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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 170 KB, 1484x955, 15146674028222.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10275598 No.10275598 [Reply] [Original]

If you are not all in on XLM, you are really fucking up.

Benefits of Stellar:

- ICOs
- Smart-contracts
- IBM running the world-wide network nodes and shilling Stellar
- Stellar consensus protocol: 1000s tx / second (global scale)
- Inflation distributed weekly to those who own XLM (https://lumenaut.net/))

Recent News:

- Coinbase likely to add XLM | A Rival Insitutional-Tier Crypto NY-Licensed Market is already doing it (ItBit)
- Official SDEX Launching: www.stellarx.com [https://medium.com/stellarxhq/announcing-stellarx-7dd62c168c2f]
- **XLM NOT A SECURITY**. Added to ItBit (https://www.dfs.ny.gov/about/press/pr1806141.htm))
- Lightyear to possibly buy "Chain" http://fortune.com/2018/06/20/stellar-acquires-chain/

Upcoming Events:

- Lightning Network "State" Channels, 01 AUG
- Lightning Network mainnet, 01 OCT
- Lightning Network LIVE, 01 DEC

SDEX Capability:

- Stellar enables arbitrary extensions of the “tether” idea, meaning you can digitize any off-chain asset—pork futures or Zcash or SkyMiles or USD or whatever—and the protocol itself will handle redemption and compliance. Stellar therefore unifies disjoint economies (and blockchains) into a single market.

Why XLM actually has value/utility:

- XLM is Asset-to-Asset Bridge for exchanging anything-for-anything on the SDEX

The list below will be fully operational by year end, ask yourself the price of XLM by then:

>Central banks onboard
>Other assets trading on stellar
>FX across Asia
>Pure Stellar ICOs
>ICOs bailing on ETH for Stellar
>Lightning near roll-out
>Keybase projects (https://www.stellar.org/blog/keybase-and-stellar-partnership/))

Why are you still buying shitcoins (that are securities) with no growth again, nigger?

>> No.10275864

I'm not buying because the circulating supply is 20million and they will give 80million to niggers in Africa who will dump it in an instant

>> No.10275873

>being this retarded

>> No.10275891

>t. XRP/LINK holder

>> No.10275910
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>> No.10276014
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IBM Earnings Announcement 18 July

>> No.10276175


>> No.10276187

Dont have it but bump

>> No.10276232

snakey as fuck

>> No.10276438
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>this news hasnt dropped yet

>> No.10276457

you laggards are going to get dumped on before the price continuation upwards later this year if you buy at these levels

>> No.10276493

What does the token do?

>> No.10276495
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>he doesnt know whats coming

>> No.10276501


>> No.10276516

Oh you mean that thing they said soon in Q1 so they dump on you, and it still hasn't come?

>> No.10276535
File: 92 KB, 908x677, FairX1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
>Each depositor insured to at least $250,000 per insured bank

FairX involves fiat, banks, and real-world shit that takes time. Fuck off back to your LINK and iEXEC

>> No.10276546

smart man
IBM is implementing on the low, trust me

evidence that it's on the low, they're not going to talk about it until it's set in stone, then be prepared for the true moon and FOMO

whales know the coinbase dump will come, but they're ready to eat it up

not done, hasn't come, and not publicly released are mutually exclusive

>> No.10276570
File: 16 KB, 1246x91, fairx-details.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only official description we have of FairX

>> No.10276586


for the record I hold millions of XLM and am very deep rooted into the community - i highly doubt anybody in this thread is as deep into xlm as i am

believe me, this shit is going to moon hard but on the short term there is going to be a correction

>> No.10276601
File: 533 KB, 2160x2528, basedIBM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

of course there will be a slight dip but
>zoom out anon
in the grand scheme of things this is the floor

>> No.10276612
File: 2.13 MB, 2412x2837, buyXLMpussies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the main point of FairX is to implement trading pairs that'll attempt to decouple coins from BTC, ETH, etc., as well as to allow fiat-to-crypto trades on altcoins. they're taking their time because they want it to work flawlessly before coming out and trying to be one of the first to do it. nothing worse than shitting out something that's supposed to be all grand and it's a steaming dog turd

>for the record I hold millions of XLM and am very deep rooted into the community - i highly doubt anybody in this thread is as deep into xlm as i am
congratulations? you must be new here

>> No.10276618

you don't have to shill me, none of this is new information

you are also missing many key points of hype in this thread that are not so known

i have enough xlm to clear the entire orderbook on binance right now down into the 2k range and trade xlm exclusively to accumulate

i know you are happy that you made some gains but try not being so rude as to tell people to buy at these levels on the short term

>> No.10276644

>holy shit there is like 3 white males and they are all bugmen

>you are also missing many key points of hype in this thread that are not so known

>> No.10276677

>implying a graphic talking about workplace diversity isn't going to be diverse
>implying these aren't the people implementing XLM into real world applications while you all sit around accumulating coins on an exchange
>implying that you're new enough to not realize that this is my job, and my offer letter

>> No.10276695

>no mention of paid market makers
>no mention of market maker incentives on both upcoming sdex but from lightyear themselves
>no mention of StellarX rewards
>no mention of NASDAQ
>no expanding on what Chain actually means for Stellar

this is some subpar shilling - the price will probably dump into the 3100 range on the short term the next red day

"whales will eat it up" OK

>> No.10276696

>i understand this is your job
>i also understand that diversity is code for white genocide and that diversity harms productivity
>implying i want poc females and trannies working on anything

>> No.10276701

that IBM letter has been floating around for ages

>> No.10276715

I can only cover so much in the pasta anon, its literally at max length.

>there is no NASDAQ relationship with Stellar. are you confused over nasdaq.com news reports mentioning stelllar? its not equivocal
>chain is still unconfirmed, but, its covered in the pasta

>> No.10276721

this is how i know you aren't in the know

>> No.10276722

then it's ironic for you of all people to start the XLM general thread if you feel this way

for ages? you mean since december when I first posted it, numbnuts?

>> No.10276738
File: 26 KB, 375x200, ftn2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you are connecting chain, who has some relationship with nasdaq, to stellar, then you are making unconfirmed leaps

>then it's ironic for you of all people to start the XLM general thread if you feel this way
>implying this isnt commonly felt by most people who do not subscribe to globohomo gayplex. you do know where you are, right?

>> No.10276782

again, you are incorrect

tsk tsk tsk you are supposed to shill the folks here and don't even have the juicy information

>> No.10276796

Do tell.

>> No.10276798
File: 63 KB, 725x483, CzFyZKlWEAAc-78[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where were you when Jeb became the worlds first trillionaire?

>> No.10276865

Shit posting with you

>> No.10276903
File: 69 KB, 634x522, 1479973047440.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bought 36k yesterday, i was tired of VEN and im going with this and planning on holding for some years. Did i do good?

>> No.10276943

Ya man, never buy chink shit. They are not trustworthy people

>> No.10277018


Remember to set up all that inflation stuff up

>> No.10277079

Rothschilds have been trilloinares for some time

>> No.10277141

Let's not include members of the tribe, their time is coming

>> No.10277186
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tfw I sold all my XRP a week ago and doubled down on XLM

>> No.10277229

> Hold stellar since mid last year
> Notice all of the good news/partnerships/development on the network
> Watch the 2018 crash chill af knowing that I'm hodling one of the few non-shit alts

>> No.10277239

Dumped mine a while ago, these lawsuits are a big chilling effect

>> No.10277273


Can't buy XLM too centralized: https://arewedecentralizedyet.com/

>> No.10277325

> Can't handle trusted nodes concept
> Can't handle a non-profit foundation with defined distribution and under federal regulation holding coins to drive adoption
> Can't handle open source code base where nodes trusting one another just have to agree on what version they have adopted

True decentralization is going to have transaction speed issues, true centralization doesn't make sense in this space. Finding the right balance is where people will create good products which will be adopted.

Basically what i'm trying to say is - stay poor faggot

>> No.10277351

ripple looks more decentralized to me

>> No.10277355


What coins are you buying then?

>> No.10277358

Use link to get free airdrop:

>> No.10277371

then you are really a low-iq fucktard - do a tiny bit of research

>> No.10277391

Unfortunately the Stellar Dolphin thing is a coordinated FUD to drop the price. Sell before the news and rebuy about 4 hours later

>> No.10277451

by anon's source
75 active nodes
747 active nodes
looks like 10 times more decentralized
95% stellar held by top 100 wallets and 81% xrp tokens held by top 100 wallets

>> No.10277455

obvious kike shill bait, but let me blow you out real quick.

stellar is the literal maximization of decentralized. the SDEX lets you trade, literally, without using a fucking exchange. you trade from your fucking wallet

>> No.10277583

Main differences are that ripple has to validate/approve nodes, and they are a for profit without true defined accountable distribution plan for xrp they control - leading to lawsuits around it being a 'security' aka selling a stake via xrp.

Stellar, node trust is dictated by nodes at hand and network consensus - thus not require SDF to validate it/control what lands in the network. Also SDF is a non-profit with a well defined ACCOUNTABLE distribution plan to drive adoption. This plan's accountability is driven via regulatory agencies and it's non-profit status. Proof of these claims can be seen with the new york department of financial services approved trading deciding that it wasn't a security.

So key difference is ripple has central governence/a way to drive final control of nodes - and while they both have a decent bit of the currency not yet distributed, stellar is far more accountable to follow their distribution plan around driving adoption and not selling stakes.

>> No.10277678

this is the only correct answer. there is a reason that africa is a total shit hole, and it is called
>low IQ
you can't import western civilization into africa, it DOES NOT WORK. look at the fucking distaster that is south africa since blacks have taken over, it is fucking tanking hard and is one of the shittiest places on the planet to live.
>be a san francisco SJW
>create a SJW coin called XLM
>imagine that you will transform the lowest IQ population on earth with airdropped XLM
or, look at what happens in South Africa when blacks were given the option of reclaiming land that they could make a preposterous claim to or take the cash... hint, they take the cash and buy a mercedes, then they are back to being poor and back on welfare.
FUCKING KEK - XLM airdrop to XLM market sell pathway ... ENGAGE.

>> No.10277679

this is going to go on a xrp run over the next year

>> No.10277713

> Going to let racism stop from making cash

Get the fuck out of /biz/ and go back to /pol/ poorfag

>> No.10277718

>ripple has to validate/approve nodes
but other domains can approve nodes too
at the right of your screen in the domains* column you can see that many validators have been approved by non ripple domains
>node trust is dictated by nodes at hand
ripple trusted nodes list (unl) is referential, you can trust other nodes or trust those that are in the unl

>> No.10277776

and many non "approved" validators are participating in the network with more than 99.9% agreement, further proving that validators dont need to be aproved by ripple to participate in the network

>> No.10277783
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they have pulled away from this concept, but it is otherwise sad that more people not woke on race and iq

>> No.10277855

GO XLM GO! Make papa rich.

>> No.10277961

breaching that 3500sats goys

>> No.10278278

because it literally isn't news.

> muh rumor.
> muh market maker.
>muh porn hub announcement.

>> No.10278319

Remember, the only reason anyone would ever FUD any coin is if there's a way for them to profit.

>> No.10278518
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Nice try. We're not as stupid though.

"50% for distribution via the Direct Sign-up Program
25% for distribution via the Partnership Program
20% for distribution via the Bitcoin Program
5% held by SDF to support operational costs"

>> No.10279123

once xlm reaches final form in q4 2018 there will be no use case for any of the following:
- market coins
- value transfer coins
- muh speedy transfer coins

basically buy xlm and something in the privacy niche, maybe some components of advanced smart contract architecture and youre guaranteed to make it.

comfy af

>> No.10279474

this has been superseded by:

>> No.10279574

>- market coins
>- value transfer coins
>- muh speedy transfer coins

What are market and value transfer coins?

>> No.10279593

market: binance coin, bibox coin, aura etc.
value transfer: "muh digital gold/silver" btc, ltc, bch

>> No.10279614

Got link and JNT. Waiting btc to hit $2k before I put in the rest of my fiat.

I just don't understand how xlm can be successful when it's centralized, and it seems like, even if it's successful, I'm only looking at a 10-20x, instead of potential to "make it" with a 100x like from link and JNT.

Is xlm for people who want a balanced portfolio with a decent shot at a 10x?

I was considering dumping my fiat into something with lower upside like a mix of eth and BTC. Maybe xlm should be included there. Stuff that won't make me retire with the $25k fiat I've got, but will be nice to have if link and JNT fail and I have to continue 401kucking.

>> No.10279664

>got link and jnt
just kys now, why wait

>> No.10279687

>Buy the top 10 coins on poloniex
>Put $100 in this thing called XLM along with all of the other coins traded with USD
>Now worth like $8k

Did poloniex know ?

>> No.10279746

Whoahhh, that's crazy, that you think xlm can be a store of value.

BTC has first mover advantage and a credible shot at maintaining that advantage. I suspect there will be one value token to replace money / gold and that it will be the one that can be the hardest money, with the least inflation. As xlm inflates, even if holders get the inflation, I wonder if it can take that mantle long-term.

Still, I guess a small xlm bag to hedge a."store of value" bet might make sense.

Seems like JNT is completely insane, "can this team build this product?", Link is "will decentralized oracles be huge?", and a mix of BTC/ETH/(maybe bch, xlm?) might be a worth file way to bet that one crypto will be a store of value, but I worry that hedging by buying too many different coins for this bet dilutes the effect of making such a bet.

If I could just bet that "some cryptocurrency will be a store of value" without picking a specific coin and still get paid off 10-100x, that would be great.

>> No.10279838

the other anon is misinformed. btc is going nowhere and will remain king. xlm can fill in the gaps for pretty much everything else though.

>> No.10280361
File: 187 KB, 640x1136, 4DF21E7B-7AE3-4B46-81C1-D373B4A76A0E.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Jibrel team seems one of the most genuine in the space, with some of the best connections as well.

If Jibrel releases a product with the specifications they provide, this will defiantly be game changing. Not to mention the tokenimics means anyone holding the token is guaranteed to see insane gains once people begin to tokenized financial assets.

See pic, there’s also a part 2

>> No.10280370
File: 177 KB, 640x1136, 5E76F612-F24F-418C-BFA5-E19EB2CBB1AB.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Part 2

>> No.10280451


Yeah, they seem like a legitimate team with actual connections, even though their goal seems completely crazy.

Like, they seem to have an ultimate goal of building a *decentralized, central bank*. What the fuck is that? How does that work for anything, since it can't print money, which seems like the main function of a central bank?

It's just completely bonkers. It's like, 90% chance they fail, 10% they make me a multi-millionaire.

I just want to take as many mostly-independent 10% bets like this as I can.

I figure if I can make three such bets, I will have decent chance of escaping wagecuckery.

.9 * .9 * .9 = about 73% of failure or about 27% chance to make it

>> No.10280466
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>ERC-20 token

The ether network cannot handle anything in real fucking life. (((Sharding))) is estimated MAYBE in 2020/2021. The only network that can work, today, and in the future, is Stellar.

>> No.10280669

you dont understand markets
once the novelty of a technology is replaced by something easier to use, it dies quick
enjoy your dinosaur frens

>> No.10280704

if you think BTC is going away, i dont even know what to tell you fren

>> No.10281043

JNT is still early in it's development. It will be research and development for the next year and a half.

The trials expected in Q3-Q4 will be interesting.

>> No.10281093

Nothing will be a store of value if the store of value keeps changing based on tech.