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10284044 No.10284044 [Reply] [Original]

Okay, I've decided to stop the bullshit and ask a place that actually knows money about what might be my biggest decision yet
I've decided that before winter starts this year that I am leaving NJ for various reasons, one main one including the fact that everything is fucking expensive and I feel any progress here for me would lead me nowhere.
The only problem is that I have only 30k to my name, am 21 years old, and have no degree because as of right now I fucking suck as a human being, so I can't really just throw darts at a map.
My idea would be to get a roommate and rent an apartment somewhere in a cheap community outside of a growing city, find a job that at the very least leaves me with a surplus rather than a deficit
I've had a couple ideas, such as NH and TN, but NH is getting fucking expensive and TN is filling up every day, and I don't know if there'll be any more room for me by the time I've gotten down there, but neither are absolutely out of consideration
Bottom line is that I'm looking for a state that has at least lower than average taxes, a growing but not full population, is no further than the MIMAL line and doesn't have a legal situation as "congested" as NJ.
And I'm not staying here. I'm getting out of here no matter what, so don't even think about telling me so
Any recommendations are appreciated.

>> No.10284063

Fuck I also for got to add
>My idea would be to get a roommate and rent an apartment somewhere in a cheap community outside of a growing city, find a job that at the very least leaves me with a surplus rather than a deficit
>And go back to school once i'm eligible for in-state tuition costs

>> No.10284169

I'll bump your thread OP because that image is very helpful.

May be getting a job in Hoboken soon and I want to know where to live where I can commute but not spend 3000 on a studio per month

>> No.10284234

I wish I could help you, but I live in Mercer, so I don't know how similar or dissimilar the job or house market is over there. I'd assume it's pretty expensive. Also, while this isn't exactly a financing thing, at least from what I've heard, Hoboken is FILLED with assholes. I mean NJ is full of shitty people regardless, but I've heard people there are just toxic

>> No.10284289

I believe it. Been there a few times and it's just a ton of trendy shitlibs. Not thrilled with working in Hoboken but times are tough. Gonna see if I can find a place in the northern part of the state and take NJT in

>> No.10284406

TN outside of Nashville probably isn't that bad on a COL basis, you could check out knoxville or chattanooga areas. NC is pretty nice too. Make sure to run the numbers on your tax situation before you assume it's better, I moved to the deep south from the NE and am getting raped on the insane sales tax, random fees, and expensive utilities in my state.

Definitely find somewhere to live with a good transit situation to work, driving and parking in that area is a disaster during rush hour.

>> No.10284427

the only things I ever really heard about hoboken was that everyone there is an asshole and maxwell's used to be awesome.

>> No.10284454

op do you have a private contact I recently put an ad on craigslist looking for a roommate which would fit your wants pretty well but obviously we would have to talk more to figure out details

>> No.10284473

Former Mercer County NJ fag here, moved to the Midwest with 30k to my name. Comfy as fuck.

>> No.10284474

>Tax situation
It's NJ. save NY and Connecticut, literally anything is better taxwise. Hell, even fucking California has less overall taxes.

>> No.10284493

I need that map version of California, pretty please? kek

>> No.10284502

I would like to talk with you, but the thing is that I still haven't decided where I'm going, nor have I gotten the finer details down. What would be your preferred contact method?

>> No.10284533

doesn't matter discord works

like you said you don't know where you're going but I think your situation would make sense here.

>> No.10284538

No kidding? Same here. What area?
Wish I could help you, friend. I haven't been able to find a single similar pic. I think NJ is the easiest to make since everything is so densely packed here. Did you know NJ has the highest population density in the country?

>> No.10284573

Pennington/Hopewell. I miss it sometimes, but then remember how expensive everything was.

>> No.10284578

Your state is too fucking small for all this division.

>> No.10284598
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Unironically in just about the same position as OP except I live around passaic. The state is terrible and everyone I've ever seen post about it on an imageboard seems to hold similar ideas about it. Bumping for OP's question as it would answer mine too.

>> No.10284689

NJ is VERY diverse.
>Newark, Camden, Trenton, Some of Atlantic City all Blacks
>A surprisingly high number of Indians scattered throughout, probably due to that huge ass hindu temple they built a few years back
>Everywhere that is majorly white has more asians than blacks
>Pine Barrens full of hicks
>White people, typically Italian or Irish-american of our generation are either diehard communists or bleeding heart libertarians, both exist because of Christie
It's a hot melting pot mess

>> No.10284697

Move to Dallas, TX and get into IT.

>> No.10284735

Move to SC or NC. Get a job working in pharma/aerospace manufacturing as an operator. Get them to foot 5-8k/yr for school. Study coatings/materials engineering somewhere. Coatings/anti corrosives is a massive market if you can reduce maintenance costs by 15+%. Go look at how much the military spends on keeping up with the rust on the ships.

I'm from North Jersey. It's fucking expensive. I went to school in Hoboken. Maxwell's was the fucking shit before Hoboken sold out to the highest bidding developer. Best thing I ever did was leave that state.

I'm not in the Carolinas but it's cheap as hell, budding cities, rent is cheap, major industry interested in moving, and if you land a solid job you could buy a house and actually save something.

>> No.10284761

Your state is literally too geographically tiny for all this division. Your state is basically the size of Los Angeles.

>> No.10284777

Live here for a month and travel around, you'd be surprised

>> No.10284795
File: 19 KB, 201x275, 1530684548777.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you could add me on discord too
do you have discord

>> No.10285003

nj is a crazy state