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File: 139 KB, 640x360, canada-flag-video-id516870008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10284088 No.10284088 [Reply] [Original]

Every fucking decent job wants a college or university degree in this shithole.

>> No.10284116

Uh I have a degree and so far so many fucking rejections and no interviews :/

t. Math/CS grad 2018

>> No.10284132

do you have a heart beat?
can you pass a piss test?

Then nut up and work the oil rigs. Dont be soft.

t. Albertan Rig Worker

>> No.10284142

Sad, i graduate in a year and this is my greatest fear. I will probably end up just doing postgrad to avoid even applying for jobs.

>> No.10284145
File: 50 KB, 670x408, BillGates-e1405873903706.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Move to the US, we have too many jobs and not enough people apparently

>> No.10284152
File: 86 KB, 1024x576, i2.cdn_.turner.commoneydamassets160926195147-nadella-political-climate-00011126-1024x576-be376b21075b25160a58ad701ebad9a6e94375f6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, this is true

>> No.10284163
File: 173 KB, 1200x900, 1200px-Adobe_CEO_Shantanu_Narayen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10284171

See, I want to do this, and I would have free rent in a bunch of places in the East coast. But right now I have to stay in Canada and make it here. I wish I knew French, I wish I had a goddamn mentor...

>> No.10284173

It's a fucking ponzi

>> No.10284203
File: 148 KB, 718x726, engineer meme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao in Canada you either work for the government or you eat shit

>dude get an engineering degree and make 80k starting
>lmao jk only 30% get jobs get fucked good luck competing with raj pundarhaminijidad and li kufang fresh off the boat with with 30 years experience

>> No.10284214


>> No.10284292

>Uh I have a degree and so far so many fucking rejections and no interviews :/ t. Math/CS grad 2018

Wow you must be literally retarded then.

I went to a shitty pajeet run three year college course and I got a programming job paying $60k in three weeks after my last day of class in Toronto... what the fuck are you doing wrong?

>> No.10284312

Just fucking lie about your degrees and experience. You think they verify any of it? Your personality, work ethic, etc. Will count for more than whatever "education" you recieved for your diploma.

We live in a society of facade, everyone's doing it and they're beating you. Time to start playing the game too.

>> No.10284317

What the hell? Did this really happen?
Everyone says pajeet college is a scam.

Teach me how

>> No.10284320

Yup. Deal with it. Pay your dues.

>> No.10284323

>gets lucky
>why can’t you all just be as awesome as me

>> No.10284337

Apply for jobs bro. Even if you don’t want it think of it as free information for where you’re at.

>> No.10284438

survivorship bias or some crap

Honestly, I haven't applied to my city/province so that might have a lot to do with it. I am restricting myself to 1 city currently/another province that I don't live at, so that might be my problem :)

>> No.10284541

Not sure that's the right word

>> No.10284593

>>university degree
buy it

>im 24 now
>finish shitty tech diploma from GBC (GTA)
>can't find a job
>buy a fake degree from ryreson for $200 USD
>add to resume
>get 60k entry tech job
>they don't even ask about the degree - but obviously noticed it on the resume

literally no downside, if i was you i would just put the degree on your resume and if you land an interview where they want to see it then buy it, let it come in 2 days and show it to them

>> No.10284662

>and this is why pajeets should not be allowed in non-pajeet countries
The end

>> No.10284686

Where do I buy it though? This is brilliant btw

>> No.10284776

>What the hell? Did this really happen? Everyone says pajeet college is a scam.

Yeah, but I graduated in April 2016. Worked at that first job over a year then left for a higher paying similar job.

>>gets lucky

There's no luck involved, it's called not being a retard and being able to bullshit your way through the first job's interview.

Also I was drinking every day so I literally didn't give a fuck even though I didn't know how I was gonna pay rent in two weeks. The whole not caring thing really helped the nerves during the interview.

>> No.10284817

Did you go to Seneca or some shit? I'm always amazed when pajeet college graduates get better jobs than university grads.

Maybe I should just become a pajeet.

>> No.10284834

2 seconds in search engine "buy fake degree" you god damn lazy newfag summerfuck

>> No.10284837
File: 610 KB, 2592x1936, computer-science.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no degree
>many interviews for engineer positions
>every male is a raging cuck
>every female is a butch antifa cunt
>not a cultural fit

>> No.10284849

Yeah im not sending my money to some random Indian, most would be scams id imagine.

>> No.10284868

well who do you think would make this kind of shit?

>> No.10284895

It's not that they want uni grads it's that there's an oversupply of graduates and not many jobs so they are picky. It's been like that for 2-3 decades, which is why everyone leaves and gets jobs abroad.

>> No.10284983

been there done that, no thanks not falling for the oil meme again.

brb wake up at 5am
brb get yelled at all day
brb almost die / lose your fingers
Oh whats this? work is slow all the sudden? I hope you saved cause your yearly salary is about to dive to McDonald's tier levels

>> No.10285450

welcome to the western economy fucktard

>> No.10285597

This is why I'm moving to asia. A masters gets you entry level now, forget a bachelors or below unless its something super niche and technical. My friend is in database stuff at 40 something and says everyone 40+ there has at most a bachelors, usually a diploma... while all the new hires have phds or masters plus previous work exp. Pay is stagnant too. Uni's are just holding patterns/daycares to keep kids doing something so they dont get bored and cause crime...makes them feel like they are progressing in life. I know a guy in my field on his second post doc position in science, he makes about 25k/yr after tax and he's 36. The dream is dead.

>> No.10285679

Link senpai?