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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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10286733 No.10286733[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>Elon Musk deleted "pedo" Tweets
>Some of big shareholders of Tesla expressed anger
>Diver plans to sue him

>> No.10286738

Link of sue?

>> No.10286739

>There is a 10/10 chance that the driver is a SJW cuck.

>> No.10286742

>starts talking shit about rothschilds
>publicly states plans to make a journalistic integrity review platform

>media FUD campaigns start ramping up

Hmm, pure coincidence.

>> No.10286746


>> No.10286756

Go back to /pol/
This was not "planted". He literally did it all by himself, unprovoked.

>> No.10286775

that article is literally full of shit
projecting 100%
<CTRL+F> "sue" and no where is a quote, "I might sue him." sure he COULD sue him, just like it could rain tomorrow.
"I’m not going to make any further comment about him, but I think people realise what sort of guy he is."
he's a pedophile 100%

>> No.10286781

>he's a pedophile 100%

>> No.10286785

He has early onset dementia + midlife crisis.

>> No.10286787

Pedophiles BTFO

>> No.10286791

even if he would, libel requires the person accused of libel to prove that the statement is not libelous, so musk would lose. but how fucking funny would it be if elon actually proves this guy is a pedo just to really stick it to him

>> No.10286804

this is pol, nigger.

and no it wasn't unprovoked. any brit traveling alone in thailand is a fucking pedophile. you naive simpleton.

you are jealous of his autistic power, you wish you could call out pedophiles on your twitter and have the world watch

>> No.10286805

explain the article then - is it not blantant bullshit like the majority of the media has been covering about this subject?

>> No.10286811
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>Diver quoted as "I could smell children from a mile away"

>> No.10286826

Fuck off to /pol/ gatefags, /biz/ in its heart is a cunny approved board. You are either with the Jews that pol stormfag hates or pedos which pol want to cut their dicks off and publicly hang them.

>> No.10286837

>this is pol, nigger.

>> No.10286844

>/biz/ in its heart is a cunny approved board

>> No.10286854

so what, was he just trying to make a terrible joke?

>> No.10286872

it wasn't terrible or a joke. he called out pedo fags who fucked with him.

he's a chad god thats why pathetic people like OP try to bring him down like a crab in a bucket.

>> No.10286884

*Snap* *Snap*

Man, you really are filling up my cringe collection.

>> No.10286892

Is there any evidence that the guy he talked to was a pedo and it was not just Musk sperging out?
There is no point on defending Musk just for generally being a Musk fanboy. This was just extremely untypical for a business leader. Let's step outside and view this rationally.

>> No.10286895

so he was being serious? musk is turning into such a sjw its unreal

>> No.10286897

>Is there any evidence that the guy he talked to was a pedo and it was not just Musk sperging out?
No evidence whatsoever, not even any indication of it, except "he is British and in Thailand, therefore, pedo".

>> No.10286905

Wrong. SJW's love pedophiles and faggots.

>> No.10286911

yeah the dudes interview he discusses smelling children

>> No.10286913

Well statistically speaking he most likely is. Or fucks ladybugs, I've seen brits take kids away in Cambodia. Mainly old brits that look like that cunt. Time for soon to do some digging

>> No.10286926

Fuck off, Kimmo.

>> No.10286938

>Has to "think about suing him"

Fucking beta male pedo.
If he wasn't afraid of the truth coming out, he wouldn't be "thinking" about suing a billionaire who just called him a child fucker infront of millions.

>> No.10286951

This 100x

>> No.10287018

>head diver literally asks Musk to help
>wow much outrage such billionaire PR stunt xD
Leftist liberals are experiencing meltdown right now.

>> No.10287078

If he didn't sue to make millions it would really make me think.

>> No.10287083

Why do they hate the fuck out of musk?

>> No.10287093

I am cringing. Please stop. I just came for the comfy Tesla collapse thread and you are ruining it.

>> No.10287100

>/biz/ in its heart is a cunny approved board
The. Absolute. State.

>> No.10287101

Sure it's bullshit faggot, but to jump from that to "100% pedo" is just retarded.

>> No.10287106


>> No.10287111

>he did it unprovoked

retard alert. Go shill somewhere else fucker.

>> No.10287113
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>Diver gets publicly called out as the only thing worse than a murderer
>By a guy who is worth billions of dollars

Elon Musk better know something we dont, otherwise what an absolute brainlet sperg. Even if it is true, its still a bonehead thing to say on twitter.

>> No.10287138

desu most old westerners living in thailand are doing it to get away with something illegal. And that bloke is definitely not there for the steroids

>> No.10287148

That is not relevant. Do you know of any other public company CEOs acting like this?

>> No.10287153

The point is that if Elon doesnt have something concrete to point to, he cant go about slandering someone based on loose circumstantial shit.

I actually agree that the guy might very well be, but if theres a chance he is some innocent guy just trying to live off the grid with his nest egg its a fucked up accusation to get shot at you by one of the most powerful twitter accounts in existence, thers no coming back from that even if youre innocent.

>> No.10287155

Or maybe because suing a billionaire is ruinous? Musk can afford to spend millions on lawyers and dragging the case for years.

>> No.10287171

that old creep looks like a pedo or at least a creepy sexpat..an old cunt in thailand, I mean really, does anyone else really believe he would be there if not for cheap young asian pussy? Come on, we all know why old men go to Thailand, Philippines or Cambodia

might not be a pedo but I bet my money on him being a sleazy creep.

>> No.10287172

Elon is melting down because his company is about to go bankrupt.

>> No.10287178

>is about to go bankrupt
you don't really believe that, do you? do you just suck up what the media provides you like a vacuum?

>> No.10287437

>negative 1billion in cashflow in 3 months

>> No.10287496
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>this is pol, nigger.
The big difference being that /biz/tards are not all white virgins with living in a trailer park

>> No.10287501

rent free, kike

>> No.10287514

>yay pedos
>um but there's no indication this british man hanging out in thailand is a pedo guys! FUCK MUSK FUCK DRUMPF
>8 posts by this id
yeah you totally belong here

now this is a fairer point

>> No.10287519
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>the story is about rescuing some kids in a cave
>Elon goes on an autistic fit cause they rejected his latest tech stunt

Whether he's right or wrong, you would think he had the tact to not be so rude to the people actually down there doing the rescue (successfully i might add)
This is like some bit out of a comedy making fun of the rich guy who's completely lost touch with normal society.

>> No.10287578

yep. From a PR standpoint he really did fuck up.
What I wonder is who made him delete the tweets and whether it was a good thing to do so or it put him in an even worse spot.

>> No.10287592

Have you tried to emphasize with him? Imagine spending your time and money trying to help and in return getting only shit on by keyboard warriors.

>> No.10287603

>journalistic integrity review platform
Does such a thing exist? If so please point me to it.

>> No.10287610

Look at their financial debt

>> No.10287649

Being selfless and mature are given traits when kids lives are in danger.
He made the offer, they said no, the rescue worked out anyway. Thats where you leave it.

Publicly calling one of the rescuers a pedo is hilariously bad form. Sure, talk shit with your buddies about the ungrateful cunts, we'd all do the same.
But on twitter?

>> No.10287677

Oh yeah I forgot america didn't just elect a president for his shitposting.

Dude fuck off, people love the transparency. This is the point of social media.

>> No.10287687

imagine beeing a billionaire and giving a shit about the opinion of some internet fag

>> No.10287705

Pedo isn't even an insult, it's an object fact. Most whites in Asia are sexpats

>> No.10287726

It's not about transparency. It's about looking bad. He used his position of power to call somebody a pedophile, without any proof. Can't you see how bad it looks? Elon was baited into this shit and he cracked and I'm sorry for him. I honestly hope he'll bring some sort of proof soon to clear all this scandal.
Pedo is literally the worst insult you could throw at somebody. Even if he's right (which he most likely is) he should bring some proof.

>> No.10287734

If the shitposting was so useful to him, he would have never deleted the comments.
It was a dumb mistake

>> No.10287745

>this isn't going to blow over in a week

He knows you cant really delete anything on the internet. Deleting it makes people stop pinging him, the faggots who are overreacting about it.

>> No.10287757

>He made the offer, they said no
That's not how it was. He was asked by one of the head divers to build the submarine. Do you suck up everything leftist media throws at you? Good goy.
It's not "some internet fag". The whole left is attacking him ever since he called out (((media))).

>> No.10287809

They said no about using it in the end.
Do you make everything political? Jesus fuck

>> No.10287838

Except the pedo literally insulted Elon first, didn't you watch the video? He shit on the work of Elon and his engineers and said it was useless. Obviously pedo had no proof it wouldn't work either. Eye for an eye

>> No.10287890

>They said no about using it in the end.
Yes, because the monsoon started later than expected and the pumps managed to keep the water level low enough for the operation to proceed without the need for the sub.

He tried to help (his motives are absolutely and utterly irrelevant in the equation), but his help wasn't in the end (by sheer luck) needed. But the leftist media of course used the opportunity to attack him and call it PR stunt (because hindsight 20/20), while the arrogant british sexpat literally told him to shove the submarine up his ass. If you think this pointless escalation was warranted then you're either a shill or retarded.

It's unfortunate that Musk got baited, but I completely understand his situation.

>> No.10287895

yeah are you people dumb? Didn't anyone see how that old sexpat cunt told Elon to shove his submarine up his ass for really no other reason than being a cunt. It is only after that that Elon told this guy a pedo.

>> No.10287918

You don't do an eye for an eye with some random pervert, especially when your Elon fucking Musk. What's so hard to understand? If he wanted revenge so fucking bad he could have literally waited a few months for all these things to settle and then have the guy killed. That's what, 10k in Thailand? Probably less?

>> No.10287929

>Do you make everything political?
Also, this clearly is a political matter, faggot. Stop pretending it isn't when practically every attack on Musk is coming from leftist media and their communist acolytes.

>> No.10287946

>typical left argument
>say same shit about trump
it's afraid

>> No.10287950





>> No.10287953
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>being this retarded

>> No.10287957

Musk absolutely made a big mistake, and should have known better than to throw himself to journalist vultures. This is exactly what they were waiting for. But in the end he's just a man, and you can push only so far until someone snaps.
Fuck off shill.

>> No.10287961

>he doesn't know amazon was cashflow negative for over a decade
fucking brainlet. learn how business works

>> No.10287972


>> No.10287977

Who am I shilling? I'm just laughing at your mouth froth

>> No.10288006

>plus ultra
>the future belongs to us
they're afraid

>> No.10288036

All these weirdos that blindly defend Elon are hilarious. Why can't you just admit that Grimes fucked him up beyond repair?

>> No.10288059

>i'm smart because i do what i'm told and follow orders
>omg u guys have your own opinions? weirdos!!!!!!!

>> No.10288076

Calm down Elon. Some criticism is healthy for you, you know

>> No.10288119

Am I the only one who doesn't give a fuck about these kinda stupid twitter beefs? I fucking hate that this is news in 2018. Fucking goddamn half the news stories out there these days are just recapping what's happened on twitter.

>> No.10288135

Stop paying attention to news.

>> No.10288138

That's what you get when jews run the media. Really base stuff. It's all dying though.

>> No.10288162
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>Also, this clearly is a political matter,
I'm going to write this out twice in two different ways so you can be stoked into reflecting on the error of your ways:
Kill Yourself

I, and everyone who comes here for apolitical crypto, financial, or even meme discussion fucking hate you fucking easy triggered subhuman victim complex disgusting pieces of shit and your proclivity to Freudian split everything into a political dichotomy because of your poor self esteem.
Just die so you stop posting.

>> No.10288171

You sound more butthurt than Musk.

>> No.10288193

>opens a political thread
>gets butthurt over political debate in it

>> No.10288210
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>> No.10288212

>defending electrokike
You're not one of us redpilled wise warriors if you defend this kike. You'll hang with the fags, nigs and kikes as well you traitor

>> No.10288213

Our maybe he is just sick of entitled pink haired land whales that have become common in the west. Even if you where castrated Thailand would be a great place to retire to of you could handle the heat.
This board is full of fucking tards

>> No.10288228

Musk cracked under pressure. I watched the video of his submarine and I have no idea how they would be able to bolt the lid on to transport the kid in those condition. His idea was good but implementation was shit

>> No.10288317

>>had no proof it would not work
Bullshit if you where in that cave who would have you had save you?

musk is a techno narcissist. More technology does not always make for a better solution.

>> No.10288444
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>snap cringe
4chan is /pol/. End of discussion. Go back from whence you came and die heeb demons.

>> No.10288568

/mlp/ used to think the same thing

>> No.10288577

Has he lost his mind?
lmao at people defending him.

>> No.10288633

kek just read his tweet. Dude literally doesn't give a fuck. Musk is fucking based.

>> No.10288861

Well fuck....I thought I was. Still getting this shit served up to me on biz though.

>> No.10288892

On /biz/ you'll usually get the redpill version, instead of the twisted "truth" media serve.

>> No.10288912

He really should have learned something from Trump and owned up to those tweets instead of deleting them like a pussy. He just made himself look like a beta bitch that the SJWs can push around.

>> No.10288964

just shows how cucked journalism really is when they're all writing the same article claiming this dude to be a rescue diver

2018 - cookie cutter journalism

>> No.10289047
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The difference between having tesosterone:
>>10288633 (checked)

and not having any:
>>10288577 (checked)

>> No.10289650

>this is pol, nigger.
well sure, this board can be retarded sometimes but don't be that harsh anon, /pol is much worse.

>> No.10289801

you're still typing you fucking faggot, why aren't you dead?

It specifically talks about shareholders, it's not political, more a discussion about social norms which contrary to what SJWs will have you believe need not be politicized, and in case you can't tell: it's on a /biz/ board.
And yes I am butthurt. Becuase it's a /biz/ board.
What part do you not understand about this?
Can you not understand that if I want to read /pol/ type content I'd go to /pol/? Why is that so hard to understand?
Everything in it's place.
Everyone happy.

Wasted trips. Go drink bleach before running in front of a train you fucking degenerate 14 year old.
Unlike the great European explorers who put their flags in foreign lands you're actually inferior to the indigenous inhabits of this board - I'm talking about the crypto holding stinky Linkies and the like.
You do not have the right to claim this whole website for you fucking syncretic outrage porn board.
You haven't earned that right like those brave conquerors did by crossing fucking oceans, bringing superior technology and culture.
You are scum. Fuck off.

>> No.10289879

>and no it wasn't unprovoked. any brit traveling alone in thailand is a fucking pedophile
Or maybe they're a diver and Thailand is great for diving.