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File: 28 KB, 300x378, bear-sell_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1028227 No.1028227 [Reply] [Original]

Ok guys, are we approaching a bear market now or what is happening? Should one buy put-options?

China is contracting and everyone is high on debt, and the Fed ended ZIRP and will probably rise the interest rate further.

What do you think /biz/?

>> No.1028378

We've been in a bear market for a while, Depends on your positions.
Big move today so relatively expensive puts. Very low Probability of Profit.

>> No.1028395

it was crystal clear that we were on the very edge of the bull market in late 2015. honestly just sit on the sidelines and learn more about stock trading.

i still don't know what's going on with oil though. were people saying it was going to bottom out?

>> No.1028437
File: 120 KB, 735x528, 20160106_UBS4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

time to sell boys

>> No.1028492
File: 50 KB, 720x544, The-Simpsons-Season-19-Episode-10-6-cbeb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've seen this post past 5 years every week. No, the q1 will be high vola, likely slightly negative.

2017-2018 we are looking new insane highs in us stock market as money has no place to go than dollar, bonds will be out of question.

kinda like zerohedge or something that has preached about the coming collapse past 6 years pretty much every day, missing the whole 3rd best rally of all time.

>> No.1028506

>rally of illiquid debt

Boy this is going to be hilarious

>> No.1028515
File: 1.14 MB, 1366x2653, shemitah-real.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"they" know

>> No.1028642
File: 15 KB, 327x324, 1451347441165.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dont give a shit. Rally is a rally. All money is leveraged debt in the end. People seem to confuse stock market to real economy, those two are complete seperate things. In china it is even more hilarious, the whole exchange is a casino I dont think there is a single person in china buying and holding over a month without some insane leverage haha

>> No.1029942

You're right, but the opportunities people missed has very little to do with the opportunity now.

what's your strategy? how are you positioned?

>> No.1029943
File: 67 KB, 800x591, garden-shed-plans-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What do you think /biz/?
That american cartoonists that draw in this...style should be taken to the back of the garden shed to be shot together with the ghost writers.

>> No.1029952

What happened in 13 September 2015? Something invisible like in Nov 1994 & Sep 2001?

>> No.1029972

zerohedge is one of the biggest jokes in online finance. Basically the Alex Jones of trading.
>short every US equity!
>buy all the gold!
>US dollar going to be worth less than Argentinian rubles!
If that fucking guy had to live off his trading profits instead of slinging shit to suckers he'd starve

>> No.1029984

are you chinese?

>> No.1030030

Not that guy but still laying my long, putting 1/3 of my after-expense after-tax income into my portfolio and the rest into a housing fund while waiting for a housing crash in the next 10 years or so. Renting is cheaper than the non-principle costs of housing in my area, I can wait.

>> No.1030032

>ghost writers
Fuck no man, keep those alive in a saturated market. My hobby novel is shit and I want to hire one for as cheap as I can.

>> No.1030044



>> No.1030048

I got 250 cad $ wtf do I do

>> No.1030053

buy jew memes in toronto m8

>> No.1030054


>> No.1030062

dont you get it man
just post le happy merchants on biz and use the 250 to buy pizza

>> No.1030066

Pizza pizza or pizza hut????????

>> No.1030074

It's a bear trap, put everything you have in right now because it's gonna shoot up.

>> No.1030075


why are people acting like the stock market is crashing or contracting.

the DOW is close to 17k. even if it crashes, will only go to like 10k - which is basically 2010 levels.

so all we'd lose is maybe 5-6 years; and then it would bounce back. i fail to see why everyone is panicking

>> No.1030088

We are at the end of a bull market and are not going to see 2013 level growth rates any time soon but there is not enough certainty about whether the market will go down or remain level.

I think the herd generally understands that rates had to go up some time and are unlikely to believe that the sky is falling or a few overvalued tech companies and bubbles that might burst will drag down the entire market.

>> No.1030108

>why are people acting like the stock market is crashing or contracting.



>> No.1030120

>i fail to see why everyone is panicking

Tell that to people with 401Ks who will lose 40+% of their life savings. (oh its only dropping back to 2010 levels)... Dont think about it in years. Think of it in percents.

5 years of "savings" doesnt sound bad. Realizing you have been putting money into a 401K for the last 25 years, and it suddenly lost 20-60%. We arent talking about 5 years, we are talking about what people have worked for their entire adult working lives

>> No.1030132

>My hobby novel is shit
Then you're neither working hard nor smart.

>> No.1030139

If you are 100% invested in stocks 10 years or less before retirement you are doing it wrong.

>> No.1030141

I'm an old fart, but I remember people saying dow would never go above 2000

>> No.1030151


The vast majority of people after 25-30 years of work...are no where near retiring.

It doesnt help that the normal places to put money, like bonds, have over the last decade paid such low returns you are better off just dumping money into a Money Market account.

>> No.1030154

>What is a hobby
It has nothing to do with my finances or profession, anon, get your head out of my ass.

>> No.1030252

Ty nobu

>> No.1030286

The talking heads are fudding

>> No.1030331

chart is misleading because it's not linear. the scale is logarithmic. if you don't understand what that means, you should exit the stock market

>> No.1030346

Well that's just poor planning on their part.

>> No.1031787

Regardless, ghost writers should get the garden shed treatment.