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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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1028084 No.1028084 [Reply] [Original]

Fellow /biz/raelis,

It is time we stop using that ridiculous meme that everyone posts and put together a legitimate reading list for beginners, and potentially even regular, traders.

The most recommended that I have seen are:

Intelligent Investor by Benjamin Graham
Security Analysis by Benjamin Graham
As well as pretty much all of Warren Buffett's stuff.

Any others?

>> No.1028112

Those books are pretty helpful.

I recommend this short YouTube video for business noobs, by Big Bill in Baltimore. It really helps shake the dust off and explain some simple business principles:


>> No.1028133

Early retirement extreme by jacob lund fisker

You dont realize how deeply ingrained your consumerism is until you read this. Im pretty frugal and im still a whore

>> No.1028158
File: 1.23 MB, 2048x1536, Rich-Dad-Poor-Dad-Books-and-CDs-Robert-Kiyosaki-Complete-list-of-Books.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rich Dad Poor Dad series. Not specifically about trading, rather the mindset you want to be in when you decide what to invest in

>> No.1028167

You should probably start by defining some terms.
Half the people on this board don't know the difference between investing and trading, they think the terms are interchangeable. The other half gamble on Robin Hood and think they're day traders.
"Hey guise, i need some good stock picks for my 401k! I hear dividends and leveraged ETF's are the way to go. I have $28.50.

>> No.1028175

Good idea. My college classes don't start back til Jan 25th, so I will start putting a pastebin together with some basic terms/book suggestions.

Probably just rip some stuff from investopedia desu

>> No.1028181

Anyone got a good book/reading list on business strategy? I want to get some MBA knowledge without actually getting an MBA.

>> No.1028184

Prepare for lots of butthurt commentary.

People get all kinds of upset when you tell them the hard facts about money.

>> No.1028186

Honestly man I just want to help people. I'm not very experienced in this stuff either, and that is partially why I want to do this. I hate the whole trader/investor mentality of "I learned it all myself why can't you?" There's nothing wrong with helping beginners and you don't have to give away all your trade secrets to do it.

If I/we can out some stuff together to help a few people out then that's great. If people think we're full of it and want to test their luck by yoloing their life savings of $47 into NBG then let em go.

>> No.1028198

>I'm not very experienced in this stuff
Ah, but I am.
I don't mind helping people with the basics, here and there. However, from my experience, this board is terrible for that.
The vast majority I've run in to here are either trolls or idiots who are full of confidence in their own ignorance.

>> No.1028213

Which is sad because this board has so much potential

>> No.1028235

Where do you get that?
i think it's always been doomed from that standpoint, because this site isn't regarded as serious anywhere.
Those who are serious probably ask for help in places where they can avoid having teenagers hurl insults at them.

>> No.1028241

thanks you a lot anon!

>> No.1028267

But this board still has potential, since the user base is so eclectic you get a good sampling of public opinion on everything.

It's just that it's not very good for actual business advice or anything like that.

>> No.1028293

>this board still has potential
Sure, just not for what it was intended.

>> No.1028299

>Liar's Poker
>When Genius Fails
>All of Jack Welch's books

Legit advice taken from an HSBC hedgefund manager.

Avoid books on how to "trade" unless you just want to learn the terminology.

>> No.1028305

A Random Walk Down Wall Street is supposed to be good.

>> No.1028316

Could there not be a board for this stuff?

>> No.1028517

>a board for asking for book recommendations on how to invest money and how to make money

It's called >>>/biz/.

>> No.1028521

>Rich cuck poor cuck

This book is created for the goyish masses, unless you're literally living in a trailerpark with credit card debt to the eyes any advice is pretty much useless.

>> No.1028883


This is what I have so far. Any feedback is much appreciated.


>> No.1029452

What are some more serious alternatives to /biz/?

>> No.1029487

I wish that I could find some books that would make a person better at selling over the phone. I work at the bank and I want to read a book that would increase my verbal selling skill - if that is what it is called. Any recommendations?

>> No.1029492


>> No.1030068

I don't know about forums for business in general, but there are tons of stock trading forums.

>> No.1030085

Since we're in a noobs thread, obviously don't take advice from people on a forum.

>> No.1030089

Not a noob.
Just lurking, lending a hand here and there.

>> No.1030109

>scan whole thread on essential investing books.
>no Bogle anywhere

>> No.1031609

Try the Friedman process and moments of truth.

They are direct sales techniques, I'm sure you could modify to fit your needs.

>> No.1031634

Margin of safety by Seth Klarman

>> No.1032051
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We need something more like this.

Verticals I think would be appropriate

Start Here ->
Psychology of a /Biz/nessman | Beginners Accounting | Personal Finance | Sales | Corporate Finance | Valuation | Risk Management | Business Management | Special topics (taxes) (legal) (Forex) |

I think we should also have a math intensity vertical scale.

Does anyone have any suggestions? Most trading I think would fit in risk management

>> No.1032402

i like this idea a lot

>> No.1032416

Casing is pretty standard for MBA stuff. Try going through hbr.

Read Michael Porter stuff for entry level strategy.

>> No.1032418

The Prince, by machiavelli.

>> No.1032420
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You all read too much and none of you play. I miss the threads when an anon put his stock for the shilling and then we ripped it apart, if it's a shit stock he saw the info and backed out of it, if he believed he missed out on something, if it's a good stock he shilled it and some people bought it. we had a couple of those, even 2000% ones.

but most of the /biz/ are /pol/ fags now, that are quite frankly too young and too retarded to even engage a discussion without spouting memes.

>> No.1032423

https://www dot unenumerated dot blogspot dot co dot uk

Satoshi nakamotos blog

>> No.1032425

Are you Chinese?

>> No.1032435


The Sell by Fredrik Eklund. To really ace that flamboyant, gay way of selling. On a serious note though I think it could actually be somewhat useful, and also entertaining.

>> No.1032438

It's an eclectic mix of "too young to have time commitments" and unemployed, with a dash of "at work and bored".

>> No.1032692

Added this rec to the pastebin

>> No.1032709
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>> No.1033258

So ugly. Why is there no organization? (Also, Karl Marx? Really?)

>> No.1033264

My personal google docs for financial book recommendations. It's fairly new so I'll also add some good stuff I saw on this thread.


>> No.1034639
File: 189 KB, 1000x823, Capitalism Strikes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He basically proved capitalism in that book. He just never wanted to admit that free cash flow/profit was the wellspring from which the common man could achieve a rich life.

>> No.1034664

>no art of the deal

>> No.1034673

>biz reading list
>nothing about crypto

Kill yourselves.