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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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1028187 No.1028187 [Reply] [Original]

[Robinhood General Thread] -- /rgt/

IDK how to start a thread edition

>Stock Questions & Answers
>Stock Predictions & Forecasts
>Stock Graphs & Charts
>Stock Successes & Failures
>Stock Highlights & News

Visit the website first - www.robinhood.com
*Only works for US citizens right now (Australians can get on a wait list for the Australian beta)

Candlestick App - thinkorswim
Available on iOS, Android, and Windows

Candlestick charting guideline:

Twitter like chat about different symbols:

Previous Thread: >>1023077

>> No.1028193
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First for RIP Chipotle

>> No.1028206
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Quick, need new Mexican food chain stock to replace Shitpotle in my portfolio...


(asti bros ded?)

>> No.1028211

I shoulda stuck with my short longer.
Figured the "blind loyalty" thing would have put in a floor on this shit.

>> No.1028217

NFLX boyos!

>Netflix announces it's now live in 130 new countries including India and Russia

>Netflix: Now Streaming Worldwide


>> No.1028219
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mfw too poorfag for even a single share

>> No.1028220

If it was only cheaper $113 to high im to poor

>> No.1028261

So much red. There is only pain today.

>> No.1028269
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this to be quite honest with you, my familial cohort

>> No.1028271

Alright so I've been lurking a few threads and wanted to know what would be a decent amount to start trading and what resources to read up on.

Current background:
>Casino Employee working at 10/hour averaging 25 hour work sometimes 30

I Don't have much saved since I just started november but averaging under 500 dollars every paycheck what would be the best way to invest my earnings?

>> No.1028276

Robinhood is shit if you want to make money. The efficient market hypothesis makes this no better than playing the lottery. You need big bucks if you want to make any profit (talking several thousand).

We do this with spare change for fun. You make some or lose some. At most/least you gain or lose a few dollars or a few pennies. Everyone just buys penny stocks and meme stocks. Right now the meme of the month is ASTI and everyone's suffering

>> No.1028289

Start with $100 and make small plays. Only invest as much as willing to part with as losing is a very real possibility. Investopedia has a lot of very good info for beginners and khan academy has some good videos about company valuation.

You'll find some good recommendations in these threads from time to time but don't blindly trust anything you see here. always do a bit of research before buying in. Far better to miss a runner than catch a falling knife.

>> No.1028303

This guy>>1028276
speaks the truth.
Very rare around here.

Learn the difference between trading & investing.
Investing is something everyone should do with an eye to their future. That means putting it in and leaving it, not moving it around.
Trading is only really done by a very tiny percentage of people, namely those who have significant resources they can dedicate to it.

>> No.1028304

>no memes in the OP image


>> No.1028312

CMG doubles within 365 days
>screenshot this post boys

>> No.1028319
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>> No.1028322

The only thing that Chipotle is gonna double is the amount of federal dicks in their ass

>> No.1028334
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>> No.1028345

> three months ago ASTI was supposedly going to be $2.00
> now everyone is just waiting to sell at whatever they bought in at
I think /biz/raelis are the only ones still on it.
We should start a pump and dump effort on Reddit so we can all be free of this suffering.

>> No.1028351

If CES isn't enough to get ASTI going up then ok, but why in god's name is it actually going even lower?

>> No.1028353
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top kek

>> No.1028360

>why in god's name is it actually going even lower?
Umm, to convince you that selling is the right option?

>> No.1028362

Buyer's remorse and rampant dilution I'm guessing

Pretty good idea desu

>> No.1028366

CES still has two more days. But I see whatever gain it could get being destroyed by ASTI's desperate need for revenue by pumping out as many stocks as it can.

>> No.1028370

PRSN just dropped from .23 to .14
Is this it? Do I get out of it now?
I'm new. I'd rather not hold it, but with everything in the downtrend, I'm worried it'll just stabilize here then drop further.

>> No.1028373

>We do this with spare change for fun.
It sure doesn't seem like it.
A lot of these guys are weeping like they would if they lost thousands, not shrugging it off like a lottery ticket that didn't pay dick.

>> No.1028387
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>> No.1028398

well lottery tickets are like a few dollars, and most people here invest a few hundred. which is still not that much relatively speaking. i probably lose more money on my other stupid hobbies, but this is the only one that can net me a profit.

if i make a good bet, some lucky camwhore gets my shekels. if i don't, i have blue balls for a month or so. the stakes aren't high.

>> No.1028412

I don't think anyone here is as mad as they claim to be
It's like people sperging on /v/ when really they're sitting down typing with a straight face, maybe even chuckling internally

>> No.1028416

jesus fuck!!

>> No.1028419

>not using this opportunity to invest in stocks that are going to rebound

>> No.1028424
File: 8 KB, 249x249, donfrown.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

where is that motherfucking SFXE shill?

also, guy with 17k shares of SFXE, you cash out yet or did you just kill yourself instead?

>> No.1028425

Is is a good move to follow the moves of other good stock buyers? When they buy something you buy something.

>> No.1028426

Yeah, it could net you a profit, but not through any skill on your part.
If I bought lottery tickets that lost, I wouldn't really spend any time analyzing why the numbers I picked didn't win.
Or why the guy who gave them to me was wrong.

I get that most aren't really mad, but it's obvious that many are relying on the word of other posters for their buys.

>> No.1028429

Jokes on you, friend. I bought a couple more shares of SPXL this morning.
High hopes for later this week

>> No.1028434

Yeah, that's why stocks and the lotto aren't the same thing.
Stocks are a little more in your control, but not entirely. People who do shit like buy ASTI are just being memers and doing it for fun, kind of like.. Playing slots? At a casino with the boys? Except all the slots have different potential payouts and risks associated with them? Idunno. It's a little more fun that way. I get my gambling kicks out of strategically picking meme stocks and some other stuff. Other stocks I pick purely for investment purposes though

>> No.1028443

Very much a newbie here, would anyone please care to explain how exactly SPXL works? I know it is a 3x S&P 500 ETF from poking around the fact sheet, but how exactly does this work? Never looked at investing in ETFs before.

New knowledge would be greatly appreciated!

>> No.1028447

What do you mean how does it work? Its leveraged at 3x, which means if you bet on it and win you win 3x as much. Its paid for by people taking the opposite position as you on the 3x bear ETF.

>> No.1028461

>stocks and the lotto aren't the same thing
Right, but you can gamble using the stock market just like you can gamble by buying a lotto ticket. But you can approach the market seriously as well.

That's the question: Do you take it seriously or not?
Those who don't shouldn't be bothering with "research", and those that do shouldn't be using RH.

>> No.1028464

Ah, I understand. It can basically be traded, like a stock, and tracks (in this case, S&P 500) the performance of a market. In the anons case a few posts up, if the S&P 500 hits green, he can stand to have that performance multiplied by 3x, and trade off at that multiplied rate.

Sounds very very risky. Are these typically traded off as soon as your hit a good green day or held onto for extended periods of time or clung onto until a green day hits?

>> No.1028466

When someone buys a share, they don't expect to make millions.

>> No.1028469

Its for high octane traders who are confident in their positions. Think oil is about to skyrocket to $60 dollars a barrel? Dump your life savings into a 3x bull oil ETF and get fucking RICH.

>> No.1028470

No shit.
"People buying 1 share" clearly falls under the "not seriously" category.

>> No.1028472

Just wondering, have you ever tried your hand at something similar (or anyone else) and if so, how did it go?

Sorry for the onslaught of questions, I'm very intrigued by all of this

>> No.1028481

I used to trade 3x inverse silver ETF's.
I made some decent money doing it, but they're not very liquid, and you lose some profit to slippage.

>> No.1028498 [DELETED] 
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Day is finally over...

Post damages. I am definitely not making this back anytime soon.

>> No.1028499
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Wrong screenshot.

>> No.1028525

Down 8 bucks. It's not much but it's still red. I'm just going to have to cut my losses with ASTI, I doubt they'll ever go up considering their desperate strategy to dilute themselves for cash.

>> No.1028596

Let's seriously do a pump and dump on Reddit. We need to be free of this suffering once and for all.

>> No.1028649

Knock yourselves out.

>> No.1028663

I feel you senpai :(

>> No.1028763



>> No.1028765
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Should I just stop?

>> No.1028769

Should have never started baka desu senpai

You STUPID son of a bitch

>> No.1028770

How am I stupid motherfucker? Didnt you tell me to go all into ASTI!?

>> No.1028781
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>heeding stock tips on an anonymous Cambodian dumpster diving forum

>> No.1028782

where should I put my money tomorrow

>> No.1028784


>> No.1028786


>> No.1028789


>> No.1028795

That's the spirit!

>> No.1028797

PRSN has gotten fucked so hard recently
its toxic man it was a bad meme time to cut losses and bail
put your money somewhere it will start to rebuild your stacks

im going into HA again

>> No.1028798


>> No.1028801

How does Robin Hood make money?

>> No.1028802

They invest in $ASTI

>> No.1028804

Investing your unused money and margin account interest.

>> No.1028809


I inherited roughly 240k shares in RXM (Rex Minerals Co) from my dad. They were worth about 106k when purchased now they are worth 17k. Should I hold onto them?

>> No.1028815
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If youre in for the long haul you should realize that copper mining is taking a gigantic hit right now because copper prices are incredibly low

over time this will probably change?? if youre willing to hold it for years I mean

>> No.1028818

In all seriousness, should i sell $ASTI now? Looks like their CES performance went to shit. I bought in at $.15

>> No.1028820

I should point out that I got completely assblasted by FCX earlier this year so youre not alone here friendo

>> No.1028826

I have made about $450 off $ASTI since december. I'm in their rabbit hole pretty deep right now with about $7k in at .139. I'm not too concerned, All the markets were down today. They have limited debt contracts and government orders are now possible. it could rebound in the next couple days to couple weeks in my opinion.

>> No.1028829

Did well on UGAZ DGAZ trades last week. Made 40 bucks on a 80 dollar trade. Gotta get in and out quick tho.

>> No.1028830

Wow nice, what price did you buy in at?

>> No.1028840

I bought at the high .14s then averaged down as the price got lower to decrease my average share price.

>> No.1028880

I'm Canadian so I can't get robinhood. Really fucking sucks cause I basically have to buy stocks in huge amounts just to keep above commission. But I don't have alot of money so I cant buy huge, especially with high-cap companies.

>Buy 1000 shares of "x" for 100 bucks
>get fucked in the ass for 8 dollars
>Company shits the bed, gotta cut losses
>Sell 1000 shares of "x" for 85 bucks
>get fucked in the ass for 8 bucks again

Kill me

>> No.1028891

another scenario of a comissionfag

>Buy 1000 shares of company "x"
>get fucked in the ass for 8 bucks
>share value drops, but forcastic a spike or future growth
>buy 1000 more shares
>get fucked for 8 more dollars
>Growth finally comes and its time to sell
>sell 2000 shares and get fucked 8 more dollars
>make net capital of 50 bucks
>Comissions eat nearly half of it and only walk away with 25 bucks

>> No.1028898

move to america? we have guns and freedom down here.

>> No.1028914

it's not worth it to trade that way if you're getting fucked by commission lad.
just buy and hold something safe.

>> No.1028935


Not for long

>> No.1028943

yeah I'm thinking of buying dividend stocks and just holding them long term

>> No.1028975

MAde the mistake of investing with FREE. I pulled out, my business partner didn't.. he lost a lot. Might turnaround later this year, but don't expect it. Both of us made a few hundred off of GBSN before the reverse split. Planning another reverse, I heard. Not good news at all. KBIO is a stupid investment.

>> No.1028995

Anyone with any advice on some good dividend stocks?

>> No.1029007

try O

>> No.1029014

Hmm referring this just because of the high dividends, or does this company actually have protected growth as well?

>> No.1029017

you can see the chart for yourself

>> No.1029018

but yeah i guess you are betting on the real estate market a little bit

>> No.1029041

Not necessarily a bad thing though.

>> No.1029042
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>tfw the first time you actually look up $ASTI

>> No.1029055

How do you calculate dividends on RH given that div/yield value?

>> No.1029125

>altering trading behavior to avoid commissions
my sides

>> No.1029161
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gunna be yet another bloodpath tomorrow

>> No.1029222



Oh dear, I am going to lose more ;_;

>> No.1029232


>Don't say doing your mom.
>Don't say doing your mom.
>Don't say doing your mom.

Doing your...son?

>> No.1029245


I don't think I should pull out but man, I will forget about making money in the market for a while.

>> No.1029297
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Why did you mention "not pulling out" when quoting a post about plowing your own son?

>> No.1029374

$KHC, $GE, and $PFE are the only secure dividend stocks I follow that I feel safe recommending at the moment.

>> No.1029379

REITs just issue more shares to pay their dividends, $O specifically is one of the worst offenders. There's really no growth, it's mostly just financial engineering.

>> No.1029388

So with the market going to shit, I assume it would be better to invest in active ETFs, the ones that make moves in order to out do the market?
I'm bout to start getting int ok them so any info /biz/ got would be great.
> mah gains

>> No.1029398

how long term are we talking?

>> No.1029421

2-5 years

>> No.1029435

Out of curiosity, why GE

>> No.1029445
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Idk if DNR is gonna go bankrupt or some shit,

But if you think oil is going to ride over next 16 months or so, buy this, then enjoy profits along with your other oil stocks

>> No.1029475

Just look at how it performed in 2015

I'm going to be investing in smith and Wesson because Obamas got a lot of stock in guns and that's pretty much the reason he's pushing gun control is to try to make some money out of it.

>> No.1029534

>tfw currently living in South Korea so I'm not even awake when the market is open

>> No.1029555

Ugh, futures are like looking into the dumpster today.

Should I sell any long positions I have and wait this out? Or is there enough confidence that we will get out of the rut like August?

>> No.1029633

Well I sure picked a good week to start Robin Hooding.

Sorry lads my luck killed the markets.

>damn you, ASTI

>> No.1029634

I'd say wait it out. But it depends on what you're into and for how much.

2016 elections can't come soon enough.

>> No.1029701

South Korea has a stock exchange that lets you trade during your normal hours. It's not like you can use robinhood there anyway.

>> No.1029731

it'll bounce up, it always does.
use this time to double your investment while it's still down.

>> No.1029837
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>s&p open down 0.2%
>immediately plummet 1%

OH boy

>> No.1029857

> ASTI headed below 10¢
oh fugg delisting eminent

>> No.1029860

I want to buy but seems like its going to tank

>> No.1029863

My first week and picked up 200 shares of ASTI at 0.1369. Wonder if I should just hold. In total, I invested about $100 across ASTI, FCAU, NVDA, and EYEG and fairly good prices. Could have waited till today and bought lower, but still.


>> No.1029867
File: 66 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2016-01-07-09-43-20.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck fampai

>> No.1029869

Why is every thing red?

I think most people are in red for the month.

>> No.1029870

When it comes to dividends, what does the number mean? I see some that say 2.435, others in the 3.xxx, and even one in the mid 9's. Is this a percent per share, or cents per share?

>> No.1029872

WTF are you invested in dude

>> No.1029878

Lost 37% of all of my money on VPCO. Brought shame to my famiry

>> No.1029879
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Well that was quick

Another halt immanent 2 hours faster than yesterday

>> No.1029888

China suspended circuit breaker

There will be no halt

>> No.1029889

Well, I don't know about the month, but this just happened earlier and its fucking everyone's asshole into the red:



>> No.1029894

I feel if it gets bad enough they'll do it anyways

>> No.1029907

Seriously guys I always try to give you good stocks to look at but then you still buy ASTI.

Stop buying ASTI.


>> No.1029909

>bought WMT yesterday before close
>read evening news
>motherfucking cunt whore
>position is -400 USD on morning open
>bought on the basis of WMT having recovery momentum
>i was right
>sold at profit of 170 USD near previous day's high
>current price is 65.2
>my buy was 64.38
>could have made triple my profit

fucking news scared me off. ah well. just check my records. made about 1000 since the start of the year. no complaints. bear market wut.

>> No.1029910

Buy ABR desu senpai

>> No.1029919

you know why, anon. Don't be so coy

>> No.1029924


No lol

>> No.1029927

Do any of you watch cnbc?

If so, do they inject any political bias into their. market coverage?

>> No.1029929
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Possible LABU reversal

>> No.1029931

if only you posted this at 9

>> No.1029932

> trying to hoard all the ASTI stocks for yourself
not on my watch Schlomo

>> No.1029933


Why exactly is WMT shooting up this morning after that bad-ish recall news and stuff last night?

>> No.1029937

No I actually pick good stocks anon

>> No.1029947

I think automakers are a bit undervalued. Too much bloodbath for them doing so well.

>> No.1029948

I think it's percent per share. Look them up on Google or Yahoo Finance to see the dollar amount.

>> No.1029949
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>> No.1029950
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>ASTI hits 0.11

Get my pennystock broker on the phone

>> No.1029951 [DELETED] 
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called it

>> No.1029955

GE recently restructured their entire business and supposedly has around $1T in assets right now... Not kidding. No dividend increase this year due to regulations after they got rid of their financial business, but next year it should be huge. Buybacks too.

>> No.1029957
File: 2.69 MB, 3840x1080, Screenshot 2016-01-07 07.32.14.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and here it is, labu reversal from lows 14's to 15

>> No.1029958

Usually they don't

People fear a recession, so that is why it and $MCD go higher. Look at the charts of those stocks in 2008-2009.

>> No.1029960
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>buy ASTI two weeks ago
>don't worry, guys, it'll get better during CES
>still tanking

learn from my mistakes, boys. unless you're buying to take advantage of an expected event spiking the price, never hold a <$1.00 stock for more than 48 hours.

>> No.1029961
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>> No.1029962


Buybacks aren't a good thing. To buy shares back is essentially management saying they have no idea how to deploy capital to enable increased future production, aka GROWTH, so what the hell, let's make your scrip a bit more scarce

>> No.1029963

What candlestick app?

>> No.1029965

$ASTI can't go any lower than 11c right? I mean for real

>> No.1029967

It will grow their stock price to around $40 with their current $120B buyback authorization. They're buying back a third of their market cap, and that shouldn't be ignored. They will also have enough money to grow. I'd like to see them buy another industrial such as Honeywell or 3M.

>> No.1029975

I'm holding fast for my limit sell of $0.14 so I can finally get off ASTI's wild ride

>> No.1029977


I just made a sick reversal call and you retards are still talking about ASTI lol

>> No.1029979

I was right there with you bro but I'm waiting on unsettled funds from asti

>> No.1029981

double dubs

This is our messiah! Follow him!

>> No.1029985

what buy now

>> No.1029987

TVIX or UGLD right now?

>> No.1029989

With thinkorswim do you have to deposit anything to view the bells and whistles?

>> No.1029993

$50 for the whole program then you can withdraw it right afterwords
just let me invest your money
good shit

>> No.1029999

Put $50 in my td acct and I'll get the full tos?

>> No.1030001

yes thats what i did

nice get

>> No.1030002
File: 35 KB, 396x446, barkley2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My dad is an accountant and mentioned off hand that making a lot of high volume trades could make my taxes really complicated. Robinhood will give me some kind of statement to sort it out right? right?

>> No.1030004

while i do agree with the other guy that replied to you, the reasons for this specific instance is more nuanced.

WMT has been in a freefall since about start of 2015. their price hit a 4yr low about mid november. that was also the time that they beat their earnings estimate AGAIN. so analysts figure that's enough of doom because WMT is clearly earning enough money. additionally, you have to consider the effect of big boy bank shorters finally buying backing in after the price crashed 60% in a year.

so you got 3 things going for it: rebound off the 4yr low, exceeding earnings expectations, and being a staple of consumer spending for day to day goods; which rarely goes down. and perhaps short-cover buy ins

i expect a pullback tomorrow if someone is looking at WMT. these candles far exceed what i think is reasonable momentum. i believe it's a good buy for a several week to month hold. that rebound off the low should continue for a bit. personally i wouldn't. i like to keep my money in the market as little as possible. the overall conditions right now are too bearish SPY opened today 2.2% down. these down gaps overnight are absurd.

>> No.1030005

>screen tinted red
LMAOing @ ur life senpai

>> No.1030012

Sadly I think you will have to wait for ASTI to delist or people finally stop actively chase falling knives.

Appreciate the picks.

>> No.1030022

Yes. If I recall, when you pull up the sidebar menu in the app, there is a section called "Tax Documents".

I just got opened the account 2 weeks ago and haven't closed any trades, so when I click on it, it notifies me "Tax documents will become available the February following each year you have sold stock"

>> No.1030025

All of us talking about ASTI are trapped in the ride. I don't think any of us are seriously recommending it.

>> No.1030027
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HA Ha Ha ah haAh

>> No.1030028

What the fuck did you trade? Whyd you let it go to 35% before cutting losses HOLY SHIT

>> No.1030033

Hooooly sheeet!

May god have mercy on your soul

>> No.1030037
File: 103 KB, 709x541, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this is their "big product"
>only for iPhone 5/5s
>implying anyone would buy this crap ever

This is what you're investing in? HAHAHA NO WONDER THE STOCK IS TANKING HAHAHAHA

>> No.1030038

Holy shit hit F to pay respects to this mofo

rip in peas

>> No.1030040
File: 113 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2016-01-07-08-17-48.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post em

>> No.1030041



>> No.1030042

This is a beautiful train wreck at times...

>> No.1030045


>> No.1030047

They could have shown a solar panel with tape on one side and USB plug on the either side and itd be better then that.

>> No.1030056

What happened here?

>> No.1030069
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Like >>1030041

After-hours Tlog released results and then everyone sold

Cept me cos I use ROBINHOOD :^)

>> No.1030071
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you are all-in on an obviously risky stock?

this is why you diversify
this is why you dont play penny stocks
this is why you set stop losses (although i dont think that would help with after-hours trading desu)

im sorry for your lots


>> No.1030073

It'll get better, anon.

>> No.1030076

why are you using robinhood with that much money?

>> No.1030077

>your arrows
>they are mine now

>> No.1030080

Anyone else just randomly type letters into robinhoods stock search?

>> No.1030081

Should have gone with ASTI

>> No.1030083

why trade stocks when big guys say just buy low cost index funds

>> No.1030084


>> No.1030086

Yeah, like this>>1030076
anon said, why?
I've mentioned this in these threads before.
Mostly, I just get "Hurr, why do I care about da after hours? Robin Hood!"

>> No.1030087


>> No.1030091

holy balls

>> No.1030092

I thought this was a joke. Sweet rise especially in this bad time

>> No.1030095

This photo>>1030027
Clearly shows the risk. But I personally will trade the zero commison for no after hour as the amount I am investing is small.

But hopefully some people will learn robinhood zero commission can come at a hefty price.

>> No.1030099
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When will the pain stop?

>> No.1030103

>No Stop Losses

All of mine triggered left unscathed by the skin of my teeth. Literally all cash now

Will reposition once the funds settle.

>> No.1030104

AUMN refuses to go below .20 for some reason. Might be easy money. Just set a limit order at that price

>> No.1030105

DGAZ looking ripe for a run

>> No.1030111

What is diversification? Seriously, either you buy a penny stock because you know the story and have LONG-TERM conviction, are an actual trader, or are misguided by people on the internet. Guess which one people in this thread are?

>> No.1030112

We are all expert gamblers, thank you very much.

>> No.1030116


>tfw the penny-stock I am knowledgeable of isn't sold on Robinhood

k i l l m e

>> No.1030121


>> No.1030125


Any news on Robinhood expanding to OTC Markets? They're based in NYC, and Robinhood already trades NYSE stocks...

>> No.1030126
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Possible SUNE reversal.

>> No.1030127
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>NETE finally jumps up enough for me to break even

now i just need ASTI and SFXE to do the same to restore my faith in the market

>> No.1030130

Here are the things Robinhood needs to do, in order:
1. Remove 3-day funds availability window (probably will only be removed on margin accounts, sadly)
2. Dividend reinvestment
3. After-Hours
4. More foreign stocks like Unilever, etc.
5. OTC and whatever else

>> No.1030136

copy that, going in balls deep

>> No.1030138


>Dividend reinvestment

So...does RH just dump your dividends into your cash account?

>> No.1030140


>> No.1030142


>1. Remove 3-day funds availability window
they are required to do this
my other broker does the same (interactive brokers) for non-margin accounts

>> No.1030143

Anon your balls must be huge. If you lose money on my call I'm gonna laugh.

note: possible
also note that I didn't advise you to buy this stock but if you get in tell me whats your entry

>> No.1030146

anon if this next candle doesnt close green i think the reversal might not happen, but currently its green.

>> No.1030150

They aren't required, if that's true it would be gone by now. They make money with your funds on hold in money market accounts, currently.

>> No.1030153

Some fucknut on cnbc right now is "predicting" the s&p to fall 20%-40% within 6 months.

Marc Faber is the guy

>> No.1030157

tell me which broker doesnt do this for cash accounts

>> No.1030162

All of them do. I'm just saying why they haven't dropped the process. They're a new business, and need to gain as much interest as possible on your money. So, they hold it for longer.

>> No.1030163

>I personally will trade the zero commison for no after hour
Your call.
Personally, I rarely pay much more than $5 for commissions anyway, so for me, there's no point in depriving myself of after hours access.
Plus, I make bank on earnings reports then.

>> No.1030168

Anyone investing in AIG get out now

>> No.1030169

Don't know where you're getting your info, but the three day settlement rule is from the SEC.
Brokers have to follow it.

>> No.1030173

Please stop tripping if you're this clueless

>> No.1030175


you mean please keep tripping so we can take your words with a grain of salt

>> No.1030179

Ooo yea good point

>> No.1030185

Why don't you guys just filter tripfags, like me.

>> No.1030188

fearmongering gets ratings

>> No.1030189

I like seeing the guy who may be Chinese

I think he knows what he's talking about

>> No.1030219

Li Sheng knows breh

>> No.1030245

I think my messages were being misinterpreted as maybe I didn't understand your questions. But that's fine. I know it's an SEC requirement.

>> No.1030260
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>> No.1030262

Even though it's a requirement, it's still a con.
Like when the bank says it'll take 3 days for your money to transfer. Why, because they have to fucking drive it over there?

>> No.1030266

>even good ole AMD is tanking

shit, there were many depressing days in December where AMD was my one stock in my portfolio I could always depend on to be green.

>> No.1030269

>Not selling when it hit 2.90

Damn I dropped it all at 2.75 it was going to tank when Q4
results where posted with another massive net loss as Zen
won't be coming out till at least Q1/2

>> No.1030301


>> No.1030311

What do you guys think of SWHC? It's at its all time high, does it have room to go up, or is it down from here? People are probably still going to buy guns because of the eighth-year-in-a-row NRA Sales man of the year; however, it's been going down the past few days because of eased buying and the entire market plunging.

>> No.1030326

it depends entirely on whether we get a republican or democrat election. dems = to the fucking moon , repub = back down to normal

>> No.1030336

well if the states keep passing resolutions to block obama's executive orders, and if he keeps making them, then swhc could shoot up

>> No.1030347

I think everyone just needs to calm down.

>> No.1030385

are oil ETFs a good idea right now? seems like oil is due for a big surge.

>> No.1030389

inverse oil etf

ultra short oil etf if you're really brave

>> No.1030426
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Those first few days looked so promising.

>> No.1030432

>apple going to go bankrupt
steve knew exactly when to off himself

>> No.1030439

what broker app is that? does anyone here use tradeking?

>> No.1030443

I'm losing all of my profit.

>> No.1030445

>asks what app it is
>in the general of said app
>in this digital indochinese pictogram bulletin board

>> No.1030446
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>> No.1030461

Is there a Canadian equivalent to robinhood

>> No.1030472


>> No.1030473
File: 169 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2016-01-07-11-56-52.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know that feel, my dude.

>> No.1030500

Yeah so I bought about 300 shares of ASTI @.15 should I buy more?

>> No.1030504

Keeping the dream alive

>> No.1030516
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I'm so sorry

>> No.1030517

Is it a good idea to start buying stocks in a crash?

>> No.1030523
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>> No.1030525

already down to .11 wait till .10 then buy more

>> No.1030528

sure if you're shorting them

>> No.1030530

Yes, but be ready to see it fall further however if you see it through no matter where
you caught the knife you should still have bought it pretty well discounted.

>> No.1030533

only time i buy

>> No.1030539

shit sorry i didnt know robinhood was an app, thought it was a meme i didnt get

>> No.1030544

how legit is this brokerage? how quickly do they carry out your trades? i have never seen a brokerage that gives free trades before

>> No.1030546

I made $50 during my 1st month from $500, then I added another $100 and made $100.

>> No.1030552

They carry out your trades right away but it takes 3 days for your money to settle after selling.

>> No.1030558


Any must buy stocks right now with all the low prices?

I know the meme talk, but if ASTI hits .10, should I buy 1000

>> No.1030565

Don't, it's only gonna drop further

>> No.1030566

What do you guys use for trading in the UK? Is Plus500 a scam?

>> No.1030569

buy 200 at a time as it drops

>> No.1030571

Just wait for tomorrow.

>> No.1030573


>> No.1030578

hold till 9? further?
don't even bother?

>> No.1030580

it's getting delisted and all your shekels would be worthless

>> No.1030584

Don't, with the market shitting. There's been consistent loss for the last month and no worthwhile pr. Shorts are losing faith and longs are getting sick of waiting for this thing to take off myself included.

It's a fucking bloodbath

>> No.1030590

From what I understand, the UK stamp tax makes day trading pointless. As a result, many of those wanting to trade do so through CFD's (like at plus500). Because this is technically trading in a fictional asset (only tied to a real stock or commodity), you don't have to pay the stamp tax.
The problem I've heard is that lack of regulation means these "brokers" can vary wildly in legitimacy.

>> No.1030592

But senpai I invested 14.95.

I'm ruined.

>> No.1030594

>>1030584 and >>1030580

>> No.1030596

.1477 here

Live by the sword, die by the sword

>> No.1030599

can someone explain short selling in retard terms for me? I read this twice and I still don't see where the profit comes from:

For example, assume you sold short 100 shares of XYZ at $20 per share, based on your view that the shares were headed lower. When XYZ declines to $15, you buy back 100 shares of XYZ in the market to cover your short position (and pocket a gross profit of $500 from your short trade). This process is known as short covering

Read more: Short Covering Definition | Investopedia http://www.investopedia.com/terms/s/shortcovering.asp#ixzz3warZNPth
Follow us: Investopedia on Facebook

>> No.1030602

should I wait a few days to buy Anything?
is everything continuing to drop?

ideally, id obviously like to buy at lowest.

looking at GE, CMLS, PFE, HIHO, SUNE, LRAD

looking for advice, and whether there are any must haves

>> No.1030603

>>1030580 is probably correct but we won't know until February

>The Company has requested a hearing before the Panel, which stays any delisting action in connection with the notice and allows the continued listing of the Company's common stock on The Nasdaq Capital Market until the Panel renders a decision subsequent to the hearing. The hearing has been scheduled for February 11, 2016. At the hearing, the Panel will consider the Company's pending non-compliance with (i) the minimum bid price requirement and also (ii) the $35 market value of listed securities requirement.

>> No.1030606

I have a stock that is worth $100 right now and you borrowed it. You sold it for a $100 and now you have $100. Next day the stock you borrowed from me is worth $70, so you bought one and then returned it to me. You made $30 and you don't owe me anything.

>> No.1030619

Try researching why these stocks are dropping and make a decision from there.

>> No.1030620


>> No.1030621
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The pain never ends
Lost 10% of my cash this week

>> No.1030630

Should have bought dwti when it was sub 100 a few months ago. What the fuck is wrong with me?

>> No.1030634

I think it's safe to say us noobs who haven't invested a dime yet should stay out and wait till the bloodbath is over huh?

>> No.1030640
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Today actually ended better than I had imagined it would, idk how much longer I can/should hold out though.

>> No.1030643


I'm pretty close to just dumping everything since most of my stuff is diving or leveled out to a new position much lower than what i bought it for. may as well just eat my losses and start fresh.

>> No.1030646
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Only pain, no gains ;_;

>> No.1030647
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I feel that, but if one of these shit heaps skyrockets I think the regret would probably kill me

>> No.1030654

Thanks Anon.

>> No.1030662

Why not just hold the positions and start over fresh?

>> No.1030664


>> No.1030666

Obviously nobody knows where the bottom is but it may not be an awful idea to find a company that looks promising and pick up a few shares at a time as their price continues to drop. That way you'll be loaded up when the market inevitably makes a comeback.

>> No.1030682
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Lol whhare there so many losses today, did you not know this was coming /biz/

Why didn't y'all buy like $2,000 worth of $UVXY before Christmas??

Y'all are a bunch of goyim

>> No.1030695
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Fucking today, what the fuck happened?

Also, buy apple while it's low.

>> No.1030696

NETE at .25 after hours, TO THE MOON BOYS

>> No.1030706

I heard of a copycat stock method where you buy and sell the same stocks when someone else does.

Where can I watch a good stocker without paying much?

>> No.1030728

Is tomorrow going to be another free fall or have we hit bottom

>> No.1030730

Didn't mean to link you

>> No.1030736

it's going to be 3 times worse. recovery won't come until Monday. screenshot this if you don't believe me.

>> No.1030739

what makes you think that?

I actually made a lot of projected limit buys for 6 companies (all at lower than todays lowest points), should I just cancel them?

>> No.1030740

Are you guys doing short term trading? Also is airbnb public yet?

>> No.1030743

can you short stocks on this robinhood app? or do they not lend for that?

>> No.1030744

Lol this could get worse than 1929

The fed bubble is fucking huge

This ain't even the beginning

>> No.1030755

Let's see how China fares later today.
If it plummets, we are fucked tomorrow again.
If not, we will likely rebound at least for tomorrow.
(China is prob still gonna fall so it's the former most likely)

>> No.1030757

My poo

>> No.1030764
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>> No.1030781

Hey newbz




you have a good day now boys

>> No.1030786


So what you're saying is...dump all my holdings into ASTI?

>> No.1030787

do you want me to screenshot this too?

>> No.1030790

woo lads I feel bad for anyone holding commodity future contracts this week.

>> No.1030804

My dad has almost 400,000 invested in pimco,mfl, and mus. Is he fucked all they have gone is up despite feds rasing the rates.

>> No.1030818


>> No.1030822

Even bonds?

>> No.1030836


>> No.1030839
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First week trading and and I want to get off this wild ride

>> No.1030841

What's all this Redwood talk about ASTI?

>> No.1030844


>> No.1030882
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>tfw almost fell for the ASTI meme but my application was still under review

Mmm, feels good.

>> No.1030909


Everything is at bargain prices
We should buy

>> No.1030911

ASTI up 12% after hours

>> No.1030936

This. Be bulls.

>> No.1030944

At the end of December redwood disclosed that they own 9.7% of asti shares.

Speculation ahead:
Redwood is probably slowly selling off their shares in order to decrease shareholder's confidence in the stock, driving the price further down so that they can reacquire a fuckton of shares at a super sweet price.

>> No.1030951

This wait period is killing me. What's better, to invest 3000 every 3 days or rotating investing 1000 every day?

>> No.1030954

If you're running that kind of money you shouldn't be using Robinhood.

>> No.1030957


I prefer the rotating method, I like to stay part liquid at all times so I can make moves when the new memes come up

>> No.1030960

I don't invest in stocks that have AH and I have no interest in shorting with margin. I'm making about 60$ off penny stocks every few days and I'm satisfied. If I switched to a real broker I'd just be doing the same thing only with a commission attached.

>> No.1030970

Child's play

>> No.1030998
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>> No.1031050


>> No.1031143
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>The efficient market hypothesis

>> No.1031153

But tomorrow morning and get some low prices?


Wait longer as knives are falling?

>> No.1031212

At what point (ie. how low) will ASTI be delisted?

>> No.1031272


I would worry if it goes under the 52-week low.

>> No.1031279

>The Company has requested a hearing before the Panel, which stays any delisting action in connection with the notice and allows the continued listing of the Company's common stock on The Nasdaq Capital Market until the Panel renders a decision subsequent to the hearing. The hearing has been scheduled for February 11, 2016. At the hearing, the Panel will consider the Company's pending non-compliance with (i) the minimum bid price requirement and also (ii) the $35 market value of listed securities requirement.

>> No.1031283

rip asti

>> No.1031296

Almost all those stocks you listed could lead to good profits.
Teach me your ways senpai.

>> No.1031301

not really... he posted that at 10am

3/4 of those had already hit their high of the day. if you bought them then youd be losing money by end of day

its not hard to go on finviz at 10am and pick 4 stocks that have huge gains and post them here. especially on a red day like today where nearly everything else was down at that point

if he had listed those at 9:25am i would be impressed

>> No.1031306


>> No.1031307

im buying

>> No.1031309

Probably should have said "could have", like I meant to.
Though I wonder if he knew ahead of time and purposely blueballed us.

>> No.1031311
File: 60 KB, 640x960, IMG_0298[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SFXE shill here.

Buy in tomorrow when it bottoms out around ~.12

>> No.1031314

who are you

stop recommending this shit

are you an SFXE employee
Chris Stephenson is that you

>> No.1031319

Any reasons why?

>> No.1031323

Check out AST, its like ASTI but way better because it has a reliable chart trend, and right now it looks like it is due for a dead cat bounce. Buy in soon because it will only last a week or two at most.

>> No.1031324

well im not going balls deep but i will pick up more of my two favorite current stocks TASR and HA

yes im the guy who keeps mentioning those

>> No.1031696

Buy UGAZ today hold till monday
Buy XIV today sell before close.

>> No.1031717

Aren't you not supposed to hold those overnight?

>> No.1031872

You can make four or five day trades in a four day window.

I wouldn't make a habit of it. If you do keep meticulous records about it. You don't want to end up having to have a margin account.

>> No.1031899

Only if there is a definitive trend. You can hold for a while. Nat gas will be up by monday but its gonna sell off on monday so buy today on the dip and sell early monday. Also coffee is a long play. CAFE and another etf i cant remember. Brazil is in a drought. Could be a big winner 3-4 months from now

>> No.1031912

>SFXE considering bankruptcy

Fuck that fucking shill who told everyone it would be $1 by now

>> No.1031914

I take xiv off the table. The markets arent as hot as they were 3-4 hours ago. TVIX might be a good midday buy if the US markets follow europe. Surge in the morning then drop off in the afternoon.

>> No.1031917

I jumped back to commodity ETFs after i got bit trading stocks. They are just easier to predict for me. I cant pick good companies to save my life.

>> No.1031919

I havent seen it on here yet but investing.com has a good mobile website for earnings reports and whats on the calendar for the day. Maybe not the most informative but good mobile layout.

>> No.1031931


Can you trade those on RH or would I need something like Scottrade

>> No.1031977

new thread where

>> No.1031999


New thread here