next

bloodbath on opening bell

>> No.1029576

>nearly all economists believe the US economy will not crash in 2016
>/biz/ says it will

I'll be honest senpai. If my options are trusting people who actually study the shit or you guys, it's not a very hard choice.

>> No.1029577


Depends. I'm not entirely sure what will happen if China dies, I'm confident that Europe and the U.S. is going to be hit pretty fucking hard. This is, however, assuming that China is going to die.

It is not the world market that is 'selling our future', it is the governments of the world that have been pushing for useless and Keynesian QE and 'stimulus packages' that has blown this bubble into unseen proportions, creating this dangerous precedent.

>> No.1029579


Let's not forget that these are same economists that said that the housing bubble was unlikely and laughed anyone who predicted it correctly out of the newsrooms. Even fucking Bernanke thought that the Great Recession was unlikely.

>> No.1029580

sweedflag from /pol/?

>> No.1029583

>what is damage control

they knew

>> No.1029584
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>> No.1029585


>> No.1029586


More like their Keynesian modeling and voodoo-science is fundamentally flawed and has no basis in reality.

>> No.1029587

and yet Bernanke was at least admitting a housing bubble a year before it burst. Everyone who actually paid attention knew the housing market was mountains higher than it should have been. Economists weren't shocked when the bubble burst. We knew it was coming a full year in advance.

>> No.1029590

daww I bet you studied loads of fancy economic theory in jewniversity! Enjoy your losses.

>> No.1029591


You're saying 'we' as if there was a unified opinion on the matter prior to the crisis. Ultimately it doesn't matter because unfortunately the economists that failed to predict it correctly are the same ones that are sitting in government and the Fed and are actively pushing out shitty-ass QE and stimulus packages that is blowing up an even larger bubble.

If economists knew that there was a massive housing bubble they would not have done the policies that the U.S. gov. implemented prior to the crisis, especially insuring shitty loans.

>> No.1029592

>Government spending doesn't increase aggregate demand
But that's patently false. You can disagree with a lot of the assumptions and results of Keynesian theory, but that primary component is very much true.

>> No.1029595


I'm not disagreeing with this premise, and I didn't state that I was disagreeing with it anywhere. My point is that the *effects* of boosting AD with government spending creates far more problems than it solves.

>> No.1029596


>Keynesian modelling

pfffthahaha, more like neoclassical synthesis modelling

We can tell this isn't Keynesian modelling because these models assume disequilibrating forces are exogenous, and Keynes' whole shtick is that markets sometimes fuck themselves up.

>> No.1029597

I wasn't identifying as an economist, actually. It was just a figure of speech. Y'know, like human use. Like "You don't pick your nose and wipe it on someone" doesn't mean YOU specifically, just "you" in general to mean "someone". You understand?

>pushing out shitty-ass QE
QE ended m80, and there hasn't been any stimulus package.

If economists knew that there was a massive housing bubble they would not have done the policies that the U.S. gov. implemented prior to the crisis, especially insuring shitty loans.
What part of "one year in advance" don't you understand? The policies that led to the housing bubble amounted over several years.

Let me get this straight. You guys legitimately think that because you can look at a graph and see it going down, that means you are able to more accurately predict recession than 90% of people who actually make a career and have devoted their lives to studying just that?

No, disagreeing with the majority of economists doesn't make you wrong. But it's a serious case of delusion to think disagreeing with them makes you right.

>> No.1029598

>says something "has no basis in reality"
>claims he isn't rejecting its premise

Right then.

neoclassical synthesis is predominantly keynesian on the macro level.

>> No.1029600


Except, the parts of macro where Keynes doesn't dominate are the most important parts of Keynesian economics. Macro is consistently taught that market disequilibriums are caused from outside forces, even at a university level.

>> No.1029602
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I`m going to be honest here.
The Great Depression 2.0 is clearly about to happen.
I have never traded stocks before in my life.
What do I do to come out the other side ~20 years from now with a comfortable amount of money?
I`m going to bed now though I`m drunk and tired.

>> No.1029603


>QE ended m80, and there hasn't been any stimulus package.

I'm aware that QE has ended, but you can't possibly argue that QE has successfully avoided a recession or even depression instead of just postponing it? And, additionally, there were stimulus packages immediately after the great recession:


>Let me get this straight. You guys legitimately think that because you can look at a graph and see it going down, that means you are able to more accurately predict recession than 90% of people who actually make a career and have devoted their lives to studying just that?

On the contrary, it's a delusion to believe that the economists who design these models can effectively predict these recessions without error.

Also, note that I'm not disagreeing with the majority of economists, I'm disagreeing with the economists who are responsible for the flawed fiscal and monetary policy that the U.S. gov. is implementing today.

>> No.1029604

The majority of economists think it's a good idea to have extremely low interest rates for 6 years, without forcing banks to not loan to retards who can't pay it back in the long run. Does that make it a good idea?

It might increase spending according to your A causes B Keynesian model, but that doesn't make it a good idea in a world where REAL factors are more important (than reality estimating economic models).

>> No.1029605

If you want to say those are the most important parts of it, that's fine I guess. I think that's a pretty arbitrary aspect to label as such but go for it.

>> No.1029606


>Keynesian modeling

>> No.1029607

its like homefront trailer happening reallife.


>> No.1029610

>can't possibly argue that QE has successfully avoided a recession or even depression instead of just postponing it?
That remains to be seen. I don't believe we're heading toward the great depression 2.0, and there is honestly nothing that I've seen any of hte idiots on /biz/ point to to suggest such a thing other than "LOL SECURITY BUBBLE!".

There are more economists out there than Keynesians. It's not as if all the Keyensians are sitting around going "We're good!" while the monetarists and RBCers are shouting "DOOM!". They're all saying that, at the very worst, the US will hit a small recession in the coming few years and at best we'll be insulated from China and Europe.

>> No.1029611


The parts of Keynesian economics that are ignored by neoclassical synthesis are the parts that directly contradict both neoclassical economics and observed history. Keynes had the dubious advantage of publishing the General Theory in the aftermath of the Great Depression, so "markets sometimes fuck themselves up" wasn't a hard proposition to make.

>> No.1029613

halting trade
not rigged

>> No.1029614

Why is it even considered a synthesis then? If the main points of Keynesian economics are reject and the model is just entirely neoclassical for the micro level and entirely neoclassical for the macro level everywhere it counts, why not just call it "neoclassical theory with a couple small things picked from mr. Keynes"?

>> No.1029615


>> No.1029616

>Molyneux received a B.A. in History from McGill University in 1991 and an M.A. in History from University of Toronto in 1993.
Seems legit.

>> No.1029619

This guy is posting this in every fucking thread,

>> No.1029623

because its true, what he is saying

>> No.1029625

get out stefan

>> No.1029629


Because the synthesis is more politically viable. Keynesian doctrine enforces some pretty bitter truths on politicians which the synthesis doesn't.

Under Keynesian economic thought, advanced capitalist societies with advanced financial sectors (a.k.a every country on the planet these days) will undergo periodic bouts of instability and there's not a whole lot anyone can do about it.

This is precisely why the part of Keynes you know about (save during booms, spend during busts) is his primary policy contribution, because stopping busts is effectively impossible so the best policy after prevention is mitigation.

And not all neoclassical economics is bunk. It proves beyond any doubt, that under specific conditions, certain markets DO in fact produce an optimal equilibrium solely through market forces. Neoclassical economics falls apart when people take time, investment, and capital into account, as well as moving prices.

>> No.1029632

Because you need dollars to do business. Can you pay your bills in gold? Can you bitch?

>> No.1029636

>be me
>be unemployed
>have small savings
>invest $500 in AMD December 30th at $2.90/share

>> No.1029644

Dude, I basically did what you did except on I bought on tuesday with $1300 @ 2.77/share and then apple shits the bed, dropping the price by .24
And now this china shit?
I just got into stocks recently too and my
portfolio is already down by ~300 out of 2500 right now

>> No.1029647
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Who /laughingatthosewhodidn'tgetoutontimehere/?

>> No.1029658
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>> No.1029662

I know the feels, my friend.
May the Dow have mercy on our poor souls.

>> No.1029664

of course i come here and learn the end is neigh.

Why didn't I remember that you existed until it was too late /biz/?

>> No.1029669
File: 21 KB, 275x290, 1373817811430.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because you are a fucking mongoloid.
I made dozens of threads trying to teach you fellas how to actively manage your assets. Instead i get always stuff like that
>hurr durr kill yourself
>smug anime faces
>can't beat muh market
>forex is a scam
>prove it
>muh S&P if i had 500$ invested in 1200 a.C i would have now made 3 gorillions
>muh Robin hood

Meanwhile i'm up 6% of my account in 2 days with a mere 0.5% risked. Thank you gentlemen, i really needed your liquidity

>> No.1029670

Keynes.....theres your problem.

All the guys running things all learned the same doctrine, instead of thinking for themselves they're asking "what would keynes/hayek/etc do?".

>> No.1029672
File: 839 KB, 500x650, 1451630711489.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm really enjoying everyone's suffering right now.

>> No.1029674

whoa now, today's actually the first i've browsed through /biz/ since my home board is elsewhere
I sure picked a shitty time to invest though
>america stronk, rally plz

>> No.1029675

>current /pol/acks who aren't neet
The greater majority of this board are NEETS.

>> No.1029676


>it's wrong to use the findings and research of others

I'd tell you that you're wrong in a nicer way but it's not like you'll actually understand. Suck a dick, faggotface.

>> No.1029678

Economics taught in academia is NOT real economics, it's mere theory on top of theory and it doesn't even cover all theory. You are better off not being influenced by all the bullshit they teach you and just persue economics as a passion on the side because you actually learn more economics from phenomena that are going on in the REAL WORLD.

>> No.1029681
File: 314 KB, 1600x1200, pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>down 7% in the first 30 minutes

>> No.1029705

I'm just happy for my parents. They have no exposure and are ready to buy once this thing bottoms out.

>> No.1029710

Just sold all my 7000 shares in Lloyds Banking Group (only ones I held).
They reflect the UK economy and China is only going to weaken that.

>> No.1029716

Because China makes all our products you dumbshit

>> No.1029719

So what are we meant to short to make money off this?

>> No.1029723



Don't take it from me though. This could just be another bear trap.

>> No.1029725

it was 15 min

>> No.1029737

silver is cheap, should I buy a fuckton?

>> No.1029740

China is like 1920's New York/London. 80% retail investors, free to speculate and make their own rules. There is going to be so much new money that is going to be made over the next 20 years.

>> No.1029741

if its currently lower than its historical price and you think itll be a good investment, yeah

>> No.1029743

care to elaborate on how so much new money will be made?

>> No.1029745


> Goldman betting against clients
> made billions
> nothing done about it
> topkek
> mah bailout

>> No.1029747

> tvix

I'll just leave this here.

Thank me later bois.

>> No.1029750

How do I short Dow Jones?

Is it spread betting?

>> No.1029751

What do you guys think about investing in bitcoin I can't think of any reason to buy it other than to avoid tax

>> No.1029752

>GEORGE Soros's record is sufficiently impressive, particularly on macro-economic calls, that it is worth taking notice when he sounds the alarm. His latest suggestion is that the current environment reminds him of 2008, the prelude to one of the worst bear markets in history.
Fuck guys, it might really be happening.

>> No.1029753


>> No.1029755

You know a whole heap of huge CEOs got a B.A. in history first right?

>> No.1029757

T-1 hour till NYSE opens. Turn on CNBC folks it's going to be a wild ride down to zero.

>> No.1029758

There is one person who owns over half the total bitcoins. Do not get involved unless you're willing to lose everything you put in, it is a massive scam.

>> No.1029761
File: 120 KB, 1012x712, body ready.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>CCP caps selling for another six months
>investors can't liquidate assets
>banks not closed, demand payments
>clients all go bankrupt
>bank goes bankrupt
>mortgage meltdown: rice cup edition begins

china is fucked, I seriously hope nobody here put any money into them since things will get noticeably worse in the next six months

>> No.1029764


if the banks can't get paid because their clients can't sell, guess what occurs? A domino effect that breaks the entire market

I just feel bad for aussies and canadians, because their housing bubbles (partially fueled by chinamen getting the fuck out of china) is about to collapse entirely

>> No.1029765

If biz says sell you buy and vice versa. Has worked for me so far.

>> No.1029767

>I just feel bad for aussies and canadians, because their housing bubbles (partially fueled by chinamen getting the fuck out of china) is about to collapse entirely
Aussie here. I fucking hope it does or I'll never be able to afford a house ;_;
My relatives might be fucked though idk how heavily they've invested in real estate. Probably a fair amount.

>> No.1029769

>all these shitters falling for the bear trap

I just transfered some funds to my broker to buy errything. Please keep selling so I can make even better bargains

>> No.1029776


Nah. The premarket futures have been down big every morning, and the markets open at the lows of the day. There's not any follow through selling though.

S&P opens down 45 +/- but closes down less than 10

>> No.1029780

Shit meme, nothin is going to happen.
I'm putting in 100k into the stock market today and I'll be making bank.
Nice fear mongering retards

>> No.1029791

we've been at lower highs and lower lows. I'm not reversing till we get a lower low.

>> No.1029808


their markets are already down 14% in the past week

that's significant, at least

>> No.1029812

Have a year and a half left of college, going for supply-chain. Did you get picked up pretty quick? I haven't interned for anything.

>> No.1029820

Soros said we're on the verge of another 2008 crash. He's a billionaire who bets on markets, so he probably doesn't know what he's talking about.


>> No.1029829


I was wondering your opinion on the chinese economy, since you're from there.....right? Buddy

>> No.1029830


yeah and shit tends to overshoot on a correction, so its probable lows are maybe 4000.

Imagine the shitstorm when the dow falls >10000 points.

>> No.1029836
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>> No.1029839

Idk why the fuck they were clapping

>s&p open down 0.2%
>immediately plummet 1%


>> No.1029840

Eventually who ever owns all those coins won't. That's assuming they haven't lost some of them to begin with.

>> No.1029843

Do you have proof of this claim?

>> No.1029851

>Suspension of circuit breakers

o shit boys

>> No.1029854


China suspends circuit breakers

>> No.1029856
File: 15 KB, 400x400, 1452013302439.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>first trading days of the year all global stock markets fall with china shutting down their markets entirely
>oil trade warfare happening
>all kinds of QE that doesn't fucking work long run
>overdue for 7 year economic cycle

Yeah put all your money in now.

>> No.1029862


I can't wait for the next down day on shcomp

>> No.1029865



>> No.1029871

Ok grandpa how does it feel that everything was a lie? Go buy bitcoin

>> No.1029876

What's the impact of this?

Free fall tomorrow with no stop?

>> No.1029882


They wouldn't do this without some ulterior motive.

>> No.1029884

Yes pretty much. They are doing it to try to be able to have their markets close green instead of free falling 7% and ending for the day

>> No.1029895

Wouldn't they just continue free-falling though?

How would they end green?

>> No.1029898

Idk man. I've been watching Bloomberg all morning and that's what they were saying. I don't think it'll work either, but the plan is that the Chinese will stop selling off at some point in the day or something

>> No.1029902

Closing green is bad for China

>> No.1029903


>> No.1029906

They don't like green

>> No.1029915


China won't collapse from economic trouble. because they will literally put a gun to their workers heads and force them to keep working.

unless they have some sort of military que from hardline commies sick of this capitalist shit, they will keep going.

>> No.1029920


that would be the case if there was actually a chinese market and not some government bubble pseudomarket

>> No.1029921


>> No.1029930

>some sort of military que from hardline commies sick of this capitalist shit
That would be pretty lulzy actually.

>> No.1029940

My theory is that the commies have been cooking the books for years, if not decades.

A few years ago I heard about someone who knew a lot about the cost of raw materials. One conclusion was that the absolute minimum cost for manufacturing one chainsaw is X money.

What the commies claim is that they can manufacture one chainsaw for X-1 money, and that's an impossibility. That means that they are cooking the books.

I'm quite happy with this. I've been spoon fed this since the 90's
>muh 1.many billion potential customers
>muh too large to fail
>muh authoritarian society

And how much will India be hit because of this?

>Just get China to try and invade the middle east, they'll fuck it up
>tfw you will never see the commies getting their asses handed by kurds, iranians and somali pirates
;_; Why even bother?

>> No.1029941
File: 115 KB, 1173x616, BitcoinWins.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meanwhile i've been on the greens thanks to Bitcoin. Fucking C U C K S lol.

>> No.1029954


>My theory is that the commies have been cooking the books for years, if not decades.

It's not theory, it's pratice. Look at the USSR. China's CCP manages to be both more corrupt and more incompetent then the FRB or ECB.

>And how much will India be hit because of this?

India is the best off. They were a BRICS nation, but their growth was slow due to their government being slow to reform. However, they didn't build a bubble like China did. They're the only BRICS country that will survive the crash. India's biggest issue is that it's basically a confederation of vastly different cultures, with no sense of national unity.

>> No.1029956


The Brits and the English language used to unify the cultures, but the Hindu nationalists led by Modi are rolling that back, which will inevitable cause the destruction of the Republic.

t. descendent from British colonists

>> No.1029959



>> No.1029969

>India's biggest issue is that it's basically a confederation of vastly different cultures, with no sense of national unity.
I've gotten that confirmed from an indian classmate.

If I got this right: Indians aren't as afraid as the chinese to make fools of themselves. The commies have been covering up everything from serial killers on a rampage to donated blood with AIDS.

True, analfabetism may be more rampant in India than in China etc. True, the commies are farting out solar panels like nobody's business. But the simple fact that India is more free will pay off.

>> No.1029986


Or they just jettison them. Southern India can make it alone, in fact since they're mostly developed they'd probably do a lot better without the baggage that is northern India.


It has more to do with the fact that the British built up (southern) India more than American/British trade built up China. Then the communists took over and the PRC was plunged into two decades of mass famine and death until the US opened the doors to them, causing the boom which is presently ending.

India, meanwhile, modernized much slower as the Brits pulled out. But most importantly, they did not have a successful communist movement crash their country into the ground.

Communism really is a cancer, mostly due to the bureaucracy it brings. India, due to ethnic divisions, couldn't create the circlejerk politiburos the CCP and Russian communists did. Russia got burned in 1991, China is getting burned now.

>> No.1030013

You think that guy actually shares his actual opinions? He is just aiding in setting up the bear trap.

>> No.1030043

retards making opinions kek.
One word: overproduction.

>> No.1030061

Normally probably not, but I mean the markets have been blown up with hot air for the past 7 years on top of the fact that there is typically a recession every 7 years.

>> No.1030067
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So you're one of the westerners that has been sieg heiling the commies for the last 20-25 years?

>> No.1030093
File: 40 KB, 480x896, mjaa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

China will remove the 5% and 7% negative limits tomorrow. That's is a good idea as those limits are the reason for 15min panic sells. Going to be fun ride tomorrow

>> No.1030097
File: 29 KB, 320x320, 11910279_1460658010905510_1286305084_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That means literally that Putin will start a big war somewhere.

Not if we do it first. Those 'democracies' ain't gonna spread themselves from alone.

>> No.1030117

Not right now you dumbass nigga. Ching chong land stock market is taking a free fall dip tomorrow, gonna buy then, shit's gonna be glorious.

>> No.1030131

will you buy indexes or what?

>> No.1030145

Stocks my nigga. I'll use this opportunity to lower the cost basis on some of my positions and maybe open new ones

>> No.1030158

chinese are dumping their assets, if you know where they are invested in, look for undervalued stocks.

>> No.1030176

>index fund

Buy more, wait it out. Why are you even paying attention to the news?

>> No.1030207


>> No.1030210

guys quickly should I buy a leveraged inverse S&P 500 index??

last time I did there was a big reversal and I got clobbered lol

>> No.1030223
File: 1.16 MB, 1366x768, Nanda Gaki.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone summarize what the fk is happening? Im a beginning to le stock market and so far im getting the idea that

>China stocket market crash for some reason
>People should buy indexes for when it rebounds

is this the general jist of things?

>> No.1030225
File: 180 KB, 575x393, man-pointing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I get DUBS you DO IT !!!

OK, here goes nothin..

>> No.1030229
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There are 80 people who own over half of the world's wealth. Do not get involved unless you're willing to lose everything you put in, it is a massive scam.


>> No.1030230

>China stocket market crash for some reason
>People should buy indexes for when it rebounds

Chinese are selling their American assets to put money into their markets, which are bubbled because the Chinese ain't investing but fucking gambling with their money.

Because the Chinese are selling American stocks in large numbers, the demand for American stocks is lower (there are more of them), thus the price of the stocks also is getting lower.

Because this is probably only a one month phase as seen in August until China put some discipline into their deranged gambling population, a lot of good, strong American companies have stocks that are under their actual price, thus undervalued. Your mission is Link to find those strong American companies, see if their stock price is undervalued, and decide to invest in them or not. Or wait till you believe the bottom is here, the Chinese are stable, stopped selling their shit, and buy the american indexes.

>> No.1030232

>There is one person who owns over half the total bitcoins.

Yeah that jap nigger that invented it. He made it, he might as well destroy it. And knowing my anime, never trust a fucking Japanese, never.

>> No.1030233

When does their market open up again in U.S. Eastern time? I want to see it drop like a lead brick for 5 minutes and get shut down again.

>> No.1030239

Guys, the Down Jones is going pretty down.

>> No.1030241

>american companies


however I do agree that goys all over the world will flock to the American market as a capital safe haven

>> No.1030248

It should open in about 7 hours from now.

>> No.1030251

what does that t. mean?

a lot of people hav ebeen using it on here recently. what does it mean

>> No.1030253

His made up name is Jap. I highly doubt he's actually a Jap.

>> No.1030254

This is the most well written concise piece of information ive seen on 4chan, thanks.

Few questions though

1) Why now? Why do the Chinese decide to liquidate their assets at this point in time? What is the driver of this cause?

2) Could you elaborate on Chinese being gamblers?

3) Wouldn't the link just be the change in volume differentials compared to the historical volume changes?

>> No.1030258
File: 61 KB, 480x270, happening.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



DOW BELOW 16,600


>> No.1030271

>Why now? Why do the Chinese decide to liquidate their assets at this point in time? What is the driver of this cause?

chinese new year is coming up and they need cash for big celebrations to impress their friends :^)

>> No.1030274

common man no memes.

>> No.1030275

oh and this year's chinese new year is on february 8, and 8 is a lucky number in china -- the number is pronounced "baaaaaa" which to them sounds like "faaaa" which means to make money

so, they need cash ready!

>> No.1030276

16 569,08 right now, at what point should we seriously worry?

>> No.1030279

It means "from" or "said by"

(not literally but thats basically how its used)

>> No.1030282


>> No.1030283





>> No.1030284

Then why isn't there annual chinese stock market drops...

...in early January?

>> No.1030285

We're also 8 years from 2008!

>> No.1030290

it's not usually on the 8th

omg we cracked the code!

>> No.1030292
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when it breaks the support from last august. then all bets are off.

thankfully my bulls are bleeding just a bit, but nowhere near august. good look index-investors, good fucking luck.

>> No.1030295



>> No.1030315

where do you get 16,520 from?

>> No.1030319

his ass

>> No.1030321

probably a jew who pretends to be japanese to trick people into thinking he has honor

>> No.1030328
File: 686 KB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw vix is up 20%

>> No.1030333

I'm not American so I don't know but most larger Swedish companies are traded at around 15 p/e or less which doesn't seem that inflated to me.

>> No.1030342

High volatility doesn't mean shit

>> No.1030345


>> No.1030348


>> No.1030351
File: 14 KB, 300x242, nicolas-cage-crazy-300x242.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


the fuck?

>> No.1030355
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>> No.1030356

Complete finances and /biz/ noob here.

Is 3% drop a lot? What is the average range of change in % of a typical day, like -1%/+1%?

China closed at 7%, right? What would have happened if they didn't force that closing? Did they do this for damage control?

>> No.1030359

It's damage control that probably caused even more damage.

Imagine how spooked the gooks are before tomorrow's opening. They're biting nails

>> No.1030360

>Is 3% drop a lot?
Yep. wait till bell though.

>What is the average range of change in % of a typical day, like -1%/+1%?
Sounds like homework to me. Bonus points if you learn programming to figure this out.

>China closed at 7%, right? What would have happened if they didn't force that closing? Did they do this for damage control?
Find out in the next exciting episode of

>> No.1030362

It might have freefalled it might have rebounded no one knows.

>> No.1030363


you see something out of the ordinary?

>> No.1030364
File: 394 KB, 1642x1080, what 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol we gud bros.

We gud

>> No.1030365

starting tonight a 8:30 EST

>> No.1030366

Its about a 1 standard deviation move down. Meaning 80% of the time the market does the opposite.

>> No.1030370
File: 3.45 MB, 1082x9999, AMERICA FUCK YEAH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is always relevent. Please see the size of china relative to the US.

>> No.1030387

you realize that only means we owe more money than them right lol

>> No.1030396

Is anyone hearing about AIG financial / insurance terminating employees?

>> No.1030397
File: 10 KB, 266x189, aaa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine China starts selling their treasury bonds, America has to buy them back, the borrowing costs skyrocket, people shit their pants and commit suicides, it's 2008 all over again.

>> No.1030398

oh nvm i was looking at the wrong thing

>> No.1030399

The chinese suspend trading all the time.
It happened many times during the greek crisis too. Around that time they also banned buying and selling the same day, etc.

>> No.1030401

i posted about that in /rhg/ earlier, but i forgot those idiots dont even know what that means.

if you're in AIG, get the fuck out now.

>> No.1030402
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thank God for gommunism!

>> No.1030408

h-here we go

>> No.1030413

im thinking about making an interactive brokers acct just so i can watch the chinese collapse tonight in real time

>> No.1030419

You realize if everybody payed everybody back we'd all be at 0.

>> No.1030423



>> No.1030466

I don't want to lessen your excitement but China's total debt (private + public) is $28 trillion dollars. Their leverage is comparable to USA because their GDP is smaller. If USA collapses, China won't be too far behind.

>> No.1030468
File: 33 KB, 442x518, lolwut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just threw 30% of my money into an snp500 3x fund last Wednesday

>> No.1030567

>The market NEVER makes short-term dips. Every time it goes down it continues to slide for at least 2 quarters!

Why does everyone on /biz/ have short-term memory loss? You're exactly the type of irrational speculators that cause recessions.

>> No.1030568
File: 17 KB, 320x319, 6a00d8341cdd0d53ef01a3fd242584970b-320wi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1030585
File: 42 KB, 480x360, get the fuck out bear.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

to buy good stock you need to scare the sheep into selling

>> No.1030667

Yes. Majored in econ during college -> worked in consulting for 1 year -> went in-industry in supply-chain.

I am now in sales/commercial development. It's more fun than a purely analytical role.

>> No.1030672

It stands for terveisin, which roughly translates to 'regards,' or 'sincerely,' in Finnish. It's everywhere because of /int/ spurdo memeing.

>> No.1030673

But wouldn't the stock markets have learned to counter that annual thing?

>> No.1030678

Here from /pol/.

Just how big a deal is this? There's a new thread about this everyday.

I keep assuming it's the result of trying to manipulate your market and then discovering reality doesn't take kindly to that when you want to join the ball pit with everyone else.

>> No.1030685

From the little I understand, the next opening will tell, tonight at 8:30pm EST

>> No.1030704

Also studying Supply Chain

do you think an MBA is worth going for after 2-4 years after graduation? All I'm looking for is a steady 90k+ and no programming. No student debt here.

>> No.1030713
File: 66 KB, 205x205, 1447877617381.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're 100% safe, just hold. 3x is so little it's almost like buying the index kek

>> No.1030717

this thread is as bad as CNBC. just fucking relax.

>> No.1030723
File: 1001 KB, 1263x575, get rekt fang.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

check it

>> No.1030738


Bro how would I keep up with their market? Is there a website or a YouTube stream or something? I want to see it live like squawk box

>> No.1030741


>> No.1030745
File: 1.15 MB, 320x240, 1357174107181.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

futures and indexes

opening hours

>> No.1030753

The only profitable aspect of supply-chain is SCM. Freight prices as we know it is so transparent that it's literally impossible to operate without super slim margins for both big and small companies. At the same time, weak consumer demand for much of 2015 had put us under a tremendous amount of stress in pushing value-added services to supplement the stagnating price in asset-based income generation.

So, MBA in SC might be worth investigating if you aim to consult in that particular segment or if you want to show ambition to your company that you are aiming for a larger prize somewhere down the career. That's what I am currently debating on. I would stay away from programming because the chances of you becoming bored at the job as a programmer is much higher than a client-facing role, which is what I am doing.

>> No.1030756

markets closed a little while ago

>> No.1030784

what caused chinas market to crash? What's going on here

>> No.1030788


The signs were there for a while.

>> No.1030793

if someone loses money it means someone else is getting money so if the stock market crashes like this it means the credit and money and derivatives and stocks are going towards the government the government is gaining money as people are losing their faith in them and their services

>> No.1030815

I'm buying that shit when the government sells their stake.

Interest rates gotta rise soon senpai.

>> No.1030821

>There are 80 people who own over half of the world's wealth

No, there are 80 people with the wealth of 3 billion people

Hardly surprising when most of the world own nothing.


>> No.1030826

This is the perfect time to move to China.

>> No.1030861

Index fund noob here. Would now be a good time to get into investing in the arms industry? I hear it's counter cyclical.

>> No.1030999

Some American stocks are undervalued.

Most are not.

I own APPL. Down 12% in a year.
APPL is 9.8 P/E and has $220 billion cash.

Still crashing down because of China.

"Undervalued" does not necessarily lead to near term (2-3 years) future gains if all the stocks are dropping.

>> No.1031175

>Most are not.

I said some and you'll have to find out which. I made near term gains, in 30% range, after the august chimpout. I bought in the dip.

If my august experience is anything to go by, take some companies you already did a good fundamental analysis of (I ain't going into that, ask if you have questions), and look where their support is tested. The first flashcrash gives a good range where the support may be, you can be brave enough to buy it then, if there is a dead cat bounce scenario, the support will be tested so if it breaks it buy it (bear in mind that it should optimally be in the DCF range, but not every company will achieve that).

This is my experience, it varies from company to company, from industry to industry.

>> No.1031215
File: 39 KB, 425x333, flashcrash august 2015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here the scenario I had

>> No.1031224

are those your 20 and 90 day SMA?

>> No.1031259
File: 143 KB, 500x467, pol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Trusting the leftist who gives money to pro-Europe immigration and gives money to democrat PACs

How about NO

>> No.1031342


>> No.1031779
File: 511 KB, 800x600, immigration a shit.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1032012

>Soros said we're on the verge of another 2008 crash.

The best way into making people sell their assets, and buy them yourself at a lower price. Soros is only too much of an inhuman to give a flying fuck about his image. In all disrespect to the lizardman, I'll act the same, every investor would.

>> No.1032345

What if it's included for my finance major?