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10289009 No.10289009 [Reply] [Original]

You didnt find bitcoin in 2006. But you have chance to find carnivore diet in 2018.

Be first this time.


>> No.10289033

From a calorie count perspective this makes sense.

>> No.10289039

fuck off back to fit with this trash

>> No.10289048

t. grain-fed idiot

>> No.10289053

This is just some stupid meme. You can easily google "lifespan by diet" and basically

vegetarian with fish= vegan >>> vegetarian >>> meatretard >>>>>>>>>>> whatever this crap is

>> No.10289073

t. colon cancer applicant

>> No.10289085
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read the fucking book you mong

>> No.10289101
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I don't want to read, make me a weekly menu we'll put it to the test for a couple of months at least.

>> No.10289104
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My mistake vegetarian with fish beats vegan. Rest is still right.

>> No.10289108

>getting your diet advice from joe rogan and keto blogger con artists instead of the available scientific literature


>> No.10289109


Just eat your fucking vegetables with that meat man. Omnivore diet > carnivore diet. Scientific fact.

>> No.10289129

sorry dumbfuck, there is no available nutrition literature showing "vegetarian with fish" has better health outcomes than vegans. Vegans have the longest life spans, lowest rates of disease, lowest rates of diabetes, lowest rates of erectile dysfunction and there is no research showing otherwise.

>> No.10289152

>Using epidemiology to determine what diet to eat despite all the confounding variables


>> No.10289153


Just going to leave this here too - http://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/ks3/science/organisms_behaviour_health/food_chains/revision/9/

>> No.10289154

>>available scientific literature

sponsored by ((them))

There is a reason for promoting vegan/vegetarianism. World cant cope with 8 billion people eating meat. They know numbers must go down. So they are doing anything in their power to make you stupid, weak and no fertile.

>> No.10289213

Fuck off to pol lol. I've been a vegetarian since about 12, vegan since 18 (now 20) and am 6'4", cycle 30 miles each weekend (>b-b-but everyone can do this, no they fucking can't the average person can barely run 50m without exhausting). Graduated valedictorian with A*A*A* at a-level, pretty much the only flaw in my academic record is not going to a top uni, and this was just cause of shitty poor background meaning I didn't have enough confidence to apply.

All this and STILL I get fat, manlet, dropout meatards lecturing me on health while ignoring the evidence right in front of them. M*atards are absolutely delusional.

>> No.10289216

Veganism is the epitome of malnutrition, they cannot disprove that it is a less nutritious diet and all of their talking points they have been brainwashed with are opposites of truth

>> No.10289235

Oreos aren't healthy anon.

>> No.10289240

>implyinh young healthy body can survive off of shit food

You are right. It works. Just wait until it stops working as soon as you hit 30s+ and your young body cant cope with it any more.

Its like saying, Im smoking a pack of day and look at me!! Bodybuilder. all girls, A+ only, dr. degree.

>> No.10289244

You know how much of a cunt you sound right? No one gives a shit what school you went to on an image board. The veganism will turn you senile and you will cave in and eat meat again. You are cannibalizing your own bones and muscle if you don't eat animal products it's that simple.

>> No.10289245


>academic record

not gonna make it.

>> No.10289262

>Vegans have the longest life spans, lowest rates of disease, lowest rates of diabetes, lowest rates of erectile dysfunction and there is no research showing otherwise.
Even if somehow those stats were perfectly true, it still wouldn't not prove any causation. Maybe people with people genes decide to go vegan more often, maybe richer people decide to go vegan, maybe people who exercise more. There's plenty of studies that shit on veganism. You cannot prove that a diet is superior to another with a bunch of studies funded by whatever the studies "prove" as healthy. All foods have advantages/disadvantages, and all foods can be made to look bad/good with the correct studies.

Veganism and vegetarianism (and all other popular diets) are marketing scams, funded by the food industry who directly profit, and promoted by gurus trying to make money on new trends, who profit indirectly.

Vegans are literally low IQs who fell for the meme.

>> No.10289264

>dude veggies lmao
just a friendly reminder fish lack the cognitive capacity to experience pain

>> No.10289267


uh huh - apparently no one can be an athlete or have a decent muscle comp without animal products - cause plants don't have protein

honestly how low is your IQ anon, is it possible to go negative?

>> No.10289272

>You are right. It works. Just wait until it stops working as soon as you hit 30s+ and your young body cant cope with it any more.
Have you got any evidence at all? I find this really hard to believe when I'm much taller (I know this is genetic but probably the best indicator of whether you've ate shit growing up) and fitter than the average person. I assume stuff like >>10289104 doesn't count either?

t. poltard

>> No.10289293

Do you really think that the human digestive system can metabolize plant protiens like it does with meat enzymes? do you think we have the same digestive system as a chimp or something?

>> No.10289313

I've watched hours of ex-vegans talking about what a terrible and life threatening mistake it was, I'll take their advice over yours

>> No.10289326

Yeah and you can find hours of ex-omnivores doing the same. I'll take actual figures/studies over shit like that lol.

>> No.10289335


No, i think that regardless of what route you go diet wise you have potential to massively fuck it up or make it - depends on the daily macros and ensuring you actually care for your body more than anything.

Short term vegs have to work a bit harder for macro ratios - and long term effects play into the veg hands based on current research

Source - been veg for 5 years and started lifting 3 years ago. During that time went from a skinny ass 140 lbs to a lean/muscular 160 lbs (am short as fuck)

>> No.10289341

Cool man, go vegan and die, one less retard who is gullible enough to believe everything that is told to them by authorities

>> No.10289352

No evidence whatso ever beside the fact that young healthy people can take alot more beating then older people. Reason literally anything works while you are young and then suddenly everybody becomes sick once your body gets out of puberty and doesnt overproduce the hormones that kept you going.

>> No.10289358

>No evidence whatso ever beside the fact that young healthy people can take alot more beating then older people.
Alright. In that case this >>10289104 is easily enough for me

>> No.10289361

and yet you're still bragging to NEETs on an anonymous image board
where did it all go wrong anon?

>> No.10289376

Listen to you
>>vegs have to work a bit harder for macro ratios

Who in their right mind want to go thru life thinking of macros? On carnivore, you put fewe steaks on your plate and eat until you are full. Then next day some fish. Day after some chicken or pork. You get everything you need and you arent even trying.

Please tell me again how veganism is natural.

>> No.10289390


Organic meat in moderation is fine and healthy (once-twice a week).

Anything beyond that is just asking for cancer, diabetes or heart disease. It's not a question IF you will get either of these diseases, but when.

Also they didn't often cook their meat back in the day so a real carnivore eats it raw.

Good luck! Natural selection at its finest.

>> No.10289407

You do realize all animals you consume got all their muscle/bone/skin/tissue from... plants?

If it's malnutrition animals couldn't thrive on it either.

Why are you so stupid

>> No.10289418

Literally just replying to this
>So they are doing anything in their power to make you stupid, weak

>> No.10289424


I focus on it because i am actively trying to put on muscle past my baseline noob gains - wife doesn't track shit and is lean

> doesn't want to think about diet
Then die younger faggot - simple as that

>> No.10289460

Thats the most retarded thing i have ever heard. They digestive system is literally made for digesting grass, ours is not.

>> No.10289480



They still get their NUTRIENTS from it.

All the vitamins like B12 which they can store, iron, other vitamins are all consumed #THROUGH# plants. They don't magically create them in their body.

They digest and store them. You're basically eating second-hand nutrients through meat.

>> No.10289492

>You do realize all animals you consume got all their muscle/bone/skin/tissue from... plants?
>If it's malnutrition animals couldn't thrive on it either.
>Why are you so stupid
kek biology isn't that simple. i don't know shit about biology, but a simple google search can easily prove that different animals and humans cannot all use the same types of nutrients the same way. An example that I know for a fact, is that vitamin A from plants is basically useless to humans, whereas vitamin A from animal products is useful.

You're calling people stupid in the same post we're your spouting fucking pure stupidity.

>> No.10289522

You can be malnourished on literally any diet - what people are suggesting is that veganism = malnourished. This is scientifically inaccurate considering the plant kingdom provides any adult with all he needs.

Not only that but to surive AND thrive on it.

I'm not vegan myself cause I like the taste more than my health at times but I can not deny the simple, open evidence that is literally everywhere.

>> No.10289527

fish populations are declining and human populations are increasing. also, farmed fish is really unhealthy. I love eating fish, but I try to cut back for these reasons

>> No.10289534

well you're still a brainlet because you use brainlet arguments.

>> No.10289547
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>> No.10289571
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Here are some basics on vegetarians:


Here are their problems as to why they usually quit:

Vegans are deficit in b12:


High fiber diets reduce serum half life of vitamin D3:


Vegans have weaker bones due to lower calcium intake and vitamin D3 levels:


Vegans have a worse memory compared to non vegans due to creatine deficiency in vegans:


Vegans have less gains compared to non vegans:


Vegans are deficient in omega threes:


Vegans are deficit in carnitine:

Vegans are deficient in taurine:


Vegans are deficient in iodine:


Vegans are deficient in Coenzyme Q10:


>> No.10289589
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Vegans are deficient in iron due to the fact that iron from plant sources is less bioavailable than iron from meat sources:


Vegans are deficient in vitamin A:

http://healthybabycode.com/why-you-cant-get-vitamin-a-from-eating-vegetables (studies linked in the article)

Calcium in Rats

Magnesium and Oxalates

Vegans have a lower sperm count than non vegans:


Vegans have lower testosterone than non vegans:


>> No.10289600
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Veganism causes loss of libido and erectile dysfunction:

Children who are raised on strict vegan diets do not grow normally:


Children develop rickets after prolonged periods of strict vegetarian diets:


"There are some links between vegetarians and lower birthweight and earlier labour"


Effects of vitamin B12 and folate deficiency on brain development in children:


"Particular attention should be paid to adequate protein intake and sources of essential fatty acids, iron, zinc, calcium, and vitamins B12 and D. Supplementation may be required in cases of strict vegetarian diets with no intake of any animal products."


These next five are case studies:

Cerebral atrophy in a vitamin B12-deficient infant of a vegetarian mother:


Severe megaloblastic anemia in child breast fed by a vegetarian mother:


Consequences of exclusive breast-feeding in vegan mother newborn - case report:


Nutritional vitamin B12 deficiency in a breast-fed infant of a vegan-diet mother:


"We report the case of a 7 month-old girl that presented with acute anemia, generalized muscular hypotonia and failure to thrive. Laboratory evaluation revealed cobalamin deficiency, due to a vegan diet of the mother."


>> No.10289615
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You cant seriously be this retarded right?
Or do you just have the intelligence of a grain-fed sheeple?

>> No.10289625
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Most recent studies using more sensitive techniques for detecting B12 deficiency have found that 68% of vegetarians and 83% of vegans are B12 deficient, compared to just 5% of omnivores. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/12816782

On paper, calcium intake is similar in vegetarians and omnivores (probably because both eat dairy products), but is much lower in vegans, who are often deficient.

Vegetarians and omnivores have similar levels of serum iron, but levels of ferritin—the long-term storage form of iron—are lower in vegetarians than in omnivores.

Fruits and Vegetables

This is significant, because ferritin depletion is the first stage of iron deficiency. Moreover, although vegetarians often have similar iron intakes to omnivores on paper, it is more common for vegetarians (and particularly vegans) to be iron deficient. For example, this study of 75 vegan women in Germany found that 40% of them were iron deficient, despite average iron intakes that were above the recommended daily allowance.

many plant foods that contain zinc also contain phytate, which inhibits zinc absorption. Vegetarian diets tend to reduce zinc absorption by about 35% compared with omniovorous diet.

One study suggested that vegetarians may require up to 50% more zinc than omnivores for this reason.

>> No.10289643
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The Naive Vegetarian

Onions decreases your testosterone

Why you need dietary cholesterol:

Very great total picture kind of lecture:

Eating meat increases testosterone

Saturated Fat Finally Vindicated in Long Buried Study

Medium Chain Triglyceride Oil Consumption as Part of a Weight Loss Diet Does Not Lead to an Adverse Metabolic Profile When Compared to Olive Oil

Why you need cholesterol for testosterone

Saturated Fat

Humans evolved a specific hunting mechanism recently

Very wide and diverse amounts of similar research and current scientific consensus (look at the links at the bottom)

Exercise lowers cholesterol

>> No.10289660
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Europeans can probably digest fat better than other races
https://www.nap.edu/read/11537/chapter/13 (also a generic good read on dietary cholesterol and dieting)

Why "moral arguments" dont matter (there are literally thousands of them but I shall target the most popular ones)

It is not economically friendly, nor important for the world to forgo meat as we have a surplus of retarded niggers on this planet.

Giant read through summarizing dietary protein

Another giant read through as to why you are a lazy fuck and should move more. Very high quality, provided by the european union.

misc, how to go through paywall articles:


>> No.10289681
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additional info:


>> No.10290189

non-organic meat is literal trash
organic meat is too expensive
What is the second best thing to eat?

>> No.10290219

Are vegans/vegetarians retarded because of their diet, or did their retardation lead them to unhealthy food?

>> No.10290262
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t. grain brain stupid

we are the grug marines and we don't fucking eat grains

>> No.10290264

Eggs and beans for inexpensive protein. Preferably eggs from pasture raised chickens.

>> No.10290346

Thats why I eat it raw you dumbfuck

>> No.10290385

long on cast iron skillets

>> No.10290670

>Brags about grades
>Thinks all mammals digestion is the same

Can a person be this much a brainlet?

>> No.10290767

>organic meat is too expensive
ground beef and eggs are not expensive

>> No.10290799
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Michelle Tam beat you to it

>> No.10290839
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>> No.10290856
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Enjoy your increased risk of cancer, diabetes and cardiac arrest you boomet

Meanwhile my food looks amazing, I have the moral and ethical high ground, and I get to feel all superior when I reject non-vegan food, with all females mirin' my selfcontrol and slick body.

>> No.10290929

All meat diet here. So far so good. I've been on this diet for 6 months.
How about you dumbfucks try something and if it works for you, then good. Unless you are already an unhealthy faggot, trying any diet for a short period shouldn't be a problem. I'll continue eating my meat without veggies. Mostly you want to avoid carbs. I don't see an issue with eating veggies. But strictly vegan diet is for complete pussies.

>> No.10291031

raise animals yourself and eat them, or go into the forest and kill random animals and eat them, or just go fishing

>> No.10291042

>I get to feel all superior when I reject non-vegan food
everyone knows veganism is all about virtue signaling

>> No.10291050

Ur getting memed hard brother

>> No.10291097

>thinks he's an intellectual
>engages in science denialism

"hurrr durrr all the science that shows my beliefs are wrong is sponsored by duh joos!!!"
facts don't care about your feelings fucking faggot

>> No.10291132

ITT - brainlets that don't understand nutrition research and the peer review process get their diet advice from keto bloggers

To the anon spamming endless copy pasta: I absolutely did not read a single fucking word. If you're aware of specific research to refute the claim of myself or others, please feel free to post it. I am not reading the 50+ links you're spamming ITT that you simply copied from somewhere else.

>> No.10291182

veganism is about actually having a moral code and living out your ethics in life. Virtue signalling is literally the opposite of veganism, where you SIGNAL your virtues without actually acting them out. However, I know you're just a stupid cuck throwing out buzzwords and not actually logically thinking things through.

>> No.10291634

moral code? why are you eating plants then? Just because they cant scream doesnt mean thy like to be eaten

you are hypocrite

>> No.10291650

> you should only eat greens
>you should only eat meat

two sides of the same coin.

>> No.10291787

Not really. Red meat isn't "lean" at all. Go compare a 16oz steak to 16oz of chicken. Plus all we're going on is the word of some doctor who lost his license to practice who went on JRE. Fucker didn't even get bloodwork done. Plus his premise was entirely incorrect saying that humans didn't evolve eating plant based foods. Dude was a fucking idiot.

>> No.10291849
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>b-but muh B12
if you prefer colon cancer over B12 deficiency it's k.
americans always need to go overboard with shit and then wonder why they wind up sick to the core.
why not eat meat every now and then? no, it has to be all day every day. fucking gross mass produced cancer ridden meat at that.
instead you could enjoy a nice steak from free farmed cattle on Sundays and everyone would be fine.
it has to be all the way in until the health scientists prove that going overboard with X is stupid. so then americans go overboard with Y and do the same shit over again. have fun, retards.

>> No.10292038

The meat & dairy industries are the biggest marketing scams of all time you complete brainlet. Vegetarianism and veganism have existed in human society since before the free market was even established, and has formed the basis of human diets for millions to now billions of people since the agricultural revolution took place.

And now you've got all these decadent morons taking advantage of an increasingly wasteful and unethical food market and justifying this with 'muh grug hunter gatherers are meat.'

Keep eating processed Jew sausages from steroid fed cattle and preaching your brain damaged nutritional theories. Meat has no beneficial and relatively minor harmful long term effects, the fact is that the human body is incredibly resilient to bad nutrition. Any perceived reaction to dietary differences beyond the macro/micro level is simply individual allergenic responses, or is entirely psychological brainwashing. Only clueless sheep continue to feed this unsustainable mess by voting for the meat industry with their wallets

>> No.10292170

Everything you wrote can be supplemented. I eat meat and I still supplement creatine for gains. The digestion of red meat is carcinogenic, this is literal science. You've been brainwashed by the billion dollar meat industry, they're really good at controlling Americans (they basically own the FDA at this point). I think a vegan diet is taking things too far but you shouldn't be eating meat every day.

>> No.10292279
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I can't believe nobody is really mentioning anything about autoimmune disorders or inflammatory diseases in here

I just got a b12 deficiency diagnosis and have to get b12 shots for the rest of my life

Age 25... started getting random chest pains and numbness and tingling in my arms and legs... turns out my nerves were getting damaged and im not sure but my immune system is possibly attacking my nervous system

Doctors scoped me and found white blood cells in my esophagus and small intestine... doing more doctor visits in the future to get to the bottom of it.

So some of us actually have real reasons to do shit like this.

Currently cutting out Wheat and Dairy, also eggs inflamming my shit up. Have nice brown solid shits every day now. Used to get diarrhea a fuck ton as long as I can remember especially after I hit 21 and drank beer like a fish.

I eat lots of fish rice and beans greens chicken sometimes red meat but not too often. Lots of Fruit also.

If you don't regularly have solid shits I suggest getting your b12 levels checked. You're most likely not absorbing it and the neurological effects will hit you like a brick like they did with me. It hurt when I pee for like a whole year and I had no idea what it was from, so hopefully theres no serious nerve damage there. sometimes piss drips out my dick sporadically like 10 minutes after i piss

gonna intermittent fast and avoid wheat egg and dairy foods for now to reduce inflammation and heal up with my b12 shots