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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 92 KB, 289x241, EM-young.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10281001 No.10281001 [Reply] [Original]

This ugly piece of shit is Elon Musk 18 years ago.
Now he's a billionaire that exclusively fucks movie stars and models.

Here are some facts about Elon Musk you might not read in the news:

> He's ugly & fat
> He eats shit food and doesn't exercise
> He's spent millions on cosmetic surgery
> He works his employees like slaves
> His best employees keep leaving when they realize his promises are impossible
> All his businesses lose BILLIONS of dollars EVERY QUARTER
> His business plans have NO PATH TO PROFITABILITY

This guy has lost more money than you will make in 100 lifetimes, but he is worshiped worldwide as a God. Why?


If you ever want to make it, you need to learn how to shill. Start small. Accumulate wealth. Move on to bigger shills.

>> No.10281014
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ahhhhhhhhhhh fine Ill buy a share

>> No.10281031

Poor, nameless people can't shill. They can only scam. SAGE

>> No.10281056
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Because he can fly to space, so the secret space programs have to bribe him not to tell everyone the truth about what's out there.

>> No.10281115


>but he is worshiped worldwide as a God. Why?

Because he's rich lol. Muricans especially worship anyone who's rich just because they are rich even complete fucking retards like Trump.

>> No.10281187

Simple, he built paypal then risked his fortune to build Tesla and SpaceX. SpaceX is the first company ever to have created reusable rockets, Tesla is the most popular brand of electric cars. He is now continuing to work on these companies and has started the boring company, neuralink, not to mention his involvement with solar city, OpenAI, and probably more. If you were to do one of the things he's done in his life it would already be a lot, doing everything he did is mighty impressive.

>> No.10281241


>> No.10281971


He's able to do this because he's been handed billions of dollars by others. You really think he built all that shit by himself. Please KYS.

>> No.10281990

t. GM shill

>> No.10282004

The snake of Silicon valley

>> No.10282060
File: 112 KB, 1920x1080, grimes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He's dating a 15 year old and calls a guy a pedo

>> No.10282070

How much LINK do ya think this faggot holds?

>> No.10282079
File: 95 KB, 862x1018, muskfanboi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Built paypal
False, built x.com which was acquired by paypal then got kicked out

>built tesla
False, incorporated in July 2003 by Martin Eberhard and Marc Tarpenning

>built spacex

>SpaceX is the first company ever to have created reusable rockets
What is a space shuttle

>Tesla is the most popular brand of electric cars
what is a prius

>boring company

more garbage

>solar city
dumpster fire that's about to go bankrupt

AI isn't going anywhere

>If you were to do one of the things he's done in his life it would already be a lot, doing everything he did is mighty impressive.

spoken like a true reddit tier nigger

>> No.10282113

Grimes isn't 15 you willfully stupid faggot.

>> No.10282122


Disagree with this, no one worships Bill Gates I think people hate him because he is rich. Jobs on the other hand was a ruthless self serving arsehole that treated his employees like shit and his customers as idiots and he was loved, musk is mostly the same.

My conclusion is USA general population want to be cucks to these men

>> No.10282164

wow this is the most poorfag cope I've ever seen in one post. kys 100k times.

>> No.10282170

and jenner

>> No.10282174

He understands and accepts his role in the simulation, anon. Perhaps you should too.

>> No.10282360

haha sure thing pal. Make sure to short TSLA you fag.

>> No.10282559

Who's this guy?

>> No.10282611

Hes right the thailand thing days ago in the msm was in fact a pedo satanic ritual

>> No.10282618

Elon Musk, the patron saint of pajeets.

>> No.10282980
File: 162 KB, 1024x681, ggiujkklm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10283000

more info, senpai?

>> No.10283882

>retards like trump
I dont get why people think hes stupid.
If you read or listen to anything directly from him hes a smart guy

>> No.10283969

saw this on /b/ but apparently he tweeted joking (hopefully) that he was a pedo himself then deleted it

anyone know if it's a legit screenshot?

>> No.10284075


>> No.10284083

He's rich. That's all that matters, poor fag.

>> No.10284708
File: 6 KB, 595x129, legit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

works on my machine

>> No.10284800
File: 213 KB, 620x412, AAEAAQAAAAAAAASmAAAAJDgzMzY1YWMzLWZjMGItNDQ2NC04MTIyLWVhNGZkYThjNDZkZQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

spot on anon. trump is WAY smarter than these people give him credit for. He's playing these retards.

>he's stupid
>he's an idiot
>he's not even successful

worth billions, against all odds wins presidency. lol.

>> No.10284882

A space shuttle doesn't fly itself up into orbit nutsack. Either a high altitude plane or attached to a rocket. A rocket is a means to break through outer atmosphere.

>> No.10285012

>AI isn't going anywhere
absolute brainlet

>> No.10285039

>heh it’s so easy goyim why are you poor?
>look even that boy Elon did it. what a fine looking jew!

>> No.10285089

But anyone could be as rich as him with a small loan of million dollars back 50years ago...even the fucking Index outperformed his net worth and trump went bankrupt multiple times...Not smart at all

>> No.10285119

>personal bankruptcy = business bankruptcy

>> No.10285143

Not smart = not smart

>> No.10285161

Some of the most powerul people in the world discussed AI this year at the bilderberg meeting. The saudi royals are building a massive city in southern saudi arabia that they plan to have AI and IoT play a huge role in.

>> No.10285185

Aye Fuk u cunt

>> No.10285585

90% of businesses fail
given that trump has owned over 500 businesses....
expecting one not to go bankrupt is simply retarded. people talking about business when they don't know anything about it

also expecting someone with over a billion to outperform the market is pretty retarded. at that point you should be happy to make average returns
Since no one actually knows how much money he started out with, it's impossible to calculate his actual returns

The difference in compounding gains in starting with 1 million vs 10 million is insane.

it's one thing to say "omg business god best ever!!!!"
but to say "bad businessman" is a complete denial of reality and more indicative of butthurt levels and business incompetence of the accuser

>> No.10285639

Can you show us on the doll where Trump's behavior touched your feefees?

>> No.10285683

>But anyone could be as rich as him with a small loan of million dollars
wtf I'm with her now

>> No.10285768

This post reeks of stupidity, especially with the AI part

>> No.10285796

>Tesla is the most popular brand of electric cars.
Toyota, Renault and Nissan manage to sell more electric cars and be profitable doing so. Tesla is simply a shitty car manufacturer for burger soibois.

>> No.10285844

I am just sitting here and waiting till i get updated. Bought 60k link for that!

If you read this player! improve my life with factor 10000 Thx!

>> No.10285895


I never said he wasn't a good salesman. He sold the "tough guy anti-pc" image to retards like you and you lapped it up. I don't give a fuck up about any of that shit. When you look at some of the things he does you realize pretty fast that he just isn't a very smart man but he really seems to think he is "a stable genius" (lol) and is insanely arrogant. It's a very dangerous combination. He's literally anti-science and anti-tech and people honestly thinks he's a genius? Get the fuck out of here with that shit. The only reason people think he's smart is because he's rich. There's no evidence that supports the claim rich = smart, it's just assumed by stupid people.

>> No.10285920
File: 255 KB, 2048x1241, IMG_20180716_020834.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10285982
File: 187 KB, 1080x1051, 20180716_021843.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>My father gave me a small loan of one million dollars to jumpstart my real estate business.

>> No.10286070

lol at the rebbit fags coming out to defend him

>> No.10286073

IT. WAS. HER. TURN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.10286101

Doesn't matter, based Musk is based

>> No.10286236

He isn't on blockchain. He isn't /biz/-related

>> No.10286258

holy fuck the summer is real
get the fuck out of here you lazy brainlet

>> No.10286355

Elon is one of the few billionaires I respect. Completely self made and then even went all in on one of the most riskiest businesses. Has an insane work ethic.
>inb4 plebbit fag soiboi
What other billionaires are there? George Soros is pretty based.

>> No.10286471

You'e arguing with literal pedos. They're butthurt because daddy Elon called them out.

>> No.10286478

Wow, what happend to this board?

>> No.10286503

This is good news for $tsla calls here I go!

>> No.10286509
File: 33 KB, 719x475, 1531502972157.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

id like to see more pictures of elon musk please

>> No.10286790
File: 13 KB, 480x472, 18155540_244716752669202_349262049_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh god what a loser post

>> No.10286816

lots of musk nut suckers in this thread trying to say you're wrong lmao. shitloads of people on here have legit fallen for musk's retarded pr campaign to have the entire world see him like he sees himself.

their idol is falling apart and they can't believe that he could be anything other than their savior. glorious

>> No.10286937

>what is a prius
a prius is a HYBRID, which means it uses both gasoline and electricity. It is not an electric car.

>> No.10287024



>> No.10287443

He's either dumb or a chronic liar, check his policies

>> No.10288491

>this blatant anti musk shilling

fuck off pedo

>> No.10288539

Why did you not buy bitcoin in 2010? You could be a billionaire.

>> No.10288678

well its help speed on new tech.. win win for everyone.

>> No.10288720

How dumb do you have to be to think he’s smart based on the shit he says. I’m fine having him over Hillary but god damn raise your standards

>> No.10288796

how'd he fix his hair?

>> No.10288862

You're right, it's better. Really made me think.

>> No.10288874

Hybrid cars are unironically better because you don’t need to spend 4 hours charging every 300 miles. Buddy of mine is happily replacing his leaf because he can finally go on roadtrips now.

>> No.10288900

prolly the smartest president we've had in decades. has the vocabulary of a 5 yo tho. arrogant asshole too. boorish. but doesn't matter. don't agree with him on some of his decisions, but he's not an idiot.

>> No.10288940


>> No.10288958

goddamn she's hideous

>> No.10289037

My daddy wasn't able to give me a small loan of million of dollars... nevertheless i am 7 digits worth rn. Feels good with my starting capital.

>> No.10289489

Wow! What's the secret to your success?!

>> No.10289507

Nah, i am poor as fuck and don't even have a daddy anymore. Just coping and larping on /biz/ 24/7

>> No.10290293


>> No.10290449

You think you're being clever pretending to be one of us but we all know you don't belong. Take your retard sjw shilling back to pleddit

>> No.10290550

anyone taste that? something bitter

>> No.10290576

>this is how deadbeat financially illiterate losers cope

>> No.10290604

Why OP?
nu-males that's why

>> No.10290663
File: 43 KB, 602x441, main-qimg-74da78eb4402c12242b91f3781c6a423-c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the virgin hair transplant

>> No.10290678
File: 192 KB, 1136x852, 596ccf2eabc1c837008b54c9-1136-852.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the chad "just shave it off bro"

>> No.10290695


>> No.10290715

he is a lying POS launching helium balloons and CGI rockets fuck him and fuck all of you that can't figure this out. Earth is flat

>> No.10290840

Chad super heavy-lift launch vehicle
Virgin suborbital dildo